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Displaying 1 - 1806 of 1806  
Name Title Country / State
Crime Sentence
(Bates-)Jackson, Diaris M. school psychologist U.S. Virginia
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: November 21, 1995
10 years in prison (suspended), 20 years probation and ordered to pay $104,164 in restitution.
Abbas, Mahmoud F. psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 10, 1992
Suspended 3-year jail sentence and ordered to pay fines and restitution totaling $40,000.
Abdel-Malek, Nassim mental hospital director Egypt Cairo
Receiving bribes in exchange for releasing a known killer, Saber Farahat, from a psychiatric hospital for days at a time. While "on leave," Farahat killed 10 people.
Date convicted: November 13, 1997
Life imprisonment.
Abild, Gordon chemical dependency counselor U.S. Washington
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: August 2005
License revoked.
Abrams, Gary psychologist U.S. California
Medi-Cal insurance fraud.
Date convicted: 1996
3 years probation, fined $5,400, ordered to serve 600 hours community service and ordered to pay restitution of $11,500.
Abreu, Vanja psychiatric facility program director U.S. Florida
Medicare fraud
Date convicted: June 1, 2012
To be sentenced
Acevedo, Margarita marketing director for chain of mental health facilities U.S. Florida
Paid millions in illegal kickbacks for patient referrals to recruiters associated with assisted-living facilities and halfway houses in exchange for supplying therapy services to patients who didn't need them.
Date convicted: April 7, 2011
To be sentenced in July 2011.
Ackerman, Gerald "Ajax" former counselor U.S. Michigan
Sexually molesting several young girls, aged 8 to 12, who were being treated at his youth center.
Date convicted: June 20, 2000
25 to 38 years in prison
Ackerman, Norman psychiatrist U.S. New York
Stealing more than $1.3 million from state Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: December 11, 1991
up to 15 years in jail. He and Lehrman, the other clinic operator, were ordered to pay $1 million in restitution
Ackerman, Norman psychiatrist U.S. New York
Sexual misconduct with patients.
Date convicted: June 1987
License revoked.
Acree, Virginia Vought psychiatric nurse U.S. Maryland
Health care fraud (admitted she billed government health programs and insurance companies for more than $200,000 in services that she never rendered).
Date convicted: October 25, 2008
Three years prison, three years supervised release and $390,000 restitution.
Adamczak, Jeffrey psychologist U.S. Wisconsin
Sexual exploitation by a therapist
Date convicted: October 13, 2011
One year jail
Adams, George L. psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Part of a fraudulent real estate scam that bilked millions of dollars from a Harris County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Authority.
Date convicted: May 16, 1991
Ordered to pay $514,000 in fines and restitution
Ademola, Temitope O. Psychiatrist Scotland - UK
In November 2015, she was convicted of assaulting a patient who had a learning disability and impaired cognitive functions by kicking her on the body and covering her mouth to stop her breathing. She had earlier threatened to punch and kick the patient.
Date convicted: May 26, 2017
License suspended for 6 months; 200 hours of unpaid work.
Aden, Gary C. psychiatrist U.S. Colorado, California
Alleged sexual misconduct with at least seven female patients, in some cases going back more than 20 years.
Date convicted: December 1989
Surrendered license; deemed a revocation.
Adkins, Alfred Bradley Psychologist U.S. Kentucky
He took part in a massive disability fraud scheme. Adkins was charged with falsely signing mental-impairment evaluations that he didn't perform. The prosecutor said Adkinds received about $200,000 while taking part in the scheme. He was found guilty of four felony charges: conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud and making a false statement on a record submitted to the Social Security Administration.
Date convicted: June 12, 2017
Sentencing scheduled for September 22, 2017.
Adler, Roger E. psychiatrist U.S. South Carolina, Massachusetts
Unprofessional conduct with a female patient and behavior outside the bounds of a proper physician-patient relationship (was charged with committing a lewd act on a minor).
Date convicted: August 1999
Revoked in South Carolina; suspended in Massachusetts.
Africa, Bruce psychiatrist U.S. California
Made a telephone death threat to a former patient.
Date convicted: 1997
Time served in jail awaiting disposition of the case and enrolled in counseling
Aimone, Connie counselor U.S. Washington
Aimone entered into a stipulated orders with the Washington State Nursing Care Quality Commission in 1999, 2001 and 2002 which required her to submit to random biological fluid testing and to abstain from non-therapeutic use of mind-altering substance including but not limited to alcohol. She failed to comply with the order and thus in March 2004, her nursing license was suspended for at least 48 months.
Date convicted: August 1, 2005
Counselor license revoked as reciprocal action to suspension of her nursing license.
Ajao, Jill psychologist U.S. Minnesota
Filed false police report of having been raped. Police later learned there was no rape and that Ajao did it in an attempt to cover up her extramarital affair.
Date convicted: April 2, 2008
20 days in jail and $3,275 restitution.
Ajigbotafe, Christopher psychiatrist U.S. California
Failure to file income tax.
Date convicted: October 24, 2007
180 days prison, 3 years probation and $53,196 in fines and restitution. He was further ordered to have no contact directly or indirectly with the U.S. federal Medicare insurance program and is required to voluntarily surrender his medical license.
Al Rowais, Nabil psychiatrist Saudi Arabia
Traveled to the U.S. to engage in criminal sexual conduct. (Saudi psychiatrist Al Rowais flew to the U.S. after chatting online for nine months with who he thought was a father offering up his 2 1/2-year-old daughter for sex but was in actuality an undercover agent of the California Justice Department. Al Rowais was arrested when he arrived at a motel in Vallejo, California to meet the "father" and daughter.)
Date convicted: March 23, 2007
7 years prison.
Al-Zawahiri, Ayman psychiatrist U.S. Egypt
Terrorist activities.
Date convicted: Circa 2000
Death, in Egypt in absentia
Alam, Arif psychiatrist UK
Fraudulently obtaining prescription drugs.
Date convicted: October 5, 2009
Suspended sentence and 200 hours community service.
Alapack, Richard J. psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania and Ontario, Canada
1. Failed to maintain appropriate boundaries in his therapeutic relationship with a female patient by having her sleep overnight at his home and sleeping overnight at her home. 2. Had a dual relationship with the patient in that he treated her as a client while initiating and continuing a personal relationship. 3. Suggested, initiated and engaged in sexual intimacies by removing his trousers and putting the patient's hand on his erect penis during a therapy session. 4. Failed to provide the patient with adequate treatment, in that he used his influence over her to seek personal benefit, including the use of her home and automobile for his personal benefit.
Date convicted: March 26, 2004
Pennsylvania license revoked in response to earlier disciplinary action taken against him in Ontario, Canada. On May 10, 2000 the College of Psychologists of Ontario revoked his license. He was also required to pay the College's costs for investigation and enforcement: $10,000.
Sexually abusing two teenage boys at the youth home where she worked.
Date convicted: January 13, 1999
10 years in jail
ALECKSON, SUSAN L. clinical social worker U.S. Wisconsin
2 misdemeanor counts of sex with a child 16 years or older (involving her foster son).
Date convicted: December 4, 2003
6 months jail and 3 years probation.
Aleckson, Susan licensed clinical social worker U.S. Wisconsin
Sex with teenager.
Date convicted: March 2004
Surrendered license.
Alexander, Robert C. psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: April 14, 2004
License revoked.
ALEXIS, PETER mental health executive U.S. Texas
Giving more than $20 million in bribes to doctors and others to route patients to his psychiatric hospitals.
Date convicted: January 10, 1996
5 years probation and ordered to pay $221,900 in restitution and fines
Allauch, Pierre-Charles Psychologist Australia South Australia,
He was convicted for "using a protected title while unregistered in a health profession." His registration as a psychologist had lapsed in 2011 but he was still practicing as one. In 2014, officials found signs in his office that held him out to be a psychologist. After saying he would cancel all appointments, a later check found he was still seeing patients "as a counsellor" after covering up the word "psychologist" with masking tape.
Date convicted: June 9, 2016
Criminal conviction and $7500 fine
Allee, Anthony psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
Harassment and stalking of former patient
Date convicted: 2008
5 years probation
ALLEN, DONALD M. psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
4 counts of statutory rape of a 15-year-old boy.
Date convicted: December 22, 1978
5 years probation
Allen, Robert Arthur Psychologist U.S. California
He had a sexual relationship with a patient which then continued for several years after she was no longer his patient. The medical board stated he "was grossly negligent in his treatment" of the patient.
Date convicted: January 6, 2017
License Surrendered
ALLISON, CHRISTOPHER psychiatrist U.K. Bury, St. Edmonds, Suffolk
Rape and indecent assault (on six women patients).
Date convicted: December 9, 2002
Jailed for 8 years.
Almy, Gary psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Aggravated criminal sexual abuse of three boys, ages 10 and 14, in his home.
Date convicted: June 7, 2005
7 years prison. License suspended indefinitely.
Alper, Stephen H. psychiatrist U.S. New York, North Carolina
Inappropriate sexual contact with two patients.
Date convicted: January 26, 2004
Surrendered license. On May 20, 2004, Alper was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Alroe, Christopher psychiatrist Australia Queensland
Sexual relationship with patient.
Date convicted: May 2005
Struck off (license revoked) for 4 years.
ALSTON, CAROLYN E. mental health executive U.S. Georgia
Defrauding the state Medicaid insurance program.
Date convicted: August 1997
4 years probation and 200 hours community service
Alston, Carolyn E. counseling center employee U.S. Georgia
Conspiracy to defraud the state (submitted fraudulent bills to U.S. Medicaid insurance program).
Date convicted: August 1997
4 years probation and 200 hours community service.
Alvarez, Carlos psychology professor U.S. Florida
Conspiring to act as a covert agent for the Republic of Cuba within the United States (Alvarez worked for nearly 30 years as a covert intelligence agent for the Cuban government, gathering and transmitting information concerning, among other things, prominent individuals and groups within the Cuban exile community in the U.S.).
Date convicted: February 27, 2007
60 months prison.
Alvarez, Elsa clinical social worker U.S. Florida
Misprision of a felony (Knowing of a felony and failing to prevent it.) Alvarez was co-conspirator in her husband's attempts to act as an agent for Cuba. See entry on Carlos Alvarez.
Date convicted: February 27, 2007
36 months prison
AMOS, JAMES counselor U.S. Oregon
Sexually molesting a young boy.
Date convicted: March, 1991
5 years in jail
Amsellem, David psychiatrist U.S. North Carolina
Numerous psychiatric hospitalizations, indicating impaired ability to practice medicine with requisite skill and safety to patients.
Date convicted: July 29, 2004
License revoked. In October 2005 Amsellem was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
ANDERSON, BERN mental health executive U.S. Washington D.C.
Defrauding eight non-profit mental health care companies that provided services to mentally retarded individuals.
Date convicted: July 8, 1997
2 1/2 years in jail
ANDERSON, PATRICIA mental health billing clerk U.S. Georgia
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: May 20, 1998
5 years probation
ANDERSON, RICHARD J. psychologist U.S. Minnesota
1 count of Theft by Swindle and 1 count of Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: June 6, 1999
20 years probation and 10 years probation and ordered to pay $58, 000 in restitution
ANDERSON, CATHY J. social worker U.S. Idaho
"Executing a scheme to defraud a health care benefit program" (fraudulently billed the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare for counseling services she did not provide).
Date convicted: January 1, 2004
4 months jail, 4 months home detention and ordered to pay nearly $70,000 in restitution and $96,000 as the result of a related civil health care fraud action.
Anderson, Larry psychiatrist Canada British Columbia
Indecent assault and sexual assault of female patients.
Date convicted: January 20, 2006
18 months jail, two years probation, must register as a a sex offender and may not see reinstatement of his license.
Anderson, Carolyn counselor and mental health practitioner U.S. Nebraska
Engaged in a sexual relationship with a former client within two years of terminating the professional relationship.
Date convicted: June 2004
License suspended for 30 days.
ANDREADIS, BARBARA social worker U.S. West Virginia
Felony Medicaid fraud and felony insurance fraud (of private insurers).
Date convicted: July 30, 2002
13 years prison, all suspended but 15 months.
ANDRES, VALENTINO psychiatrist U.S. California
Sexual contact with a patient.
Date convicted: April 1992
45 days in jail; fined $2,020 and ordered to perform 100 hours of community service
ANSHELL, JACKIE MARLA psychiatric patient broker U.S. Florida
Funneling patients into psychiatric facilities in return for money.
Date convicted: August 25, 2000
3 years probation and ordered to pay $850 restitution
APPLEBAUM, WAYNE S. psychologist U.S. Minnesota
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 3, 1997
90 days in jail, 10 years probation and ordered to pay $269,033 restitution
Applebaum, Michael J. psychiatrist U.S. Idaho
Medicaid fraud and obstruction of an investigation. In September of 1994, he was also convicted of illegal possession of controlled substance.
Date convicted: November 21, 2011
2 to 5 years prison
Apramian, Lisa Rose psychologist U.S. California
While employed under contract at Donovan Correctional Facility (San Diego, CA), Apramian was alleged to have engaged in dual relationships with inmates there. She did not contest the allegations but instead surrendered her license while still under investigation.
Date convicted: May 24, 2004
License surrendered. She was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in April 2005.
APTOWITZ, FREDERICK psychiatrist U.S. Tennessee
Convincing a patient to attach 2 sticks of dynamite to the car of a woman who had a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.
Date convicted: November 12, 1993
8 years probation
Aptowitz, Frederick psychiatrist U.S. Tennessee
Solicited a former patient to plant explosives under the car of a former employee who was suing him for sexual harassment.
Date convicted: November 12, 1993
Pleaded guilty.
Arimond, James counselor U.S. Wisconsin
Convicted of 4th-degree sexual assault of a teenage boy.
Date convicted: July 2003
Ordered by the state to surrender his license.
Arroyo, Ruy Dan psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Sex with a female patient, hugging and kissing another and admitting that he engaged in "seduction therapy" with a third.
Date convicted: August 1996
License revoked for 15 years.
Ascani, Beatriz Isabel psychologist U.S. California
Medi-Cal fraud in the amount of $1,912,890
Date convicted: June 6, 2006
270 days county jail, 3 years probation, and invest costs of $21,945.
ASKINS, KAREN L. social worker U.S. Oklahoma
Embezzling $78,000 in welfare benefits.
Date convicted: August 11, 1999
5 years in jail and to repay $73,175 (after her release)
Askren, Edward L. psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
Sexual misconduct with a patient.
Date convicted: April 4, 1991
License suspended for 1 month and restrictions placed on his professional practice.
AVERY, FRED school counselor U.S. North Carolina
Molesting 2 boys, aged 10 and 13.
Date convicted: October 13, 1994
6 years in prison and 5 years probation
Avila, Jose counselor U.S. Virginia
Assaulting a federal law enforcement officer engaged in the performance of official duties.
Date convicted: June 29, 2010
12 months prison.
AYALA, STEVE counselor U.S. California
Sodomy charges involving teens at a group home where he worked.
Date convicted: January 2000
6 years in jail
Ayala, Alberto psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Medicare fraud
Date convicted: June 1, 2012
To be sentenced
AZAM, CHOWDHURY resident in psychiatry U.S. New York
Fraudulently holding himself out to be a medical doctor and prescribing drugs illegally to patients.
Date convicted: December 5, 1991
30 days in jail
Azam, Chowdhury F. Psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
He "engaged in the indiscriminate or grossly negligent prescribing of Controlled Dangerous Substances ('CDS')...." During 2015 and through 2016, Respondent was allegedly prescribing CDS to his patients including amphetamines, opiates, benzodiazepines, and other drugs, without adequate medical justification.
Date convicted: February 3, 2017
License Suspended for 5 years, retroactive to October 26, 2016
Azevedo, William mental health practitioner U.S. Nebraska
Charged with third-degree sexual assault for touching a client in 2002. The charge was later amended to assault and battery, to which he pleaded no contest.
Date convicted: February 2005
License suspended for 60 days.
BABCOCK, WILLIAM WAYNE school psychologist U.S. California
Lewd and lascivious acts on a child under the age of 14 years (students in the school where he worked).
Date convicted: September, 2002
22 years prison.
Bachers, Alan psychologist U.S. Ohio
Sexual relationship with patient.
Date convicted: June 2003
License permanently revoked.
Baez, Eduardo "Doc" psychologist U.S. Connecticut
Baez, as the "president" of a street gang, was involved in drugs, drive-by shootings and the attempted murder of rival gang members.
Date convicted: May 1999
19 years in jail, 3 years supervised probation and fined $20,000
Illegally selling prescription drugs out of his office.
Date convicted: June 10, 1992
1 to 5 years in prison and fined $100,000
Bagley, Barbara Carroll counselor U.S. California
Criminal conviction related to Medicaid program.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
BAILEY, THOMAS EUGENE psychiatric aide U.S. Oregon
Molesting 2 young girls. Previously convicted for rape and having undergone treatment at Oregon State Hospital; he was later given a job there counseling sex offenders.
Date convicted: October 21, 2000
20 years in prison
BAILEY, VANESSA ANNE prison psychologist Australia Brisbane
Perjury (denied engaging in sex acts with two inmates and supplying prisoners with drugs/alcohol. Videotaped in sexually compromising position with one inmate).
Date convicted: May 30, 2002
Jailed 16 months (to be suspended after 4 months).
Baker, Melvin mental health worker U.S. California
Patient abuse or neglect conviction.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
BALLANTYNE, TREVOR family counselor Canada Winnipeg
Physically abusing his stepchildren
Date convicted: February 25, 2000
1 year in jail
BALLENGER, VINCENT LEE mental health center staff U.S. Missouri
Multiple counts of felony child abuse (involving residents of the center where he worked).
Date convicted: Circa 2002
20 years prison.
Balog, John F. Psychiatrist U.S. Hawaii
While working in Hawaii at Maui Community Mental Health Center, Balog failed to take accurate notes of patient meetings, properly prescribe medications and properly supervise subordinate employees. As a result of the Hawaii Medical Board's discipline action, his license was voluntarily surrendered effective 12/11/2014 for failure to comply with laws relating to work performance and laws governing professional conduct.
Date convicted: December 11, 2014
License Surrendered
Balog, John F. Psychiatrist U.S. California
His license was surrendered in California based on disciplinary action in Hawaii.
Date convicted: July 29, 2016
License Surrendered
BANEZ-GUZMAN, CORAZON psychiatrist U.S. Oklahoma
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 11, 1991
6 months in jail and $100,000 in fines and restitution
Bannikov, Grigory director of psychiatric institution Russia
Coerced sterilization of three female patients.
Date convicted: October 12, 2010
2 years conditional imprisonment and 1 year probation.
BARA, KRISHAN JUMAN psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: October 23, 1996
4 years probation and ordered to repay $4,934
Barela, Ernest M. psychiatric nurse U.S. Virginia
Felony consensual sodomy (was caught engaging in oral sex with a patient).
Date convicted: June 7, 2007
3 years prison, suspended, and placed on 3 years probation.
Barker, Stephen hypnotherapist UK
Sexually assaulted a patient whom he had put into a trance.
Date convicted: January 29, 2010
Jailed for 10 months.
BARNARD, SUZANNA school psychologist U.S. California
Allowing her husband to sexually assault their daughter.
Date convicted: May 26,1993
17 years in prison
Barr, Willie counselor U.S. Oklahoma
Medicaid fraud
Date convicted: February 15, 2012
10-year deferred prison sentence, $14,012 restitution
BARRETT, DAVID A. psychiatrist U.S. Rhode Island
Shooting and killing a man who intervened in a dispute between Barrett and a store clerk.
Date convicted: January 24, 1997
30 years in jail
BARRON, JAMES W. psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Federal tax evasion.
Date convicted: July 26, 1991
6 months home detention and 2 years probation
Barrow, Malcolm C. psychologist U.S. Texas
Criminal conviction
Date convicted: Circa Feb 2005
Suspended for 60 days.
Bartos, Michael J. counselor U.S. Texas
Second-degree felony theft: defrauded Medicaid (U.S. federally funded health program) and a Third-degree felony: falsified unemployment insurance documents.
Date convicted: December 19, 2008
60 days jail, 10 years probation, $40,500 restitution and 1,000 hours community service. He is permanently prohibited from performing serviced under any government health care program.
Bartschat, Dieter psychiatrist USA South Carolina
Communicating obscene messages to another person without consent
Date convicted: July 11, 2022
Time already served (10 days in jail) and ordered to register as Tier 1 sex offender
Basbus, Victor M. psychiatrist U.S. New York
Enterprise Corruption; Insurance Fraud; Grand Larceny; Offering a False Instrument for Filing (4 counts); Falsifying a Business Record (4 counts) and Scheme to Defraud (2 counts).
Date convicted: February 11, 2008
2 to 6 years prison on all counts except "Offering a false instrument," for which he was sentenced to 1 to 3 years on each count.
Batchu, Mani psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Sexual exploitation of a minor and rape
Date convicted: 11/18 & 12/19, 2011
30 years federal prison and 10 years state custody
BATES, DANNY R. counselor U.S. Illinois
Sexually assaulting a 12-year-old boy.
Date convicted: April 29, 1997
6 years in prison
Batoff, Stephen psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Indecent assault (fondling) of a 16-year-old female patient.
Date convicted: November 16, 1999
1 to 4 years prison.
BATTALINO, BARBARA psychiatrist U.S. Idaho
Perjury, after lying in court about having sex with a patient.
Date convicted: July 20,1998
6 months house arrest and fined $3,500
Battles, Marie "Terry" psychiatric technician U.S. New Jersey
Criminal sexual contact (admitted to touching a patient in his genital area with the purpose of arousing him and herself).
Date convicted: March 2, 2007
3 years probation, 100 hours community service and agreed to forfeit job and never seek public employment again in New Jersey.
Baum, Allicia Psychologist U.S. Missouri
For failure to file or pay state taxes, Allicia Baum's license was suspended on September 21, 2016. Reinstated October 7, 2016.
Date convicted: September 21, 2016
License Suspended
Baumann, Peter psychiatrist Switzerland
Involuntary manslaughter and murder (assisted three patients to commit suicide).
Date convicted: July 6, 2007
Baumann appealed the conviction, which was upheld. He then filed an appeal with the federal court. On June 25, 2009, the Court of Appeal of Basel, Switzerland upheld the lower court's conviction, additionally pronounced him guilty of intentional homicide (murder) and increased his prison sentence to four years with no time suspended.
Beale, Mark psychiatrist U.S. New Mexico
Two counts of felony criminal sexual penetration in the third degree, 12 counts of misdemeanor criminal sexual contact, and two counts of petty misdemeanor battery
Date convicted: March 29, 2022
Seven years prison
Bean, Ellen clinical social worker U.S. Michigan
Negligence and incompetence
Date convicted: May 2004
License suspended 6 months.
Bean-Bayog, Margaret psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Accused of seducing a patient and contributing to his suicide.
Date convicted: September 1992
Surrendered license, deemed revocation.
BECKER, MICHAEL therapist U.S. Massachusetts
Attempting to sexually assault a female patient he'd lured to his home office.
Date convicted: May 24, 1995
2 years in jail
Beckman, Jeanne D. Psychologist U.S. Illinois
Failure to file and/or pay Illinois state income taxes.
Date convicted: January 6, 2017
License Suspended
Bedi, Tajinder Singh counselor intern U.S. California
Child molestation.
Date convicted: March 4, 2011
Convicted; sentence pending.
BEHAR, LENORE former state mental health official U.S. North Carolina
Obstructing justice by attempting to hide diversion of federal money intended for programs for foster children.
Date convicted: June 14, 2001
6 months house arrest, 2 years probation, $250,000 fine and $274,000 restitution.
Behniwal, Mandeep psychiatrist U.S. California
Assault conviction (based on sexual contact with patient).
Date convicted: March 24, 2010
3 years probation.
BEITCH, MICHAEL psychological examiner U.S. Maine
Medicaid insurance fraud, after billing for 3,680 hours of service he didn't provide.
Date convicted: September 25, 1997
5 years in jail (2 years suspended); 4 years probation and 750 hours of community service
Belanger, Joseph psychologist U.S. North Dakota
Receiving and possessing materials involving the sexual exploitation of minors. Belanger, who was employed at the state psychiatric hospital in Jamestown, North Dakota for more than 20 years, paid for access to pornography web sites and downloaded thousands of sexually explicit images and more than 200 videos.
Date convicted: January 23, 2009
7 years prison
BELL, CHARLES ALLEN WEATHERS therapist U.S. California
Defrauding a government insurance program, while claiming to be a licensed therapist.
Date convicted: September 8, 1992
21 months in federal prison
BELL, LIONEL THOMAS counselor U.S. Texas
Sexual assault of a young boy while Bell had AIDS.
Date convicted: March/April 1993
40 years in prison
BELL, HENRY LLOYD psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: October 25, 2002
5 months prison, 5 months home confinement and restitution of $31,312
Belonga, Annette social worker U.S. Michigan
Negligence and incompetence.
Date convicted: March 2003
6 months, 1 day suspension.
BELOVE, PHILLIP psychologist U.S. Vermont
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: July 2, 1999
Up to 10 years in prison (deferred for 2 years), probation, ordered to pay $265 dollars restitution and perform 40 hours of community service
BELTAIN, MURLIN school counselor Canada Vancouver
Carrying on a lesbian relationship with a 16-year-old student.
Date convicted: March 17, 1995
30 days in jail
BENITEZ, RAY former mental health agency case manager U.S. Arizona
Second-degree murder--shot and killed a 21-year-old woman.
Date convicted: March 12, 2001
16 years prison.
BENKERT, OTTO psychiatrist Germany Mainz
Not paying, to the university where he worked, a required 30% of fees he received for conducting drug studies for pharmaceutical companies.
Date convicted: November 2000
11 months in jail, probation and fined
Benn, Stanley J. community mental health center owner U.S. Texas
Medicaid-related conviction.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
BENNETT, MICHAEL school counselor Canada Vancouver
Luring 2 teenage girls into working as prostitutes. He had prior convictions for narcotics possession and fraud.
Date convicted: January 30, 1997
3 years in prison (plus 8 months already served)
BENNETT, WILLIAM high school counselor U.S. OHIO
Pleaded guilty to molesting 2 teenaged boys and harrassing 4 others.
Date convicted: May 24, 1999
4 years in prison and had to surrender his teaching and counseling licenses
BENNETT, NORYNE social worker Canada Ontario
Sexual exploitation of a teenage boy she counselled.
Date convicted: April 1, 2003
One year probation.
Bennett, John psychiatric nurse UK
Sex with patient
Date convicted: January 28, 2012
2 years jail
BENNETT II, JOHN psychiatrist U.S. New Mexico
Having sex with a former patient.
Date convicted: April 17, 2000
9 years in prison (deferred), 5 years probation, ordered to register as a sex offender and prohibited from practicing while on probation
BENNETT JR., JOHN former drug counselor U.S. Pennsylvania
Running a $354 million dollar charity scam.
Date convicted: September 22, 1997
12 years in prison
Benoit, Elissa Jo mental health clinic owner U.S. Pennsylvania
76 counts of health care fraud, aggravated identity theft, distribution of controlled substances, and distribution of controlled substances to minors.
Date convicted: June 12, 2012
To be sentenced
BENTLEY, GRAHAM counselor U.K. Hinckley
Posing as a licensed psychologist, committing perjury and theft of more than 13,500 pounds from a volunteer organization and 805 pounds from a client.
Date convicted: April 9, 1998
2 1/2 years in jail
Bentley III, William F. counselor U.S. Washington
Lied about credentials and financial status to bilk clients and their families of $800,000 under the pretense of starting up an ADHD treatment clinic.
Date convicted: July 8, 2005
Nine years prison.
Bera, Charalena counselor U.S. Colorado
Sexual assault of teenage boys at the treatment center where she worked.
Date convicted: August 28, 2007
10 years probation.
Berecz, John M. psychologist U.S. Michigan
Criminal sexual conduct (sex with patient).
Date convicted: December 14, 2007
90 days jail with last 30 on electronic monitoring, 5 years probation, $3920 fines and costs and ordered to register as a sex offender.
Berfield, Keith A. Psychologist U.S. Florida
On October 17, 2014, the Port St Lucie (FL) Police Department arrested Berfield for felony possession of controlled substances and cocaine and misdemeanor possession of marijuana and paraphernalia after being found standing naked at a public intersection where he appeared to be hallucinating. When he led police to his nearby residence, they found LSD, crystal meth and other drugs. He was convicted under a plea of Nolo Contendre on multiple counts of possession of controlled substances.
Date convicted: September 17, 2015
2 years Drug Offender Probation
Berfield, Keith A. Psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Possession of various controlled substances per his Florida arrest in 2014 and conviction in 2015.
Date convicted: September 26, 2016
License suspended actively for one year followed by at least 3 years probation
BERGMANN, BARRY lead mental health technician U.S. Nevada
statutory sexual seduction (fondled a teenage female patient).
Date convicted: February 9, 2004
24-to-60 months prison
BERKSHIRE, JASON HERBERT mental health employee U.S. Arkansas
A sexual encounter with a 16-year-old girl at a home for at-risk youth. He had a prior 1997 conviction for forgery and theft.
Date convicted: December 1998
10 years in prison (8 years suspended)
Berman, Mark psychologist U.S. California
Medi-Cal fraud
Date convicted: October 15, 2010
5 years probation and restition of $152,058.
Bernzott, Michael psychiatrist U.S. Alaska
Brought a loaded handgun to a treatment meeting and let patient point it at staff members.
Date convicted: October 2004
License revoked.
BERRY, CHARLES MARKHAM Psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
Sexual molestation of 6 boys who had been his patients and possession of child pornography (he pleaded guilty).
Date convicted: July 18, 1986
20 years in prison and 20 years probation
Bershatsky, Deborah psychoanalyst U.S. Vermont
Between November 1999 and February 2000, Bershatsky received M.A., B.A. and Doctorate degrees from an online distance learning program which was not accredited by a national psychoanalytic society; Between 1978 and 1982, she attended a school for psychoanalysis but did not complete the 450 hours of supervision required for certification; in December 1998, she received a certificate to practice psychoanalysis which required she have a Masters or Doctorate degree (which she did not acquire until later); she lied on her application for license to practice psychoanalysis, misrepresenting the date she received her certificate and stating that she was a member of a national psychoanalytic organization when in fact, the organization had denied her application twice for lack of a Masters degree from an accredited institution.
Date convicted: April 6, 2004
Voluntarily resigned her certificate to practice psychoanalysis to the state, which rendered it null and void. In October 2004, Bershatsky was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Beuttner, Anne mental health practictioner and psychologist associate U.S. Nebraska
Prepared and submitted a professional report to the Nebraska State Patrol without first obtaining a co-signature from her supervising psychologist.
Date convicted: April 2004
License suspended for 90 days.
Bickelhaupt, Ethan psychiatrist U.S. Kansas
Unlawfully prescribing controlled substances.
Date convicted: September 3, 2010
3 years probation.
BIEGANOWSKI, ARTHUR psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Insurance fraud involving workers' compensation claims.
Date convicted: September 14, 2000
14 years in prison and ordered to pay $23 million in restitution
BINGHAM, DAVID drug counselor U.K. Stourbridge
Murdering a female coworker.
Date convicted: February 28, 1991
Life in prison
Biondi, Giovanni psychiatrist U.S. New York
Gross negligence, gross incompetence, negligence on more than one occasion, incompetence on more than one occasion, willful patient abuse, failure to maintain records and moral unfitness. The documents of the New York Board for Professional Medical Conduct state that "there is substantial circumstantial evidence regarding a sexual relationship" between Biondi and a female patient but that the Board's Hearing Committee did not make that ultimate conclusion. The documents further state that "The Hearing Committee has no doubt regarding the existence of an abusive relationship between [Biondi] and [the patient]. In 1998, on two occasions, [Biondi] struck [the patient] and threw her to the ground. Respondent breaks any rule he wishes by justifying his 'treatment' as innovative or experimental." Lastly, the documents list other aspects of Biondi's conduct which were not taken up in the Board's hearing but which the Board found "disconcerting." They include: "Having sessions at midnight; Meeting patients in his van...; Having business relationships with a patient...; The likelihood that the 'therapy' for [the aforementioned female patient] was really about more & more sessions resulting in more & more billing, sleeping over [another patient's] house [and] Accompanying [another patient] to a casino," among other things.
Date convicted: August 24, 1999
License revoked.
Bird, Lee licensed clinical social worker U.S. New Hampshire
Theft by deception. Bird obtained reimbursements from Medicaid (U.S. government health plan) by continuing to bill for services rendered to some clients after he stopped seeing those clients.
Date convicted: February 5, 2009
6 months incarceration and restitution of $21,700.
Biros, Dennis psychiatrist U.S. Wisconsin, Minnessota, Alaska
Sexual contact with a patient.
Date convicted: July 11, 1992
License suspended in state of Wisconsin for five years with suspension stayed; ordered by board to undergo psychotherapy.
BISH, JODY former group home counselor U.S. Pennsylvania
Sexual relations with a 15-year-old girl in his care.
Date convicted: March 7, 2002
6-to-14 years in state prison.
BITTMAN, STANLEY psychologist U.S. Kentucky
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: Circa 1991
Ordered to pay a $500 fine and given a 1 year sentence, suspended for two years
BLACK, JAMES NEVILLE drug and alcohol recovery center board member U.S. Georgia
Embezzling approximately $300,000.
Date convicted: August 21, 1996
21 months in prison, ordered to pay $298, 976 in restitution and to do 100 hours of community service
Black, Virginia psychologist U.S. Ohio
Impaired objectivity, dual relationships.
Date convicted: March 2003
License revoked 5 years.
BLAND, JAMES H. psychiatrist U.S. North Dakota
Criminal mischief; breaking in to a mobile home and breaking personal items while he was there.
Date convicted: May 23, 1997
Two-years deferred
BLANDING, LARRY therapist U.S. South Carolina
Bribery and extortion while he was a state representative in 1991.
Date convicted: December 15, 1999
2 1/2 years in prison
Blank, Gail Ann social worker U.S. Michigan
Felony drunk driving conviction.
Date convicted: April 2003
License revoked
Blankstein, Edward G. Psychiatrist U.S. Arizona
Blankenstein received a 3rd citation for poor record-keeping and was also cited for "failure to properly dispense medications."
Date convicted: February 7, 2008
Letter of Reprimand, forced to surrender his dispensing certificate
Blankstein, Edward G. Psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Based on the Feb 7, 2008 disciplinary action taken by Arizona.
Date convicted: December 18, 2008
License Surrendered
Blankstein, Edward G. Psychiatrist U.S. Arizona
After receiving a complaint reporting that Blankstein had been arrested and charged with three counts of acquisition or administration of dangerous drugs (in 2015; criminal charges eventually dismissed), the records for five of Blankstein's patients were sent to a Medical Consultant for review who found that Blankstein deviated from the standard of care with regard to all five patients. For example, the Consultant found that Blankstein deviated from the standard of care with regard to monitoring patients to whom he prescribed controlled substances, prescribing and monitoring patients with atypical antipsychotic medication and for monitoring patients taking Depakote. Blankenstein denied that he breached the standard of care with regard to the five patients but admitted he had a health condition that prohibits him from safely practicing medicine.
Date convicted: August 5, 2016
License Surrendered
BLASI, KENDALL youth counselor U.S. Arizona
Sexually abusing 11-year-old twin brothers, whom he had taken into his home.
Date convicted: December 8, 2000
521 years in prison
BLIER, MICHAEL psychologist U.S. Georgia
Sexually assaulting a woman patient.
Date convicted: June 6, 1997
1 year in prison, followed by 2 years probation
BLIGH, MARTIN child psychiatrist U.K. London
Importing child pornography and downloading indecent pictures from the Internet.
Date convicted: November 1997
Fined 5000 pounds
BLONDEK, STAN unlicensed psychologist U.S. California
A judge found he deliberately withheld documents during a parole hearing showing a jailed sex offender and murderer was still a sexual sadist. It was also revealed in court that Blondek was not licensed by the State of California to practice psychology. His application for a license was last denied in August 2002 by the State of California for Dishonesty, Fraud and/or Deceit and other violations of the California Business and Professions Code.
