Additional charges against psychiatrist Stuart Mazer result in extended probation

December 18, 2013

On October 2, 2013, the Medical Board of California extended the existing probation of psychiatrist Neal Stewart Mazer. The Board initially placed him on probation on May 24, 2010, based on the Board’s earlier Accusation which stated that Mazer prescribed numerous controlled substances and psychiatric drugs to himself (some for over the course or more than a year). In February 2010, the Board issued an Amended Accusation on Mazer, alleging repeated negligent acts, self-prescribing of controlled substances and dangerous drugs, furnishing dangerous drugs without an examination and failure to maintain adequate records. The Board issued a Second Amended Petition in July 2013, which contained allegations that Mazer entered into a doctor-patient relationship with a man he’d met socially and with whom he later engaged in a sexual relationship. The Board extended his probation for three years.


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