Date convicted: August 9, 1999
2 days in jail for contempt of court
Bloom, Steven social worker U.S. Minnesota
Disorderly conduct (sent inappropriate text messages to a female student).
Date convicted: May 16, 2011
1 year probation.
BLOOMFIELD, HAROLD psychiatrist U.S. California
Prescribed/furnished a controlled substance for no legitimate medical reason (drugged women without their knowledge).
Date convicted: March 22, 2002
5 years probation and surrender of right to prescribe controlled substances (he spent 6 days in custody prior to sentencing). On May 28, 2002, Bloomfield surrendered his medical license to the Medical Board of California.
BLOOR, ELIZABETH GAY psychotherapist U.S. Wisconsin
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 22, 1993
5 years probation, 300 hours community service and fined $7,500 and restitution
Bobcean, Diane Jean social worker and marriage and family therapist U.S. Michigan
Convicted of causing the death of a man while operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Was also convicted for failing to stop at the scene of an accident.
Date convicted: January 16, 2004
Both marriage & family therapist license and social work licenses were summarily suspended. Ultimately, the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs ordered her to do community service and placed her license on probation.
BOCK, GRAHAM psychiatric nurse South Austrailia Adelaide
Aggravated domestic battery (struck a patient in the head more than 20 times with a large pair of pliers).
Date convicted: September 26, 2002
4 years prison and a court order to stop violent or harrassing behavior toward the victim for two years following completion of the prison term.
BOEHM, GREGORY X. psychiatrist U.S. Ohio
Medicare and Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: April 9, 2001
2 years probation (the first 6 months of which are to be spent under home detention), fined $15,000 and ordered to repay $71,370 to Medicare and Medicaid insurance programs.
BOLAN, BERT WAYNE counselor U.S. Texas
Receiving payments (called "kickbacks") for sending patients to a particular psychiatric hospital, which in turn billed insurance companies for counseling sessions that never occurred.
Date convicted: April 15, 1995
More than 8 years in jail and fined $375,000
BOLAND, GREGORY H. psychiatrist U.S. Colorado
Beating up his fiancee's baby-sitter.
Date convicted: October 1996
7 years in prison and ordered to pay a $10,000 fine
BOLDEN, DARRYL rape counselor U.S. New York
Raping and robbing 3 women he'd visited for erotic massages.
Date convicted: November 8, 2000
24 years in prison
BOLEY, JAMES counselor U.S. Missouri
Trying to hire a hit man to kill his ex-wife. At the time Boley was already serving 2 life prison terms for trying to poison his wife in 1993.
Date convicted: August 14, 2000
15 years in prison
Bollet, David B. counselor U.S. Florida
Possession of cocaine and drug paraphernalia
Date convicted: 2011
BOLT, LEE psychotherapist U.S. Colorado
Having sex with a patient who was seeing him for sexual abuse problems.
Date convicted: June 5, 1998
8 years probation, ordered to register as a sex offender and participate in a sex-offender treatment program
Bonett, Olga counselor U.S. New Jersey
Health care claims fraud.
Date convicted: January 2005
One year probation. Bonett was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in June 2005.
Defrauding private and federal insurance programs.
Date convicted: July 14,1997
87 months in prison without parole and ordered to pay a $3.9 million fine
Bonner, Linda counselor U.S. Washington
Convicted for burglary.
Date convicted: January 2004
Application for counseling credential denied.
Booker, Varanise psychiatrist U.S. Kentucky
Heath care fraud
Date convicted: June 16, 2022
Thirty-six months prison
Booth, John psychiatrist Australia
Prescribed a 60-year-old victim of attempted sexual abuse excessive dosages of three antidepressants.
Date convicted: September 2004
Fined $3500.
Borchert, Monica Lisa mental health case worker U.S. North Dakota
Mistreatment of a confined person. Borchert gave alcohol and marijuana to patients and played games with them that required the removal of clothing and resulted in patients engaging in sexual contact with eachother.
Date convicted: April 18, 2005
One year jail, but suspended upon payment of $500 fine.
BORISON, RICHARD psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
Diverting millions of dollars of research money, meant for the university he worked for, to his own companies.
Date convicted: October 8, 1998
15 years in prison, 15 years probation, ordered to pay $4.26 million in restitution and fined $125,000
BORKOWSKI, MELISSA counselor U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 1999
3 years probation and ordered to pay $6,469 in restitution
BOTJER, BRET A. counselor U.S. Vermont
Molesting a 10-year-old boy.
Date convicted: September 9, 1997
18 months in prison
BOURGUIGNON, JEAN-PIERRE psychologist and abuse expert U.S. Illinois
Charged with molesting his foster son. He fled the country just before the start of the trial.
Date convicted: June 31, 1993
36 years in prison in absentia -- his whereabouts are still unknown
BOUWER, COLIN psychiatrist New Zealand Dunedin
Murder - killed his wife by poisoning her.
Date convicted: June 24, 2002
Life in prison with a minimum non-parole period of 15 years. Initially sentenced to a minimun non-parole period of 13 years in December 2001, it was increased to 15 years by the Wellington Court of Appeal on June 24, 2002.
BOWERS, KENNETH psychologist U.S. California
Billing the state Medi-Cal insurance program thousands of dollars for services not rendered.
Date convicted: 1994
6 months in jail and 5 years probation, Bowers was also ordered to pay $77,000 in restitution and penalties
BOWLAN, TIMOTHY MARK psychiatrist U.S. Texas
False claims, theft of public money and forgery.
Date convicted: March 1997
5 months in prison and three years supervised release
BRAACK, FORREST H. psychologist U.S. Missouri
Health care fraud and Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: November 21, 2002
3 months prison without parole and $29,370 restitution.
BRADSHAW, WYNTON JOHN psychologist New Zealand Christchurch
Stole from the school where he worked.
Date convicted: January 1998
8 months periodic detention and ordered to repay $32,697
BRADY, REBECCA therapist U.S. Illinois
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 1997
Home confinement
BRADY, RICHARD psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Insurance fraud, in which he billed insurance companies for visits never made.
Date convicted: January 1997
4 years in prison
BRAGA, DJALMA A. psychiatrist U.S. South Carolina
Sexual misconduct with 3 of his patients.
Date convicted: October 10, 1997
Braga, an Air Force psychiatrist, was given a reprimand, 6 months confinement and forfeiture of $1,500 a month for 60 months
Brager, Robert Charles Psychologist U.S. California
In 2014, a complaint from a colleague expressed concern for Brager's "ability to practice competently," specifically concern about his "ability to organize himself and the effect that has on his judgement" his being "absent minded," being late for appointments, and his "falling asleep because of medical complications." Brager disclosed to the Board that he had a multitude of physical and mental problems as a result of his diabetes and that he had a history of opioid dependence and alcohol abuse. It was determined that Brager was unable to safely practice as a psychologist due to his various physical ailments and mental condition.
Date convicted: July 28, 2016
License surrendered
Braid, Byron S. psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Injected patients with drug that was not FDA-approved for safety.
Date convicted: 2000
License revoked.
Brailsford, Philip St. John counselor U.S. California
Criminal conviction related to Medicaid program.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
BRANCH, CURTIS state mental hospital worker U.S. Mississippi
Felony abuse of a vulnerable adult (relating to a patient who died of asphyxiation while being restrained).
Date convicted: August 2001
5 years prison with all but 1 year suspended and 5 years probation.
Branley, Louis Phillip psychiatrist U.S. North Carolina
Negligent treatment of a patient with a serious case of diabetes. Branley was found to have "totally inadequate knowledge" of the management of diabetic patients.
Date convicted: February 16, 1989
License revoked.
BRANNOCK, GARY WAYNE mental health employee U.S. Kentucky
Sexual abuse and attempted rape of a 29-year-old patient. In September, 1998 he was convicted for sexual abuse of a 41-year-old patient and served 90 days of a 1 year sentence.
Date convicted: July 2, 1999
10 years in prison
Brasel, Kenneth psychologist U.S. Kentucky
Falsified/concealed material facts to the Medicaid (U.S. federally funded health program) program by failing to disclose a prior felony conviction.
Date convicted: December 19, 2008
2 years prison, probated for five years, $25,870 restitution and $6,000 in Attorney General's invest costs.
Braver, Alexander psychiatrist U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance program fraud.
Date convicted: June 1, 2006
3 years probation and $28,000 restitution.
BRAXTONBROWN-SMITH, DENISE psychologist U.S. Washington D.C.
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 22, 2000
87 months in prison
Breslin, Kenneth A. Psychologist U.S. California
On or about October 5, 2016, Breslin was arrested for possession of child pornography. Law enforcement officers discovered images and videos, on a computer in the business office of "A Child's Point of View," which is the child psychology practice owned and operated by Breslin. There were approximately 9,000 photos in one folder alone. More were found in a computer and thumb drive in his home.
Date convicted: November 28, 2016
License suspended. Criminal charges pending. Prohibited from practicing psychology until conclusion of criminal proceeding or further order of the court.
BREUNING, STEPHEN psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Falsifying scientific data in his research on the use of drug therapy on mentally retarded children.
Date convicted: November 10, 1988
60 days in prison, to be served in a work-release program, 5 years probation and ordered to pay $11,352 in restitution
BRIDGES, PAUL psychiatric consultant U.K. London
His part in a child pornography ring.
Date convicted: August 2000
15 months in prison with the sentence suspended for two years
Brinley, Roxanne psychologist U.S. Kentucky
Inability to practice with reasonable skill and safety to patient by reason of misuse of drugs, alcohol and narcotics.
Date convicted: June 7, 2004
License suspended indefinitely.
Brittain, Jacqueline G. Psychologist U.S. Hawaii
After receiving a complaint that Brittain failed to respond to a request by a former patient for medical records, the Board's investigation found that she was unable to practice psychology with reasonable skill and safety because of current health problems.
Date convicted: February 19, 2016
License surrendered
Broche, Gabrielle counselor U.S. Maine
Sex with former patient.
Date convicted: March 28, 2005
License suspended for 90 days.
BROCK, JOHN homeless shelter and counseling center manager U.K. Cambridgeshire
Allowing drug dealing to take place in the center.
Date convicted: 1999
4 years in jail, later reduced to 7 months served
BROCKMAN, NORMAN H. school counselor U.S. California
Child molestation involving several little girls at the school where he had worked.
Date convicted: March 1991
8 years in prison
Brooker, Alan Edward Psychologist U.S. California
He used alcohol "in a manner dangerous to himself or others." Specifically, he was arrested for Driving Under the Influence after he got in to a car crash. The preliminary alcohol screening test showed a blood alcohol content of 0.31%. The two people in the vehicle he hit sustained minor injuries. His license was first placed on probation starting in November 2016, and in January 2017 he voluntarily surrendered it. The probation order stated, "if respondent ceases practicing due to retirement, health reasons or is otherwise unable to satisfy the terms and conditions of probation, respondent may request the voluntary surrender of his or her license or registration."
Date convicted: January 5, 2017
License Surrendered
Brooks, Rowan marriage counselor U.S. California
Murdered his wife.
Date convicted: August 8, 2006
25 years to life in prison.
BROWN, LINDA psychiatrist U.K. Northumberland
Obtaining prescription drugs through a false prescription.
Date convicted: March 1999
6 months in prison (suspended)
Brown, Nathan psychologist U.S. Washington
Unprofessional conduct, including engaging in sexual intercourse and sexual and/or physical contact with a patient in 1999; in 2000 and 2001 he monitored the former patient in public from inside his vehicle and other similar activities, including hundreds of phone calls to the patient/former patient.
Date convicted: August 2004
Prohibited from practicing for 30 months and placed on four years probation when he resumes practice.
Browning, James Counselor U.S. Indiana
Possession of marijuana (police discovered 73 pot plants growing on his property).
Date convicted: December 9, 2009
Suspended sentence of 18 months at the Department of Corrections, 18 months on the Drug Abuse Probation Service and 200 hours of community service.
Bryant, Willliam P. child psychologist U.S. Indiana
Child molestation.
Date convicted: January 26, 2005
Three years prison followed by and three years work release with home detention (meaning he is allowed to go to work but is otherwise confined to his home). His Indiana license was revoked April 28, 2006. His Illinois license was revoked 4/30/2010.
Buchbinder, Jay A. social worker U.S. New York
Suspension or revocation of professional license.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Buchbinder, Pamela psychiatrist USA New York
First-degree attempted assault and first-degree burglary. These convictions relate to her role in the attack on the father of her child, in a plot in which she recruited her 19-year-old cousin to murder her ex-lover with a sledgehammer.
Date convicted: Sept. 7, 2022
11 years in prison
Buckler, Robert E. Psychiatrist U.S. Oregon
On February 2, 2015 ,the Oregon Medical Board issued a Complaint & Notice of Proposed Disciplinary Action against Buckler based on a possible violation of the Medical Practice Act. The Board was investigating the question of his ability to safely and competently practice medicine. On February 5, 2015, Buckler voluntarily withdrew from the practice of inpatient geriatric psychiatry and on April 7, 2016, he withdrew from the practice of medicine pending the investigation.
Date convicted: July 7, 2016
License retired while investigation pending
BUFFINGTON, MICHAEL L. psychologist U.S. California
Groping two female patients whom he'd hypnotized in a clinic for victims of sexual assault.
Date convicted: August 25, 1997
A year in jail, with credit given for time served awaiting trial
BUKOWSKI, EDWARD psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Aggravated domestic battery (struck a patient in the head more than 20 times with a large pair of pliers).
Date convicted: May 8, 2001
4 years prison and a court order to stop violent or harrassing behavior toward the victim for two years following completion of the prison term.
BULGER, BEVERLY mental health office manager U.S. Texas
Assisting in defrauding both private and federal insurance programs along with psychiatrist Henry Edward Eugene Bonham.
Date convicted: July 14, 1997
46 months in prison without parole
BULLARD, CAROL mental health office manager U.S. Georgia
Her part in defrauding the state Medicaid insurance program.
Date convicted: May 20, 1998
5 years in jail and 10 years probation and held jointly liable for restitution of $377,000
BULLARD, LESTER psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
Defrauding the state Medicaid insurance program.
Date convicted: May 20, 1998
10 years in jail; 5 years probation and ordered to pay $377,000 in restitution and fined $11,500
Bumby, Kurt psychologist U.S. Missouri
Two counts of second-degree sodomy connected to events in 2010 and 2011. A victim told authorities in 2019 that he and Bumby had a sexual relationship when he was in high school.
Date convicted: March 2, 2023
To be sentenced; the jury has recommended the maximum sentence of seven years in prison.
Burger, Barbara social worker U.S. Missouri
Convicted of four counts of Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: April 26, 2004
3 years probation and $17,000 restitution to the state Medicaid program. In March 2005, Burger was also excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
BURGESS, NORMAN counselor U.K. Bristol
Sexually abusing a 13-year-old boy.
Date convicted: February 2000
Jailed for 5 years
Burgess, Alisa S. Psychologist U.S. California
She was accused of unprofessional conduct in that she was "grossly negligent and/or committed repeated negligent acts and/or was incompetent in the practice of psychology by failing to assess the possibility of and potential for domestic violence and/or failing to review potential risk and safety issues with the individual clients." Burgess agreed that were a hearing to be held, a factual basis for the accusations could be established. In order to resolve the Accusation without the expense and uncertainty of further proceedings, she surrendered her license.
Date convicted: December 29, 2016
License Surrendered
BURGOS, HERNAN ENRIQUE psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Billing insurance companies for services he did not deliver to patients.
Date convicted: March 19, 1998
46 months in prison, 3 years supervised release and a $425,000 fine
BURKE, DWIGHT counselor U.S. Pennsylvania
Sexually assaulting a 17-year-old male client.
Date convicted: April 21, 1992
23 months in prison
BURKE-BAILEY, SARAH substance abuse clinic director U.S. Michigan
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: April 27, 1998
One year probation and ordered to pay $300
BURSTEIN, DONALD A. psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: August 1, 2001
5 years probation, $5,000 fine and repay more than $1.7 million to the Medicaid insurance program.
Burstein, Eric psychiatrist U.S. Ohio
Engaged in a sexual relationship with a patient.
Date convicted: March 11, 1993
License revoked.
BURTON, LESLIE M. school psychologist U.S. Vermont
Billing a school district for therapy sessions with students on days they were not even in school.
Date convicted: December 24, 1998
30 days in jail and $60,000 in fines
Burton, Glenna C. Psychiatrist U.S. New Hampshire
On June 4, 2014, the NH Board conditionally denied Burton's application to practice medicine based in part upon a determination that Dr. Burton had not demonstrated that she was of good moral character. She failed to disclose required information about her 2010 disciplinary Settlement Agreements with the Missouri Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs and with the Missouri State Board of Registration that had to do with her prescribing practices. Violations included lack of full documentation, not documenting dosage and quantity in prescriptions and prescribing after her Missouri Controlled Substance Registration had expired. Further, in a routine criminal record check, a theft charge from 2006 was found that Burton hadn't disclosed on her application.
Date convicted: January 4, 2016
Denial of licensure in New Hampshire
BUTLER, CLEVELAND O. counselor U.S. Pennsylvania
Sexual misconduct with a 15-year-old girl. Butler was already on parole for a 1991 sentence for murder at the time of this sentencing.
Date convicted: September 1, 2000
15 to 30 years in prison
BUTLER, JR., PAUL G. counseling center owner U.S. Texas
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: April 5, 2001
48 months prison.
BUTTON, JONATHAN social worker and childrens U.K. Suffolk
Downloading child pornography onto a childrens' charity computer.
Date convicted: June 26, 2000
3 months in jail
Buzzard, Mark Psychiatrist U.S. Missouri
A December 29, 2015 MI Medical Board Complaint against Buzzard lists numerous irregularities in his 2013 prescribing of controlled substances including Oxycodone, Ritalin, methadone, MS Contin (morphine), Percocet and Xanax. A random sampling of Buzzard's patient charts for reviews done in 2015 revealed he was prescribing larger quantities and high dosages of opioid medication without justification and committing other violations. Federal agents raided the clinic and seized Buzzard�s patient charts and on December 16, 2015 federal authorities issued criminal charges against Buzzard regarding unlawful distribution of Schedule 2 and 4 controlled substances.
Date convicted: June 30, 2016
Medical license revoked. Controlled substance license voided. Fined $10,000.
BYRD, GARY JEFFERSON child psychiatrist U.S. Louisiana
Child pornography.
Date convicted: December 1992
10 years in jail
Byrd, Holly Nora psychologist U.S. Georgia
Engaged in sexual intimacies with a former patient.
Date convicted: October 2, 2013
License suspended indefinitely.
Byrum, Christopher E. psychiatrist U.S. North Carolina
Abuse of controlled substances.
Date convicted: February 16, 1993
Surrendered license and surrendered it again in 1998
Cabrera, Antonio Asin psychiatrist Spain Canary Islands
Continuous crime of sexual abuse with "carnal access," involving a patient
Date convicted: December 3, 2021
Seven years and one day prison
CACERES, MARIO mental health executive U.S. Pennsylvania
Committing Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: Circa January 2000
5 years probation and $300,000 in restitution
CADDELL, SHERRI school counselor U.S. Alaska
Having sex with a 14-year-old boy.
Date convicted: July 16, 1999
6 years in prison (with 4 1/2 suspended)
Caille, Charles psychiatrist France
Raped three patients.
Date convicted: March 18, 2011
8 years prison.
CAINE, IAN ROBERT psychiatric nurse U.K. Rotherham
Abuse of a patient by forcing him to drink scalding hot tea.
Date convicted: January 17, 2000
4 months in jail
Calaiacovo, David psychologist USA New York
Possession of child pornography involving a prepubescent minor
Date convicted: July 19, 2022
60 months in prison and 15 years supervised release
CALDERON, GONZALO H. former college counselor U.S. California
Possession of a controlled substance and burglary
Date convicted: April 9, 2002
3 years state prison, all but 6 months suspended, less time served (approximately 140 days).
Caldwell, Joel psychologist U.S. New York
Medicaid and Medicare fraud
Date convicted: April 2, 2012
5 years probation with first 60 days in jail
Callum, Luz Martha Psychologist U.S. Oregon
Callum prepared a report to influence a child custody case in favor of the father who had hired her to write it. As part of the report process, Callum misrepresented her partner as a doctor, who was not in fact a licensed health care professional. Her actions caused distress to the mother and to the child. The Board ruled that she engaged in immoral or unprofessional conduct or in gross negligence in the practice of psychology, to include conduct or practice contrary to recognized standards of ethics in a manner that constitutes a danger to the health or safety of a client and otherwise perform services not consistent with the standard of care or contrary to recognized standards of practice of the psychological profession.
Date convicted: March 18, 2016
Surrendered Under Investigation, Fined $500.
CAMERON, ALISTAIR IAN school psychologist Canada Coquitlam
Sexual assault of a woman and sentenced for fondling a 13-year-old student while employed as a school counselor.
Date convicted: Circa 1996
Cameron, Paul F. psychiatrist U.S. Vermont
Sexual relationship with former patient.
Date convicted: November 1997
License suspended for 1 year.
CAMPAGNA, C. THOMAS mental health care executive U.S. Washington DC
Defrauding 8 non-profit mental health care companies that provided services to deinstitutionalized, mentally retarded individuals.
Date convicted: February 13, 1998
18 months in jail and ordered to pay his part of $3,526,966 in restitution
CAMPAGNA, PAUL mental health care executive U.S. Connecticut
Defrauding 8 non-profit mental health care companies that provided services to deinstitutionalized, mentally retarded individuals.
Date convicted: February 19, 1998
1 year and a day in jail and ordered to pay $529,045 in restituion
Campbell, Oza mental health worker U.S. Tennessee
Patient abuse conviction.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
CANTINE, SANDRA counseling service owner U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud involving fraudulent billings for therapy sessions never delivered.
Date convicted: January 1999
6 months in jail; 5 years probation and a judgment of $220,997 was entered against her
CAPPS, ROBERT mental health employee U.S. Wisconsin
Repeated sexual assault of a 14-year-old boy.
Date convicted: November 8, 1995
32 years in prison
CARABELLA, ROBERT mental health office manager U.S. Kentucky
Medicaid insurance fraud and not reporting income he made on his taxes.
Date convicted: July 27, 1999
1 year in federal prison
Carbary, Preston counselor U.S. Washington
Rape (Carbary, a mental health counselor for Child Protective Services, forced a woman to have sex with him on three occasions under threat that he would take her children away and put them in state custody).
Date convicted: June 26, 2007
16 years prison.
CARLISLE, CHRISTINE GRACE psychiatric nurse New Zealand Auckland
Manslaughter, after she pushed her partner into a river and watched him drown.
Date convicted: October 13, 2000
3 years in jail
Carlson, Craig psychologist U.S. Minnesota
Repeated chemical dependency problems.
Date convicted: December 10, 2004
License suspended.
CARLTON, TIMOTHY counseling center owner U.S. New York
Stealing more than $76,000 (along with several coworkers) from Medicaid health insurance.
Date convicted: November 21, 1997
1 to 3 years in jail and ordered to pay restitution
CARMELL, SCOTT LESLIE counselor for incest victims U.S. Texas
Sexually abusing his stepdaughter.
Date convicted: January 1997
2 life sentences
Carmi, Yuval psychologist Israel
Sexual assaults of two female patients
Date convicted: August 2, 2022
39 months prison and NIS 130,000 (approx. $39,000) in compensation to the two former patients
CARMONA, ALICE YOLANDA counselor U.S. New Jersey
Billing Medicaid and practicing medicine, without a license.
Date convicted: December 2, 2000
3 years probation
CARNEY, POMP TEMPLE psychiatrist U.S. Mississippi
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: September 16, 1996
Agreed to pay $301,000 in restitution, civil penalties and fines in a guilty plea
CARROLL, MICHAEL JOHN social worker U.K. Shropshire
Sexual attacks on 12 boys.
Date convicted: July 30, 1999
10 years in jail
CARTER, MELODY J. licensed clinical social worker U.S. Missouri
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 24, 2002
90 days house arrest, ordered to pay $14,562 in fines, $91,118 reimbursement to the Medicaid insurance program and $25,048 in investigation, prosecution and court costs.
Carter, William psychologist U.S. Virginia
Failed to maintain proper boundaries with patient; failed to establish treatment goals.
Date convicted: April 2005
License suspended.
CARTWRIGHT, LOUIS "BILL" psychotherapist U.S. California
Sexual exploitation of a patient.
Date convicted: September 2004
1 day jail, 3 years probation and 100 hours community service.
CARUSO, JOHN assisstance psychology professor U.S. Montana
Having numerous images of child pornography on his computer. Three months prior to his arrest on this conviction, he was arrested in Washington State for soliciting two girls, ages 13 and 15 and was required to register there as a sex offender.
Date convicted: July 27, 2004
40 years custody of the Department of Corrections (with 35 years suspended) which allows for home confinement; $10,000 fine and must register as a sex offender.
CASADA, KAREN R. clinical psychologist U.S. Missouri
Medicare insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 23, 2001
5 years probation (the first 10 months of which must be spent in home detention.)
Casas, Robert psychologist U.S. Illinois
Assaulted his father, a physician, after the father refused to write him a prescription, then proceeded to his home where he was involved in a standoff with police. Thereafter entered a full-time treatment program.
Date convicted: July 31, 2002
License was suspended. On April 20, 2004, Casas was excluded from participation in federally-funded health plans (such as Medicaid).
CASEY, SIMON ANDREW therapist U.S. California
Insurance fraud and practicing psychology without a license.
Date convicted: April 22, 1999
3 years probation, fined $30,000 and ordered to pay up to $40,000 in restitution to 2 former clients
Casey, Carlie psychologist U.S. Washington
Engaged in a "dating/romantic relationship" with a patient or former patient.
Date convicted: February 17, 2005
License suspended indefinitely. In September 2005, Caseyu was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (such as Medicaid, etc.).
CASSIDY, DOUG Riverside Mental Health Association Board Member U.S. California
Date convicted: Circa 1979
3 1/2 years in prison
CASSIDY, THOMAS M. psychiatrist U.S. Kentucky
Defrauding several federal insurance programs.
Date convicted: June 17, 1996
12 months in jail, 2 years probation and ordered to pay $80,645 in restitution
Cattanea, Vanessa mental health treatment director U.S. Idaho
Medicaid fraud
Date convicted: May 18, 2010
20 months prison
Ceglarek, Thomas marriage & family therapist U.S. California
Possession of child pornography and perjury.
Date convicted: June 27, 2011
3 years, 10 months prison.
Celio, David psychologist U.S. Washington
Health care fraud: Submitted false claims for mental health counseling to the U.S. Tricare insurance plan (for families of active members of the military or reserves); illegally billed for sessions handled by phone and billed for a higher level of service than was provided.
Date convicted: April 6, 2007
12 months, 1 day prison. Settled civil charges against him by repaying $510,264.
CENICOLA, DAVID child therapist U.S. New Jersey
Molesting an 8-year-old boy.
Date convicted: December 1, 1997
12 1/2 years in prison
Censits, David Michael Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Engaging in sexual behavior with a former patient within two years of termination of treatment. Dr. Censits began treating female patient "S.Z." for anxiety, depression, and sleep problems in 2007. Dr. Censits alleges that he stopped treating patient S.Z. in November 2009, but he admits that prescriptions were issued under his name for Fluvoximine to this patient from November 2009 to November 2013. Shortly after November 2013, Dr. Censits began texting patient S.Z. in a very personal tone and made other overtures. In 2014, the relationship became sexual. At around the beginning of April Dr. Censits, who was married throughout the relationship, sent a text message to patient S.Z. that said, "I no longer wish to lead a life outside of my marriage and family."
Date convicted: May 24, 2016
License suspended indefinitely for a minimum period of nine months. Mandatory continuing education to be done no later than December 31, 2016.
Cerny, Jerome psychologist U.S. Indiana
Cerny, a former Indiana State University (ISU) psychology professor was found to have acted inappropriately in the psychology laboratory. Two former ISU students testified that Cerny touched them inappropriately during a laboratory experiment concerning "ejaculation latency" or ability to maintain an erection. In his testimony, Cerny admitted to touching one of the students' penises.
Date convicted: December 19, 2003
License revoked. On August 19, 2004, Ceney was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care program (such as Medicaid) due to the revocation of his license.
Cerul, Samuel Maurice Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Charged in 1988, along with another doctor, with providing drugs to other people in addition to themselves, Dr. Cerul faced 28 felony counts of bad faith distribution for prescribing a total of nearly 6,000 Percocet, 1,200 Dolophine (methadone) and thousands of doses of other drugs to seven other people, some of whom had prior drug convictions. In June 1988, he pled "no contest" to 10 misdemeanors.
Date convicted: March 28, 1990
$20,000 fine, 10 years' probation, loss of his DEA registration and a mandatory referral to an alcoholic recovery center. Two years after the 1988 criminal sentencing, the state medical board suspended his medical license's for three months followed by probation.
Cerul, Samuel Maurice Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Violated federal regulations which impose a standard for the practice of the healing arts as regulated by the board.
Date convicted: May 24, 2016
Voluntary Surrender of License
Ceus, Faidherbe psychiatrist U.S. New York
Convicted of perjury.
Date convicted: July 2003
License revoked.
Chambers, Andrew Psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Boundary violations: From approximately November 2014 through April 2015, Chambers engaged in a romantic/sexual relationship with a female patient while providing her psychotherapy and medication management. He continued her treatment despite their ongoing personal/sexual relationship. In April 2015, they began cohabiting. At that time Chambers terminated the practitioner-patient relationship.
Date convicted: September 9, 2016
License was suspended for 12 months in September 2016 (this suspension was stayed in October after he completed the "Maintaining Proper Boundaries" course). Additionally, terms and conditions were placed on his license for 12 months, one of which was he "shall not engage in the practice of psychotherapy."
Chansky, Daniel psychiatrist U.S. New York
"Inappropriate sexual conversations and contact" with a patient.
Date convicted: August 1998
License revoked.
Chapman, Rosalie psychologist U.S. California
Numerous instances of alcohol intoxication both at home and at the workplace.
Date convicted: January 20, 2005
Surrendered license. In September 2005, Chapman was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Chaudhry, Naseem psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Misdemeanor charge of defrauding the Ohio Worker's Compensation Bureau
Date convicted: June 22, 2011
To be sentenced
Chianese, Diego psychiatrist Italy
Sexual violence (rape) with aggravating circumstances.
Date convicted: March 26, 2011
5 years, 4 months prison.
Chieza, Mercy psychologist U.S. Texas
Health care fraud and money laundering of $664,215.
Date convicted: March 10, 2010
3 years prison.
Childs, Winifred psychiatrist Australia
"Intimate contact" with a patient (who was a victim of incest).
Date convicted: 1990
Struck off the medical register (comparable to license revocation).
Chirinos, Edmundo psychiatrist Venezuela
Murdered a patient.
Date convicted: September 29, 2010
20 years prison.
Chisango, Aaron mental health nurse England Wolverhampton
Chisango, a Zambian immigrant who was living illegally in the UK, killed a 12-year-old boy while driving drunk and without a license or insurance.
Date convicted: March 2005
Two months jail.
CHOI, JOON YOUNG psychiatrist U.S. Michigan
Committing Medicaid and private health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: February 3, 1998
2 years probation, 200 hours community service and ordered to pay more than $87,000 in restitution
Choudhry, Muhammed psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Felony charge of defrauding the Ohio Worker's Compensation Bureau
Date convicted: June 22, 2011
To be sentenced
Choudry, Mayna Meah psychiatrist U.S. California
Tested positive for cocaine use. Choudry, who was a psychiatrist at the Women's Correctional Facility in Chowchilla, California, was arrested in April 1999 on charges of rape and false imprisonment involving a woman he'd picked up and on whom he was accused of drugging into unconsciousness and sexually assaulting. It appears that he died before any prosecution could be carried out.
Date convicted: April 2000
License surrendered.
CHRISTIE, HUGH social worker U.K. Surrey
Sexually and physically abusing several young girls in his care.
Date convicted: July 3, 2000
18 months in jail
Christopher, William J. psychiatrist U.S. North Carolina
Engaged in sex with patient.
Date convicted: April 12, 1990
License revoked.
CHUNG, DONGHA psychiatrist U.S. South Carolina
Fraudulently billing Medicaid health insurance.
Date convicted: June 27, 1996
3 years in jail (suspended), 5 years probation and ordered to pay $25,000 in restitution
CHURCHILL, MICHAEL counselor Canada Sarnia
40 sex offenses involving young boys (he plead guilty). Churchill, while in prison, is awaiting sentencing for an additional sexual assault conviction.
Date convicted: April 1998
9 1/2 years in prison
Ciancimino, David psychiatrist U.S. Connecticut
Distribution of a controlled substance without a legitimate medical purpose and outside the scope of professional practice
Date convicted: May 26, 2022
Forty-six months prisons, $25,000 fine, and $175,773 forfeiture
Ciccolini, Samuel psychiatrist U.S. Ohio
Structuring financial transactions to evade reporting requirements, and making and subscribing a false tax return.
Date convicted: October 20, 2010
CICINELLI, RICHARD psychiatrist U.S. Louisiana
Illegally dispensing prescription drugs.
Date convicted: Circa 1998
Jailed for two year and fined $25,000. On July 14, 2003, his medical license was revoked and canceled.
CINO, LOUIS C. drug rehab executive U.S. New York
Defrauding Medicaid health insurance at Aurora Concepts, Inc.
Date convicted: May 23, 2000
5 years probation
CLAIBORNE, CORDELIA psychologist U.S. Kansas
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: May 8, 1997
10 months in prison (controlling sentence), but granted 24 months probation and ordered to pay over $60,000 in restitution and costs
CLAREN, PAUL R. former psychiatric nurse U.S. Ohio
14 charges including felonious assault, retaliation and vandalism (for shooting an air rifle into the windows of the homes of former co-workers whom he blamed for dismissal from his job).
Date convicted: November 21, 2001
10 years in a psychiatric prison ward.
Clark, Anna psychologist U.S. Arkansas
Sexual assault (had sex with a prisoner she treated).
Date convicted: 24-Aug-07
3 years prison.
Clark, Denise mh aide U.S. New York
Criminal possession of stolen property and official misconduct.
Date convicted: April 27, 2010
Restitution and fines totaling more than $1,000.
CLARKE, JASON mentally disabled care manager U.K. Market Harborough
Stealing money from a mentally disabled patient.
Date convicted: August 2000
1 year in jail
Cleveland, Martin psychologist U.S. Tennessee
Engaged in sex with patient, whom he later married.
Date convicted: October 2005
License suspended for 6 months.
Clover, Alan psychiatric nurse UK
Failed to tell his superiors he was being overpaid by mistake; collected an extra £32,151 ($49,835).
Date convicted: May 17, 2010
30-month community order (probation).
Co, Rufino Tan psychiatrist U.S. California
Persuaded two of his patients and the mother of a third patient to buy and then sell products through a multi-level marketing scheme from which he earned money.
Date convicted: January 2005
License suspended 30 days.
COADY, HENRY child psychologist Canada Ottawa
Sexually abusing several children who had been his patients.
Date convicted: September 27, 1991
2 years in jail and 3 years of probation
COATES, JR., RANDY residential treatment center counselor U.S. New York
Sex with two teenage girls he was counseling.
Date convicted: June 6, 2002
6 months jail and court supervision for 10 years.
COBB, KEVIN psychiatric nurse U.K. London
Drugging and raping two women and killing a third one with the drugs he used to render his victims unconscious before raping them.
Date convicted: July 7, 2000
7 life sentences
Health care fraud and conspiracy to defraud the US government.
Date convicted: September 21, 2001
5 months prison, 5 months home confinement and restitution in excess of $480,000.
COHEN, ROBERT psychiatric clinic manager U.S. New York
Helping two psychiatrists defraud the state Medicaid insurance program of more than $1.3 million.
Date convicted: 1991
4 to 12 years in jail and ordered to pay $250,000 in restitution
COHEN, RONALD I. psychologist U.S. New York
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: July 12, 2002
6 months prison.
Coleman, Patrick L. counselor U.S. Washington
Engaged in sex with a patient.
Date convicted: February 23, 2004
License surrendered.
COLLINS, CLAYTON youth counselor U.S. California
Not registering as a sex offender in connection with an earlier conviction of sexually harassing and assaulting several teenage and adult women.
Date convicted: October 6, 2000
4 years in jail
COLLINS, LESLIE E. child sex-abuse counselor U.S. Nebraska
Sexually molesting his young stepdaughters.
Date convicted: September 1997
30 to 50 years in jail
COLLINS, TERRY psychologist Canada Vancouver
Sexually abusing 3 children, 1 of them his stepdaughter.
Date convicted: 1997
30 months in prison
COMSTOCK, GRAYDON EARL school counselor U.S. Kansas
Aggravated indecent liberties with a child and is currently awaiting sentencing for possession of child pornography.
Date convicted: May 2000
Nearly 5 years in prison
CONE, WILLIAM psychiatrist U.S. Missouri
Sexual assault and deviate sexual assault of female patients.
Date convicted: February 10, 1998
133 years in jail. On November 28, 1995, the state of Missouri revoked his medical license for sexual misconduct. The Board had also placed Cone on 5 years probation on December 19, 1978 for sexual improprieties with a patient.
Cone, William psychiatrist U.S. Missouri
Sexual misconduct. Cone had also been placed on 5 years probation on December 19, 1978 for sexual improprieties with a patient. That probation was terminated on March 10, 1984.
Date convicted: November 28, 1995
License revoked.
CONNORS, ROGER counselor U.K. London
Raping 2 teenage girls.
Date convicted: January 24, 1995
9 years in jail
COOK, DAVID F. psychiatrist Canada Ontario
Sexually assaulting four women patients.
Date convicted: March 19, 1998
4 years in jail
COOK, GEORGE social worker U.S. Kansas
Sexually molesting a 7-year-old girl.
Date convicted: July 16, 2000
20 years in prison
Copeland, Patrick counselor U.S. Illinois
Sex with mother of minor client.
Date convicted: May 2004
License suspended for 30 days.
COPLEY, JAMES psychologist U.S. Iowa
Sexual exploitation by a counselor.
Date convicted: October 1998
5 years in jail (suspended)
CORMACK, STEPHEN WAYNE counselor U.S. Maryland
Sexually abusing boys aged 11 to 13.
Date convicted: August 29, 1996
6 months in jail followed by a year's home detention
CORNISH, GEOFFREY social worker U.S. California
Sexual molestation of a 13-year-old boy he was counseling.
Date convicted: September, 24, 2001
23 years prison. Cornish was excluded from participation in federally-funded health plans (Medicaid, etc.) in May 2003.
CORSO, NICOLE unlicensed therapist U.S. Illinois
Having held herself out to be a licensed psychiatrist while providing therapy and committing financial crimes.
Date convicted: September 29, 1999
5 years in jail and $30,000 in restitution
Cosgrove, Patrick psychiatrist UK
Serious professional misconduct (wrote letters of scathing criticism to colleagues).
Date convicted: July 2005
License revoked.
Costin, Avrum psychiatrist Canada Vancouver, BC
Infamous conduct (two-year sexual relationship with a patient).
Date convicted: July 2003
License suspended for 18 months.
COULSON, KENNETH psychologist U.S. Ohio
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: July 12, 1996
18 months in jail (suspended), 48 months probation and ordered to pay more than $120,000 in restitution and investigative costs
Cowan, James Psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
Dr. Cowan was engaged in the aiding and abetting of the unlicensed practice of medicine, indiscriminate prescribing of Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS) and was engaged in the prescribing of CDS in the usual course of professional practice without legitimate medical purpose. On or about March 7, 2016, Dr. Cowan became unable to practice medicine due to various medical conditions and had been either hospitalized or in a nursing care facility. Despite these limitations, Dr. Cowan authorized the use of pre-signed prescription pads by an individual who was not licensed to practice medicine, that individual being his wife who was a licensed social worker but not authorized to issue prescriptions for controlled substances. Dr. Cowan's office manager stated that she believed a lot of Cowan�s patients exhibited drug seeking behavior. She revealed that, at times, prescriptions for controlled substances would be left out in the front mailbox on the porch in sealed envelopes marked with the patient�s name.
Date convicted: June 13, 2016
License suspended
CRAFT, ROBERT BRUCE psychologist U.S. Georgia
Sexual exploitation of a minor and child molestation.
Date convicted: May 18, 2000
20 years in jail and 20 years probation
CRAFT, WILLIAM counselor U.S. Iowa
Sexual exploitation of a patient.
Date convicted: July 2000
Jailed awaiting final sentencing, caught after fleeing his June sentencing
CRAIG, MILES social worker at a psychiatric treatment center for children U.S. Florida
Lewd act on an 11-year-old disturbed boy.
Date convicted: November 1993
2 years house arrest and 8 years probation
Crammer, Yehuda psychiatrist UK
Concealing property to avoid paying bankruptcy debt.
Date convicted: June 8, 2010
30 months jail.
Crass, David psychiatrist U.S. Oklahoma
23 counts of distributing a controlled substance
Date convicted: August 30, 2011
$703,335 in fines
CRAWFORD, BENJAMIN youth counselor U.S. Texas
Molesting a 15-year-old girl who had come to him for help.
Date convicted: November 4, 1992
10 years in prison
CRAWFORD, JANE director of student counseling U.S. California
Stealing and selling a valuable oil painting.
Date convicted: November 29, 1999
5 months prison and ordered to pay $41,280 in restitution
CRAWFORD, QUINCY psychiatric hospital staff U.S. California
Performing lewd acts with a minor (sexual molestation of a 13-year-old female patient).
Date convicted: Circa 2002
3 years prison.
Crawford, Joanne C. Psychologist U.S. California
She engaged in acts of gross negligence constituting unprofessional conduct. She was appointed by the court in divorce case to conduct a comprehensive child custody evaluation to promote effective court orders pertaining to each parent's child custody interests. She then proceeded to communicate extensively with only one of the parents and made recommendations to the court based on representations made only by the one parent. According to California Board of Psychology, "This conduct was an extreme departure from the standard of practice of psychologists in California and constitutes gross negligence."
Date convicted: December 2, 2016
License Surrendered
CREEN, JOSEPH social worker New Zealand Auckland
Sexually assaulting a woman. Creen had previous convictions for robbery and theft in 1978 and 1983.
Date convicted: May 27, 1999
2 years in jail
Crellin, Patricia psychiatrist U.S. Arizona
Failed to report an alleged sexual assault of a patient within the 48-hour period mandated of hospital personnel by Arizona law.
Date convicted: October 29, 2009
3 years probation and 100 community service.
CRENSHAW, ROBERT psychiatrist U.S. California
Allowing assistants to administer pain medication to patients illegally.
Date convicted: December 1998
10 days in jail and ordered to perform 200 hours of community service
Crenshaw, Leonard counselor U.S. Texas
Failure to meet "general ethical requirements."
Date convicted: December 13, 2003
License revoked.
Criado Fernandez, Jose Javier psychiatrist Spain Seville
Crime against moral integrity, for the inappropriate, vulgar and humiliating treatment of one of his patients.
Date convicted: June 31, 2022
1 year prison and 5,000 Euros ($5,170) in compensation to the former patient for moral damages
CRIBB, JR., PHILLIP WAYNE counselor U.S. Florida
Holding himself out as a licensed mental health counselor and forging his credentials.
Date convicted: March 16, 2000
6 months in jail and 10 years probation
Crisostomo, Flor-Mari counselor U.S. Washington
First-degree custodial sexual misconduct (Crisostomo, who counseled at a county juvenile detention center gave candy and phone privileges to an incarcerated 17-year-old boy in exchange for sexual favors).
Date convicted: February 2009
6 months jail.
CROFT, WILLIAM counselor U.S. Iowa
Sexual exploitation of a patient, failure to appear in court and tampering with witnesses.
Date convicted: March 6, 2001
16 years prison.
Crouch, Andrew psychiatric nurse United Kingdom
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: September 2004
Struck off the nursing registry (license revoked).
Crozier, Robert Psychiatrist United Kingdom
In October 2014, he pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a female patient (hugging her and fondling her breasts) and was sentenced to four months in jail and two years probation. He had voluntarily ceased to practice medicine in February of that year, about two months after his arrest. A second patient made similar complaint of his hugging and inappropriate touching of her breasts. As a consequence of his boundary transgressions against a third patient he had treated since 1993, he made payments to her that by 2013 amounted to $150,000. According to the disciplinary committee he demonstrated �disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct� in the three cases.
Date convicted: October 17, 2016
License revoked. Ordered to pay $32,000 for therapy costs to two victims and another $5,000 for the cost of the hearing.
CRUMP, ROGER ALAN psychiatric technician U.S. California
Felony grand theft (doctored timecards to list hours he did not actually work).
Date convicted: July 16, 2004
180 days jail and 5 years probation and must repay $49,500 in bogus overtime.
CRUZ, RICHARD counselor U.S. Oklahoma
Smuggling fake heroin to a prison inmate where he worked.
Date convicted: July 20, 1994
5 years in federal prison
CUMMINS, BRUCE counselor U.S. Washington
Repeatedly raping a 15-year-old patient.
Date convicted: 1989
3 years in prison
Cunningham, Terrell L. master social worker U.S. Michigan
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: April 17, 2006
3 years probation and $117,500 restitution.
CURRAN, BERNARD psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Aggravated indecent assault (coercing a patient into having sex).
Date convicted: April 22, 2002
11-to-24 months house arrest, 2 years probation, $2,500 fine and ordered to never seek reinstatement of his license in Pennsylvania or any other state.
CURRAN, JOAN Psychiatric hospital director U.S. Ohio
Made illegal payments (called "kickbacks") of approximately $600,000 to several sources who referred out-of-town Medicare insurance-covered patients to the hospital where she worked.
Date convicted: March, 2002
4-month term of home confinement, 1 year probation, $30,000 restitution and $100 fine.
Curtis, Joseph social worker U.S. Iowa
Possession of child pornography.
Date convicted: March 27, 2009
64 months prison and 10 years supervised release.
Curtis, Kim G. counselor U.S. Utah
Felony conviction related to controlled substances.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Cusumano, Judy psychologist U.S. North Carolina
Engaged in sex with a patient.
Date convicted: March 31, 2004
License revoked. Cusumano's license in the state of Virginia was suspended on August 11, 2004.
CZAJKOWSKI, DENIS former psychiatric nurse U.S. Pennsylvania
First-degree murder, attempted murder, aggravated assault, kidnapping and related charges. (Three months after being fired from Norristown State Hospital, he took two hostages, killing one and injuring the other in a 46-hour stand-off with police).
Date convicted: July 30, 2002
Life in prison without parole and a consecutive 42 1/2-to-85 year term.
D'Alelio, William psychologist U.S. Virginia
Failure to pay "one-time debt reduction assessment."
Date convicted: August 2004
License surrendered.
Dabbagh, Mamoun Psychiatrist U.S. Michigan
In 2003, between May 7th and May 9th, Dabbagh treated an 8-year old child with a multitude of psych drugs that caused the child to be admitted to a hospital ER to deal with the resulting somnolence that occurred on May 9th after an additional drug was given to the boy by another doctor. Oct 5 2003 a patient transferred to a psych unit was put under the care of Dabbagh. Dabbagh treated the patient with daily multiple psych drugs and the patient died nine days later, on Oct 14th, due to "epileptic seizures disorder" per an autopsy. Dabbagh said he would not have prescribed as many drugs as he did if he knew of other drugs the victim was being given. He found out only when he reviewed the victims medical chart after the death. Investigators found the Dabbagh's treatment of the patient to be negligent but dismissed the charge of incompetence.
Date convicted: May 26, 2010
Fined $2,000.
Dabbagh, Mamoun Psychiatrist U.S. Michigan
Knowingly financially benefited from participating in a human trafficking scheme. Dr. Dabbagh allegedly helped a trafficker forcibly drug "Jane Doe" with Adderall by providing prescriptions for pills.
Date convicted: September 20, 2016
Civil Judgement. Over $500,000 awarded to plainiff Jane Doe.
Dabbagh, Mamoun Psychiatrist U.S. Michigan
Engagement in a pattern of intentional acts of fraud or deceit resulting in harm to the health of patients under his care. Negligence - Incompetence. Lack of Good Moral Character. Drug diversion. Unprofessional Conduct. Dabbagh treated patients with combinations of multiple prescription medications often without justifications for prescribing the drugs. He prescribed them to patients without performing drug screens or liver and kidney tests even though in some cases they had a history of substance abuse or would have been likely to abuse the drugs. He gave a prescription for medical marijuana that wasn't warranted to an undercover police officer in exchange for a payment of $150. Between January 1, 2014 and February 10, 2016, Dabbagh wrote prescriptions for the five most commonly diverted and abused controlled substances at a rate much higher than usual when compared to other psychiatrists in the area he practiced.
Date convicted: February 10, 2017
License permanently revoked. Fined $50,000.
DADA, OLUMBAMIDELE psychologist and owner of import/export business U.S. California
Abandoning dangerous chemicals in a shipping facility under his import/export business.
Date convicted: October 16, 2001
6 months home detention and ordered to pay $70,055 restitution
DALLMAN, JAMES psychiatrist. U.S. Michigan
Insurance fraud and exchanging drugs for sex with a patient.
Date convicted: October 23, 1997
1 year in jail and 5 years probation
Dallman, James psychiatrist U.S. Michigan
Sex with a patient. The Michigan Department of Community Health also suspended Dallman's license on January 19, 1995 and October 23, 1991 for such offenses as improperly distributing medications and kissing other patients. Dallman was also discharged from the U.S. Army after being found guilty of illegally distributing drugs while working as an Army psychiatrist.
Date convicted: April 21, 1997
License revoked for 3 years.
DAMANKOS, FREDERICK J. psychologist. U.S. Ohio
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 13, 1991
18 months in jail (suspended), 3 years probation and ordered to pay $23,845 in investigative costs and restitution
DANIELS, PATRICK psychologist, who worked with children. Canada Newfoundland
Importing child pornography on the internet.
Date convicted: October 6, 1997
30 days house arrest
Daniels, Edward M. psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
In September 1990, the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine charged Daniels with having engaged in sexual contact with four patients beginning in the early 1960s and ending in the early 1980s.
Date convicted: July 1994
License revoked.
Dariah, Gerald Psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
Five misdemeanor counts of issuing/attempting to issue blank prescriptions (which he allowed his staff to fill out for patients).
Date convicted: March 7, 2008
Less than $2,000 in fines and court costs; conviction will be cleared under "first-offender" program.
Darley, Malcolm psychiatrist UK
"Kerb crawling" (soliciting sex from women on the street).
Date convicted: 2008
Fined £300 ($465).
DARMARAJAH, MUTTAIYA psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Health care insurance fraud and income tax evasion.
Date convicted: May, 1998
15 months federal prison, $900,000 restitution to the Medicare and CHAMPUS insurance programs and $29,599 plus interest and penalties to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
Darnall, Douglas psychologist U.S. Ohio
Failed to respond to communication from the licensing board relative to three complaint it received against him; failed to release psychological records to the licensing board upon request with a release; rendered opinions about a parent in a custody matter without having observed the parent's interactions with the children; failed to adequately assess the husband of a client, relative to the husband's head injury, which may caused a traumatic brain injury and resultant cognitive deficits which might have affected his capacity to parent and failed to register as a psychological supervisee a person he used in this capacity who was not a licensed psychological assistant or otherwise qualified to practice psychology, among other things.
Date convicted: May 9, 2005
License suspended for two years, stayed, with minimum of the first six months active suspension.
DARTY, GWENDOLYN social worker. U.S. Alabama
Theft of funds that belonged to residents at the mental health center where she worked.
Date convicted: October 1997
10 years in prison and ordered to pay restitution of $1,200.
DAVIDSON, JON R. psychiatrist. U.S. California
Sexually exploiting a sexually abused 15-year-old girl he was treating.
Date convicted: 1992
2 years in prison
DAVIDSON, MICHAEL mental health manager. U.S. Georgia
Defrauding Medicaid & Medicare insurance of $5.2 million, falsely claimed for procedures not provided or billed for at a higher rate than allowed.
Date convicted: 1997
33 months in jail and 3 years probation, along with other staff at the Shankman/Davidson group
DAVIDSON, THOMAS E. mental health executive. U.S. Georgia
Defrauding Medicaid & Medicare insurance of $5.2 million, falsely claimed for procedures not provided or billed for at a higher rate than allowed.
Date convicted: January 15, 1998
2 years in prison followed by 3 years of supervised release along with other staff at the Shankman/Davidson group,
Davidson, Aile psychiatric nurse Scotland Inverness
Forced a patient to sit unclothed in her own urine all night and verbally abused her.
Date convicted: March 2005
120 hours community service.
Davidson, Lee Andre counselor U.S. California
Criminal conviction related to Medicaid program.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
DAVIS, ESSAU mental health nurse. Canada Toronto
Raping and impregnating a mentally and physically disabled patient.
Date convicted: January 11, 2000
4 years in prison
DAVIS, GAIL mental health executive. U.S. Texas
Tampered with the records of Central Plains Mental Health Mental Retardation, where she worked.
Date convicted: January 23, 1997
1 year of probation, 100 hours of community service and $6,000 in restitution
DAVIS, GEORGE DEWEY mental health shelter manager. U.S. California
Sexually molesting a young boy. He had prior convictions for child molestation in 1981 and 1974. After his parole in 1997, Davis worked at Shelter, Inc. as a manager for more than 2 years despite his background and numerous complaints against him of abuse, fraud, negligence and false imprisonment by clients at the facility.
Date convicted: 1988
16 years in prison
DAVIS, JEAN homeless counseling shelter operator. U.S. Georgia
Mail fraud and false claims to Medicaid.
Date convicted: 1997
2 years in prison, followed by supervised release. Davis and her co-operator were ordered to pay $949, 679 in restitution and forfeit cash and assets of approximately $450, 000
DAVIS, LANCE domestic violence counselor. U.S. Michigan
Trying to kill his wife by throwing an electric hairdryer into her shower.
Date convicted: October 1998
1 to 5 years in prison
Davis, T. Brandon psychologist U.S. Indiana
Health care insurance fraud.
Date convicted: August 4, 2005
3 years prison and mush pay restitution of $291,427.30 to the state of Indiana.
Davis, John psychiatrist U.S. California
Sex with a patient.
Date convicted: 1990
License revoked.
Davis, Thompson psychologist U.S. South Carolina
Sex with patient, boundary violations.
Date convicted: November 1996
License revoked.
Dawkins, Mark psychiatric nurse UK
Possession of child pornography, extreme pornography involving animals and making indecent images of children.
Date convicted: August 15, 2011
Two years probation and sex offender programs
DAY, ROGER psychiatric resident. U.S. Minnesota
Sexual contact with a female patient.
Date convicted: June 3, 1992
100 days in a county workhouse, 10 years probation and 500 hours of community service or a $10,000 fine
Day, Richard psychologist U.S. Florida
Sexual assault and public indecency.
Date convicted: Circa 1994
Four years probation
DAYE, WAYNE substance abuse counselor. U.S. North Carolina
Posession with intent to sell and distribute cocaine.
Date convicted: October 1997
15 years in prison
De Brito , Dirk psychiatrist USA California
Making criminal threats and assault by means of forces likely to produce great bodily injury. NOTE: De Brito changed his name to "John Lee" circa 2021.
Date convicted: May 2, 2017
Three years’ probation with conditions which included a 52-week anger management course or 52 weeks of psychiatric counseling
de la Rocha, Manuel psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Wanton endangerment (originally charged with sexual abuse, among other things)
Date convicted: January 25, 2012
Excluded from federal health plans
De Los Angeles, Reynaldo Adrillana Psychiatrist U.S. Nebraska
De Los Angeles, age 70, was indicted in December 2014 and charged with nine counts of failure to pay Social Security, Medicare and federal income taxes withheld from employees of his Kearney and Grand Island mental health clinics between 2008 and 2012. He withheld $131,775.28 from the employees paychecks but failed to pay the payroll taxes to the Internal Revenue Service as required. Dr. De Los Angeles pled guilty on October 22, 2015.
Date convicted: January 20, 2016
Required to spend eight weekends in the Dawson County jail. Probation for a term of 5 years with special conditions and order to pay $100 Special Assessment and Restitution in the amount of $131,775.28.
De Los Angeles, Reynaldo Adrillana Psychiatrist U.S. Nebraska
(a.) Demonstrated unprofessional conduct by failing to maintain controlled substances purchased with his DEA permit in a controlled premises; and (b.) Demonstrated unprofessional conduct by giving himself Provigil from his office supply. Items were found in his vehicle when he was stopped by police on 8/31/2007.
Date convicted: July 13, 2010
A civil penalty of $5,000 and prohibition from keeping or transporting controlled substances.
De Los Angeles, Reynaldo Adrillana Psychiatrist U.S. Oklahoma
Misrepresenting an investigation on him occurring in Nebraska on his renewal application in Oklahoma.
Date convicted: November 4, 2010
License suspended
De Los Angeles, Reynaldo Adrillana Psychiatrist U.S. California
California license revoked due to disciplinary actions taken in Nebraska
Date convicted: July 1, 2011
License revoked
De Los Angeles, Reynaldo Adrillana Psychiatrist U.S. Nebraska
Dr. De Los Angeles demonstrated unprofessional conduct by failing to conform to the standard of care regarding his prescribing, maintenance, and record keeping of controlled substances, and by engaging in sexual misconduct.
Date convicted: July 12, 2012
Suspended for no less than 1 year. Reinstated 12/12/2014.
De Los Angeles, Reynaldo Adrillana Psychiatrist U.S. Kansas
Fraud or misrepresentation in the renewal of his Kansas license in 2010 and 2011 in that he failed to report adverse actions to the Kansas Board, namely the disciplinary actions against his license in other states. The adverse actions stem from a 2010 Nebraska discipline for improper prescribing.
Date convicted: December 31, 2012
Kansas State Board of Healing Arts denied Dr. De Los Angeles' Application for License Designation Change to Active Status
De Los Angeles, Reynaldo Adrillana Psychiatrist U.S. Arizona
Arizona revoked his medical license due to disciplinary action against his license in Nebraska.
Date convicted: December 12, 2013
License revoked
De los Angeles, Reynaldo psychiatrist USA Nebraska
Third-degree sexual assault involving a former female patient
Date convicted: August 4, 2022
To be sentenced September 2022
DE LOS HEROS, REINALDO psychiatrist. U.S. Massachusetts
Fraudulent billing.
Date convicted: March 13, 1997
2 years in jail (suspended), 3 years probation and ordered to pay $295,681 in fines and restitution. On June 23, 1998, de los Heros' Massachusetts medical license was revoked.
DEANS, DARREN psychiatric nurse trainee. U.S. Melbourne
Killing a man during a fight and covering up the death.
Date convicted: August 23, 1999
4 years in jail
Dearden, Emily Psychologist U.S. New York
Dearden, a former NYPD psychologist, was accused of trying to kill her husband by shooting him in the head in 2013 while he slept, around 4 am. This occurred just a few feet away from where their daughters were sleeping. Her husband survived, and she pleaded guilty in February 2017 to first-degree attempted assault.
Date convicted: June 8, 2017
3 1/2 years in prison.
DEARMAN, CHRISTOPHER therapist. U.K. North Yorkshire
Raping and assaulting a woman he claimed to be helping beat drug addiction.
Date convicted: March 10, 1998
8 years in jail
DEBOLT, DONALD psychologist. U.S. Illinois
Pleaded guilty to charges of 2nd degree criminal sexual conduct for sexually abusing a mentally impaired patient during therapy sessions.
Date convicted: April 1994
Prosecutors recommended a 5 year probation, the last year to be served in jail
DECAULP, PAUL JAMES family therapist. U.S. Oklahoma
Giving a massage to a 17-year-old.
Date convicted: January 10, 1994
90 days in jail and fined $500
DEGUZMAN, ANTONIO adolescent psychiatrist. U.S. Massachusetts
Sexually assaulting 3 young boys who had been his patients.
Date convicted: March 24, 1998
3 to 4 years in prison followed by 15 years probation
DEL CAMPO, VYVIAN mental health billing clerk. U.S. Florida
Billing Medicaid insurance for more time than her psychiatrist husband spent with patients.
Date convicted: July 27, 1992
supervised probation for 6 months, ordered to perform 100 hours community service and to pay restitution and costs totaling $5,702
Delagassi, Rene counselor U.S. Washington
Sex with a patient.
Date convicted: February 2004
License revoked.
Delia, Stephen W. Psychiatrist-Family Medicine U.S. Oklahoma
Prescribing violations, criminal violations of state and federal laws, aiding or abetting a criminal operation, failure to provide a proper and safe medical facility setting and qualified assistive personnel, and aiding or abetting the unlicensed practice of medicine. In October 2010, when Delia was deployed to Afghanistan, he presigned about 5,600 prescriptions for his medical staff to use while he was serving in the Army Reserves and thousands more before then. From Oct. 14, 2010 to Nov. 5, 2010, the clinic documented 452 patient visits with treatment by only the LPNs and physician assistant, and with no physician supervision, as required by law.
Date convicted: March 8, 2012
License Surrendered
Delia, Stephen W. Psychiatrist-Family Medicine U.S. Oklahoma
Found guilty of health care fraud by a federal jury. From February 1, 2010 through November 9, 2010, Delia defrauded money and property of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority by causing the filing of false claims and receiving Medicaid payments for medical services not rendered by a qualified medical professional. In preparation for deployment to Afghanistan, Delia presigned thousands of blank prescriptions for his unsupervised physician�s assistant and nursing staff to disseminate Schedule II narcotics during his absence from the Delia Medical Clinic.
Date convicted: September 29, 2016
Guilty of health care fraud. The jury found that the defendant should forfeit $83,769.27 in assets as part of any sentence imposed.
DelPezzo, Elizabeth psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Engaged in business and personal relationships with several clients.
Date convicted: December 24, 2002
Permanently surrendered license.
DeMartini-Scully, Diane psychologist U.S. New York
Endangering the welfare of a child and criminal contempt. (She was charged in New York with having sex with a 16-year-old boy who had dated her own daughter. She was also convicted of child abuse in North Carolina [where the boy's family had moved] where she also again had sex with the boy and smoked marijuana with him.)
Date convicted: August 10, 2006
6 years probation.
DEMASI, JOSEPH psychiatrist. U.S. New York
Molesting a 10-year-old boy and two other boys, he was returned to prison for violating conditions of his parole by having contact with young children.
Date convicted: Circa 1992
7 years in prison and on parole
DEMBRY, ANTHONY youth counselor. U.S. Colorado
Sexually assaulting a 12-year-old boy and placing him at risk of contacting HIV. Dembry is HIV positive.
Date convicted: March 13, 2000
20 years to life in prison
DENNIS, TAMMYE LYNN mental health care aide U.S. Oklahoma
Abuse by a caretaker.
Date convicted: November 25, 2002
On 10/12/01, Ms. Dennis was sentenced to 3 years prison with all but 30 days suspended. The 30 days were deferred until 11/25/02, based on her meeting sentence requirements: restitution of $231, 50 hours of community service, enrollment and attendance in an anger management class and court costs of $600. However, she failed to repay the court costs by 11/25/02, which activated the 30 day jail sentence.
Dennis, Gregory "Brent" Psychologist U.S. Nevada
He allegedly obtained controlled substances from a drug dealer and his own patients, and he admitted to having a drug addiction.
Date convicted: February 7, 2017
License Suspended
Dennis, Gregory "Brent" psychologist U.S. Nevada
Voluntary manslaughter (involving the death of his wife)
Date convicted: May 10, 2022
Ten years prison
DeSilva, Bernard Psychiatrist U.S. Ohio
From July 2004 To April 2014, DeSilva engaged in irregular prescribing of psychotropic medications and failed to provide sufficient documentation. He failed to perform proper psychiatric evaluations. In some cases he overprescribed and prescribed without providing a rationale for the drugs he was prescribing.
Date convicted: May 11, 2016
License permanently revoked
Desmarais, Gilles psychiatrist U.S. Arizona, Massachusetts, Nevada
Sex with patient. In March 1995 the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine found Dr. Desmarais engaged in misconduct by beginning a sexual relationship with a patient. Desmarais, who was married at the time, advised his wife that he was going to leave her and marry his patient. His wife committed suicide and state documents state that Desmarais moved his patient into his home that same evening. As a result of the Massachusetts action, the Arizona Board of Medical Examiners took action against Dr. Desmarais, for behavior that "was not just unprofessional but unconscionable."
Date convicted: November 30, 2007
Surrendered Nevada license November 30, 2007. The Massachusetts Board revoked his right to renew his license in March 1995. He also surrendered his Arizona medical license in December 1995.
DEVALLE, DAVID psychologist U.K. Wales
Dangerous driving (reversed his car into a cyclist, hitting his bike).
Date convicted: December 10, 2001
3 months in jail, ordered to pay 550 pounds in costs and banned from driving for 1 year.
DEVAUGHN, THOMAS psychiatrist. U.S. Florida
Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: October 5, 1992
30 months in prison (suspended), 1 year probation and costs and restitution totaling more than $18,000
DEVRIES, DANIEL J. psychiatrist. U.S. Michigan
Clubbing his wife over the head with a hammer 9 times during a dispute.
Date convicted: September 1992
6 to 10 years in prison
DEVRIES, DEAN counselor. U.S. Wisconsin
Sexually assaulting a mentally disabled woman.
Date convicted: Circa 2000
1 year in jail and 10 years probation
DEWITT, KEVIN mental health administrator. U.S. California
Using phony documents to land a high ranking county mental health job.
Date convicted: March 30, 2000
120 days in jail, 3 years probation and fined $200
DeYoung, Robert psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Charged by licensing board with engaging in a sexual affair with the wife of a patient.
Date convicted: July 14, 2005
Surrendered license permanently.
DIAMOND, BRUCE I. professor and drug researcher. U.S. Georgia
His part in diverting millions of dollars of research money, meant for the university he worked for, to companies owned by him and his partner, psychiatrist Richard Borison.
Date convicted: December 1997
5 years in prison, 10 years probation and to pay $1.1 million in restitution
DIAS, ALBERT mental health executive. U.S. Massachusetts
His part in defrauding 8 non-profit mental health care companies that provided services to de-institutionalized, mentally retarded individuals.
Date convicted: January 20, 1998
9 months community confinement
DIAS, P. KITSHEN psychiatrist. U.S. New York
Unlawfully selling prescriptions of a tranquilizer.
Date convicted: October 5, 1992
6 months in jail, probation for 4 1/2 years and 500 hours of community service
Dicke, John psychologist U.S. California
License was limited due to use of inappropriate methods of treatment but license was taken away when it became apparent that Dicke would not adhere to regulations or limitations on his methods.
Date convicted: November 2003
License revoked.
DICKERSON, NATASHA DENISE psychiatric hospital technician U.S. South Carolina
Abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult resulting in death (accessory to placing an elderly patient in a scalding bath which resulted in severe burns; delayed in getting medical attention for the patient, who died 7 days later).
Date convicted: November 7, 2001
20 years prison (suspended upon service of 45 days) and 3 years probation.
Dicovsky, Claudio I. Psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
On July 17, 2013, Dr. Dicovsky pled guilty to charges of accepting more than $224,000 in bribes from Biodiagnostic Laboratory Services(BLS) in New Jersey in exchange for his referral of blood specimens as part of a long-running scheme which its organizers have admitted involved millions of dollars in bribes and resulted in more than $100 million in payments to BLS from Medicare and various private insurance companies. He was one of 22 doctors who pled guilty in the operation.
Date convicted: January 5, 2015
Three years' probation which includes one year of house arrest with electronic monitoring. Also, fined $75,000 and assigned 1,500 hours of community service. He must also forfeit more than $222,000.
Dicovsky, Claudio I. Psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
On July 17, 2013, Dr. Dicovsky pled guilty to charges of accepting bribes in connection with referrals of laboratory testing services. An Administrative Complaint was filed with the medical board on March 11, 2014 based on the guilty plea.
Date convicted: February 11, 2015
License revoked. Ineligible to reapply for three years. Must pay a $10,000.00 civil penalty.
Dicovsky, Claudio I. Psychiatrist U.S. New York
Pleaded guilty to bribery charges on Jan 5, 2015.
Date convicted: May 21, 2016
License surrendered
Didenkowski, Nicholas psychologist Australia Ballarat, Victoria
Indecent assault and unlawful assault (touched a 17-year-old female patient on her chest and pelvic area during treatment).
Date convicted: October 21, 2008
6 months' jail suspended for two years on the indecent assault charge; fined $1000 on the unlawful assault.
DIDES, JURJI WADI psychiatrist U.S. North Dakota
Sexually exploiting a 16-year-old male patient.
Date convicted: May 8, 1991
3 years in prison (suspended) and 3 years supervised probation
Dilday, James "Kurt" psychiatrist U.S. Ohio
Overcharging for services not performed and over-prescription of dangerous and/or addictive drugs.
Date convicted: October 12, 2006
License permanently revoked.
Dill, Gregory psychiatrist U.S. North Carolina
Defaulted on school loan or scholarship.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
DILLON, PETER JOHN psychologist Canada Vancouver
Sexual abuse of a 7-year-old girl.
Date convicted: July 22, 1987
1 year in prison
Dilsaver, Gregory C. Psychologist U.S. Idaho
Dr. Dilsaver breached his ethical duties to Client NF. On April 24, 2013, Client NF flew to Idaho for treatment at Dilsaver's facility. Dilsaver's specialized treatment group never materialized and NF was effectively left on his own. Dilsaver told NF's mother that he did not have time for NF. Dilsaver failed to provide NF with group treatment which had been promised and failed to provide reports to the Court (who had released NF to Dilsaver's care).
Date convicted: April 20, 2016
License revoked. Fined $8,000.
Dilsaver, Gregory C. Psychologist U.S. Washington
License was revoked in Idaho due to unprofessional conduct.
Date convicted: June 6, 2017
License suspended for at least 5 years.
DINKLE, ARTHUR clinical social worker U.S. New Jersey
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: April 4, 2003
2 years probation and ordered to pay $45,281 in restitution.
Dipinto, Dennis marriage & family counselor U.S. Rhode Island
Engaged in sex with the wife of married couple he was counseling. He encouraged the wife to divorce and then he became engaged to the woman.
Date convicted: September 2005
License suspended for 5 years.
Dippel, John A. psychiatrist U.S. Washington
Admitted to having sex with a female patient.
Date convicted: October 24, 2003
License revoked.
DITTON, MARY JANE psychiatrist Australia Brisbane
Medicare insurance fraud.
Date convicted: 1997
2 1/2 years in jail and ordered to repay nearly $35,000
Dobbs, John Psychologist U.S. California
He engaged in sexual misconduct, exploited a former patient, failed to safeguard patient records, failed to timely report a malpractice settlement agreement, and failed to cooperate in the Board's investigation. Dobbs began treating a female patient in October of 2012 after she had separated from her husband and was grieving over the death of her father. Dobbs terminated the treatment in February 2013 and initiated a sexual relationship. After a month, the patient requested Dobbs to refrain from contacting her as the relationship caused her "profound confusion." Dobbs continued to pursue the personal and sexual relationship and it continued through July 30, 2014 when the patient ended it. He failed to timely report a $3,000 malpractice settlement agreement with the patient, and the agreement included provisions that prohibited the patient from cooperating with any Board investigation. He also failed to keep adequate records of his treatment of the patient.
Date convicted: July 27, 2016
License surrendered
Dobrowolski, Stanley psychotherapist Canada Ontario
Professional misconduct with female university students.
Date convicted: December 2004
License suspended six months.
DOBSON, RICHARD D. substance abuse counselor U.S. New Jersey
Repeatedly raping his stepdaughter and threatening her with guns and knives.
Date convicted: March 20, 1998
Nearly 25 years in jail
Doe, John psychiatric nurse Bahrain N/A
Grand larceny (theft) - submitted thousands of false claims to the Medicaid and Medicare insurance programs for psychiatric services that were never rendered.
Date convicted: October 2005
$436,628.00 restitution and 3-year conditional discharge same as a suspended sentence, in which the defendant must comply with certain conditions or else they will have to serve the time).
Doebler, Dorothy mental health counselor and marriage & family therapist U.S. Washington
Poisoned animals (fed a neighbor's dog hamburger laced with gopher poison).
Date convicted: June 30, 2008
360 days jail with 330 days suspended, 12 months probation on deferred adjudication (meaning if she completes probation without violating any of its terms and conditions, the conviction will be removed from her record.
DOLENZ, BERNARD JOSEPH psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Defrauding various insurance companies.
Date convicted: December 18, 1998
More than 7 years in prison and ordered to pay more than $1.68 million in restitution
Domagala, Rebecca counselor U.S. Minnesota
Patient abuse conviction.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
DONAGHY, THOMAS psychiatric hospital owner U.S. Ohio
Making illegal payments (called "kickbacks") to others for referring Medicare insurance-covered patients to his hospital for treatment.
Date convicted: May, 2002
1 year in jail; $600,000 restitution and $100 fine.
DONGARRA, MICHAEL psychologist U.S. Arizona
Defrauding nearly $100,000 from insurance companies and stealing religious artifacts from two California churches. Dongarra had a 1983 conviction for Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: May 1998
21 years in prison
DORSEY, MARILYN high school counselor U.S. Georgia
Sexually molesting a student.
Date convicted: October 1991
15 years in prison
DOSHI, PRIYKANT S. psychiatrist U.S. New York
Illegally dispensing and selling prescription drugs.
Date convicted: March 28, 1996
2 1/2 to 7 1/2 years in jail
DOSSEY, DONALD EUGENE psychotherapist U.S. California
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: November 9, 1988
2 years probation and ordered to pay $1,500 toward the cost of his prosecution
DOSWELL, RONALD J. social worker U.S. Maryland
Billed for therapy sessions that never took place.
Date convicted: June 12, 1997
3 years in jail and to pay $563,193 restitution to Medicaid & Medicare insurance programs, which he defrauded
DOYLE, PATRICK associate psychology professor U.S. Texas
Murder (killed his stepfather with a hammer).
Date convicted: March 1, 2003
25 years prison.
Dreyer, Joel Stanley psychiatrist U.S. California
Possession with intent to distribute oxycodone and unlawful distribution and dispensing of oxycodone/Percocet.
Date convicted: December 14, 2009
10 years prison.
Duchesne, Shadi psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
10 counts of refusal or failure to make, keep or furnish any record, notification, order form, statement, invoice or information, as required under the Controlled Substances, Drug, Device and Cosmetics Act (Duchesne failed to make, keep or furnish the record of her dispensing of Oxycodone, a Schedule II controlled substance).
Date convicted: March 12, 2009
5 years supervised probation, restitution and 50 hours community service.
DUCRO, THOMAS psychotherapist U.S. Massachusetts
Using a fake social worker's license to bill Medicare for therapy visits with nursing home residents.
Date convicted: September 29, 1999
8 months home confinement, 2 years probation and ordered to pay $44,252
Duffy, William psychologist U.S. Minnesota
Engaged in a sexual relationship with a graduate student he was supervising and made sexually inappropriate comments to another.
Date convicted: December 2004
License suspended 1 year.
DUFORT, WILLIAM (HANK) residential childrens U.S. Oregon
Sexually abusing 6 boys at the Albany Youth Care Center, a Farm Home affiliate, where he was the director.
Date convicted: November 2, 1990
48 years in jail and $25,000 in fines
DUHAMEL, YVAN psychiatric nurse Canada Quebec
Rape of a psychiatric patient with a mental age of 2 years.
Date convicted: June 6, 2002
4 years prison.
Duncan, Dave psychiatrist England
Sexual relationship with patient.
Date convicted: November 2002
License suspended for 12 months.
Duncan, James Bennie Vincent psychiatric nurse England
Sleeping on the job; smelling of alcohol.
Date convicted: December 11, 2002
License revoked.
Dundar, Oksana psychiatrist Russia
Taking bribes.
Date convicted: June 14, 2010
3.5 conditional sentence.
DUNN, FRANK psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Illegally distributing prescription drugs.
Date convicted: October 27, 1992
16 years in prison and $10,000 in fines and restitution
Dunn, Kerri psychology professor U.S. California
Filing a false police report and attempted insurance fraud (vandalized her own car in the parking lot of a college where she was speaking about racial tolerance and reported it as a hate crime).
Date convicted: December 15, 2004
One year prison and ordered to pay $19,500 restitution to the college.
DUPUY III, SIDNEY J. psychiatrist U.S. Louisiana
Defrauding Medicaid and Medicare insurance programs.
Date convicted: June 30, 1999
4 years probation, 1 year to be served in home confinement, ordered to repay $210, 000 to Medicaid/Medicare and agreed to pay $290,000 to settle civil claims
Duran, Lawrence community mental health center owner U.S. Florida
Medicaid fraud conviction
Date convicted: December 9, 2011
50 years prison
Durand, Pierre psychiatrist U.S. New Hampshire
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: December 1998
Licensed revoked for 3 years.
DURON, ROBERT MICHAEL counselor U.S. California
Sexual assault of a minor at a group home where he worked.
Date convicted: March 23, 2000
120 days in jail (served on weekends)
DWIGHT, BEVERLY psychologist Russia Moscow
Defrauding seven U.S. banks. She spent time in jail in both Moscow and New York while awaiting trial.
Date convicted: July 18, 1996
3 years probation, $25,000 fine and to pay restitution of $830,000
Dwyer, Dan E. Psychiatrist U.S. Idaho
Pled guilty to felony, Obtaining a Controlled Substance by Fraud, in a District Court in Idaho response to a charge alleging six counts of obtaining Ritalin, a controlled substance, by fraud, through a scheme in which a patient obtained the substance with a prescription issued by respondent, with the agreement that the patient would return the controlled substance to respondent. Occurred February 24, 1998, through April 26, 1998. The scheme, as carried out, also constituted insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 2, 1999
Probation with judgment withheld for four (4) years.
Dwyer, Dan E. Psychiatrist U.S. California
California revoked his license based on a 1999 Idaho Medical Board order that charged that Dwyer may be unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients; that he has self-prescribed controlled substances; and that he pled guilty to a felony, to wit, obtaining a controlled substance by fraud. Dwyer was first licensed in California in 1982.
Date convicted: March 13, 2000
License revoked.
Dwyer, Dan E. Psychiatrist U.S. Idaho
In November of 1997, three months after being issued an Idaho medical license, Dwyer was charged with multiple criminal felonies consequent to diverting a controlled drug, i.e., Ritalin, for his own use. This criminal proceeding generated grave concern that Respondent was unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety thus jeopardizing pubic welfare resulting in restrictions being placed on his medical license in 1999. The license was suspended and surrendered in 2004. Dwyer went to multiple addiction treatment centers for his alcohol and drug dependencies. Effective 07/31/2013 his Idaho medical license was reinstated and placed on 10 years probation with one year monitored medical practice and various terms and conditions. In February of 2016 it was surrendered.
Date convicted: February 3, 2016
License Surrendered.
Dyer, Stephen hypnotherapist UK Folkstone, England
Seven counts of sexual assault involving female patients.
Date convicted: September 17, 2008
5 years prison, ordered to cease working as a hypnotherapist, psychotherapist or counselor and ordered to register as a sex offender.
Eardley, Robert Gerald psychologist U.S. Michigan
Criminal sexual conduct and sexual intercourse as a pretext of medical treatment. Eardley engaged in sexual relationship with (sexually assaulted) two hearing impaired female patients who were both victims of past sexual abuse.
Date convicted: September 21, 2006
Six months jail, five years probation, and much register as a sex offender for 15 years.
EARLEY, TERESITA E psychiatrist U.S. New York
Defrauding Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: August 2, 1994
5 years probation and ordered to pay restitution of $400,000
EASTON, FREDDY psychologist. U.S. California
Brandishing a weapon during a family disturbance and resisting arrest.
Date convicted: 1990
3 year unsupervised probation
EDMONDS, DOROTHY A. substance abuse clinic owner U.S. Louisiana
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: October 7, 1999
15 years (suspended) prison term, 5 years probation and $345,000 in restitution, penalties and costs
EDSON, JACK psychiatrist U.S. Wisconsin
Sexually abusing three teenage patients. He was a former president of the Wisconsin Psychiatric Association.
Date convicted: Circa 1987
5 years in jail
Edward , Bukowski psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Sex with a client and assault.
Date convicted: March 2000
Indefinitely suspended.
Egan, Paul James Psychologist U.S. New York
He pleaded guilty to Promoting a Suicide Attempt, a felony. In January 2012, Egan and his wife entering into a 'suicide pact.' An investigation found that Egan had stuffed clothing into a furnace ventilation duct and turned on a gas generator, allowing carbon monoxide to permeate his home. His wife perished four days afterward.
Date convicted: October 15, 2015
5 years of felony probation
Egan, Paul James Psychologist U.S. New York
Convicted of Promoting a Suicide Attempt, a felony.
Date convicted: July 12, 2016
License surrendered
Egel, Lawrence psychologist U.S. Illinois
Convicted for four counts of misdemeanor battery (sexually harassed and groped a patient) as well as allegedly engaging in deliberate and repeated comments, gestures and physical contacts of a sexual nature with three female patients.
Date convicted: May 2003
License suspended indefinitely but no less than three years.
EHRLICH, JOEL H. psychologist U.S. Colorado
Defrauding Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: March 1, 1993
30 days in jail, 2 years deferred sentence and $18,090 in reimbursement to the state
EHRLICH, LEAH L. mental health staff U.S. Colorado
Defrauding Medicaid insurance with her husband, psychologist Joel H. Ehrlich.
Date convicted: March, 1993
2 years in prison (deferred) and placed on electronic home monitoring
Eisert, Stephen drug counselor U.S. Texas
Indecency by contact with a male patient.
Date convicted: September 2004
License revoked.
ELDREDGE, ALLEN family therapist U.S. California
29 counts of forcible sex acts on a 14-year-old female patient and 1 count of conspiracy.
Date convicted: March 22, 2002
90 years state prison (30 consecutive 3 year sentences); must serve 72 years before eligible for parole.
Ellis, Brian counseling services owner and operator U.S. Missouri
Defrauded the Medicaid program and the Missouri Division of Family Services of more than $264,000.
Date convicted: April 4, 2005
60 days house arrest and five years' probation and must repay the Missouri Medicaid program $242,010. In September 2005, Ellis was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Ellis, Carri Anne counselor U.S. Missouri
Defrauded the Medicaid program and the Missouri Division of Family Services of more than $264,000.
Date convicted: April 4, 2005
5 years in prison, must repay $242,010 to the Missouri Medicaid program and $22,312.78 to the Department of Family Services.
ENKELMANN, RAINER psychiatrist Germany
Sexually abusing female patients over a period of years. Enkelmann had previously been jailed for 15 months on a similar charge.
Date convicted: July, 1993
3 years, 6 months in jail
ENZENSPERGER, ROBERT developmentally disabled aide. U.S. California
Sexually molesting male and female mentally retarded patients where he worked.
Date convicted: November 29, 1993
1 year in jail and 3 years probation
Eroshevich, Khristine psychiatrist U.S. California
Prescription fraud
Date convicted: January 6, 2011
One year summary probation and $170 fine (felony reduced to misdemeanor)
Esser, Aristide psychiatrist U.S. New York
Illegally distributing prescription drugs
Date convicted: June 29, 2012
Estroff , Todd Wilk psychiatrist. U.S. Florida, Georgia, New York
Defrauding several insurance programs of $365,711.
Date convicted: February 9, 1995
7 1/2 months in prison and 7 1/2 months house arrest followed by 3 years supervised release. On February 7, 1996, Estroff surrendered his New York medical license.
Etter, Larry counselor U.S. Texas
Sexual assault of a child
Date convicted: March 6, 2012
10 years prison
EVANS, GREGORY LYNN former mental health technician U.S. North Carolina
Sex acts with a 15-year-old patient.
Date convicted: January 23, 2002
18 years, 9 months-to-23 years, 3 months prison.
Evans, John C. counselor U.S. Georgia
Child molestation, aggravated child molestation, statutory rape, enticement of a child for immoral purpose, sexual assault of a person in custody.
Date convicted: March 10, 2005
20 years prison with 12 years to serve and 8 years probation.
Ewa, Joseph psychiatrist U.S. New York
Offering a false instrument for filing (fraud).
Date convicted: June 8, 2004
Five years probation. On February 1, 2005,the state of New York suspended his license for two years with all but two months stayed and placed his license on probation for three years. On December 20, 2004, he was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
EWUZIE, EMMANUEL community mental health center operator U.S. Texas
Medicare insurance fraud.
Date convicted: October 4, 2001
30 months prison.
FALAH, ELI psychologist. Israel Tel Aviv
Sexually assaulting clients, including a minor.
Date convicted: December 24, 1993
4 years in prison
FALEK, ALEXIS/BROWN psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Medicare insurance fraud.
Date convicted: November 1, 1996
6 months home detention and 1 year probation
Fantone, Emannuel Psychiatrist U.S. California
On April 20th, 2015, he was arrested at work when he appeared to be "under the influence." The arresting officer searched his car and found methamphetamine for which he tested positive. He also tested positive for cocaine. Charged with possession of a controlled substance, Fantone pleaded not guilty.
Date convicted: April 28, 2016
His California license is on probation with various conditions. As of June 2, 2017, the criminal case is still open with a Settlement Hearing scheduled.
Fantone, Emannuel Psy U.S. Wisconsin
Action taken as a result of the California Medical Board disciplinary actions.
Date convicted: July 20, 2016
Permanent Voluntary Surrender.
Farmer, Robert A. psychiatrist U.S. California
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: June 12, 1995
License revoked.
Farmilant, Steven R. Psychologist U.S. Illinois
Failure to file and/or pay Illinois state income taxes.
Date convicted: January 6, 2017
License Suspended (License was reinstated on March 3, 2017)
Fattmann, Kenneth J. Psychiatrist United States Missouri
The United States government claimed in a civil suit that Fattman owed it money as a result of an agreement he made for his medical training at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences ("USUHS") School of Medicine in 1983. He defaulted on an agreed obligation to serve in active duty as a medical officer in one of the uniformed services for a certain number of years and so incurred a monetary liability.
Date convicted: October 5, 1995
Judgement -- requires him to pay $508,853
Fattmann, Kenneth J. Psychiatrist United States Missouri
Failure to file a state tax return and/or pay state tax liabilities.
Date convicted: September 19, 2016
Fawcett, Luke psychologist Australia Western Australia
Double murder
Date convicted: February 3, 2022
Life in prison with 34-year minimum to serve
Feaster, Dan G. social worker U.S. Wisconsin
Disorderly conduct (inappropriate contact with five women while intoxicated)
Date convicted: February 14, 2011
Feder, Adam psychologist U.S. Florida
Date convicted: December 22, 2009
6 years prison, 4 years probation.
Feigon, Joel psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Sexual relationship with a married patient from May 1975 until she left therapy in 1976 and continuing until 1981.
Date convicted: June 1996
License revoked.
FEIL, ELIZABETH prison psychologist U.S. Maryland
Helping two prison inmates, one of whom she had an affair with, escape from prison.
Date convicted: March 15, 2000
2 years in jail (1 1/2 years suspended) and 5 years supervised probation
Feldman, Steven B. (unqualified) psychologist U.S. New York
Offering a false instrument for filing (worked for four years in the judicial system based on false credentials).
Date convicted: June 1, 2011
Pleaded guilty; to be sentenced.
Felker, Kenneth psychologist U.S. Ohio
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: September 2005
Surrendered license.
Felner, Robert psychologist U.S. Illinois
Nine federal counts, including mail fraud, conspiracy to commit money laundering, income tax evasion and conspiracy to impede the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
Date convicted: January 8, 2010
63 months prison.
Ferguson, Daniel S. marriage & family therapist, counselor U.S. California
Engaged in sex with a client.
Date convicted: July 5, 2001
Marriage & family therapist license revoked. On October 18, 2003, the state of Washington revoked Ferguson's counseling license. In October 2005, he was Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
FERRIN, MARGARET educational psychologist U.S. California
Illegally billing insurance companies for nonexistent treatments.
Date convicted: February 8, 1999
3 1/2 years probation, 400 hours community service and $5,983 in restitution
Festa, Vincent school psychologist U.S. New York
Sodomized teenage boys.
Date convicted: July 6, 1995
5 years probation.
Fider, Alex A. psychiatrist U.S. Tennessee
Reckless aggravated assault (relative to a "road rage" incident in which he fired a gun, striking another vehicle which contained children).
Date convicted: March 10, 2008
3 years probation.
Fidler, Walter psychologist U.S. Arizona
Unprofessional conduct.
Date convicted: November 8, 2004
License suspended 364 days.
FIEDLER, KURT R. psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Defrauding the Medicaid insurance program.
Date convicted: October 3, 1992
5 years in jail (suspended) and $110,000 in fines and restitution and 1000 hours of community service
Figley, Craig psychologist U.S. Washington
Child molestation.
Date convicted: March 24, 2010
14.5 years prison.
FINAU, PUSA (AKA MATUA FINAU) mental health worker New Zealand Wellington
2 counts of sexual violation and 4 counts of indecent assault (of an 11-year-old girl).
Date convicted: January 19, 2001
4 1/2 years and 2 year sentences, to be served concurrently.
Finch, Edwin Clark psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Convicted of a misdemeanor in the practice of psychology. The Pennsylvania Board of Psychology has been contacted for information on the exact reasons for the Finch's suspension. On April 3, 2002, he was convicted of Medicare fraud.
Date convicted: February 2004
License suspended for 1 year (2004). 1 year probation; $9,600 restitution, $5,000 fine and re-paid $86,000 to U.S. government (2002)
FINK, DAVID M. psychologist U.S. New Jersey
Health care claims fraud.
Date convicted: August 13, 2002
3 years probation and ordered to pay a $3,000 fine. His New Jersey medical license was revoked June 30, 2003 and he was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in March 2005.
Fink, Robert I. Psychiatrist United States Washington
Boundary violations: he allowed a couple that he'd been treating to move into his home and do work on his house. He had a sexual relationship with one of them. He was also cited for "inappropriate treatment and prescribing practices" with that couple and with a third patient.
Date convicted: October 7, 2016
Voluntary Surrender of his license.
Finlay-Jones, Robert psychiatrist UK
Professional misconduct, including a four-month sexual relationship with a patient.
Date convicted: 2001
Struck off of the medical register (same as license being revoked).
Finney, John Psychologist United States Oregon
Cited by the Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners for "immoral or unprofessional conduct or gross negligence" and two other violation of Ethical Standards. Finney failed to take immediate and effective steps in responding to a threat by his client that the client might harm his wife and a suspected suitor. The Board also found that Finney had a personal "investment" in his client that reflected "a lack of objectivity and sound professional judgment indicative of a multiple relationship."
Date convicted: June 9, 2016
License surrendered; civil penalty of $I,OOO
Finney, John Psychologist United States Oregon
Cited by the Oregon Board of Psychologist Examiners for "immoral or unprofessional conduct or gross negligence" and two other violation of Ethical Standards. Finney failed to take immediate and effective steps in responding to a threat by his client that the client might harm his wife and a suspected suitor. The Board also found that Finney had a personal "investment" in his client that reflected "a lack of objectivity and sound professional judgment indicative of a multiple relationship."
Date convicted: June 9, 2016
License surrendered; civil penalty of $I,OOO
FIQUIA, NASIR therapist Canada Edmonton
Tricking a teenage female patient into sado-masochistic acts for four years.
Date convicted: March 26, 1992
30 months in prison
Fischer, Charles Henry Psychiatrist United States Texas
Convicted of 13 felony counts, including four counts of sexual assault of a child, six counts of indecency of a child by contact and three counts of indecency of a child by exposure. Fischer, 64 at the time, was accused of abuse by seven men, six of whom were his patients and a former neighbor who said he was 7 or 8 years old when Fischer molested him. Fischer didn't testify in the trial, but paid roughly $65,000 to two psychologists whose testimony raised the possibility the allegations against him were false and the result of the accusers being mentally ill. Most of the victims were teenagers when the alleged assaults occurred in the early 2000s. Fischer worked at Austin State Hospital before he was fired in 2011 over the allegations. In the sentencing phase, Austin police officers testified about an unrelated 2013 arrest on a public lewdness charge in 2013 where police saw him engaging in oral sex with another man in a public area. He was to be tried separately for that incident.
Date convicted: November 17, 2016
40 years in prison by Travis County (TX) court jury
Fischer, Charles Henry Psychiatrist United States Texas
The Texas Medical Board determined that Dr. Fischer's continuation in the practice of medicine constituted a "continuing threat to the public welfare." They found that Fischer had demonstrated a pattern of sexually abusing teenage boys in his care for inpatient psychiatric treatment over a period of nearly 20 years. On November 30, 2012, the Board reaffirmed the suspension in light of criminal proceedings following Fischers' June 14, 2012 indictment by a Travis County Grand Jury on charges of sexual assault of a child. The suspension was again reaffirmed by the Board on May 2, 2014 after they were informed of Fischer's arrest for public lewdness in 2013; it was agreed that the suspension would become permanent if Fischer was found guilty of his ongoing criminal proceedings. He was convicted of 13 charges on November 16, 2016.
Date convicted: November 22, 2011
SUSPENSION of medical license.
Fischer, Diane Rae Psychiatrist United States Florida
In or about May, 2014, Respondent abandoned her medical practice and began practicing at a new location. She did not provide notice to her patients of her relocation and did not inform the Board of Medicine that she was terminating her practice and relocating. Patients who sought their medical records were unable to obtain them.
Date convicted: August 16, 2016
License SUSPENDED. Fine of $5,000. Assessed Costs of $9,680.
Fish, Donald Ellsworth psychologist U.S. Colorado
Assault and sexual assault on an at-risk adult (Fish sexually assaulted developmentally disabled women he was treating). In August 2007, Fish--who was still serving the sentence on his January 2007 conviction--was charged with additional sex crimes involving other victims (a child and another woman). He pleaded guilty in August 2007 to sexual assault on a client by a psychotherapist, sexual assault and unlawful sexual contact.
Date convicted: January 24, 2007 and
1 year jail and six years sex offender intensive supervised probation (1/24/07) and 4 years jail and 15 years of sex offender intensive supervised probation (9/20/07). He must also register as a sex offender.
Fish, David C. psychiatrist UK Warwickshire, England
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: November 2004
License revoked.
Fisher, Roger psychologist U.S. Ohio
Provided forensic opinion in divorce cases against parents he had never met.
Date convicted: December 9, 2002
Voluntary surrender of license.
Fleck, Stephen psychologist and counselor U.S. Wisconsin
Violation of a harassment restraining order, carrying a concealed weapon and resisting and officer.
Date convicted: January 2006
FLEMONS, DEBRA COATES master social worker U.S. Texas
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: October 2001
70 months prison and $2.7 million restitution.
FLETCHER, JAMES E. psychiatric business partner U.S. Georgia
Defrauding Medicaid health insurance along with his partner, psychiatrist James McClendon.
Date convicted: October 1, 1998
46 months in prison
Flod, Ramona psychiatrist U.S. Wisconsin
Charged by the state medical licensing board of misrepresenting herself and committing unprofessional conduct.
Date convicted: July 2003
Voluntarily surrendered license.
Flood, Barbara social worker U.S. Colorado
Medicaid-related conviction.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Flores, Sigifredo counselor U.S. Texas
Felony sexual assault and sexual contact against four patients, two of whom were children.
Date convicted: November 8, 2007
27 years prison and fined $125,000.
Flores, William Simeon counselor U.S. California
Criminal conviction related to Medicaid program
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
FOLEY, KATHLEEN psychiatric aide U.S. Pennsylvania
Murdering her husband of nine years, so that she could be with her lover.
Date convicted: October 2, 2000
Life in prison
Folsom, Thomas psychiatrist U.S. Minnesota
Criminal sexual conduct: sexually assaulted patient, calling it therapy.
Date convicted: September 11, 2008
41 months prison.
FONDREN, KYLA group home worker U.S. Michigan
Assaulting a mentally disabled woman and fracturing the woman's cheek and ankle.
Date convicted: June 9, 1999
1 to 2 years in jail
FORD, DALE group home worker U.S. Tennessee
Sexually abusing a mentally handicapped man.
Date convicted: Circa December, 1999
4 years in prison and placed on the sex offender registry
FORD, DONALD P. psychiatric resident U.S. Pennsylvania
Third-degree murder and drug distribution (fed cocaine to a 4-month-old infant to keep him quiet).
Date convicted: July 26, 2001
5-10 years for child's death and 1-2 years for drug distribution.
FORFAR, JAMES D. former drug counselor U.S. Michigan
Pleaded no contest to a charge of attempted fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct and guilty to a charge of possession of marijuana. He allegedly sexually assaulted a woman at knifepoint.
Date convicted: April 4, 2002
Jailed 60 days (less 23 days for time spent in drug rehabilitation), 18 months probation, $310 in fines and ordered to register as a sex offender for 25 years.
FORGEY, BURNELL G. psychiatrist U.S. California
Sexually molesting a 16-year-old male patient, together with convicted child molester James Crummel.
Date convicted: July 23, 1999
5 years probation, and served more than 1 year in jail awaiting trial
Formick, Robin L. mental health counselor U.S. Ohio
Disorderly conduct.
Date convicted: September 22, 2008
Ordered to surrender counseling license (other sentence details not known).
FORNAH, GEORGE mental health worker U.S. Washington
Raping a 22-year-old woman while she was in restraints.
Date convicted: Circa 1990
just over 2 years in prison
FORTE, WILLIAM Navy psychiatrist U.S. California
Failing to record prescriptions written for a staff member.
Date convicted: October 7, 1993
Reprimanded and fined $5,000
FORTMAN, THOMAS J. youth counselor U.S. Ohio
Having sex with a teenage girl and taking nude photos of other teens.
Date convicted: April, 1997
8 to 19 years prison
Foulks, Claude mental hospital director U.S. California
Molested his foster son over an eight-year period.
Date convicted: February 23, 2011
248 years prison.
Fountain, Chip Hayward psychiatrist U.S. Tennessee
Statutory rape by an authority figure: was indicted by grand jury following an investigation into a sexual relationship with an underage patient).
Date convicted: March 3, 2009
"Judicial diversion"(Fountain pleaded guilty and was placed on two years probation. If he complies with all conditions of probation, the charge will be dismissed from his I record).
FOX, MICHAEL psychiatric nurse U.K. Dorset
Sex attacks on mentally-retarded women.
Date convicted: February 1994
9 terms of life imprisonment
Fraelich, Charles Bruce child psychologist U.S. Michigan
Traveling interstate to have sex with an eleven-year-old and using the Internet to attempt to coerce and entice a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity.
Date convicted: December 14, 2006
Eleven years and three months prison and ten years supervised release.
Fraga, Michael Anthony Psychologist United States California
Willful Communication of Confidential Information; Unprofessional Conduct-Gross Negligence. Violated ethical principles by meeting jointly with a wife and husband in a troubled marriage, and then improperly disclosed confidential information. He did not clarify the nature and purpose of his services to the couple and he did not remain neutral in his relationship with them to the point that he disclosed the confidential information of one party to the divorce attorney of the spouse.
Date convicted: June 1, 2016
Fraga, Michael Anthony Psychologist United States California
Unlicensed Practice of Psychology; False or Misleading Statements Generally. Misleading the public to believe that he was still a licensed psychologist and advertising psychological services online after his license had been revoked on June 1, 2016. A second citation was issued on June 1, 2017 for unlicensed practice by misleading the public that he was a "certified neuropsychologist" and he continued to engage in psychology.
Date convicted: December 8, 2016
Fined $5,000 by the California Board of Psychology. $2,500 each time in two separate citations.
FRANCIS, DAVID drug counselor U.K. Nottingham
Dealing the drug, heroin.
Date convicted: March 1, 2000
7 years in jail
FRANK, JAMES GEORGE school counselor U.S. Colorado
Allegations of sexually assaulting several teenage boys.
Date convicted: December 1997
Initially jailed during an investigation. He killed himself while awaiting trial
FRANKEL, MAX psychologist U.S. New Jersey
Not paying $135,000 in court-ordered restitution for fraudulently over billing Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: September 8, 1993
2 1/3 to 7 years in jail
Frankenburg, John B. (a.k.a. Blaine J.) counselor U.S. Ohio
Billed insurance companies for services during period when license was suspended.
Date convicted: January 31, 2011
30 days in jail, five years probation and restitution of more than $53,000.
FRANKS, DARREL D. psychiatrist U.S. Kentucky
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: February 22, 1993
6 months home incarceration and ordered to pay $41,500 in fines and restitution
Franks, Darrell D. psychiatrist U.S. Kentucky
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: February 22, 1995
6 months home incarceration and ordered to pay $41,500 in fines and restitution. Franks subsequently lost his professional license and in April 2004, he was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
FRASCA, PETER mental retardation facility worker U.S. Massachusetts
Filming himself and other employees beating two retarded men.
Date convicted: December 11, 1991
90 days in jail
FRASER, RODERICK MORRIS psychiatrist U.K. London
Taking and distributing pornographic pictures of boys. In November 1995, he was given a 2-year conditional discharge (probation) for allowing a pedophile to take indecent pictures of a boy in his care.
Date convicted: 1993
FRASER, JR., PAUL B. psychotherapist U.S. New York
Possession of child pornography.
Date convicted: March 26, 1999
5 years probation
FRAZIER, JAMES B. drug counseling clinic employee U.S. Michigan
Part of a Medicaid insurance fraud scam at Elrose Health Services drug counseling clinic.
Date convicted: July 2, 1998
2 years probation, 200 hours volunteer work and ordered to pay approximately $5,000 in fines, costs and restitution
Freedlander, Dean Gary psychiatrist U.S. California
Pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor count of endangering a child (he was originally charged with "lewd and lascivious conduct with a minor" and "sexual exploitation of an adult").
Date convicted: November 2002
Five years probation during which he must close down his private practice, 45 days of weekend work, 400 hours community service and counseling.
FREEMAN, DEAN ANDRE California psychiatrist and clinical psychiatry instructor at University of California San Francisco. U.S. California
Attacking a patient with a knife and an axe.
Date convicted: July 2, 1999
5 years in prison
FREEMAN, JOHN CASPER psychologist U.K. Somerset
Sex attacks on children. Freeman had more than 50 other convictions for offenses including burglary and shoplifting dating back 30 years.
Date convicted: Circa 1996
4 years. After his release from prison Freeman was under supervision by detectives, but he vanished. He may have fled to Ireland
FREEMAN, RICHARD psychologist Canada Vancouver
Sexual assault of 3 patients.
Date convicted: August 18, 1997
Conditional sentence of nearly 2 years
Freet, Virgil A. counselor U.S. Alabama
Harrassing a 16-year-old client.
Date convicted: September 10, 2010
To be sentenced.
FRENCH, UNIDENTIFIED PSYCHIATRIST psychiatrist (unidentified) France Chaux-de-Fonds
Sexually abusing two patients.
Date convicted: Circa 1999
6 months in prison and a two year probation
FRENCH, DAVID W drug treatment clinic owner U.S. Maryland
Billing Medicaid and Medicare for therapy services not provided.
Date convicted: February 10, 1999
3 years in prison (2 years suspended and 1 year home detention), 5 years supervised probation, 100 hours community service and ordered to pay $200,000 in restitution
FREUND, BARNARD WILLIAM psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Writing more than 30 fraudulent prescriptions.
Date convicted: February 18, 1997
3 years probation and 30 days home confinement with electronic monitoring
FRIDLEY, DAWN APRIL former drug counselor U.S. Ohio
Sexual battery and gross sexual imposition involving two teenage male clients.
Date convicted: July 12, 2002
3 years prison.
Friedberg, Ahron psychiatrist U.S. New York
Criminal sale of a prescription for a controlled substance. Friedberg used "steerers," paying them in pills, to visit methadone clinics and direct heroin addicts to his office, where he sold them prescriptions.
Date convicted: December 22, 2004
1,000 hours community service
Friedlander, Charles mental health therapist U.S. Florida
Convicted March 27, 2009 of a federal charge of using a facility or means of interstate commerce, to knowingly and willfully attempt to persuade, induce, entice or coerce an individual who had not attained the age of 18 to engage in sexual activity for which any person can be charged with a criminal offense. Friedlander traveled to meet a man he thought was a father who would let him beat and have sex with his two boys, ages 10 and 11.
Date convicted: March 27, 2009
Ten years federal prison, lifetime supervision and $25,000 fine.
FRIEDMAN, HOWARD M therapist U.S. Ohio
Fondling a female patient.
Date convicted: 1998
60 days in jail (suspended) and fined $200
FRIEDMAN, MICHAEL ALLEN psychologist U.S. Oklahoma
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: August 12, 2002
2-year deferred prison sentence following a guilty plea (prison sentence deferred but conditions are imposed that, if not adhered to, could result in a prison term), ordered to pay $102,558 restitution (nearly 3 times the amount he fraudulently billed Medicaid) and $6,833 in fines and costs.
FRIESEN, CAROL D. counselor U.S. Oklahoma
Fraudulently billing Medicaid insurance for psychotherapy sessions which were actually reading lessons.
Date convicted: November 5, 1998
2 years in prison and ordered to repay more than $135,000
Frimpong, George psychiatrist Ghana Kumasi
Date convicted: August 26, 2005
2 million Ghana cedis (approximately $220 USD).
Fry, Daniel Psychologist United States Washington
Unprofessional Conduct. Doctor-patient relationship boundaries were violated. Fry made disclosures to two of his clients of a personal nature and engaged in personal contact with them that they considered seductive or sexual in nature. Both were undergoing marital/couples therapy. He egaged in social contacts with them and did not maintain clear boundaries. Each client's husband felt alienated from the "therapy" by the time and attention Fry was giving the women. His conduct "contributed to marital discord."
Date convicted: September 27, 2016
Surrendered his medical license.
FRYE, PAMELA therapist U.S. Georgia
Fatally poisoning her mother in an attempt to collect a $500,000 life insurance policy.
Date convicted: November 17, 1997
10 years in prison
FUCHS, WILLIAM LEE psychologist U.S. North Carolina
49 sex crimes involving children.
Date convicted: August 7, 1997
More than 21 years in prison
Fuchu, Anna unlicensed psychologist United States Massachusetts
Held herself out as a psychologist and used the title "psychologist" while unlicensed by the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Psychologists and engaged in the unlicensed practice of psychology in the state of Massachusetts. As of November 3, 2010, Fuchu was found to have created a profile on Facebook in which she described her position at a counseling center as "Clinical Psychologist." As of January 30, 2011, the profile she created on the LinkedIn website described her employment as "Psychologist at the Psychology Center." On or about August 10, 2009, she signed a document related to her treatment of a patient using the title of psychologist.
Date convicted: October 3, 2012
Civil penalty of $1,000 and cease and desist using the title of psychologist. Fuchu agreed to not hold herself out to be a psychologist or to engage in the practice of psychology in Massachusetts until she is issued a valid Massachusetts psychologist license.
GAGNER, COSSETTE mental health nurse U.S. Wisconsin
Having sex with a patient.
Date convicted: April 2000
2 months in jail and eight years probation
Gagnon, John psychotherapist U.S. Connecticut
Carrying a dangerous weapon.
Date convicted: March 1, 2011
5 years probation.
Gale, Ian psychiatrist. U.S. South Carolina
Housebreaking and larceny: stole approximately $750,000 in property during a string of house burglaries over several years.
Date convicted: December 3, 1979
15 years in prison.
GALLAGER, MEGAN HELENE mental health center owner U.S. Michigan
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: May 29, 1996
3 years probation, the last 90 days to be served in jail (suspended upon successful completion of probation), and ordered to pay over $12,000 in fines, costs and restitution
Gallien, Wrenda psychiatrist U.S. Kentucky
On January 23, 2008, Dr. Gallien pleaded guilty to 13 counts of Prohibited Acts Relating to Controlled Substances and 9 counts of Wrongful Filling Prescriptions. Gallien was indicted in November 2003 and again in March 2005 on a total of 50 felony and nine misdemeanor charges related to unlawful prescribing and dispensing of controlled substances. In August 2004, the state of Kentucky summarily suspended Gallien's license to practice on charges of unlawful prescribing and fitness to practice.
Date convicted: January 23, 2008
1 year unsupervised pre-trial diversion.
GALLINARO, LOUIS mental health executive U.S. Massachusetts
His part in Executive Management Assoc. which defrauded non-profit mental health care companies providing services to de-institutionalized mentally retarded individuals.
Date convicted: January 8, 1998
6 months in prison/community confinement and 6 months home confinement
GALLOWAY, MATTHEW P. psychiatry professor U.S. Michigan
Using a computer for the purpose of accosting and soliciting a minor (used an Internet chat room to exchange sexually explicit messages with a female he thought was a 15-year-old, but who was actually a police officer).
Date convicted: April 11, 2001
2 years probation with stipulations that he undergo mental health counseling and be supervised around female minors. He was also ordered to register as a sex offender.
Galper, Marvin F. Psychologist United States California
Gross Negligence, Repeated Negligent Acts in care and treatment, Violating Rules of Professional Conduct and Failure to Retain Records. In a period between 2012 and 2015, In numerous cases, Galpin failed to properly test and evaluate clients and then destroyed records, including test materials and notes. Most of the clients were involved in custody issues with children and were being examined for their fitness in parenting.
Date convicted: August 29, 2016
License surrendered.
Ganz, Joel psychiatrist U.S. DC
Obstruction of a criminal investigation of a health care offense. Ganz came under investigation in 2005 for possible fraudulent conduct in billing Medicaid (U.S. government health plan) for psychiatric consultation services. Sometime during the course of the investigation, Ganz created medical records "documenting" services provided on behalf of Medicaid recipients purporting to show that Ganz provided service to various residents of a group home. Ganz caused these false records to be provided to the FBI and U.S. Attorney's Office in an attempt to cause the investigation to be closed without charges being brought against him.
Date convicted: January 7, 2009
2 years of probation, $10,000 fine and 100 hours of community service.
GARCIA, NESTOR A. psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Defrauding Medicare and Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: April 8, 1998
More than 6 years in prison and ordered to pay $1.65 million
GARCIA, RENEE former drug counselor U.S. Alaska
Third-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance (selling cocaine to an undercover officer).
Date convicted: January 8, 2002
4 years prison (3 years suspended) and 3 years probation.
Gardiner, Ed psychologist U.S. Utah
Surrendered professional license.
Date convicted: October 2004
Excluded from participation in federally funded health fare programs (Medicaid, etc.).
GARDNER, DAVID marriage & family therapist U.S. Utah
Drunk driving.
Date convicted: February 2001
2 days in a jail work-diversion program and $1,400 fine.
Gardner, Troy V. mental health counselor U.S. Washington
Patronizing a prostitute.
Date convicted: April 4, 2007
90 days jail, suspended for two years (during which time he must stay out of trouble) and ordered not to counsel women.
GARFINKLE, BARRY psychiatrist U.S. Minnesota
Committing research fraud.
Date convicted: 1995
6 months in a halfway house, 6 months under house arrest and ordered to pay $210,000 in restitution and fines
Garner, David M. psychologist U.S. Ohio
Engaged in sexual conduct with a psychologist trainee.
Date convicted: July 21, 2005
License suspended for five months.
GARRETT, JAMES substance abuse clinic owner U.S. New York
He and Al-Care Clinic co-owner, Douglas C. Kabat, fraudulently obtained from Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: April 1998
a 1 year conditional discharge and ordered to repay $113,000
GASH, RICHARD college psychology lecturer U.K. London
Stabbed a student more than 40 times with a kitchen knife while high on drugs and alcohol. He had obtained his psychology degree while serving a term in prison.
Date convicted: May 4, 2001
Jailed for life.
GASSY, JEAN ERIC psychiatrist Austrailia Sydney
Murder (murdered South Australia's mental health chief in revenge for having been deregistered as a psychiatrist in 1997). That conviction was overturned based on concerns about instructions given to the jury but a May 2009 retrial resulted in the same verdict.
Date convicted: October 28, 2004
34 years prison with no chance of parole.
GAYLE, IAN psychiatrist U.S. South Carolina
Carrying out a series of burglaries that netted about $300,000.
Date convicted: December 3, 1979
15 years in prison
Gaylor, Michael S. psychiatrist U.S. New Hampshire
"Sexual misconduct in activities ancillary to the practice of medicine."
Date convicted: May 16, 1997
License suspended for 1 year.
Gelber, Allan H. Psychologist United States Arizona
Unprofessional Conduct. Gelber attested that he had a therapeutic relationship with the patient for approximately three years. Toward the end of the patient's treatment, he started having feelings of "deep love" for her and shared his feelings with her. His last professional contact with her was May 12, 2016 but the relationship became sexual and he continued to see her personally until October. On October 27, 2016, the patient told Dr. Gelber to cease all contact with her but he subsequently made additional efforts to communicate with the patient. Board members considered his actions were "egregious and out of control."
Date convicted: March 30, 2016
License surrendered. License had been suspended earlier, on November 28, 2016.
GERARD, LISA P. counselor U.S. Wisconsin
Having sex with a 15-year-old boy under her care.
Date convicted: April 19, 1999
6 months in jail with work release privileges
GERMAN, UNIDENTIFIED SOCIAL WORKER social worker (name not released) Germany Berlin
Sexually abusing a mentally handicapped 12-year-old boy.
Date convicted: February 3, 1999
Nearly 3 years in prison
Gerner, Robert Hugh Psychiatrist United States California
Gross Negligence, Sexual Misconduct, Unprofessional Misconduct and Inadequate Records. Gerber engaged in a sexual relationship with patient during the time he was her psychiatrist. Gerber began treating a female patient in or around March 1996 through January 2008, prescribing psychiatric medications for her various "disorders." In 2004, they began a romantic relationship, which included sexual intercourse. Around February 1, 2008, the patient's husband left her. In August 2008, he moved into the patient's home and lived with her until August 2011. During this time-frame, he continued to prescribe medications for her. The medical record lacks precise details regarding when and why certain medications were prescribed and does not appear to accurately document all of the medications that Gerber provided her.
Date convicted: July 21, 2016
License surrendered.
Gerner, Robert Hugh Psychiatrist United States California
Sexual Misconduct, gross negligence and repeated negligent acts. Between May 22, 1986, and August 30, 1988, Gerner engaged in numerous occasions of sexual conduct with a female patient while he was treating her. During that period the patient was hospitalized on three separate occasions for overdosing on alcohol and medications prescribed and provided by Gerner.
Date convicted: December 1, 1994
7 years probation with conditions effective Nov 10, 1994; 60 days of acutual SUSPENSION; must pay administrative costs of $7,500. License restored effective Nov 10, 2001.
GERSHMAN, RONALD A. psychiatrist U.S. California
Owed $273,000 in spousal and child support.
Date convicted: August 6, 1997
4 years probation and ordered to pay $4,250 per month on spousal and child support.
Gialanella, Eugene psychiatrist U.S. New York
Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: February 6, 2004
Excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Giannattasio, Vincent psychiatrist U.S. Wisconsin, New York
Sexual intercourse/relationships with three patients.
Date convicted: February 28, 1995
Surrendered Wisconsin license. New York revoked his license January 19, 1996.
Gibb, Fraser psychiatrist Scotland UK
Possession of the drug "Ecstasy."
Date convicted: July 1, 2006
Fined £400.
Gibbons, Debra Denise master social worker U.S. Michigan
Manufacturing or delivering a controlled substance.
Date convicted: June 20, 2006
7 months in jail.
GIBBS, DAVID EARL mental health aide U.S. Texas
Raping and killing a woman, killing her female roommate, and sentenced to an additional 20 years while on death row, for killing another condemned murderer.
Date convicted: Circa 1985
Giberti, Richard counselor U.S. Arizona
Accused of sex with teen client.
Date convicted: January 2005
License suspended.
GIBSON JR., BUFORD psychiatrist U.S. California
Medi-Cal state insurance fraud.
Date convicted: 1995
5 years probation with 2 years to be served in a halfway house, up to 500 hours community service and ordered to pay $500,000 in restitution
GIFFORD, LOREN ARDEN psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Defrauding health-care providers out of $1.2 million. Gifford had previously been convicted in 1982 on similar charges and served 6 years in prison.
Date convicted: September 19, 1996
10 years in prison
GILBERT, MICHAEL psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Attempting to frame a man for drug possession.
Date convicted: Circa April 30, 1991
364 days in jail followed by 18 months of house arrest and 500 hours of community service
Gilchrist, Rhonn clinical social worker U.S. New York
Health care fraud totaling $102,000. (Gilchrist admitted that from 2002 through 2007, he routinely double billed insurance companies and submitted fraudulent claim forms seeking payments for treatment he did not provide.)
Date convicted: February 20, 2008
Full restitution of $102,000 and criminal forfeiture of $90,000 in cash and condo purchased with defrauded funds.
Gillberg, Christopher psychiatrist Sweden Gothenberg
Misuse of office. Gillberg failed to comply with a verdict to disclose his research into DAMP (Swedish acronym for "ADD"). Gillberg's published results were challenged by someone who then filed a civil action to gain access to the research. This was granted, but Gillberg refused and had the research destroyed.
Date convicted: June 2005
Fine and probation.
GILLESPIE, MARJORIE psychotherapist U.S. Colorado
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: December 7, 1993
90 days in jail on a work-release program, 3 years probation and ordered to pay nearly $27,000 restitution
GILLIS, MICHAEL PATRICK family counseling center executive U.S. New York
Fraudulently billing the state Medicaid insurance program and lying about his educational credentials in court.
Date convicted: June 1991
1 year in jail
Gillman, Thomas E. psychologist U.S. North Carolina
Immoral, dishonorable, unprofessional or unethical conduct.
Date convicted: August 7, 2007
Voluntarily relinquished license.
GILMORE, STEPHEN ANDREW clinical psychologist New Zealand Waitemata District
inducing a seven-year-old to perform an indecent act.
Date convicted: March 8, 2004
9 months prison and ordered to pay reparation of $10,000 to the victim.
Gilyazova, Larisa psychiatrist Russia
Taking a bribe.
Date convicted: June 10, 2010
1 year conditional sentence.
Giolas, Dale John Psychiatrist United States Illinois
"Boundary violations with a patient of his practice." Prior to this most recent suspension, Giolas was fined in June of 2016 for "boundary violation with a pharmaceutical representative in the course of his work" and was suspended for the same reason from July 13, 2016 for 1 month. On July 28, 2016, he was temporarily suspended for 1 day for "engaging in the pattern of boundary violation with a patient of his psychiatric practice." The most recent action, his December 2, 2016 suspension, occurred while in was aleady on probation subsequent to his July 13th suspension.
Date convicted: December 2, 2016
License was suspended indefinitely (minimum of two years). His controlled substance license was also suspended for the same term.
GIRIMONTE, STEVE counselor U.S. Florida
Stealing $25,000 in donations to a ranch for troubled children.
Date convicted: October 1997
8 months in jail
GLADSTONE, SCOTT psychiatrist U.S. Nevada
Fraudulently billing Medicaid patients for more time than he spent with them and for procedures he did not perform.
Date convicted: March 1992
Pleaded guilty and agreed to pay the state $300,000 and ordered to perform 500 hours of community service work
Gleason, Peter psychiatrist U.S. Maryland, Pennsylvania, California, Arizona
Misbranding (Gleason was paid by a pharmaceutical company to promote their drug to physicians for uses not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration--a violation of federal law).
Date convicted: August 8, 2008
Sentence pending.
Glisson, Brenton psychiatrist U.S. South Carolina
Engaged in sex with patients.
Date convicted: June 7, 2006
License revoked. On September 14, 2007, the U.S. Dept. of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration revoked Glisson's Certification of Registration (license to prescribe controlled substances).
Glover, James Roger Psychiatrist United States California
Unprofessional Conduct. Beginning in late 2008, Glover continued prescribing drugs including Depakote, Wellbutrin, Ambien and Ativan to a patient who had a history of drug abuse. The patient, who had also received treatment and drugs from other practitioners, died in March 2012 from overdose. Glover who had a history of disciplinary actions from the California Medical Board for improper prescribing, was cited for numerous instances of wrongdoing in his prescribing and treatment of the patient.
Date convicted: September 15, 2016
License surrendered.
Gluskie, Clarence psychiatrist Australia
Engaged in "a particularly distasteful exploitation" of his patient's vulnerability (sex with patient).
Date convicted: May 7, 2001
Struck off of medical register (comparable to license revocation).
GODWIN, RAYMOND J. psychiatric hospital aide U.S. New Jersey
Sexually assaulting a female patient.
Date convicted: January 16, 1998
10 years in prison
GOEWEY, DONALD E. counselor U.S. Wisconsin
Sexual assault involving 2 juvenile residents of a group home.
Date convicted: June 19, 1997
15 years in prison
Gold, Richard psychiatrist U.S. New York
Sexual encounters and relationships with several patients, dating back to the 1960s.
Date convicted: July 27, 1994
License revoked.
GOLDBERG, ELAINE MARCIA psychologist U.S. California
Disturbing the peace by threatening neighbors, blowing an air horn and pounding on walls.
Date convicted: June 1992
3 years probation
Goldberg, Alan M. psychiatrist U.S. New York
Sexual relationship with a patient.
Date convicted: January 8, 1998
License revoked.
Goldberg, Harold L. psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Sexual relationship with patient.
Date convicted: Dec 1989
License revoked.
Goldenson, Mary T. Psychologist United States California
Convicted of Misdemeanor drunk driving (DUI) after having crashed into a tree in the front yard of a residence on Jan 5, 2012 where the police found her unresponsive, behind the wheel of the vehicle with the its engine running. There was evidence she had drank whiskey and taken the antidepressant drug citalopram. It was found that she also had a prior DUI conviction in 2006.
Date convicted: April 23, 2012
5 years probation. Fine and fees of $1,728.
Goldenson, Mary T. Psychologist California
Unprofessional Conduct and other. The Surrender was based on her conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol in 2012 and failing to report it to the Board within 30 days. It was also alleged that she used alcohol to an extent dangerous to herself or the public. Additionally, she had failed to report disciplinary action taken by the Board of Chiropractic Examiners against a chiropractor license she held. Their investigation found she had also been convicted of a DUI charge in 2006.
Date convicted: August 24, 2016
License surrendered.
Golding, Robert psychiatric nurse UK
Attacked and threatened to kill his landlady.
Date convicted: May 15, 2010
Jailed 3 years.
GOLDMAN, NORMAN psychologist U.S. New York
His part in Balanced Living Counseling Services which defrauded Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: February 11, 1999
5 years probation, 4,000 hours community service and ordered to pay $54,364 in restitution
Goldstein, Howard psychiatrist U.S. Missouri
Made a false statement to the FBI in connection with a Medicare fraud investigation. In an April 2010 interview with the FBI in which he was questioned about problems with his Medicare billing, Goldstein minimized and mis-characterized concerns and problems.
Date convicted: January 5, 2011
5 months prison, ordered to pay a $30,000 fine and agreed to forfeit $100,000.
Goodheart, Daniel P. clinical social worker U.S. Florida
Conspiracy to commit mail fraud and wire fraud (while employed at a Florida prison, Goodheart used a state Department of Corrections database to get the names and social security numbers of inmates and filed false tax returns for which he and co-conspirators received rebate checks totaling more than $900,000.
Date convicted: June 13, 2008
5 years prison and responsible with co-conspirators for repaying $902,487.87.
GOPALANI, HANIF AHMEDSHAFFI psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Harassment and unlawful use of the telephone (relative to charges of stalking an assistant attorney general).
Date convicted: August 21, 2001
90 days jail (suspended), 5 years supervised probation (was in custody from 3/20/01 to 8/22/01).
GORDON, ALICE psychologist U.S. Georgia
Defrauding the state Medicaid insurance program of more than $1 million.
Date convicted: November 24, 1998
21 months in prison
GORDON, JULIAN MATTHEW psychologist U.S. Michigan
Sexually molesting a boy.
Date convicted: December 11, 1997
6 to 15 years in prison
Gordon, Colin psychologist U.S. Ohio
Impaired objectivity, dual relationships.
Date convicted: February 2003
License suspended indefinitely.
Gordon, Julian M. Psychologist U.S. Michigan
Gordon was convicted by a jury for sexual misconduct with a minor patient. In 1996, he repeatedly molested a 13-year-old patient and eventually raped him. He served 13 years in prison and was required to register as a sex offender for life. After serving his sentence, in his petition to get his license reinstated, he defended his actions, in part, by claiming that he'd been depressed and angry at the time of his crimes.
Date convicted: March 11, 1999
License was revoked. It was reinstated on August 4, 2011.
Gordon, Julian M. Psychologist U.S. Michigan
Negligence, incompetence, lack of good moral character, involvement in a dual relationship with a patient or former patient and soliciting a sexual relationship with a former patient. On May 11, 2014, police were called to Gordon's home after a former patient stabbed Gordon following an altercation in which the former patient claims Gordon attempted to touch him sexually.
Date convicted: October 17, 2016
License suspended.
GORSSE, CARLOS Psychologist UK England
Assault causing actual bodily harm (viciously assaulted his lover, punching and kicking her in the head and ribs and choking her).
Date convicted: September 10, 2004
7 months jail.
Gotkind, Lawrence psychiatrist Canada Toronto, Ontario
Touching and making sexual comments toward three female patients.
Date convicted: July 19, 2005
License suspended for 4 months.
Gottlieb, Lewis psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Medicaid and Medicare insurance program fraud. (He billed the programs for motorized wheelchairs that were unnecessary and received $200 kickbacks from medical supply companies for each wheelchair he prescribed.)
Date convicted: December 5, 2006
6 1/2 years in prison and $20.6 million restitution.
Gottlieb, Louis psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Medicaid and Medicare insurance fraud.
Date convicted: December 5, 2006
6 1/2 years prison without parole and ordered to pay $20.6 million in restitution and to forfeit to the United States an additional $19 million constituting the proceeds from his fraud.
GOTTUSO, JOHN psychologist U.S. California
Demonstrating a sex act with a 15-year-old girl in front of a class.
Date convicted: April 27, 1998
30 days house arrest and 5 years probation
Gratzer, Thomas psychiatrist U.S. Minnesota
Criminal Sexual Conduct, First Degree; Penetration with a Person under age 13
Date convicted: August 10, 2023
12 years prison
GRAY, ROBERT ALLEN therapist U.S. Colorado
Sexually abusing a female patient.
Date convicted: April 1991
5 years probation, 80 hours of community service and prohibited from private practice
GRAY, ROBERT BRUCE psychiatric patient broker U.S. Florida
Taking over $221,000 in illegal payments for sending patients to 3 local psychiatric facilities.
Date convicted: August 16, 1999
3 years probation, 6 months house arrest and ordered to pay restitution
Gray, Jeffrey Thomas psychiatrist U.S. California
Unlawfully issuing a prescription drug and possession of a controlled substance.
Date convicted: August 16, 2005
3 years probation and 45 days community service. The state of Colorado suspended his medical license in March 2006.
Gray, Jeffrey Thomas psychiatrist U.S. Colorado
Drug-related criminal conviction.
Date convicted: March 2006
License suspended.
GREEN, DENNIS high school counselor U.S. Idaho
Disturbing the peace during a fight with a student.
Date convicted: May 20, 1997
2 years probation and fined $500
GREENBAUM, IRWIN L. psychologist U.S. Michigan
Health care fraud (billed insurance companies for individual psychotherapy when the actual service provided was a group weight loss program).
Date convicted: June 28, 2002
30 days prison, 3 years supervised release and ordered to pay $14,551 in restitution.
Greenbaum, Irwin psychologist U.S. Michigan
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: August 19, 2004
Summary suspension of license.
Griffin, Heath Mental health worker U.S. Montana
Griffin admitted to having sexual contact with at least two juvenile female patients.
Date convicted: May, 2003
4 years intensive supervision (includes 180 days electronically monitored house arrest) followed by 26 years probation.
Griffiths, Howard psychiatric nurse UK South Wales
Mistreating elderly patients.
Date convicted: July 19, 2010
GRIGORIEV, ALEXANDER psychologist Russia Kirgizia
Organizing large numbers of young people into a mystical sex cult.
Date convicted: October 15, 1986
9 years in jail
GRILLO, ADERONKE residential counselor U.S. Maryland
Physically assaulting a mentally disabled man under her care.
Date convicted: April 27, 1998
18 months in jail (with all but 90 days suspended) and 2 years supervised probation
Grodman, Joseph E. Psychologist U.S. Illinois
Failure to file and/or pay Illinois state income taxes.
Date convicted: January 6, 2017
License Suspended
Gross, William F. psychologist U.S. Kentucky
Date convicted: August 2004
License suspended for three years.
GROSSMAN, FREDERICK psychologist U.S. Kansas
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: April 15, 1996
5 years probation, 832 hours of community service and ordered to pay $40,000 in fines and restitution
Grossman, Warren psychologist U.S. Ohio
Sexual activity with patient.
Date convicted: July 2004
License revoked. In September 2005, Grossman was excluded from participation in federally funded health care program (such as Medicaid, etc.).
Grosso, Gino psychiatrist U.S. New York
Possession with intent to deliver a controlled substance
Date convicted: January 5, 2011
3 to 10 years prison
GUELKER, MICHAEL unlicensed psychologist U.S. Idaho
Forgery and practicing professional counseling without a license. (While Guelker does possess a masters degree in psychology, the state of Idaho prohibits the use of any title or description incorporating the word "psychologist" or the provision of psychological services without a license).
Date convicted: March 19, 2001
180 days county jail and 5 years probation.
GUESS, GILLIAN counselor U.K. London
Having an affair with a man while she sat as a juror on his murder trial.
Date convicted: August 24, 1998
18 months in jail
Gujadhur, Lekhraj Psychiatrist France
Manslaughter. He was charged with failing to follow up his patient known for his dangerousness who had escaped from a hospital and committed murder.
Date convicted: December 14, 2016
18 months - suspended sentence.
GULLEY, EUGENE mental health employee U.S. New Jersey
Raping and beating a 64-year-old woman coworker.
Date convicted: June 7, 1991
10 years in prison
Gumer, Alan psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Conspiracy to commit health care fraud. Gumer pleaded guilty for his role in a $200 million scheme to defraud Medicaid by billing the program for psychotherapy that was unnecessary. Gumer signed bogus psychiatric evaluations for thousands of patients (falsely evaluating them as suffering from depression, schizophrenia or bipolar conditions).
Date convicted: June 30, 2011
To be sentenced January 12, 2012.
Hacking, Mark Psychiatric Orderly U.S. Utah
Murdered his wife as she slept. She had earlier confronted him over his lie about being enrolled in medical school in North Carolina, where the couple was relocating. Hacking had in fact engaged in deception, pretending to study medicine when he had in fact dropped out of college.
Date convicted: 6-Jun-05
6 years to life in prison.
HAGER, JEROME PETER psychiatrist U.S. California
Medi-Cal insurance fraud.
Date convicted: December 1992
45 days in jail and 5 years probation
Hager, Jerome Peter psychiatrist U.S. California
Sexual misconduct consisting of hugging, kissing and sexual intercourse with one patient and fondling the breast of another.
Date convicted: December 19, 1992
License surrendered.
Hageseth III, Christian psychiatrist U.S. Colorado
Practicing medicine without a license. Hageseth, practicing in Colorado on a restricted license that limited him to renewing prescriptions but not writing new ones, electronically signed a prescription for a California college student for fluoxetine (generic Prozac) through an online pharmacy. Though not an issue in the prosecution, the student later committed suicide.
Date convicted: April 18, 2009
9 months jail, 3 years supervised probation and $4,249.49 restitution to the Medical Board of California. Hageseth's Colorado medical license was revoked in November 1999 for engaging in a sexual relationship with a patient (who subsequently divorced her husband and married Hageseth).
HALL, EDWIN P psychologist. U.S. Georgia
Defrauding Medicaid insurance of over $500,000.
Date convicted: August 1, 1998
10 years in prison (8 suspended), fined $10,000 and ordered to pay restitution of $209,000
Hall, Geoffrey psychologist Australia Melbourne, Victoria
Sex with three female patients.
Date convicted: May 2003
Struck off medical register (license revoked).
Halo, Hugo H. psychiatrist U.S. Rhode Island
According to the Rhode Island Department of Health's consent order, Dr. Halo was found guilty of unprofessional conduct based on having been suspended for two years from the Rhode Island Psychiatric Society, which found him guilty of unethical conduct based on a complaint against him for boundary violations which occurred 25 years earlier. The sections of the physician's code of medical ethics which Halo is cited to have violated include those that deal with exploiting a patient for the psychiatrist's own gratification and engaging in sex with current or former patients.
Date convicted: March 11, 1998
Suspended for two years, stayed and restricted from treating female patients without another health professional present.
Hamilton, Diane K. social worker U.S. Wisconsin
Fraternizing with a Department of Corrections inmate.
Date convicted: April 2003
Surrender of license ordered by board.
Hamilton, David social worker U.S. Wisconsin
Third-degree sexual assault
Date convicted: April 13, 2012
Hamilton-Bennett, Maisha psychologist U.S. Illinois
Theft and benefits fraud (defrauded the Illinois Department of Public Aid of at least $435,000 by billing for services never provided or provided by unlicensed personnel).
Date convicted: January 25, 2005
Six months jail, four years probation, 600 hours community service and ordered to pay $400,000 restitution.
HAMPARIAN, STEVE psychiatric patient broker U.S. Florida
Taking fees in exchange for sending patients to Florida psychiatric hospitals.
Date convicted: November 5, 1999
1 year and 1 day in jail and fined $25,000
HANCOCK, DORIS mental health employee U.S. Arizona
Health insurance fraud, see William Hancock.
Date convicted: May 9, 1994
3 years probation, fined $5,000 and ordered to pay $1.2 million in restitution
HANCOCK:, WILLIAM counselor U.S. Arizona
Health insurance fraud, see Doris Hancock.
Date convicted: May 9, 1994
2 1/2 years prison, ordered to pay 1.2 million in restitution and fined $25,000
Handlin, Diane Psychologist U.S. New Jersey
Violation of patient confidentiality. Handlin disclosed personal information about her client to a third party.
Date convicted: March 7, 2016
Probation for 1 year, $3000 penalty.
Handwerk, Julie Psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
She violated the terms and conditions of her probation. Breached required patient-physician boundaries with a patient of her practice.
Date convicted: April 28, 2016
Suspended for a minimum of 12 months.
HANSEN, FRED drug counselor U.S. Utah
Shooting and killing his wife and stepdaughter.
Date convicted: January 1996
Life in prison
HANSON, JOEL W psychiatrist U.S. Utah
Posing as a photographer and secretly videotaping models as they undressed.
Date convicted: June 26, 2000
30 days in jail
Harding, David social worker U.S. Michigan
Arrested on a charge of criminal sexual conduct. 0
Date convicted: April 2003
License was summarily suspended on April 14, 2003 and was revoked on August 26, 2005.
Hardrict, Ronald psychiatrist U.S. Minnesota
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: Feb 19, 2004
Excluded from U.S. federally-funded health programs (Medicaid, etc.).
HARDY, DAVID school psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Sexually molesting a 9-year-old boy and possessing child pornography.
Date convicted: March 1997
2 1/2 to 7 years in jail
Hargrave, Allison psychiatrist U.S. Louisiana
Attempting to entice a minor to engage in sexual activity.
Date convicted: March 25, 2011
30 years prison and $279,454 restitution
HARIKA, JOPINDAR psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Defrauded Medicare/Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: May 1997
4 years probation and ordered to repay $84,609
Harlan, Brent S Psychiatrist U.S. Florida
In May of 2014, Harlan was involved in a single vehicle collision in Santa Rosa County, Florida. Law enforcement officers investigated the incident and arrested him for driving while under the influence of alcohol (DUI) and for Property Damage.
Date convicted: August 18, 2014
Driving Probation. Fined $1,513.90
Harlan, Brent S Psychiatrist U.S. California
Unprofessional Conduct. Dangerous Use of Alcohol and DUI Conviction; Discipline by another state (U. S. Air Force). The Air Force suspended his clinical privileges and issued other disciplinary actions after Harlan, in May of 2014, reported for work intoxicated (at US Air Force in Florida) and a few days later was arrested by police for drunk driving after being involved in a single-car accident.
Date convicted: September 21, 2016
Surrendered his California medical license.
HARPER, IAN psychiatric nurse Scotland Glasgow
Attempted murder and malicious fire-raising after he twice set fire to the house where he and his landlady lived.
Date convicted: February 18, 2000
Discretionary life in prison
HARRELL-HOUSE, DELORES counseling center employee U.S. Georgia
Fraudulently billing Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: April 1999
10 years in prison, fined $10,000 and ordered to repay $1,132,507 (together with her husband, Robert House)
HARRINGTON, MARLENE GOLUB psychotherapy clinic operator. U.S. New Jersey
Billing insurers for psychotherapy sessions that never took place.
Date convicted: October 9, 1997
3 years in state prison
HARRIS, NORMAN DALE psychotherapist U.S. Colorado
Aggravated sexual assault of a patient.
Date convicted: December 12, 1997
4 years in jail (deferred)
HARRIS, ROBERT counselor U.S. Florida
Sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl at the facility where he worked.
Date convicted: April 1998
Sentende: 5 to 10 years in prison
Harris , James R. psychologist U.S. Ohio
Filed false postal insurance claims (relative to antique vases allegedly broken while being shipped by the U.S. Postal Service).
Date convicted: February 23, 2004
3 years probation with first six months to include home confinement. On June 5, 2005, Harris' license was suspended for 15 months.
Harris, Brian Benjamin Psychiatrist United Kingdom Wales
Sexually assaulting a mental health support worker.
Date convicted: April 20, 2017
Guilty, unknown sentence
Harris-Boscaino, Lynda psychologist U.S. New York
Felony grand larceny
Date convicted: 2011
Harshman, William psychologist U.S. Michigan
First-degree home invasion and assault with intent to do great bodily harm (entered a patient's home and stabbed both the patient and a teenage friend of the patient.)
Date convicted: October 23, 2008
Three years prison.
Hartland, Peter psychiatric nurse England
Actual bodily harm (stabbed ex-lover in the stomach when he declined reconciliation).
Date convicted: October 11, 2006
6 months jail, suspended one year
Hartogs, Renatus psychiatrist U.S. New York
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: April 1991
License revoked.
HARTWELL, JOYCE counselor U.S. New York
Contempt of court after refusing to take care of problems arising from more than $30,000 in unpaid utility bills at 3 buildings that she ran.
Date convicted: June 1995
30 days in jail
HARTZ, LYNN RICHARDSON counselor U.S. South Carolina
False billings to insurance companies.
Date convicted: January 4, 1995
21 months in prison, 3 years supervised release and ordered to pay $737 in restitution
Hastings, Jennifer psychologist U.S. New York
Felony charges of second-degree rape and criminal sex act and misdemeanor charges of endangering the welfare of a child and third-degree sexual abuse, all involving a 14-year-old student.
Date convicted: February 6, 2009
3 years prison and 5 years post-release supervision.
HASWELL, EVERSLEY "DON" psychologist U.S. Colorado
Health care fraud and conspiracy to defraud the government.
Date convicted: October 17, 2001
21 months prison and $524,877 in restitution.
HATCH, DAVID D therapist U.S. Wisconsin
Sexual exploitation of a patient.
Date convicted: 1997
1 year in prison and 10 years probation
Hauser, Richard Lee Psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
On October 19, 2016, he pleaded guilty to two counts of health care fraud. He devised and participated in a scheme to obtain money from the State of Iowa Medicaid Program and Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Iowa by means of materially false and fraudulent representations. Hauser would "up code," submitting claims that misrepresented the service Hauser provided to certain patients as a more expensive service so as to increase the amount of reimbursement. He received his sentence on February 28, 2017.
Date convicted: February 28, 2017
Two months in prison (to be served at the same time), three years of supervised release and ordered to pay $200 to the Crime Victims' Fund and $30,879 in restitution
Hauser, Richard Lee Psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
On several occasions from November 1989 through June 1990, the Respondent consumed alcohol in such an amount that it may have impaired his ability to safely and skillfully practice medicine and surgery as a resident physician.
Date convicted: September 17, 1990
License suspended for 30 days followed by probation for 5 years.
Hauser, Richard Lee Psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
In 1994, he admitted to the Iowa Medical Board that he had extensive substance abuse problems that went back to 1978. Relapses and continued problems resulted in his surrendering his Wisconsin Medical license in 1986. In 1993 he had more alcohol and drug related incidents causing him to be arrested multiple times.
Date convicted: June 15, 1994
Iowa license was placed on probation for 10 years with restrictions on alcohol and drug use.
Haverly, Jackson L. Psychiatrist U.S. Washington
Unprofessional conduct; failed to properly safeguard prescriptions. Haverly treated a patient from approximately February - July of 2015 and left prescriptions taped to the inside of the patient's unlocked mailbox.
Date convicted: June 30, 2016
License was suspended.
Hayes, William E. psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Lewd and lascivious conduct with a child.
Date convicted: January 2004
License revoked.
Hayes, William E. counselor U.S. Florida
Lewd and lascivious conduct on a child and indecent exposure. On November 3, 2000 he was convicted for same crime.
Date convicted: August 28, 2002
HAYLOCK, DAVID psychiatric nurse trainee U.K. Derby
Growing marijuana plants.
Date convicted: August 26, 2000
80 hours community service
Hayter, George M. psychiatrist U.S. California
Sexual intercourse and sexual contact with two patients.
Date convicted: September 3, 1993
License placed on probation for four years.
HEALY, JOHN psychiatric nurse U.K. Edinburgh
Assaulting his wife with a knife when she wouldn't take him back.
Date convicted: June 1, 2000
3 years in jail
Hefele, Thomas psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Date convicted: February 2002
License suspended.
Helgeson, Dannie psychiatric aide U.S. Michigan
Criminal sexual conduct involving a patient
Date convicted: June 26, 2012
2 to 15 years prison
Heltzel, D. Terence psychologist United States Ohio
Heltzel entered into a non-professional relationship with a therapy client after the termination of the professional relationship.
Date convicted: April 23, 2013
License surrendered
HENDERSON, JOHN Q. psychologist New Zealand Dunedin
Sexually assaulting a 12-year-old boy he was treating for sexually deviant behavior.
Date convicted: December 11, 1992
2 years in jail
HENKE, MITZI L. mental illness center employee U.S. Oklahoma
Striking a patient.
Date convicted: August 24, 1998
2 years in prison (deferred)
Henty, David Wilson psychologist Austrailia Tasmania
Five counts of indecent assault on four schoolboys aged between 11 and 14. Henty indecently assaulted the boys over a 29-year period from 1970 to 1999.
Date convicted: October 19, 2005
Six months jail.
HEPOLA, EUGENE retired psychologist U.S. Ohio
Attempted rape (intended to have sex with a 12-year-old girl who was actually an undercover FBI agent he met on the Internet).
Date convicted: April 23, 2002
4 years prison.
Herlofsen, PÃ¥l H. psychiatrist Norway
Falsified medical reports for criminals so they could apply for postponed conviction or lesser conviction or avoid going to jail.
Date convicted: December 2007
2.5 years prison, fined 100,000 NOK (U.S. $18,250) and 25,000 NOK (U.S. $4,500) court expenses. He was also banned from practicing for 3 years.
HERMSEN, ANDRE center for intellectually handicapped employee. New Zealand Christchurch
Indecent assault on several teenage boys at the center where he was employed.
Date convicted: July 15, 2000
33 months in jail
Hernandez, Adolfo P. psychiatrist psychiatrist U.S.
Unlawfully dispensing a controlled substance not for a legitimate medical purpose (wrote thousands of prescriptions for painkilling drugs such as oxycodone for $125 each without an exam, medical records or treatment notes).
Date convicted: November 13, 2008
Six years prison.
HERRERA, ANIBAL psychiatrist U.S. New York
Defrauding Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: November 2, 1992
Conditional discharge (probation), fined $750 and ordered to pay $22,000 in restitution
Herrera, Arnold psychologist U.S. California
Defrauded the U.S. Medicaid program of $350,000.
Date convicted: February 6, 2007
Five months jail and full restitution to California Dept. of Health Services and United States' Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services.
HERSHMAN, ALAN counselor U.S. Ohio
Sexual battery of a female student.
Date convicted: May 26, 1999
30 days in jail, 3 months house arrest, 100 hours community service and fined $500
Herwatt, Kathleen Psychologist U.S. California
Gross Negligence, Failure to Report Child Endangerment, Unauthorized Disclosure of Confidential Information and Repeated Negligent Acts. She was cited for actions with three patients during a period from 2010-2012. Herwatt failed to file a suspected child abuse report after finding that her patient was operating his car after he'd had approximately six alcoholic beverages with his child as a passenger. She also divulged confidential patient information to persons other than to those who were authorized to receive it.
Date convicted: September 15, 2016
Hesson, Rodney psychologist U.S. Mississippi
Medicaid fraud
Date convicted: April 13, 2012
3 years house arrest, 2 years probation and $29,559 restitution
Hesson, Rodney Psychologist U.S. Louisiana
He and his mother were each convicted of one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud and one count of conspiracy to make false statements related to health care matters. They caused their companies to bill Medicare for hours of psychological testing services that nursing home residents did not need or in some cases did not receive. As a result, Medicare paid more than $13.5 million on the fraudulent claims.
Date convicted: January 24, 2017
Convicted (sentencing scheduled for May 4, 2017)
HESTER, ROBERT P. psychiatric aide U.S. New York
Raping two 14-year-old patients.
Date convicted: June 25, 1998
4 months in jail and 5 years probation
HEUER, DARWIN counselor U.S. South Dakota
Molesting boys.
Date convicted: December 16, 1999
57 years in prison
HEYWOOD, SETH youth counselor U.S. Nebraska
First-degree sexual assault on a child (had sex with two female residents of the facility where he worked)
Date convicted: September 5, 2001
3-to-4 years prison.
HICKS, INDGRID D. psychologist U.S. Wisconsin
Fraudulently billing Medicaid for treatments not provided.
Date convicted: July 17, 2000
6 years in prison, 5 years probation, 100 hours community service and ordered to pay $150,000 in restitution
Higgins, Thomas therapist U.S. Michigan
11 counts of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct involving a mental health professional and 1 count assault with intent to commit sexual penetration (the three victims were traumatic brain injury patients, ages 29 to 48, all of whom disclosed past sexual abuse during counseling sessions with Higgins).
Date convicted: March 10, 2008
2 to 10 years prison.
Higgins, Colleen counselor U.S. Georgia
Bilked clients of more than $250,000 in personal "loans."
Date convicted: September 13, 2011
4 years prison
HIGHTOWER, JON ELLIOT high school counselor U.S. California
Having sex with a teenage student at the high school where he worked as a counselor and coach.
Date convicted: February 27, 1998
6 months in jail
HILL, JEAN-CLAUDE PIERRE psychiatric resident U.S. Virginia
A shooting spree in which he killed one man and injured 2 others.
Date convicted: April 28, 1992
Life in prison
Hill, Nicholas psychiatrist U.K. Lincolnshire
Downloading child pornography from the internet, and making an indecent film of two young girls in a park.
Date convicted: October 11, 2000
3 years probation on condition that he receive treatment and be placed on a sex offender register for 5 years. On May 12, 2005, Hill was convicted again on similar charges: 12 counts of making indecent images of children and 4 counts of possessing indecent images of children. Officers who raided Hill's home found over 11,000 indecent images of children on his computer. He was sentenced to two years in jail. Hill's license was revoked in September 2005.
Hill, David psychiatric nurse UK
Abused an 85-year-old dementia patient.
Date convicted: May 27, 2010
6 months jail.
Hillenbrand, Richard social worker U.S. Pennsylvania
License suspended in another state.
Date convicted: November 2004
License suspended indefinitely.
Hilsen, Jesse psychiatrist U.S. New York
"Deadbeat dad" pleaded guilty to a federal charge for failing to pay child support and alimony for ten years.
Date convicted: 31-Oct-05
Must pay $162,000 in unpaid alimony and child support to his former wife. He spent approximately 15 months in custody while under prosecution.
HINTON, TIFFANY LATINA counselor U.S. California
Unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor (involving a 16-year-old boy who was under her care).
Date convicted: July 24, 2001
3 years jail, suspended; 180 days jail and 5 years probation.
HIRSCH, MICHAEL ALAN psychiatrist U.S. California
Attempting to distribute lewd material to a minor (arrested in Internet sex sting after arranging an encounter with a presumed 13-year-old girl who was actually a law enforcement officer).
Date convicted: April 25, 2001
120 days jail (30 days suspended) and 3 years formal probation.
Hirsch, Susan social worker U.S. New York
Medicaid-related conviction.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
HOCKING, DANIEL therapist U.S. Iowa
Giving a female patient a sleeping pill without her knowledge and undressing her while she was asleep.
Date convicted: March 18, 2000
5 years in prison
HOFFMAN, DAVID A. child psychologist U.S. New York
Sexually abusing a young girl for 2 years, beginning at age 8. Hoffman was previously jailed in 1986 for sexually abusing children at a facility where he worked.
Date convicted: June 15, 1994
2 years in jail
HOFFMAN, HOWARD B. social worker U.S. Virginia
Twice selling marijuana to a police informer.
Date convicted: September 29, 1999
6 months in jail
Hofmeister, Frances G. psychologist U.S. Ohio
The Ohio Board of Psychology asserted that Hofmeister "maintained a professional therapeutic relationship with an adult male client from August 1999 to April 2000 whose presenting problems and ongoing psychological and behavioral difficulties were outside Mrs. Hofmeister's area of expertise" and that "Hofmeister failed to recognized that her client...posed a potential threat of physical or mental injury, of a nature that reasonably indicates abuse or neglect of a child under 18 years of age." Hofmeister did not admit or deny the charges but surrendered her license.
Date convicted: 2003
License permanently revoked.
Hogg, Vince anger management counselor Scotland
Assaulted his domestic partner.
Date convicted: October 18, 2008
12 months probation.
Holbrook, William Chadwick social worker U.S. Utah
Accused by licensing board of having engaged in unprofessional conduct with respect to three patients.
Date convicted: May 4, 2005
Voluntarily surrendered license. In October 2005, Holbrook was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
HOLDSWORTH, DARREN psychiatrist UK Scotland
Indecent assault of a very vulnerable teenage girl (struck victim with a coathanger and engaged in sodomy) who thereafter overdosed.
Date convicted: November 21, 2002
Jailed for 3 years.
Holt, Eric former psychologist U.S. Maine
Possession of a firearm by a person previously involuntarily committed to a mental institution. (Holt had been in jail for violating a protective order issued by his wife. During incarceration, he was committed to a mental hospital. Upon release in early May 2004, he was arrested for possession of a firearm).
Date convicted: November 2005
19 months in federal prison less 15 months time already served.
Homer, Adams counselor and social worker U.S. Washington
Sex with patients.
Date convicted: July 2004
License revoked. Adams was excluded from participation in federally funded health care plans (Medicaid, etc.) in August 2005.
HOOGENBOOM, CAROL psychologist U.S. Illinois
Defrauding Medicare insurance.
Date convicted: November 6, 1998
70 months in prison, 3 year's supervised release and ordered to pay $480,617 in restitution
HOOPER, GERALD L. mental health hospital director U.S. Louisiana
Receiving child pornography over the Internet.
Date convicted: December 16, 1999
Federal prison for 2 1/2 years, 3 years supervised release and fined $1,000
Hooper, James F. Psychiatrist U.S. Alabama
Improper Prescribing. Complaints were received that he was prescribing massive amounts of pain medication to patients without any medical verification. Police arrested Hooper and charged him with five counts of the unlawful distribution of a controlled substance and five counts of trafficking a controlled substance -- opium.
Date convicted: July 7, 2016
Surrendered his license.
Hope, Giraud mental health business owner U.S. North Carolina
Medicaid fraud
Date convicted: October 20, 2011
15 months federal prison and $1,948,451.31 restitution
Hopkins, Matthew psychiatrist U.S. New Hampshire
Obtained a controlled drug by fraud or deceit.
Date convicted: May 10, 2004
$8,800 in fines and penalties.
HORACE, JOHN mental health employee U.S. New York
Fondling a woman and another 6 months for posing as a sex therapist.
Date convicted: March 1996
6 months in jail
HOROWITZ, ALAN J. psychiatrist U.S. New York
Plead guilty to first degree sodomy of a 9-year-old boy, satisfying 40 other charges that alleged he sodomized three boys and sexually abused a girl. Horowitz was convicted of sexually molesting a 12-year-old boy in 1983 at which time he was given a 5 year suspended prison sentence.
Date convicted: July 27, 1992
10 to 20 years in prison
HOUCK, MARK mental health counselor U.S. New Jersey
Sexual assault of a 17-year old female patient.
Date convicted: July 30, 2004
Four years prison.
Houlihan, David J. Psychiatrist U.S. Wisconsin
Houlihan failed to provide appropriate medical care to at least 22 patients between 2005 and 2014, and he engaged in professional misconduct involving eight reported incidents of abuse of authority occurring between 2008 and 2013. Invesigators found that Houlihan treated pharmacy and other staff adversely when they raised concerns regarding his prescriptive practices. He was consequently fired from his postition of Chief of Staff at the VA Medical Center in Tomah, Wisconsin. Before his termination, one of his patients died of mixed-drug toxicity. Houlihan was nicknamed "candy man" by some patients for allegedly handing out excess narcotics.
Date convicted: January 18, 2017
Permanent Surrender of his license.
HOUSE, ROBERT counseling services operator U.S. Georgia
Fraudulently billing Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: April 1999
10 years in prison, fined $10,000 and ordered to repay $1,132,507 (together with his wife, Delores Harrell-House)
HOUSTON, GEORGE SAM MICHAEL psychotherapist U.S. Colorado
Sexual assaults on female patients.
Date convicted: August 1992
8 years in prison
HOWARD, RICHARD social worker U.S. Kansas
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 26, 1996
6 months in prison and 3 years supervised release
HOWARD-COATES, SHIRLEY group home operator U.S. Michigan
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: April 28, 1998
4 months in jail with work release, 2 years probation and ordered to pay $78,000 restitution
HOWARTH, WILLIAM alcohol abuse counselor U.S. Alaska
Bludgeoning a woman to death while he was drunk.
Date convicted: January 10, 1996
99 years in prison
Howe, Edith Psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Gross misconduct in the practice of psychology, gross incompetence, gross negligence. On January 25, 2013, Howe wrote a letter on behalf of her client which the client used during the course of her divorce proceedings. In the letter, Howe frequently refereed to her client's husband as "abusive" based upon statements made by her client during therapy sessions without ever having conducted a psychological assessment of the her client's husband.
Date convicted: May 8, 2015
Howe, Edith Psychologist U.S. California
Unprofessional conduct based on a Massachusetts Psychology Board action where Howe made unsubstantiated statements in a letter used by her client in a divorce proceeding.
Date convicted: August 11, 2016
Surrendered his California license.
HOWELL, JAIME R. mental health aide U.S. Virginia
Sexual battery of 2 patients.
Date convicted: March 28, 1991
2 years in prison
HOWELL, SAMUEL BROCK psychologist U.S. North Carolina
Interstate travel for the purpose of engaging in sex with a minor and destruction of evidence of the crime.
Date convicted: August 16, 2001
21 months prison and 3 years probation.
Howland, Christopher psychologist U.S. Washington
Unprofessional conduct: Inappropriately touched a female patient, hugged the patient and commented to the patient about her breasts.
Date convicted: December 31, 2004
License revoked and ordered to reimburse the patient for all fees received for counseling.
HUARD, LOUIS psychiatrist France Nanterre
Gave authorization to leave three drug-addicted prisoners naked in a room with the windows open in winter, with the temperature minus 10 Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) - well below freezing - resulting in hypothermia of which they nearly died.
Date convicted: September 19, 2002
12 months jail with 8 months suspended.
HUAT, PAUL ONG BOON family court counselor Singapore
Illegally receiving $200 from a woman he counseled.
Date convicted: October 1999
1 month in jail
Hubsher, Marshall psychiatrist U.S. New York
Medicaid fraud
Date convicted: April 24, 1987
4 months jail
Hubsher, Marshall Jeffrey Psychiatrist U.S. Michigan
Failure to notify the Department of an adverse action by another state. Marshall Hubsher has a history of Criminal convictions and medical board Disciplinary Actions taken on his license in other states. A 1988 SUSPENSION of his NY license was based on a 1982 federal criminal conviction for possessing approximately 2,000 Methaqualone tablets, a 1983 disciplinary action for issuing a prescription for a controlled substance with a false date, and a 1987 state criminal conviction for Medicaid fraud. His New York license was REVOKED in 1995 for fraudulent practice and practicing with a suspended license. He was denied restoration in 2000 but it was restored in 2006. He surrendered his New York license in 2012 for charges of fraudulent practice, false report, failure to maintain records, moral unfitness, negligence and incompetence on more than one occasion, gross negligence, willful patient harassment, abuse or intimidation, and exercising undue influence on a patient. On July 11, 2013, based on his history, he was denied a license by the Maine Board to practice in that state.
Date convicted: September 8, 2015
License revoked in Michigan. Fined $10,000.
Hubsher, Marshall Jeffrey Psychiatrist U.S. New York
Convicted of rape and sexually abusing a woman he was treating for depression in 2012 and was later rearrested, while in prison, for burglary and jury tampering connected with that trial. Separately, Hubsher has been indicted on felony charges of conspiring with a licensed psychiatrist to sell pill prescriptions for Xanax and Adderall for cash and three counts of unauthorized practice of profession. Although his license was surrendered in 2012, Hubsher was still seeing patients while posing as a psychiatrist.
Date convicted: March 21, 2016
To serve between 2 and 3 years in prison.
HUDSON, JR., CHARLES F. family counselor U.S. Washington
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: October 25, 1991
90 days in federal prison
Huggins, Julee K. Psychologist U.S. New Mexico
Between Jan. 2011 and Feb 2014, she executed a scheme to fraudulently obtain money for three health care benefit programs including Medicare and two private plans. Huggins submitted claims for counseling services that were never performed. Huggins defrauded them an aggregate of $157,839.94. Entered a guilty plea on Nov. 3, 2015, to felony healthcare fraud.
Date convicted: May 10, 2016
Sentenced by federal court to 5 years of probation and to pay $157,839.94 in restitution. Her New Mexico Psychologist license is SUSPENDED.
Hughes, Patrick child psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Inappropriate sexual contact with patient.
Date convicted: May 2004
License suspended.
Huingahau McFarlane-Nathan, Garry psychologist New Zealand
Excess breath alcohol. This was Mr. Huingahau McFarlane-Nathan's third drunk driving offense.
Date convicted: January 2008
Disqualified from driving for 12 months and ordered to do 250 hours community service.
HULBERT, DEBORAH ANN clinical social worker U.S. Florida
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: December 2000
7 years prison, 65 months suspended, and 15 years probation.
HUNTER, JAMES social worker U.S. Nebraska
Sexually abusing two young boys he had been counseling.
Date convicted: March 22, 2000
4 years in prison
HURLEY, WALTER ex-mental health nurse U.K. Surrey
Theft, deception and conspiracy for stealing more than 1 million pounds from the government health insurance.
Date convicted: April 2000
33 months in jail
HUTHSTEINER, GEORGE psychiatrist U.S. California
Billing a state insurance program for therapy which consisted of having sex with the woman while her boyfriend watched. He was previously convicted in 1978 for illegally prescribing drugs and spent 6 days in jail.
Date convicted: January 22, 1982
6 months in jail and fined $9,760
HUTTO, DAVID L. psychiatric patient broker U.S. Florida
Soliciting bribes and kickbacks for finding clients to send to psychiatric facilities whose treatment could be charged to Medicaid.
Date convicted: November 1998
5 years probation and ordered to pay $5.7 million in restitution
Huyck, Susan licensed clinical social worker U.S. Wisconsin
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: March 2004
License suspended for one year.
INFINGER, ROBERT W. mental health executive U.S. Arkansas
Date convicted: December 1, 1999
2 years probation and a $1,000 fine
INGLESTON, RUTH prison counselor U.S. Florida
Sexual activity with an 18-year old inmate.
Date convicted: November 10, 1999
25 1/2 months in prison
INGRAM, GRAHAM psychiatrist U.K. Oxford
Getting drunk and exposing himself while streaking at a party.
Date convicted: 1999
Ordered to pay 150 pounds to charity
INGRAM III, WILLIAM VERNON middle school counselor U.S. North Carolina
Statutory rape and 9 counts of taking indecent liberties with a minor, for his involvement with a 14-year-old female student.
Date convicted: August 1996
6 to 8 years in prison, 6 months intensive probation, supervised probation, community service and ordered to pay $3,600 in restitution to the victim and 3 consecutive 16 to 20 months sentences (suspended)
IRVING, ISLA registered mental nurse U.K. Wales
Ill treatment and willful neglect of eight mentally ill patients.
Date convicted: July 2001
4 months in jail.
Isaac, Paul psychiatric nurse UK
Raped and sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl.
Date convicted: March 3, 2010
Jailed 11 years.
Israel, Matthew psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Criminal behavior. Israel destroyed evidence in defiance of state's order to preserve it. Israel was the founder and director of the Judge Rotenberg Center (JRC), a facility for troubled children. JRC is the only facility that used a method of "aversion therapy" utilizing a shock device worn by the student and triggered by JRC counselors. JRC counselors delivered repeated shocks to two students (29 to one and 77 to the other) in a 2007 incident which was later found to have been prompted by a prank caller posing as a supervisor. Israel destroyed surveillance video of the incident.
Date convicted: May 26, 2011
Israel was indicted on the criminal charge and was offered pre-trial probation for five years and permanent resignation of his position at the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, Massachusetts.
Ivan, Anca Mirela Psychologist U.S. Oregon
Violated Ethical Standards by having submitted a false licensing application to the Board. She did not disclose all facts concerning a drunk driving (DUI) and reckless driving conviction in 2013.
Date convicted: January 16, 2017
Reprimand and $1,000 fine.
Ivanov, Valery psychiatrist Russia
Offerred to get a soldier released from military service for 45,000 rubles (approximately U.S. $1,600).
Date convicted: February 10, 2010
2 year conditional sentence.
Iyer, Shivkumar Lakshminarayan Psychiatrist U.S. West Virginia
Sexual misconduct, irregularities in prescribing, being in an intoxicated or drugged state while at work. His license was suspended in July 2002 for two years with the charges of "exercising influence with a patient/physician relationship for purposes of engaging a patient in sexual activity." The suspension was followed by 5 years probation with conditions. His license was restored in July 2009. In 2013, the Board began receiving reports of irregular prescribing and other misconduct. In June 2014, Iver was found intoxicated in the parking lot of his workplace.
Date convicted: January 11, 2016
License was revoked.
Iyer, Shivkumar Lakshminarayan Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Based on a 2015 Summary Suspension order in West Virginia.
Date convicted: February 9, 2016
Indefinitely suspended.
JACKSON, DOMINIC psychiatrist U.K. Slough
Sexually assaulting a teenage girl and sending her pornography.
Date convicted: Circa 1999
18 months in jail of which he served 4 weeks
JACKSON, JOHN DAVID counselor Canada Toronto
Sexually assaulting a handicapped woman under his care.
Date convicted: April 20, 1994
Nearly 2 years in prison
JACKSON, LINCOLN ANDREW psychiatric nurse New Zealand Wellington
Sexual assault of a patient.
Date convicted: March 1997
2 years in jail
JACKSON, MARK M. mental health executive U.S. Kansas
Paying bribes to a U.S. postal worker to supply patients for the psychiatric hospital where he worked.
Date convicted: December 12, 1994
34 months in prison and ordered to pay $7,892 in fines and costs
JACOBSON, CLIFFORD R. psychiatrist U.S. New York
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: January 2002
6 months home confinement, 5 years probation, $786,585 restitution, $50,000 fine and 250 hours volunteer community service annually for five years.
Jacobson, Clifford Robert Psychiatrist U.S. New York
He committed professional misconduct by practicing medicine with negligence. He failed to document an adequate medical history and appropriate medical indications for controlled substances for multiple patients.
Date convicted: February 27, 2017
License Surrendered
Jacques, Arnold psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
Medicaid-Medicare fraud.
Date convicted: November 29, 2010
3 years prison.
Jagne, Bongiwe psychologist South Africa
5 counts of fraud in obtaining a loan.
Date convicted: May 25, 2010
5 years jail.
JAIN, SWARAN KUMAR psychologist U.S. Kansas
Receiving illegal payments (called kickbacks) in exchange for referring his patients to North Hills Hospital.
Date convicted: July 5, 1995
6 months home detention, 5 years probation and fined $10,000
JAMES, ROBERT E. mental health executive U.S. New York
Defrauding Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: June 12, 1996
4 to 12 years in prison, fined $5,000 and ordered to pay $15,000 restitution
JANKS, ANN PHYLLIS educational psychologist South Africa Johannesburg
Conspiring to murder a US district attorney.
Date convicted: Circa late 2002
1 year in jail and a fine of 2.2 million South African Rands (approx. US $250,000).
JARAMILLO, JAMES D.C. psychiatrist U.S. New Mexico
Defrauding government health insurance programs.
Date convicted: November 25, 1996
8 months in prison and ordered to pay $23, 973 in penalties and restitution
Jarmon, Robert psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
Engaged in sexual contact, including intercourse, with a psychiatric patient.
Date convicted: December 15, 2003
License revoked.
Jarvis, Gretchen county mental health administrator U.S. Vermont
Embezzlement and financial exploitation (embezzled $34,492.80 from the county mental health services agency where she worked, inappropriately wrote checks from patients' accounts and took money from other patients' accounts).
Date convicted: January 11, 2007
5 to 10 1/2 years prison, all suspended except for 9 days to serve. She was placed on probatation and will make full restitution of $34,492.80.
JEFFREY, COSMO WILLIAM social worker New Zealand Wellington
His part in an international drug conspiracy dealing street drugs.
Date convicted: November 24, 2000
6 years in jail
JENKINS, HOWARD LEE counselor U.S. Kansas
Sexual battery of a female patient.
Date convicted: December 5, 1997
1 year in jail
Jewell, Thomas P. marriage & family therapist intern U.S. California
Production of child pornography
Date convicted: February 29, 2012
29 years prison
Johnmeyer, Joshua counselor U.S. Missouri
Medicaid fraud, Obstruction and Stealing by Deceit
Date convicted: November 4, 2011
5 years probation and 7 days "shock" incarceration and $3,654 fine
JOHNSON, ANTHONY caretaker for mentally disabled U.S. Maryland
Taking the funds of the mentally retarded patients, who he was in charge of, for personal use.
Date convicted: May 7, 1997
2 years probation and ordered to pay $2,854 restitution
JOHNSON, MICHAEL youth counselor U.S. Alaska
Perjury He lied to the court about meeting a former girlfriend, who had accused him of rape during a custody battle for their children.
Date convicted: September 28, 2000
250 hours of community service within a 2 year probation period
JOHNSON, VAN psychiatrist U.S. Indiana
Shooting and killing a man who came to his door to collect money owed to his children for delivering newspapers to Johnson.
Date convicted: July 15, 1996
40 years in jail
Johnson, Edwin Lee psychiatrist U.S. Minnesota-North Dakota
Criminal sexual conduct (numerous instances of sexual contact with a woman he was counseling between April 2003 and June 2004).
Date convicted: August 3, 2006
One year county jail. Johnson entered in an agreement with the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice in March 2005 to cease practicing; in 2006 the North Dakota Board of Medical Examiners permanently suspended his license.
Johnson, James L. mental health counselor U.S. Washington
Assault in the fourth degree with sexual motivation and domestic violence. (Johnson touched a child's breast. At the time, the child was living in Johnson's household, he was responsible for the child's well-being and was in a position of authority over the child.)
Date convicted: April 21, 2009
Johnson, Kellion mental health facility manager U.S. Texas
Medicaid program-related conviction.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Johnson, Beatrice Anne Psychiatrist U.S. Vermont
Failing to maintain medical records which adequately and timely documented patient encounters.
Date convicted: August 6, 2014
Reprimand and order for remedial training.
Johnson, Beatrice Anne Psychiatrist U.S. New York
Based on charges in the 2014 Vermont discipline of failing to maintain medical records.
Date convicted: February 18, 2016
Voluntary Surrender.
JOHNSON, JR., RUDOLPH THOMAS psychiatric aide U.S. Virginia
Sexually assaulted two drugged psychiatric patients.
Date convicted: July 10, 2002
10 years prison
Johnston, Sandra K. Psychologist U.S. Wisconsin
While Johnston was employed as a staff psychologist at a correctional institution, she had an ongoing romantic relationship with the patient.
Date convicted: August 25, 2016
License was suspended 1 year.
JOLLEY, GLENN W. counselor U.S. Washington
Taking indecent liberties with a female patient (fondled a patient's breast and other parts of her body during a counseling session).
Date convicted: January 2002
18 months prison followed by 3 years community custody and registration as a convicted sex offender. One of the provisions on release is that he does not engage in counseling.
JONES, CHARLES EDFORD mental health employee U.S. Tennessee
Sexually assaulting a female patient.
Date convicted: October 13, 1999
15 months in jail
JONES, EDWARD FRANCIS psychiatric nurse Canada Calgary
Stealing $4,800 from an elderly patient.
Date convicted: January 25, 1994
20 months in jail
JONES, TOBIN psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Murdering his wife.
Date convicted: October 23, 1998
53 years in jail
Jones, Ken counselor U.S. Oregon
Sexual abuse and domestic assault on his wife.
Date convicted: March 4, 2005
45 days in jail, 36 months' probation, 100 hours community service, must register as sex offender and pay $1,674 in fines and $340 in restitution. Jones also voluntarily surrendered license In March 2005 while incarcerated on the criminal charges.
Jordan, Guy psychologist U.S. Georgia
Medicaid fraud
Date convicted: July 29, 2022
Six months house arrest and five years probation
JUAREZ, JESUS REYNA psychiatrist U.S. California
Providing prescription painkillers to an undercover officer in exchange for money and marijuana.
Date convicted: June 13, 1994
3 years probation and 350 hours community service
Juchmes, Paul Wayne psychologist U.S. California
Child endangerment. This conviction was the result of a plea which Juchmes entered in response to charges which included possession of child pornography.
Date convicted: July 13, 2004
112 days in jail and 2 years probation. He surrendered his license to practice to the State of California on September 12, 2006.
Jurand, Joseph A. Psychiatrist U.S. West Virginia
Sexual misconduct toward a minor under the age of sixteen. The indictment stated he had inappropriate sexual contact with a 15 year old girl in April of 2012. He was convicted of Third Degree Sexual Abuse on September 30, 2013. Dr. Jurand admitted that he engaged in an illegal and inappropriate relationship of a sexual nature with the victim.
Date convicted: January 6, 2014
5 years probation; 500 hours of community service; registered for life as Sex Offender.
Jurand, Joseph A. Psychiatrist U.S. West Virginia
As a result of criminal conviction of sexual misconduct.
Date convicted: June 30, 2014
WV medical license was put on Probation.
Jurand, Joseph A. Psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Based on conviction of criminal sexual misconduct charges in West Virginia.
Date convicted: September 11, 2016
License revoked in Maryland.
Jurand, Joseph A. Psychiatrist U.S. West Virginia
In August of 2016, he was found to be operating a private practice clinic in violation of the terms and conditions of his probation.
Date convicted: September 12, 2016
Suspension activated, On April 4, 2017, his license was placed on Probation with restrictions until June 30, 2020.
Juwah, Alexander psychiatrist U.S. New York
Offering a false instrument for filing: Juwah falsely reported on his driver's license renewal form that he had never had nor been treated for a medical condition that caused unconsciousness when in fact he had a seizure disorder. On the morning of November 4, 2006 he blacked out behind the wheel, causing a multi-car accident resulting in three fatalities and injuries to seven others.
Date convicted: 2008
1 year conditional discharge (suspended sentence with conditions) and 150 hours community service.
KABAT, DOUGLAS C treatment center owner U.S. New York
He and his partner, James Garret, stole from Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: April, 1998
2 year conditional discharge, 500 hours community service and ordered to repay $113,000
KALB, TODD C mental health employee U.S. California
His company, Todco, Inc., provided collection services for American Psychometric Consultants, Inc., which defrauded insurance companies through fraudulent billing for psychological testing.
Date convicted: April, 1998
10 months in jail
KAMKA, GORDON C. substance abuse counselor U.S. Virginia
Domestic assault and destruction of property during a fight with a woman. who shared his house
Date convicted: July 22, 1996
60 days in jail and 3 years probation
Kamugisha, Chris psychiatrist UK
Dishonestly claimed more than £16,000 in benefits over two-and-a-half years.
Date convicted: November 2004
License suspended 4 months.
Kamyuka, Frederick psychiatrist UK
Prescription fraud
Date convicted: May 27, 2010
100 hours unpaid work (community order)
Kaplowitz, Barry Psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Kaplowitz participated in a $5.5 million Medicare fraud scheme involving fraudulent billings by a psychiatric hospital in Hollywood, Florida. He was convicted of making false statements related to health care matters in February 2015, following a six-week jury trial. Kaplowitz served as the medical director at the facility from 2008 to 2011 during which time he signed false and fraudulent medical records in order to make it appear that the facility's patients qualified for and received intensive outpatient services, even though they did not. Kaplowitz signed patient files for over 400 patients falsely certifying that he had treated them when he hadn't. He used the records to submit over 2,800 false claims to Medicare.
Date convicted: April 30, 2015
5 years in prison and ordered to pay more than $2.9 million in restitution.
Kaplowitz, Barry Psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Based on his 2015 Medicare Fraud conviction.
Date convicted: September 30, 2015
Excluded from participating in Medicare or Medicaid for a minumum of 20 years.
Kaplowitz, Barry Psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Based on his 2015 Medicare Fraud conviction.
Date convicted: June 15, 2016
License revoked by Florida medical board.
Karadzic, Radovan Psychiatrist Bosnia and Herzegovina
Convicted of genocide and other charges. A Yugoslav war crimes tribunal found him guilty of orchestrating Serb atrocities throughout Bosnia's 1992-95 war that left 100,000 people dead. The U.N. court found Karadzic criminally responsible for genocide in the 1995 Srebrenica massacre in which 8,000 Muslim men and boys were slaughtered. He was also held criminally responsible for murder, attacking civilians and terror for overseeing the deadly 44-month siege of the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo, during the war.
Date convicted: March 4, 2016
40 years in prison.
KARAKOUDAS, ANDREW G mental health employee U.S. Massachusetts
Beat two retarded men in their care and videotaped the beating.
Date convicted: December 11, 1991
90 days in jail along with another employee
Karalis, George psychiatrist U.S. California
Workers Compensation insurance fraud
Date convicted: February 10, 2022
120 days prison and $1.4 million restitution
KARMELEK, EUGENE mental health executive U.S. Massachusetts
His role in Executive Management Associates, which defrauded 8 non-profit mental health care companies which provided services to de-institutionalized, mentally retarded individuals.
Date convicted: January 15, 1998
3 months community confinement and ordered to pay his share of $3,526,966 restitution
Karnam, Nirmala psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Reckless endangerment and traffic violations (caused a traffic accident that killed an 18-year-old).
Date convicted: August 28, 2008
4 years probation, loss of driver's license, 300 hours of community service and was ordered by judge to pay $10,000 into a scholarship fund named in honor of victim.
Karpf, Richard psychiatrist U.S. New York
Criminal possession of a weapon. Karpf was initially under investigation for charges of conspiracy to commit murder, after he was reported to police by patient whom he had tried to persuade to obtain a handgun for him to use to commit a murder.
Date convicted: May 27, 2004
3 months jail (time he had already served), 5 years probation and the surrender of his medical license. Karpf surrendered both his New York and California medical licenses August 1, 2005. He was no longer allowed to practice in the state of Florida as of September 2, 2005.
KARUNDASA, BALAPITIYA psychiatrist U.K. Brecon
Indecently assaulting two elderly men in their homes.
Date convicted: Circa 2000
Jailed for an unknown length of time
Katowitz, Jeffrey marriage and family therapist U.S. Pennsylvania
Convicted of a felony or a crime of moral turpitude and departed from or failed to conform to the standards of acceptable and prevailing marriage and family therapy practice.
Date convicted: February 25, 2010
License suspended; suspension stayed in favor of probation.
Katz, Ronald psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Medicaid fraud and practicing without a license.
Date convicted: April 14, 2004
License revoked. In November 2005, Katz was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Kaufman, Arlan residential Treatment Center Owner U.S. Kansas
30 criminal counts including health care fraud, Medicare fraud, forced labor and holding clients in involuntary servitude.
Date convicted: January 23, 2006
30 years prison
Kaufman, Linda residential Treatment Center Owner U.S. Kansas
30 criminal counts including health care fraud, Medicare fraud, forced labor and holding clients in involuntary servitude.
Date convicted: January 23, 2006
7 years prison
Kaza, Mohan Viswa Psychiatrist U.S. Michigan
On April 9, 2013, Respondent was convicted of Operating While Impaired by Liquor. On November 6, 2014, Respondent was convicted of Operating - While Intoxicated - 3rd Offense, a felony. On four occasions in 2016, Respondent's urine drug screens tested positive for alcohol and failed to comply with a disciplinary monitoring agreement imposed by the Michigan medical board.
Date convicted: January 18, 2017
Suspended for a minimum of three months to be followed by 2 years probation.
KECK, HELENA FRANCES youth counselor intern U.S. Oregon
Contributing to the sexual delinquency of a minor and official misconduct (had sexual relationship with a 16-year-old facility resident).
Date convicted: November 14, 2002
1 year prison less time served of 160 days, 60 months probation, $565 fines and court costs, no contact with minors and must enroll in a sex offender program.
KEELAN, EDWARD M. psychiatrist U.S. Connecticut
Illegally prescribing drugs to addicts in exchange for money.
Date convicted: December 16, 1988
5 years in prison, 5 years probation and fined $25,000
Kellaway, Stephen psychologist UK
Benefit fraud and identity fraud (faked his own death and claimed housing subsidy despite having a property portfolio of considerable worth).
Date convicted: February 29, 2012
32 months prison
Kelley, Severance B. Psychiatrist U.S. Colorado
Unprofessional Conduct -- From approximately May through November 2015, he prescribed psychiatric drugs to two patients with dosages that were either too high or increased too rapidly. Prescribing practices were not within generally accepted standards of medical practice.
Date convicted: September 8, 2016
Relinquished license. Agreed to retire.
KELLY, JAMES psychiatric nurse Ireland Cork
Sexually abusing young boys at a school for disadvantaged children where he worked in the 1950 and 60s.
Date convicted: November 24, 1999
36 years
Kelly, Susan social worker U.S. Michigan
Felony conviction relating to controlled substances.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Kelly, Robert psychologist U.S. Michigan
Murdered his daughter with a baseball bat
Date convicted: July 11, 2012
23-30 years prison
Kelly, Pamlyn Psychologist U.S. California
Between 2010 and 2014, Kelly committed billing fraud by receiving payment for services not actually provided, communicated confidential patient information to other patients, failed to properly keep progress notes for patients, entered into impermissible multiple relationships with patients and failed to provide adequate forensic reports.
Date convicted: Ocober 14, 2016
License surrendered.
Kelly-Byrne, Diana psychologist Australia Melbourne, Victoria
Failed to manage conflicts of interest and engaged in a personal relationship that transgressed professional boundaries; Kelly-Byrne engaged in a secret "affair of the heart" with a man while treating his former wife for depression over their failed marriage.
Date convicted: March 4, 2004
License suspended for nine months.
KELTY, STEVEN counselor U.S. Pennsylvania
Sexual assault of a 15-year-old girl
Date convicted: August 8, 2002
Up to 21 years in jail; 5 years probation; ordered to undergo a drug & alcohol evaluation and complete a program for sex offenders.
KENDALL, GARY HACKLER youth counselor U.S. West Virginia
Receiving child pornography on his home computer.
Date convicted: March 12, 2001
5 years in federal prison.
Kermath, Nancy psychiatrist U.S. Minnesota
Unethical and unprofessional conduct involving drugs.
Date convicted: November 2004
License indefinitely suspended.
Kern, Stephen Wayne mental health facility director U.S. Texas
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: July 21, 2003
5 year deferred prison sentence; $1,500 fine, $48,275 restitution, $3,908 investigative costs and $500 to a victim's compensation fund. In October 2005, Kern was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Kern, Sidney Darnell counselor, counseling center operator U.S. Texas
Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
KESSLER, KEVIN LAMONT psychiatric nurse U.S. Pennsylvania
Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse and aggravated indecent assault (sexual assaults of two patients).
Date convicted: April 9, 2001
Concurrent sentences of 5-to-10 years and 2 1/2-to-5 years
KESTENBAUM, RICHARD psychologist U.S. Maine
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: May 28, 1992
27 months of a 6 year jail sentence (balance suspended), 4 years probation and ordered to pay $42,892.00 in restitution
KETTERLING, THOMAS school psychologist U.S. Nebraska
Violating child pornography laws.
Date convicted: June 1, 1996
Probation, fined $3,000 and barred from working with children
Keys, Donald L. social worker and professional counselor U.S. Minnesota, Wisconsin
Possession and production of child pornography.
Date convicted: December 6, 2004
15 years federal prison, 5 years supervised release.
Khan, Mohammed A. R. Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
In 2012, charged with writing more than 3,100 prescriptions for more than 145,000 pills including Adderall, Ritalin and Xanax for patients without medical necessity, Khan pleaded guilty to unlawful administration of a controlled substance by a physician, insurance fraud and conspiracy. People on the street referred to Khan as "The Candyman" because of how easy it was to get a prescription from him. The Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General called Khan the most successful drug dealer in Berks County.
Date convicted: December 11, 2015
2-4 years in state prison, to be followed by 8 years of probation.
Khan, Mohammed A. R. Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Medical Board discipline was based on his December 11, 2012 criminal conviction for unlawful prescribing.
Date convicted: June 2, 2016
License is suspended for at least 10 years.
Khatri, Jameel psychiatrist U.S., Canada Nebraska
Possession of child pornography.
Date convicted: September 2005
License revoked.
Khitab, Allan Umar psychiatrist Canada Ontario
Disgraceful, dishonorable or unprofessional conduct. This is the charge that Khitab pleaded guilty to in exchange for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario withdrawing four other charges including sexual abuse and sexual impropriety. Khitab had been accused of sexually preying on young male patients. In an agreed statement of facts with the College, Khitab admitted that he "engaged in boundary violations of a sexual nature" against five patients.
Date convicted: October 19, 2001
License permanently revoked.
KIDRON, RICARDO psychiatrist Israel
Raping 3 patients, one of whom he impregnated.
Date convicted: Circa 1992
8 years in prison
Kieffer-Andrews, Marilyn J. psychologist U.S. Arizona
Unprofessional conduct.
Date convicted: August 2005
License placed on inactive status; not allowed to renew or seek reinstatement.
King, Dennis M. psychiatrist U.S. Texas
"...unprofessional or dishonorable conduct...likely to defraud, deceive or injure the public because of violations of a previous Board Order, and use of alcohol or drugs in a...manner that could endanger a patient's life."
Date convicted: August 2003
License revoked.
King, Kathleen Psychologist U.S. Missouri
She had an improper sexual relationship with a patient from July to September 2013 after she ended his treatment in June 2012.
Date convicted: March 21, 2016
License was surrendered.
KLINE, MILTON V psychologist U.S. New York
Perjury for lying in court about his credentials.
Date convicted: February 10, 1982
Fined $5,000
Kljusev, Ljudmil Psychiatrist U.S. Connecticut
Prescribing Adderall and Xanax, among other drugs, to people who did not medically require them. Allowed prescriptions to be written by his assistant while he was away. Evidence was found showing that he was illegally selling prescriptions for cash. On Nov. 30, 2016, Kljusev pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to possess with intent to distribute controlled narcotics and one count of health care fraud.
Date convicted: March 22, 2016
26 months jail, followed by three years of supervised release. Ordered to pay a $17,500 fine and $31,081 restitution. Forfeited his offices and nearly $300,000 in cash and account holdings.
Kljusev, Ljudmil Psychiatrist U.S. Connecticut
Coincident with his November 2016 convictions for illegal drug distribution and healthcare fraud.
Date convicted: February 28, 2017
Voluntary Agreement Not To Renew Or Reinstate License.
KLOPP, HENRY LEE psychiatric aide U.S. Oregon
Sexually assaulting a mentally retarded patient.
Date convicted: May 8, 2000
More than 8 years in prison
KLUS, LEROY counselor U.S. New Mexico
A variety of sexual offenses involving children.
Date convicted: June 14, 1999
13 1/2 years in prison
Knaus, Ronald psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Possession of marijuana
Date convicted: October 7, 2010
KNIGHT, STUART prison psychometrist Canada Brantford, Ontario
Multiple counts of sexual assault and breach of trust (coerced a dozen inmates to engage in sexual activity, telling them that in exchange, he would use his influence to secure them early parole or placement in a temporary absence program).
Date convicted: February 26, 2002
2 years less one day prison with 11 months credited for time served.
Knowles, Margaret Psychiatrist U.S. Wisconsin
She supplied herself with amphetamines by writing prescriptions in other doctors' names and pleaded guilty in March to attempting obtain a drug by fraud.
Date convicted: May 9, 2017
16 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release
KOBASHIGAWA, TED psychiatrist U.S. California
Medi-Cal insurance fraud and illegally prescribing drugs.
Date convicted: October 10, 1997
120 days in county jail, 4 years probation and ordered to pay $1,000 in restitution
KOBRIN, KENNARD psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Illegally prescribing a tranquilizer to an active substance abuser and ordering medically unnecesary psychological tests for two other patients.
Date convicted: May 30, 2003
Two 18-month and one 9-month prison sentences, suspended, ordered to pay $11,000 in fines and barred from prescribing medicine for two years.
Kobrin, Kennard psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Convicted of Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: November 2004
License revoked.
Kocher, Joyce Marie Psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Suspended for failure to file and/or pay Illinois state income taxes.
Date convicted: April 16, 2016
License suspended. Suspension has since been lifted.
KOENIG, RICHARD psychiatrist U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 26, 1991
6 months in jail, 3 1/2 years probation and fined $25,000
Koffman, Allyson psychotherapist Canada
Personal relationship with patient.
Date convicted: August 2003
3-month suspension.
KOMPUS, LARRY L psychiatrist U.S. Michigan
Delivery of a controlled substance and criminal sexual conduct with a male patient
Date convicted: January 1, 1979
1 to 7 years in prison
KOTUA, LEON TE WERA mental health employee New Zealand Nelson
Wounding with intent to injure (undertook a "vigilante mission," beating a man alleged to have indecently assaulted a woman).
Date convicted: July 6, 2001
18 months prison.
KRIVACSKA, JAMES school psychologist U.S. New Jersey
Sexually abusing 2 mentally retarded teenage boys under his care.
Date convicted: March 12, 1999
26 years in jail
KRONE, JACKI counseling center director U.S. Florida
Being part of a tax evasion scheme.
Date convicted: January 7, 1999
3 years probation and ordered to pay $32,000 in fines and restitution
Kruger, Jaco psychologist South Africa
Murder, assault and attempted murder.
Date convicted: November 3, 2006
10 years in prison.
Kruger, Jaco psychologist South Africa
Culpable homicide, attempted murder and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (shot and killed his brother-in-law and assaulted and wounded his own wife).
Date convicted: November 3, 2006
10 years prison for homicide, 5 years prison for attempted murder and 2 years prison for assault, to run concurrently.
KRUSZECKI, LEONARD former county psychologist U.S. California
Embezzlement (pretended to work for the county from home while actually holding a similar job in a neighboring county).
Date convicted: October 25, 2001
60 days jail, 3 years supervised probation, $200 fine and $5,619 restitution.
Kuehl, Susan psychologist U.S. California
Questions of Kuehl's mental health and behavior. She was criminally charged with breaking into hospital offices and stealing confidential personnel files.
Date convicted: August 2003
License suspended. Kuehl surrendered her license October 13, 2004. She was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in August 2005.
Kuemmerle, Nathan psychiatrist U.S. California
Distribution of a controlled substance.
Date convicted: May 18, 2011
3 years probation.
Kusior, Lorraine counselor U.S. Missouri
Medicaid fraud
Date convicted: August 8, 2011
5 years probation and $29,036 restitution
KWIATKOWSKI, MARIE psychologist Belgium Brussels
Dousing the British Prime Minister with ink.
Date convicted: March 29, 1992
6 months in prison
KWONG, LEUNG psychiatric orderly China
Sexually assaulting a mentally handicapped female patient.
Date convicted: February 23, 1993
18 months in jail
Kyle, George counselor U.S. Kentucky
Promotion of prostitution.
Date convicted: June 16, 2010
Pleaded guilty; sentenced pending.
LaBounty, Karen Psychologist U.S. Minnesota
In 2010, LaBounty breached professional boundaries with a client she was treating at St. Paul Hospital. She also reported memory problems which called into question her ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety.
Date convicted: February 18, 2016
License was revoked.
Lackings, Sandra Rose social workder U.S. Florida
Exploitation of and theft from the elderly
Date convicted: June 30, 2010
Lafuente Casco, Maria Alejandra psychologist Mexico
Murder: After giving her husband sleep drugs, she dismembered him with an electric saw and scattered his remains around Mexico City.
Date convicted: Sept. 18, 2022
46 years in prison
LAI, THOMAS YUEN CHEN counselor U.S. California
Stealing $2.8 million from the federal government through false medical reimbursement claims.
Date convicted: April 16, 1999
4 years in prison, ordered to pay nearly $3 million in fines and restitution
Lake, Robert Roland counselor U.S. Utah
Addiction to controlled substances which, if left untreated, could affect his ability to safely practice. In July 2002 Lake falsified his application for licensure regarding prior arrests and convictions.
Date convicted: September 24, 2004
Voluntarily surrendered his license. In March 2005, Lake was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
LAMB, GERALDINE A hypnotherapist U.S. Missouri
Health insurance fraud and practicing psychology without a license.
Date convicted: July, 1998
30 months in prison
LAMBERT, DENNY RAY psychiatrist U.S. Tennessee
Illegally distributing prescription drugs.
Date convicted: March, 2000
57 months in prison
Land, Paula psychologist U.S. New Mexico
Sexual relationship with patient.
Date convicted: March 2003
License revoked.
Langford, Donald counselor U.S. Arizona
Felony Aggravated Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol (was charged three times in a four-year period).
Date convicted: July 2008
LANGSHAW, ALAN counselor U.K. Widnes
28 sexual assaults against children.
Date convicted: November 25, 1994
10 years in jail
LAPID, GIDON psychiatrist Israel Tel Aviv
Forging documents to exempt soldiers from duty in exchange for money.
Date convicted: October 31, 2000
18 months prison, 18 months suspended sentence and fined
LAPOINTE, PIERRE psychiatrist Canada Quebec
Sexually assaulting one of his patients.
Date convicted: June 2, 1999
18 months in prison
Lassiter, Paulette Denise Psychiatrist U.S. North Carolina
She engaged in romantic and inappropriate relationships with former and current patients. A March 2016 evaluation determined that she was not fit to practice clinical psychiatry.
Date convicted: October 19, 2016
License was indefinitely suspended.
Laufer, German psychiatrist U.S. New York
Criminal facilitation (relative to insurance claims fraud).
Date convicted: July 16, 2009
One year conditional sentence.
Laughlin, Lee counselor U.S. Vermont
Relapse into substance abuse and termination from employment due to unsatisfactory work performance.
Date convicted: August 25, 2004
State license suspended indefinitely. In June 2005, Laughlin was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
LAWDER, KAREN A social worker U.S. New Jersey
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 4, 1999
3 years in state prison and ordered to pay $11,440 in fines and restitution
LAWRENCE, TERI T. mental health executive U.S. Louisiana
Charging Medicaid insurance for counseling services not provided.
Date convicted: January 29, 1997
5 years probation, 300 hours community service and ordered to pay $485,962 repayment to Medicaid insurance
LAWRENCE, THOMAS psychotherapist U.S. Missouri
Defrauding Medicaid health insurance.
Date convicted: August 6, 1997
30 days in jail, 5 years suspended prison sentence, 5 years probation and ordered to pay $51,727.00 in costs and restitution
Layne, Christopher Psychologist U.S. Ohio
Unprofessional conduct based on negative reports and complaints that the psychology board received in 2013 related to his treatment of patients, mostly having to do with "competency deficiencies" in his patient evaluations and his inappropriate interactions with his patients.
Date convicted: January 29, 2015
Permitted to practice until license expiration on September 30, 2016. Agreed to permanently retire.
LEADER, WILLIAM psychiatrist U.S. California
Fourteen misdemeanor counts of prescribing controlled substances to an addict or habitual user. One died as a result of intake of drugs that were prescribed to him by Dr. Leader.
Date convicted: February 5, 2001
5 years in jail.
LEANORD, JOHN J psychiatric nurse U.S. Georgia
Repeatedly sodomizing a 15-year-old patient.
Date convicted: August 16, 1996
10 years in prison
Leber, Ronald W. Unlicensed mental health counselor U.S. Oregon
Third-degree sexual abuse. (Leber made a female patient touch his penis on their first and only counseling session.)
Date convicted: Februrary 5, 2008
30 days jail, 3 years probation and must register as a sex offender for life.
Ledbetter, Randall counselor U.S. Illinois
Felony conviction related to controlled substances.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Leddy, Matthew psychologist U.S. Texas
Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: April 21, 2010
30 days jail and $228,747 restitution.
Ledner, Brooke Psychologist Australia New South Wales
She counselled a patient with an alcohol problem and then had a sexual relationship with him which lasted for several months and included alcohol use. She intimated that she had occasions of driving while intoxicated and made references suggesting she was using alcohol as a coping mechanism. She admitted to unsatisfactory professional conduct and professional misconduct.
Date convicted: June 15, 1994
License Suspended -- banned from providing health services for a year.
Lee , Chartock psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Practicing while impaired by alcohol.
Date convicted: April 2005
License surrendered.
LEE, BRIAN KEITH counselor Canada Toronto
Stealing $735,000 from his former place of work
Date convicted: February, 1997
20 months in prison
Lee, John psychiatrist USA California
Making criminal threats and assault by means of forces likely to produce great bodily injury.
Date convicted: May 2, 2017
Three years’ probation with conditions which included a 52-week anger management course or 52 weeks of psychiatric counseling NOTE: Dr. Lee was legally known as Dirk De Brito when he was charged and convicted. He changed his name circa 2021.
Leech-Porter, Jack Colin George psychiatrist Canada British Columbia
Hugged and kissed a patient.
Date convicted: May 31, 2004
License suspended one month.
Leedom, Liane psychiatrist U.S. Connecticut
Conspiracy to commit misuse of the title 'doctor' and two counts of reckless endangerment: While employed as the medical director of a methadone clinic, Leedom allowed her then-husband (who was not a physician) to engage in the unlicensed practice of medicine, during which he treated numerous facility patients and sexually assaulted female patients.
Date convicted: 2004
2 years of probation. On May 17, 2005, the Connecticut Medical Examining Board reprimanded Leedom and restricted her license to non-clinical practice. On October 19, 2010, the Board reinstated her license with permanent restrictions and placed it probation for three years with numerous terms and conditions. Conditions of her reinstatement include, among other things: permanent restriction from serving or being employed in any position as a director, manager or practitioner in charge or any medical facility or treatment center; permanent restriction such that she many only practice in an office setting that includes other physicians. She is also required to provide a copy of the reinstatement consent order to her employer, partners and/or associates at any hospital, clinic, partnership and/or association at which she is employed or with which she is affiliated or has privileges at.
LEHRMAN, NATHANIEL psychiatrist U.S. New York
Stealing more than $1.3 million from the state Medicaid insurance program.
Date convicted: December 12, 1991
1 to 3 years in jail
LEMKE, MARK drug abuse counselor U.S. Wisconsin
Drug-related offenses, including terrorizing his girlfriend with a loaded gun during a cocaine-induced rage.
Date convicted: April 13, 1999
3 1/2 years in prison (stayed), 6 months in county jail and 4 years probation
Lenhart, Richard Scott Psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Inappropriate sexual relationships and fraudulently billing. Lenhart was arrested in 2014 for using his services to sexually assault two female patients. Lenhart prescribed "touching therapy" for the women. Lenhart was also charged with two counts of theft by deception and two counts of insurance fraud for submitting insurance claims for his treatment. He was described by the board as "a threat to current and future patients, and... not capable of practicing."
Date convicted: February 4, 2016
3-6 years in state prison; ordered to pay more than $71,000 in restitution; labeled as a "sexual predator."
Lenhart, Richard Scott Psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
He sexually assault two female patients and created damaging and unhealthy dependencies in them.
Date convicted: April 26, 2013
License revoked. Ordered to pay $18,433 as cost of investigations and a civil penalty of $50,000.
LENT, LAWRENCE counselor U.S. Missouri
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: July 28, 1999
5 years probation and ordered to pay $25,000 in restitution to the state of Missouri
LEODONES, JEFFREY psychiatric nurse U.S. California
Sexually assaulting a female patient.
Date convicted: August 16, 2000
6 years in prison
Leon Morton, Green psychiatrist U.S. Delaware
Patient alleged that Green told her he loved her, made sexual comments to her and fondled her.
Date convicted: June 8, 2004
License was initially suspended pending a hearing but was ultimately revoked.
LEPRINCE, CHARLES E school psychologist U.S. New Jersey
Making sexual advances to a student.
Date convicted: March 2, 1990
3 years probation
LeRoux, Jeffrey psychologist U.S. California
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: December 2004
License surrendered. In October 2005, LeRoux was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Lesnik, Susan psychologist U.S. California
Gross negligence (engaged in multiple relations with patient).
Date convicted: December 2004
License surrendered, deemed revocation.
LESTER, JOHN BUCKLES child psychiatrist U.S. Kansas
Sexually molesting two sexually abused teenage boys at Community Psychiatric Clinic's College Meadows Hospital, where he worked.
Date convicted: June 5, 1997
41 months in prison after losing an appeal on his 1994 conviction
Levine, Laurence E. psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
5-count conviction on illegal possession of a controlled substance.
Date convicted: March 12, 1999
3 months in jail. Levine had his medical license revoked in December 2002.
Lewek, William T. Psychiatrist U.S. New York
Convicted on Feb 20, 2015 for tampering with physical evidence. A 32-year-old man died in October 2013 at Lewek's house. Lewek dragged the body outside and buried it in his backyard, keeping it hidden for nearly three months while police, family and friends looked for it. The county Medical Examiner's Office was never able to ascertain what killed Straton. Lewek claimed the death was from a drug overdose. Lewek was also accused of possessing crack cocaine and for driving while his ability was impaired.
Date convicted: May 1, 2015
4 years in prison for the tampering; 3 years probation for the driving charge.
Lewek, William T. Psychiatrist U.S. New York
Professional misconduct, based on his February 20, 2016 felony guilty plea in the body-burying tampering case and the misdemeanor driving charge. Lewek had temporarily surrendered his medical license on May 14, 2014.
Date convicted: December 13, 2016
License revoked by medical board in New York.
LEWIS, ANDREW H social worker U.S. California
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 15, 1998
120 days in jail, 3 years probation and ordered to pay $56,000 in restitution
LEWIS, JOHN W psychiatric technician U.S. Tennessee
Sexual battery of a patient.
Date convicted: July 18, 1997
4 years probation
LEWIS, RICKIE psychology employee U.S. Georgia
Conspiracy to defraud Medicaid insurance of over $500,000 along with psychologist Edwin P. Hall.
Date convicted: August 1, 1998
10 years in jail (8 suspended), fined $10,000 and ordered to pay restitution of $209,000
Liang, Raymond Ambrose psychiatrist Canada Vancouver
Income tax evasion.
Date convicted: November 25, 2010
Fined $85,464.
LICHTENSTEIN, DON psychologist U.S. Louisiana
Having sex with a patient
Date convicted: Circa 1991
3 years in prison (suspended), 5 years probation, ordered to perform 300 hours of community service work and ordered to therapy
LICHTMAN, CARL psychologist U.S. New Jersey
Defrauding health insurance programs out of more than $3 million.
Date convicted: May 1, 1997
5 1/2 years in prison
LIDDELL, PAUL counselor and social worker New Zealand Auckland
Sexual offenses against at least 7 boys.
Date convicted: 1994
10 years in prison
LIEBER, ROBERT therapist U.S. Hawaii
Sexual assault of a 16-year-old male client.
Date convicted: January 23, 2001
9 months jail and 5 years probation.
Lievanos, Augustus Psychologist U.S. California
He used alcohol in a manner or to an extent as to be dangerous to himself, another person, or the public; and he was convicted of a crime substantially related to the qualifications, functions or duties of a psychologist. Specifically, he was arrested for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol with a blood alcohol content of 0.234% on March 1, 2015. In August 2015, he pleaded guilty to two misdemeanors related to this incident.
Date convicted: January 17, 2017
License Surrendered
LINDSETH, PAUL A psychologist U.S. California
Paying 2 men to lie to police about a former patient in retaliation for her accusation against him for professional misconduct.
Date convicted: May 19, 1995
200 hours of community service
LISLE, JAMES therapist U.S. California
Sexual assault of a female patient, who subsequently became pregnant.
Date convicted: Circa 1994
1 year in jail
LIU, PUNG S psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Defrauding several health insurance programs.
Date convicted: February 1, 1991
2 consecutive 5 year jail terms, and ordered to pay $822,703 in fines and restitution
Loche, Susan Louise Psychiatrist Canada Ontario
She pleaded no contest to allegations of professional misconduct and agreed to voluntarily surrender her license. She hired one patient as a private nurse and took advantage of others by having them pick up her eye medication and groceries. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario called her behavior �self-serving, selfish, disgraceful and unprofessional."
Date convicted: April 13, 2017
License Surrendered
Loftin, Sandra psychiatrist U.S. Colorado
Driving while ability impaired
Date convicted: May 23, 2011
LOFTON, BARBARA mental health executive U.S. Alabama
Defrauding Medicare and Medicaid insurance programs and falsifying her credentials.
Date convicted: August 30, 1999
4 years in prison and ordered to pay $312,000 in costs and restitution
LOHN, BARBARA C psychiatrist in training U.S. New Hampshire
Illegal use of a computer to gain access to an acquaintance's medical records without permission.
Date convicted: April 30, 1999
Fined $1,000
Longenecker, Daniel psychotherapist U.S. North Carolina
Sexual abuse of patient.
Date convicted: February 2004
Nursing license suspended.
LONGMUIR, DEREK psychiatric nurse Scotland Edinburgh
Downloading child pornography from the Internet.
Date convicted: March 24, 2000
300 hours community service
Loomis, Scott mental health practitioner U.S. Nebraska
Alcohol dependence, driving while drunk and dishonorable conduct.
Date convicted: December 2003
License revoked.
LORING, W. BRUCE alcohol and substance abuse clinic owner U.S. New York
His role in Recovery Counseling Associates substance abuse clinic, which defrauded Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: December 1, 1997
6 months in jail and ordered to pay restitution
LOTHRINGER, HARVEY psychiatrist U.S. New York
Killing a female patient during an illegal abortion. After Lothringer served his sentence he went on to become a prison psychiatrist.
Date convicted: May, 1994
2 to 8 years in jail
LOWINGER, PAUL psychiatrist U.S. California
Sex with patients, insurance fraud, and prescribing drugs illegally.
Date convicted: 1992
8 months in jail and ordered to pay $15,000 in fines
Lowinger, Paul psychiatrist U.S. California
Felony grand theft, filing false claims, issuing controlled substances without a medical purpose and sex with patients.
Date convicted: July 1994
Surrendered license; deemed a revocation.
Lowright, Margaret counseling service owner and director U.S. Pennsylvania
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: March 28, 2005
2 years probation, $2,000 fines and $29,502 restitution. Lowright was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in August 2005.
Luban, Arthur psychiatrist U.S. New York
Felony fraud conviction.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Lucchetti, Frank psychologist U.S. California
Illegally dispensed or prescribed prescription drugs to two patients. Lucchetti gave samples of antidepressants and sedatives to a patient in 2000 and altered a doctor's prescription for another patient in 2002 by changing the prescription to a greater quantity of different antidepressant. The patients brought this to the attention of their physicians, who reported Lucchetti to the Board of Psychology. ,
Date convicted: May 14, 2004
License revoked and ordered to pay $48,541.45 for the California Psychology Board's costs in investigating and prosecuting the case. On March 16, 2005, the Board issued an order setting aside the revocation and order to pay costs.
LUCCI, JERRY M drug rehab executive U.S. New York
Defrauding Medicaid health insurance at Aurora Concepts, Inc. drug rehab center in Queens, NY.
Date convicted: May 23, 2000
5 years probation
LUCCI, SANDRA drug rehab executive U.S. New York
Defrauding Medicaid health insurance at Aurora Concepts, Inc. drug rehab center in Queens, NY.
Date convicted: May 23, 2000
5 years probation
LUDWIGSEN, CLARENCE W counselor U.S. Florida
Molesting a 10-year-old girl.
Date convicted: January 6, 1995
6 years prison and 24 years probation
LUNZER, RICHARD G psychiatrist U.S. Minnesota
Sexually molesting a high school boy.
Date convicted: June 1, 1996
3 years probation with conditions
Luther, Brenda psychiatric nurse U.S. Michigan
Misdemeanor criminal sexual conduct (sexually assaulted a mentally ill patient).
Date convicted: July 19, 2005
12 to 24 months prison.
LYNN, LAWRENCE A, III counselor U.S. Texas
Performing homosexual acts in a restroom.
Date convicted: 1992
1 year in jail
Lyons, Lawrence G. psychologist U.S. California
Fraudulently billed the California State Medicaid program in excess of $2 million (i.e., "billed for 24,635 hours of time-sensitive psychological services when, in fact, there were only 9,216 hours available during that 384 day period," etc.)
Date convicted: December 7, 2004
2 years prison Restitution of more than $1.7 million.
Lyons, James N. psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
The Iowa Medical Board put Lyons' license on probation in 1978 due to Lyons' alcoholism. The Board revoked it in 1981 and reinstated it in 1983. In 1984, Lyons violated the conditions of the reinstatement by consuming alcohol.
Date convicted: May 11, 1984
Surrendered license (deemed revocation).
Maccabee, Neta psychiatrist U.S. New York
"...habitual user of controlled substances" and "failed to provide appropriate care and treatment to a patient in that she committed boundary violations with...the patient," according to documents issued by the New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct.
Date convicted: May 31, 2005
License suspended for 12 months. In September 2005, Maccabee was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
MACDOUGAL, PATRICK reform-school counselor Canada Bridgewater
Sexually abusing boys in his care.
Date convicted: March 29, 1993
6 years in prison
Machos, Thomas Psychologist U.S. California
Unprofessional conduct; ineligibility, due to registration as a sex offender. Based on court convictions in 2015 and 2016 for multiple counts of indecent exposure, public masturbation, vandalism of neighbor's car & threatening to kill neighbor, whereby he was sentenced to jail time, restitution and requirement to register as a sex offender.
Date convicted: September 9, 2016
License was revoked. Ordered to pay $26.242 to reimburse the Board for its costs.
MADEN, GORDON psychiatrist. U.K. Lancashire
Sex attacks on his teenage patients.
Date convicted: February 12, 1993
3 years in jail
MAGNUSON, KRISTINA social worker U.S. Wisconsin
First- and second-degree sexual assault of a child (accused of having sex with the father of her children, whom she baby-sat, beginning when he was 9, as well as with three other teens she met while working at a group home).
Date convicted: January 14, 2002
40 years prison, 40 years probation, sex offender treatment and no contact with children younger than 18.
Mahl, Michael Psychiatrist U.S. Arizona
Relapsed with alcohol and methamphetamine use, which violated the conditions and restrictions put on his license as a result of his discipline history for chemical dependency. His discipline history also includes practice restrictions for sexual molestation of young boys, dating back to 1998.
Date convicted: August 5, 2016
License surrendered.
MAIETTA, FRANK psychologist. U.S. New Jersey
Sexually molesting young girls.
Date convicted: July 16, 1999
4 years in a facility for sex offenders
Maish, James psychologist U.S. Georgia
8-year sexual affair with patient.
Date convicted: December 2004
License suspended indefinitely. License was reinstated March 18, 2008. In September 2005, Maish was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
MAKOWSKI, JOHN counselor. Canada Vancouver
Trying to obtain sex from a teenage prostitute.
Date convicted: July 9, 1997
1 month in jail
Mangum, Paul D. psychologist U.S. Georgia
Medicaid fraud of $550,000.
Date convicted: January 28, 2010
2 years prison.
Manley, Steven psychologist UK
Engaged in sex with a patient.
Date convicted: October 19, 2005
Struck off medical register for life (same as permanent revocation).
Marcano, Carlos Albert psychiatrist U.S. Michigan
One count of first-degree criminal sexual conduct (felony) and one count of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct (misdemeanor) involving a young relative.
Date convicted: August 12, 2008
Minimum period 8 years and 1 year, respectively, to be served concurrently with credit for 13 days already served.
Marek, Alina psychiatrist U.S. New York
Driving while intoxicated.
Date convicted: June 30, 2008
MARKS, STEPHEN T. counselor w/doctorate in psychology U.S. California
unlawful sexual intercource (had sex with a 17-year-old girl he met while advising in a school domestic violence education program).
Date convicted: November 14, 2003
4 months county jail, 5 years probation and 100 hours community service.
Marsh, Julie counselor U.S. Arizona
Consumed alcohol, Xanax and marijuana and then drove her vehicle. She was charged with DUI, which was reduced to endangerment and criminal damage.
Date convicted: Circa 2008
30 days incarceration, conditional work release and 3 years unsupervised probation and restitution.
MARTIN, KAREN substance abuse center employee. U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 1999
3 years probation
First degree murder (convicted of beating his 3-year-old son to death).
Date convicted: September 18, 2002
Life in prison without a chance of parole.
Martin, Ian Anthony Psychiatrist Australia, Tasmania
Attempting to prevent a former patient from pursuing a complaint against him. (Martin engaged in a three-year sexual relationship with a former patient. When she complained to the Medical Complaints Tribunal, he attempted to dissuade her by hiring another ex-patient to intimidate her.)
Date convicted: February 21, 2008
18 months prison (must serve at least ten months before being considered for parole). Martin's license was revoked August 29, 2005.
Martin, Bennie counselor U.S. New Jersey
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: August 19, 2004
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care program (Medicaid, etc.).
MARTINEZ, ARTHUR M. therapist. U.S. California
Unlawful sexual intercourse and oral copulation with a patient.
Date convicted: October 24, 1990
1 year in jail (suspended), 250 hours of community service and fined $1,000
MARTINEZ, MELCHOR psychotherapist. U.S. Pennsylvania
Medicaid insurance fraud and tampering with public records.
Date convicted: January 12, 2000
5 to 23 months in jail, 37 months probation and ordered to pay $250,000 in fines and restitution
MARTINEZ, ROBERT mental health employee. U.S. Kansas
Paying bribes to get psychiatric patients sent to the psychiatric hospital where he worked.
Date convicted: December 12, 1994
30 months in prison, 2 years supervised release and ordered to pay $6,892 in fines and costs
Martinez, Eliezer mental health counseling center owner U.S. New Jersey
Defrauded the Medicaid insurance program for $137,900 for counseling services that were never delivered.
Date convicted: January 21, 2005
Five years state prison and ordered to pay $275,900 in fines and $137,900 restitution.
MATHESON, GEORGE psychologist. Canada Toronto
Sexually abusing two women.
Date convicted: March 12, 1997
2 years in jail
Matthews, Mark Alan counselor U.S. Michigan
Possession of child sexually abusive material.
Date convicted: April 18, 2006
5 years probation, ordered to register as a sex offender and ordered to pay $2,280 in court costs and fees.
MATTSON, ROGER A. psychiatrist. U.S. Minnesota
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: 1992
1 year in jail, 10 years probation and ordered to pay $63,749 in restitution
Mavroidis, Michael L. psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Illegally prescribing drugs (tranquilizers, narcotic painkillers and anti-anxiety drugs) to active substance abusers.
Date convicted: October 24, 2007
1 year prison and $10,000 fine followed by 10 years probation during which he may not practice medicine anywhere.
MAY, GREGORY psychologist. U.S. Washington
Defrauding health insurance programs.
Date convicted: April 23, 1996
6 months in jail and fined $5,000
MAYBERRY, M. VICTORIA mental health executive. U.S. Michigan
Defrauding Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: March 18, 1998
36 months probation and ordered to pay restitution, fines and costs of $86,600
MAYER, JAN A. psychiatrist. U.S. Tennessee
Billing several government and private insurance agencies for services not personally provided.
Date convicted: November 17, 2000
36 months in prison, 3 years supervised probation and ordered to pay $398,833 in restitution
Mayer, David clinical social worker U.S. Illinois
Conducting traveling in interstate commerce for the purpose of illicit sex. (Mayer, a member of an organization that seeks to legalize sex between men and boys, was arrested in an FBI sting for planning to travel to Mexico to molest boys. FBI evidence gathered during their investigation included a recording of Mayer boasting of the numerous times he had traveled to third-world countries to engage in sex with boys.)
Date convicted: August 11, 2006
37 months prison and 12 years supervision and ordered to register as a sex offender.
MAYNARD, PATRICIA psychiatrist. U.S. Georgia
Defrauding Medicaid insurance and tax evasion.
Date convicted: September 9, 1998
5 years in jail, 10 years probation and ordered to pay $193,432 in restitution
Mazcuri, Riaz Psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Convicted of one count of conspiracy to commit health care fraud and five counts of health care fraud. Sentencing is scheduled for October 10, 2017. Mazcuri and others engaged in a scheme to defraud Medicare by submitting approximately $158 million in false and fraudulent claims through Riverside General Hospital.
Date convicted: May 23, 2017
Convicted (sentencing scheduled for October 10, 2017)
Mbonu, Godfrey psychiatrist U.S. New York
Second-degree grand larceny (Medicaid fraud, $214,000).
Date convicted: April 28, 2010
1 year prison and $214,000 restitution to the Medicaid program.
Mc Quade, Hugh T. Psychologist U.S. Michigan
The psychology board cited two cases of sexual misconduct. He later faced criminal charges for 14 felony charges for allegedly convincing a patient to perform sex acts during therapy. Other patients, including women who were ordered to see him by area courts, said they were forced to perform sex acts during treatment. One women being treated by Mc Quade for drug addiction said he provided her with cocaine in exchange for sexual favors. Mc Quade pled guilty to sexually assaulting four patients.
Date convicted: February 5, 2016
A year in jail, and his medical license was revoked.
McAley, Susan counselor U.S. Wisconsin
Unlawful acquisition of controlled substance. On October 27, 2010 she was convicted of theft of prescription pad.
Date convicted: August 16, 2010
24 months probation
MCBRIDE, BREAVESS prison counselor U.S. Oklahoma
Sexual abuse of female prisoners.
Date convicted: July 25, 2000
12 years and 2 months in jail and 3 years supervised release
McBride, Heidi counselor U.S. Idaho
Conspiring to defraud the government (McBride was originally indicted by a federal grand jury on 25 counts of Medicaid fraud and one count of conspiracy to defraud the government).
Date convicted: October 18, 2004
Six months house arrest; five years probation and ordered to pay restitution of $128,655.34. In March 2005, McBride was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
MCBURNIE, SCOTT mental health crisis assessment team manager Australia Melbourne
59 charges of obtaining property by deception (used more than $35,000 of government funds meant for psychiatric patients to benefit himself and others).
Date convicted: March 21, 2003
18 months jail, suspended for two years and ordered to pay restitution of $18,760.
McCall, David psychiatric nurse UK
Driving while intoxicated.
Date convicted: 2009
Six months prison.
McCarter, Jeffrey Scott mental health technician U.S. Alabama
Raped a 15-year-old patient
Date convicted: September 21, 2011
30 years prison
MCCLELLAND, SCOTT R. psychiatrist U.S. North Carolina
Sex with several women (two married) and one of whom was a patient.
Date convicted: September 13, 2000
6 months in jail and dismissed from the Navy
MCCLENDON, JAMES E. psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
Defrauding the state Medicaid insurance program.
Date convicted: November 24, 1998
6 1/2 years in prison and ordered to repay $6.7 million restitution
McCormick, Laura Jane Psychologist U.S. California
Dishonest acts, and a 2014 conviction for three counts of welfare fraud and perjury after she underreported her monthly income in an application for California's state Children's Health Insurance Program coverage and falsified the letter purportedly executed by her employer as proof of income.
Date convicted: June 3, 2016
The criminal conviction resulted in 60 days jail time, probation, community service, and $26,407 in restitution and fees. Her Medical License was surrendered.
MCCOY, GARY counseling center employee U.S. Georgia
Mail fraud and false claims to Medicaid.
Date convicted: July 1998
18 months in jail followed by supervised release. McCoy and his co-operator were ordered to pay $949, 679 in restitution and forfeit cash and assets of approximately $450,000
MCCREA, TERRI L. counselor U.S. South Carolina
Health care fraud (billed the Medicaid insurance program for counseling sessions that never occurred and in some cases for services totalling more than 24 hours in a day).
Date convicted: December 6, 2001
4 months in community corrections facility, 4 months house arrest and 3 years supervised release.
MCCRYSTAL, FRANK psychiatrist Canada Kitchener
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: March 20, 1989
1 year in jail and ordered to pay $75,000 in fines and $100,000 in restitution
MCDONALD, PAUL F. retired counselor U.S. New Jersey
Violating probation on his conviction for providing drugs, alcohol and sexually explicit materials to 3 teenage boys. McDonald failed to report to his probation officer for 5 months.
Date convicted: May 5, 2000
330 days in county jail
McDonald, Matthew Lee Psychologist United States Pennsylvania
Second-degree misdemeanor count of simple assault arising out of evidence that he touched a 10-year-old girl's buttocks with his hand.
Date convicted: July 29, 2014
To serve one to twenty-three months in the Erie County Prison.
MCDONOUGH, JAMES J. psychologist U.S. Minnesota
Medicaid insurance fraud. He was convicted of similar offenses in 1990 for which he served a 60 day jail sentence and 5 years probation.
Date convicted: May 1994
1 year in a county workhouse and fined $23,000
McDonough, Catherine J. psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Submitted false or deceptive license re-application to the Board.
Date convicted: 11/18/2003
License surrendered.
MCFALL, SHAWN nurse U.S. Ohio
Raping a mentally disabled woman.
Date convicted: September 14, 2000
2 life sentences and an additional 15 years in prison
McGahee, Bernard psychologist U.S. Georgia
Voluntarily surrendered license.
Date convicted: February 14, 2005
McGahee advised the Board of his intention to surrender his license but no reason was given. McGahee was disciplined by the Board in 1996 for engaging in "therapeutic massage" and/or "deep relaxation procedures" with two patients, in violation of professional boundaries. He also used hypnosis on both patients without adequate consent and engaged in dual relationships with one of the patients. In September 2005, McGahee was excluded from participation in federally funded health programs (Medicaid, etc.).
MCGHEE, HAROLD L. counselor U.S. Tennessee
Defrauding the state's health insurance program for the poor.
Date convicted: September 1995
14 months in federal prison, fined $600 and ordered to pay over $3,600 in restitution
McGlynn, Charles psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
Came under investigation state medical board for possible mental or physical problems that might have interfered with his work.
Date convicted: April 2003
Surrendered license.
MCGRATH, MARY A. substance abuse clinic owner U.S. New York
Her part in stealing more than $76,000 from Medicaid health insurance.
Date convicted: November 21, 1997
1 to 3 years in prison and ordered to pay restitution
MCGRIFF, DAVID counselor for drunk drivers U.S. Miami
Drunk diving.
Date convicted: February 4, 1998
20 days in jail, 1 year probation, 50 hours of community service and ordered to pay a $500 fine
MCGUIGAN, KEVIN psychiatrist U.K. London
Physically and sexually assaulting his pregnant wife.
Date convicted: August 1, 2000
15 months in jail
McIntyre, Robert Karl psychologist U.S. Michigan
Three counts of criminal sexual conduct involving teenage girls. Investigators stated that McIntyre, 58, had sexual contact with a teenage girl he was counseling. Despite the fact that the girl was old enough to consent [age of consent in Michigan is 16], state law prohibits sexual contact between doctors and patients.
Date convicted: January 14, 2011
Five years probation. On May 4, 2011, the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs Bureau of Health Professions revoked McIntyre's license.
McKee, Susan Jane psychiatric nurse Ireland
Stole from patient's bank account.
Date convicted: November 2002
Banned from practicing.
MCKELLER, DONALD psychiatric nurse trainee U.K. Ipswich
Drunk driving.
Date convicted: December 1, 2000
6 months in jail and banned from driving for 5 years
McKenna, Peter psychiatrist U.S. Vermont
Sexually abused a patient during treatment sessions.
Date convicted: July 26, 2005
60 days work camp, $1,000 donation to center for adolescent girls (by plaintiff's request) and return of all patient's fees ($6,000).
McKenna, Peter psychiatrist U.S. Vermont
Sexual abuse of a patient.
Date convicted: June 2005
License suspended indefinitely.
McKeon, Patricia psychologist U.S. California
Accepted a fee to conduct an evaluation and report but never provided the report despite repeated requests.
Date convicted: Jan 2005
Fined $2,500 and placed on five years probation.
McLaughlin, Ivan James social services worker U.S. California
Molesting a young boy. The Department of Social Services had assigned McLaughlin to help the boy and his parents, who are blind.
Date convicted: March 17, 1995
7 years in prison
McLean-Manning, Colin psychiatric nurse United Kingdom
Indecent assaults of 12 patients.
Date convicted: September 2004
Struck off the nursing registry (license revoked).
McLelland, Martin psychiatric nurse UK
Falsified medical certificates in order to continue collecting sick pay.
Date convicted: March 5, 2010
Jailed four months.
McLeod, Janet psychiatric nurse UK
Sex with 16-year-old patient
Date convicted: July 11, 2012
McPhail, Charles psychologist U.S. Michigan
Sexual misconduct.
Date convicted: March 2003
2 year suspension and $39,000 restitution.
McPherson, Kenneth psychologist U.S. Georgia
Sexual exploitation of a minor
Date convicted: March 2, 2022
Five years prison
McPike, Ronald Preston psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
Harrassment of a public official (he paid a parking ticket using feces-encrusted dollar bills).
Date convicted: December 8, 2004
$324 in fines and court costs. In June 13, 2005, the state of Iowa suspended McPike's professional indefinitely.
MEADE, TARRA LYNNE social worker U.S. Florida
Having sex with a 14-year-old boy.
Date convicted: October 20, 1999
2 years house arrest and 5 years probation
Meadow, Herbert Morton Psychiatrist U.S. New York
Convicted on November 5, 2015 for Attempted Enterprise Corruption and for Health Care Fraud. He was among nine doctors and 14 other defendants who recruited New York City's low-income and homeless population to corrupt medical clinics with the offer of free sneakers in an effort to scam Medicare and Medicaid out of $6.9 million. Meadow charged inflated fees for abbreviated patient visits and referred patients for unnecessary medical tests and treatment.
Date convicted: July 27, 2016
Sentenced to a conditional discharge (conditions, but no imprisonment) of 3 years on each of the two convictions, and a surcharge of $300.
Meadow, Herbert Morton Psychiatrist U.S. New York
Based on November 5, 2015 felony convictions for healthcare and Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: November 20, 2016
License was surrendered.
Meagher, Joseph psychiatrist Canada British Columbia
Sexual misconduct.
Date convicted: 1997
License revoked.
Mehlman, Susan Carol psychologist U.S. Maryland
Medicaid insurance fraud (repeatedly submitted claims for up to thirteen 45-50 minute treatment sessions though the facility where she worked was only open six hours a day).
Date convicted: March 23, 2007
5 years prison, all suspended but 6 months, to be served on home detention and 2 years probation. She also paid $96,750 in restitution & penalties to Medicaid.
Melcher, Stephen psychiatrist U.S. California
Commission of a lewd and lascivious act upon a child
Date convicted: May 25, 2012
1 year jail, must register as a sex offender
Menaster, Michael John psychiatrist U.S. California
Weapons possession (including carrying a loaded .40 caliber semi-automatic weapon in his pants pocket. Other weapons, including a loaded AK-47 rifle, as well as numerous packages of psychotropic drugs, including the antidepressants Prozac and Zoloft, were found in his possession).
Date convicted: 1999
5 years probation.
Mendelson, Robert psychologist U.S. West Virginia
Sexual misconduct.
Date convicted: April 15, 1991
License suspended for 2 years.
Mendez-Villamil, Fernando Psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security fraud schemes. On May 11, 2016, Villamil pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit health and wire fraud, conspiracy to defraud the U.S., and more. The scheme caused U.S. government organizations to suffer a combined loss of more than $62.8 million. Villamil made fraudulent diagnoses of "debilitating psychiatric conditions" so that beneficiaries could obtain benefits. He also provided false diagnoses in exchange for bribes and kickback payments.
Date convicted: July 25, 2016
12 years in prison and more than $50 million in restitution.
Mendez-Villamil, Fernando Psychiatrist U.S. Florida
May 11, 2016 health care fraud and wire fraud criminal convictions.
Date convicted: February 22, 2017
License was surrendered.
MENEZ, CESAR psychiatrist U.S. Missouri
Fraudulent health insurance billing.
Date convicted: June 18, 1990
2 years probation and ordered to pay $25,000 in restitution
MERCER, JIM psychologist U.S. California
The sexual assault of 2 boys including a foster son.
Date convicted: January 13, 1994
5 years in jail
Mercer, Gwendolyn Psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Used her Florida DEA Registration to prescribe medication to resident in Florida while residing in Georgia.
Date convicted: February 16, 2016
Voluntary Relinquishment (Surrendered).
MEREDITH, ELISA B. substance abuse clinic owner U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud scheme at Recovery Counseling Associates.
Date convicted: December 1, 1997
6 months in jail and ordered to pay her part of more than $76,000 in restitution
Metzger, Carl D. psychiatrist U.S. Maine
Repeatedly violated a patient's confidentiality, ignored the patient's desire to end treatment and failed to accomplish any meaningful goals over a decade, while fostering unhealthy dependence on the patient and patient's mother.
Date convicted: December 2004
License revoked. In October 2005, Metzger was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Meyer, Amy B. psychiatrist U.S. New York
Operating a motor vehicle while impaired by drugs and criminal possession of a controlled substance.
Date convicted: June 17, 2009
Convicted; sentence pending.
Mies, Peter child psychologist U.S. New York
Possessing a sexual performance by a child (downloaded child pornography at the preschool where he worked).
Date convicted: November 28, 2005
10 years probation, must surrender license and also register as a sex offender.
Mikolajczyk, Stacy A. counselor U.S. Connecticut
Sexual relationship with a 15-year-old resident of the facility where she worked.
Date convicted: October 28, 2005
6 months jail.
MILLER, DAVID W. psychiatric nurse U.S. New York
Attempted first-degree sodomy of a patient at Rochester Psychiatric Center, where he worked.
Date convicted: September 2000
Jailed while awaiting final sentencing
MILLER, JAMES D. psychologist U.S. Wisconsin
First-degree sexual assault of a child and sexual exploitation by a therapist (sexually molested two patients, one of whom was a 4-year-old).
Date convicted: July 3, 2002
3 years prison (original July 2000 sentence upheld by the Wisconsin 2nd District Court of Appeals).
MILLER, LARRY FLOYD retired mental hospital administrator U.S. Alabama
Receiving child pornography.
Date convicted: August 9, 2002
27 months prison
MILLIGAN, FRANK J. mental health employee U.S. Oregon
Sexual assault of a young boy. As of September 20, 2000 he was up on charges in a separate case for sexual abuse, kidnapping and attempted murder of another young boy.
Date convicted: August 2000
75 months in prison
Milligan, Ian psychiatric nurse UK
Download child pronography
Date convicted: April 4, 2012
2 years probation, sex offender registry
MILLSOPP, ANTHONY counselor U.K. Coventry
Indecently assaulting a female patient.
Date convicted: September 23, 1999
9 months in jail for and ordered to register as a sex offender after his release.
MIMLESS, LORIN H. psychiatrist U.S. Rhode Island
Defrauding Medicaid insurance.
Date convicted: July 18, 1997
1 year in jail, 5 years probation and ordered to pay $165,000 in restitution
Miran, Michael psychologist U.S. New York
Offering a false instrument for filing (Medicaid-Medicare fraud of $250,000).
Date convicted: July 29, 2010
3 years probation and restitution of $250,000.
Mishina, Valentina psychiatric institute director CIS Moscow, Russia
Used official position to commit fraud (through deception, she and a colleague acquired possession of two psychiatric patients' apartments, which they then sold for approximately US $30,000 each).
Date convicted: May 8, 2008
10 years prison.
MITCHELL, JOHN G. counselor U.S. California
Raping a 16-year-old girl, who was his ward.
Date convicted: February 28, 1991
Nearly 7 years in prison
MITCHELL, JOHN C. counselor U.S. Alabama
Sexual exploitation of children and possessing and receiving child pornography (used teenage residents of the group home where he worked to make pornography).
Date convicted: October 23, 2002
17 years in prison.
Mitchell, Walter A. psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: February 2004
License surrendered.
Mitrione, Robert psychiatrist & psychologist U.S. Illinois
Mail fraud and filing false claims to the state Department of Public Aid and other health care plans.
Date convicted: October 31, 2002
23 months federal prison. In September 2003, Mitrione was excluded from participation in federally-funded health programs (Medicaid, etc.) In July 2005, his licenses were suspended indefinitely.
MIZE, JOHN W. psychologist U.S. Ohio
Making more than $4,600 worth of telephone calls to phone sex lines, while at work.
Date convicted: July 1, 1994
18 months in jail ( suspended except for 60 days in jail), 3 years probation and fined $1,000
Mizes, James S. Psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Harassment and disorderly conduct, from an incident where he had a stun gun and tried to give a woman an engagement ring and a wedding band along with movies.
Date convicted: February 29, 2016
15 months' probation, fines and court costs.
Mizes, James S. Psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
The Board considered evidence and determined that Mizes' continued practice would constitute an immediate danger to the public. Criminal charges in Pennsylvania and inappropriate behavior on Facebook were factors in the decision.
Date convicted: March 11, 2016
Suspended and allowed to expire.
Mohabbat, Mohammad Omar Psychiatrist U.S. Alabama
Mohammad Omar Mohabbat was charged with second-degree sexual abuse and harassment in 2013. Prosecutors dismissed the sexual abuse charge and accepted a guilty plea to the harassment charge.
Date convicted: October 5, 2015
One year of unsupervised probation.
Mohabbat, Mohammad Omar Psychiatrist U.S. Alabama
Sexual Misconduct; being unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety.
Date convicted: June 6, 2016
License surrendered.
Monacelli, John R. mental health counselor U.S. Wisconsin
Abuse and neglect of patients and residents (Monacelli admitted to having 'a relationship' with a woman while counseling her. The original complaint against him alleged he had two clients recount childhood sexual abuse in great detail and said re-enacting the sexual acts would help them overcome drug addictions. It was also alleged that he forced both clients to perform sex acts and threatened them to keep them quiet.
Date convicted: November 18, 2009
Two years probation.
MONSEY, BARBARA K. psychologist and psychology testing center owner U.S. California
Her part in a group that defrauded insurance companies and employers out of millions of dollars through billing for bogus psychological reports.
Date convicted: March 2, 1998
27 months in jail and ordered to pay a fine of $100,000
MONSEY, JEROME M. psychology testing center manager U.S. California
His role in American Psychometric Consultants, along with his psychologist wife, Barbara K. Monsey, which defrauded insurance companies and employers out of millions of dollars through billing for bogus psychological reports.
Date convicted: October 14, 1998
27 months in jail and fined $25,000
MOORE, RENEE JOY Counselor U.S. Virginia
Moore, a 42-year-old counselor, was convicted of having sex with a minor and contributing to the delinquency of a minor (a teenage male client).
Date convicted: October 2, 2002
Two 12-month and one 6-month prison sentence and $10,000 in fines.
Moore, Tracie Louise psychologist U.S. California
Driving under the influence of alcohol (this was a second offense; Moore was convicted of similar charges in February 2004 and sentenced to 5 days in jail).
Date convicted: October 20, 2004
60 days jail
Moore, Peter psychiatrist Canada Toronto, Ontario
Sexual improprieties with two male patients.
Date convicted: July 2003
License revoked; prohibited from reapplying.
Moore, Shelly J. Psychologist U.S. Kansas
In February 2017, Shelly Moore, a former school psychologist, was found guilty of felony counts of possession of a controlled substance (marijuana) with intent to distribute, conspiracy to distribute and no drug tax stamp and a misdemeanor count of possession of drug paraphernalia for a marijuana pipe in the car.
Date convicted: April 25, 2017
Three years of Community Corrections-supervised probation and ordered to pay $1,273 in fees and costs, perform 40 hours of community service and be evaluated for drug and alcohol addiction
MORALES, EMMAR D. (AKA EMMAR D. MORALES ZAMBRANA) unlicensed psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Medicaid and other health care insurance fraud, forgery and practicing psychology without a license.
Date convicted: May 7, 2002
1 year house arrest, 5 years probation, restitution of $50,000 and 200 hours community service.
MORALES, CRISTINO mental health clinic executive director U.S. New Jersey
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 1, 2004
3 years state prison and ordered to pay $10,000 restitution to the Medicaid insurance program.
Morgan, John Ann Mental health counselor U.S. Texas
Perjury. (Morgan presented false testimony on matters relating to a fraud investigation of her place of employment and its owner.)
Date convicted: February 1, 2008
1 year deferred adjudication, $2000 fine and 100 hours community service.
Morgan, Charles D. psychiatrist U.S. Wisconsin
Two counts of sexual exploitation by a therapist.
Date convicted: March 19, 2009
6 years probation, 9 months county jail and 200 hours community service.
Morgan, Roger psychologist U.S. Tennessee
Made materially false statements to the FBI in their investigation of a politician who was taking bribes.
Date convicted: June 21, 2010
$5,000 fine
Morganstern, Ira psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
Possession of marijuana with intent to distribute.
Date convicted: September 9, 2008
Sentence pending
Morguelan, Fred Neal Psychologist U.S. California
His license had been on 5-years' probation for irregularities in his billing practice and for his claiming to have administered a certain testing protocol to a patient when he hadn't.
Date convicted: November 21, 2016
Licensed was surrendered.
MORIARTY, DANIEL psychology professor U.S. California
Making death threats against his ex-wife.
Date convicted: May 9, 1997
1 year in jail with credit for time served, and 3 years probation
Morrant, James Christopher Anscombe psychiatrist Canada Vancouver, BC
Infamous conduct (sexual intercourse with female patient).
Date convicted: 1998
License suspended for 18 months. Morrant's license was reinstated in 2006 but he was fined $1,000 and reprimanded in April 2008 for breaching the conditions of his reinstatement, which included limiting his psychotherapy practice to short-term interventional therapy and a maximum of 12 sessions per patient. He also violated the condition that he see patients only when other staff are present in the clinic, and that he not initiate contact with former patients out of the office.
Morrell, Julian child psychiatrist England London
Meeting a child following sexual grooming and two counts of sexual activity with a child. 42-year-old Morrell posed as a 17-year-old boy in an Internet chat room for pre-teens, exchanging many messages with a 14-year-old girl whom he subsequently met and had sex with on two occasions.
Date convicted: April 1, 2005
Four years prison. Morrell was suspended from practice for one year on April 6, 2004 for serious professional misconduct for having been found to have accessed child pornography on his home computer.
MORRIS, GEOFFREY social worker U.K. London
A series of sexual assaults on 7 boys aged 8 to 15.
Date convicted: May 27, 1999
12 years in jail
Morris, Adrian psychiatrist U.S. New York
Distributing controlled substances outside of professional practice for no legitimate medical purpose
Date convicted: March 7, 2022
Thirty-seven months prison
MORRISON, MARK psychiatrist U.S. New York
13 counts of sexual abuse of patients.
Date convicted: March 1997
2 years in jail
Morrison, James K. psychologist U.S. California
Conspiring with a patient to collect fraudulent disability payments from the postal service (collected $13,000 in fees for non-existent appointments with a patient).
Date convicted: october 5, 2004
One year probation and $39,000 fines and penalties.
Morrison, Allan counselor U.S. Montana
Sexually assaulted a 12-year-old male patient and engaging in promotion of prostitution of a 13-year-old boy (not a patient).
Date convicted: February 28, 2007
10 years prison for the sexual assault plus a 5-year suspended sentence on the promotion of prostitution charge.
Morrison, Kerry counselor U.S. Maryland
Felony theft
Date convicted: July 2, 2010
2 years community supervision
Motum, Roderick Doyle psychiatrist Australia Sydney
Malicious wounding contrary firing a firearm in a manner likely to injure a person. Motum shot and injured a young male prostitute during an argument and threatened a witness to the crime.
Date convicted: August 2000
At least 18 months periodic detention.
MOYNIHAN, SIMON drug counselor U.K. Hull
Dealing marijuana.
Date convicted: July 12, 1994
2 1/2 years in jail
Mucha, Lynn (aka Lynn Linda Scott) psychologist U.S. Indiana
1) Operating a vehicle while intoxicated and 2) Operating a vehicle while intoxicated in a manner that endangers a person.
Date convicted: 1) November 17, 2006
1) 365 days jail with all but 10 days suspended; court costs of $360.50 and suspension of drivers license for 90 days and 2) 1 year prison, suspended, 1 year supervised probation; court costs and fees of $460.50 and drivers license suspended for 90 days.
Mueller, Rita psychologist U.S. Illinois
Disorderly conduct (unhappy with the way a teacher had treated her daughter, she engaged on a two-year letter-writing "terror" campaign which included sending one person a box of feces).
Date convicted: September 18, 2009
2 1/2 years prison.
MUGLISTON, LEE psychiatric nurse trainee UK Cardiff, Wales
Wounding with intent and cruelty to a child (threw a four-year-old boy into a door and threatened a six-year-old with a knife).
Date convicted: January, 2002
Jailed 2 years.
Muhammad, Malik psychologist U.S. North Carolina
Medicaid fraud
Date convicted: February 1, 2022
52 months prison
Muir, Keith M. psychiatrist British Columbia, Australia, New York, New Jersey
Failed to inform the Queensland (Australia) Medical Board that he'd had his medical licenses revoked in New Jersey (November 1993) and New York 9January 1995) based (according to documents issued by the New York State Board for Profession Medical Conduct) on evidence that he'd "maintained sexual relationships with two patients while he continued the therapeutic treatment relationship" while practicing in New Jersey and that he "utterly failed to maintain appropriate records for both patients."
Date convicted: June 2005
License suspended for 6 months.
Mukhin, Dmitry psychiatrist CIS Moscow, Russia
Had his neighbors illegally committed to a psychiatric hospital by use of false documents.
Date convicted: August 15, 2007
2 years probation.
MUKWENDI, PAUL psychiatric nurse trainee UK Birmingham, England
Possessing an imitation firearm with intent (terrorized two fellow motorists with a gun-shaped cigarette lighter).
Date convicted: May 6, 2002
12 months jail.
Mullenix, Marjorie counselor U.S. Texas
Sexual assault of a child (a 16-year-old female she counseled).
Date convicted: July 31, 2003
6 years deferred adjudication, 6 years probation and must register for life as a sex offender. ("Deferred adjudication" is a plea bargain agreement that if the probation period is completed without any violations, the conviction is dismissed.)
Muller, David John Psychiatrist U.S. Colorado
Muller was charged with having prescribed numerous controlled substances opioids, hypnotics and benzodiazepines for a psychiatric patient without appropriate initial or on-going evaluations.
Date convicted: October 13, 2016
Permanent relinquishment of license.
Munson, Michelle L. psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Professional license suspended or revoked.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
MUNSTERMAN, STEPHANIE mental health case manager U.S. Kansas
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: October 5, 2000
7 months probation and ordered to pay $6,125 in restitution
MURPHY, JOHN ROBERT psychologist U.S. California
Billing Medi-Cal insurance for patient visits he never made.
Date convicted: July 12, 1991
220 days in jail, 5 years probation and ordered to pay back $11,607
MURPHY, PATRICK psychiatric nurse UK Ireland
Sexual assaults on children & using a child for sexual exploitation (videotaped his sexual assaults); possession of child pornography.
Date convicted: November 19, 2002
Jailed for 6 years.
Myers, Jean mental health technician U.S. California
Loss of state license.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Nagareddy, Narendra Psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
He was indicted by a grand jury in May of 2016 for three counts of felony murder and 59 counts of unauthorized distribution of a controlled substance, which allegedly resulted in his clients' deaths. He could face additional murder charges as 36 of his patients have died after he prescribed them controlled substances. He faces life in prison without the possibility of parole if convicted.
Date convicted: February 5, 2016
License is Suspended until resolution of pending criminal charges.
Nagesh, B.P. psychologist India Hyderabad
Sexual harassment (sex chatting via text with female students)
Date convicted: September 3, 2022
16 days in jail
NANCY, MILLER Psychologist U.S. Ohio
Cocaine trafficking.
Date convicted: June 18, 2001
1 year in prison
Natale, Michael psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Failure to complete required continuing education.
Date convicted: January 2003
License surrendered.
Negron, Judith counselor U.S. Florida
Massive Medicare fraud scheme
Date convicted: Auguest 23, 2010
NELSON, OMAIMA rape crisis counselor U.K. London
Beating her husband to death and then eating him.
Date convicted: March 15, 1993
Life in jail
NELSON, DONALD EDWARD drug counselor U.S. California
Child molestation (molested a relative repeatedly over a 3 year period).
Date convicted: May 8, 2001
110 years prison.
Nelson, Marty W. psychologist U.S. Colorado
Careless driving causing injury (ran over a colleague in the parking lot of the correctional facility where he worked, resulting in the amputation of the man's leg below the knee).
Date convicted: June 25, 2008
9 months jail.
Nelson, Lindsay counselor U.S. Idaho
Nelson took two clients to a rap concert and billed Medicaid for counseling services for them.
Date convicted: October 8, 2010
30 days jail.
Neubauer, Christopher Carl psychiatric hospital nurse U.S. Oregon
Sexual abuse of a patient.
Date convicted: Circa 2004
90 days jail and 5 years probation.
Newmark, Thomas Steffan Psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
Newmark prescribed highly addictive narcotics to his patients without legitimate medical purpose.
Date convicted: October 26, 2016
Permanent revocation.
Newstadt, Raymond counselor U.S. Pennsylvania
Felony health care fraud conviction.
Date convicted: March 2005
Criminal sentence unknown. Newstadt was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in March 2005.
NEWTON, CHARLES psychiatric orderly U.S. Ohio
Sexual harassment of several employees.
Date convicted: June 19, 1995
3 days in jail
Newton, Ed counselor U.S. Arizona
State license suspended or revoked.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.)
NGUYEN, DUC QUI psychiatrist U.S. California
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: September 11, 1996
3 years probation, perform 400 hours of community service and ordered to pay $350,000 in restitution
Nguyen, James An psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Medicaid insurance fraud totalling more than $1.7 million.
Date convicted: June 23, 2005
18 months on home detention and must pay $305,000 in restitution.
Nicol, Anne Francis psychiatrist U.S. Rhode Island
Irresponsible prescribing practices (two patients died of overdoses).
Date convicted: November 2004
License surrendered.
NICOLOFF, ROBBIN GAIL counselor U.S. Texas
Health care fraud and money laundering (submitted false claims to the Texas Medicaid insurance program).
Date convicted: May 22, 2002
33 months federal prison and ordered to repay $586,316 to the Texas Medicaid program.
NIEMAN, CARL VERNON therapist U.S. Texas
Having sex with a female patient.
Date convicted: June 19, 2000
5 years in jail (deferred)
NIKOLOV, GEORGE therapist U.K. London
Automobile fraud after he fled the country. His current whereabouts are unknown.
Date convicted: March 2000
1 year in jail
NILSON, SANDRA psychiatrist Canada Ottawa
Criminally harassing the licensing board of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ottawa.
Date convicted: 9/18/2000
3 years probation, with credit for 6 months jail time
Nino, Andres unlicensed psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Nino admitted to never having been issued a license to practice psychology in Massachusetts but that he counseled patients at Arbour Counseling Center, in Lawrence, MA from 1992 to approximately 2011. He further provided the Board a copy of his resume that stated that he worked at Arbour as a “staff psychologist” from 1992 to 2011 and that he had also described himself as a “clinical psychologist" on two different websites. He was also ordered to pay a $1,000 civil penalty.
Date convicted: June 4, 2013
Nino entered into a consent agreement with the Massachusetts Board of Registration of Psychologists to cease and desist using the title “psychologist” and holding himself out as being a psychologist until such time as he is licensed by the Board.
NISSMAN, HARVEY L. psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: October 1993
3 years probation, 6 months house arrest, 750 hours of community service and fined $10,000
Noble, Randy V. Psychologist U.S. Missouri
Failure to file state tax returns or to pay state tax liabilities.
Date convicted: September 21, 2016
Suspended. Reinstated January 24, 2017.
Nordine, Gaylord psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
Sentence: sexual exploitation of a patient
Date convicted: June 16, 2005
Two years probation
NOVAK, DAVID social worker U.S. Utah
Sexually abusing a 13-year-old girl.
Date convicted: February 16, 2000
1 year in jail of which he served 40 days, and 3 years probation
Novgorodov, Evgeny psychiatrist Russia
Taking a bribe, forgery.
Date convicted: February 2, 2010
3 and 1/2 year conditional sentence.
NUCKOLS, CARDWELL substance abuse treatment author-lecturer U.S. Ohio
Accepting illegal payments (called "kickbacks") for referring 120 Medicare insurance-covered patients to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.
Date convicted: March, 2002
4 months home confinement with electronic monitoring, 2 years probation and $70,000 restitution.
Nunn, Michael psychiatrist U.S. North Carolina
Healthcare fraud and money laundering
Date convicted: April 25, 2011
Fine and restitution of $997,215
O, Patrick psychologist U.S. Washington
Molested teenagers.
Date convicted: January 15, 2004
Relinquished license.
O'Meara, Richard licensed professional counselor U.S. Maryland
Charged with engaging in a sexual and dual relationship with a married female client and failed to disclose on a state license application that he was convicted of a violent felony in 1989.
Date convicted: July 6, 2012
Surrendered license.
Obushi, Mitsuru psychiatric nurse Japan
Did not let a patient out of an isolation room during a fire; patient died.
Date convicted: June 9, 2008
10 years prison.
Ojuko, Absayo counselor U.S. Maryland
Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: March 12, 2007
3 years probation and repay $8,400 to the state Medicaid program.
Oliver, Diane psychotherapist U.S. Iowa
Sexual exploitation by a therapist (engaged in sex with teenage male client).
Date convicted: November 24, 2009
5 year suspended prison sentenced, 5 years probation and must register as a sex offender.
OLIVEROS, JR., ALVARO A. counselor U.S. Illinois
Aggravated criminal sexual abuse (had a sexual relationship with a 14-year-old female resident of the behavioral health center where he worked).
Date convicted: July 29, 2002
6 months jail.
Olmstead, William psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Indecency with a child.
Date convicted: January 2009
6 years deferred adjudication
Omland, Omar psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
License suspended July 2003 for sex with the wife of a patient; revoked for practicing on a suspended license.
Date convicted: June 2004
License revoked.
ONeill-Ryan, Lisa A. psychologist U.S. New Jersey
Sex with a patient on numerous occasions both on and off the grounds of the state psychiatric hospital where she treated him.
Date convicted: April 27, 2007
3 years probation, 250 hours of community service, permanent forfeiture of her job and prohibited from future public employment.
Onen, Thomas psychiatrist UK
Prescribed "exceptionally large quantities" of controlled substances to addicts. Two such patients died due to his prescribing practices.
Date convicted: 2000
Struck off the medical register (same as license being revoked).
Onovo, Chidozie Emmanuel psychiatrist New Zealand
Three counts of immigration fraud (failed to disclose his criminal history when applying for NZ visa).
Date convicted: September 29, 2010
16 months prison.
ORENS, SCOTT psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Physically assaulting his girlfriend's young daughter.
Date convicted: April 1992
1 year probation and fined $2,000
ORKO, EDMUND mental health nurse U.K. Birmingham
Having sex with a 13-year-old girl.
Date convicted: October 25, 2000
1 year in jail
ORLOV, VLADMIR psychiatrist Soviet Union Latvia
Demanding a bribe to falsify a psychiatric evaluation of a military enlistee.
Date convicted: November 27, 1998
3 years in jail
ORPIN , JOHN (aka John Stewart) psychotherapist Canada Ottawa
Assault causing bodily harm and sexual assault on two female patients.
Date convicted: February 23, 2004
On May 29, 1998, Orpin was found guilty of the sexual assaults of four female patients. He appealed and was granted a new trial. On February 23, 2004, following the second trial, he was found guilty of assault causing bodily harm and sexual assault on two female patients. He was given a one-year conditional sentence, two years probation and was credited with 13 months pretrial custody. (Orpin was placed in pretrial custody in 2002 while awaiting his second trial due to having violated bail conditions by using the false name "John Stewart" to organize and conduct "new age" healing seminars in a rented space at the University of Toronto.) Orpin legally changed his name to John Stewart in 2006. He is the President of Biophysica, Inc. in Toronto, Ontario.
Ortiz-Button, Olga social worker U.S. Michigan
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: March 18, 2011
24 months prison.
Osborne, Adam Psychiatrist United Kingdom
He had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a vulnerable female patient. She attempted suicide when he ended the relationship, and he threatened her when she reported him to the General Medical Council (GMC). Earlier in his career he was suspended from practicing for six months in 2010 for prescribing contraceptives to his then girlfriend and antipsychotic drugs to a cocaine-addicted prostitute who he had a set up in an apartment, reportedly, so he could have "sex on tap".
Date convicted: February 16, 2016
Struck off the medical register (revoked).
Otote, Idowu psychiatrist England
Serious professional misconduct (harassment of nurses).
Date convicted: March 2003
License suspended for 1 year.
Otten, Sonja counselor and mental health practitioner U.S. Nebraska
Sex with client.
Date convicted: June 2004
License revoked.
OTUOMAGIE, SUNDAY group home worker Canada Alberta
Sexually assaulting a woman in his care.
Date convicted: February 28, 2000
Nearly 2 years in jail and 6 months probation
Overby, Damon counselor U.S. Washington
Felony domestic violence.
Date convicted: February 11, 2008
Overton, Luanne counselor U.S. Kentucky
License suspended or revoked.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
OWEN, ROGER GLYNN counselor New Zealand Auckland
Having sex with a teenage girl under his care
Date convicted: May 7, 1999
3 years in jail
OYESANMI, OLUGBENGA psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Killing a 29-year-old man while driving drunk and fleeing the scene of the crime.
Date convicted: August 2000
5 to 12 years in prison and community service
P. (UNIDENTIFIED), S. psychiatric nurse Canada Toronto
Sexually assaulting a teenage female patient.
Date convicted: August 2000
1 year of house arrest and 2 years probation
Padnes, Stephen Charles Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Illegal distribution of controlled substances. Over a 16-month period preceding late June 2016, Padnes prescribed over 16,000 pills of addictive controlled substances, including oxycodone and methadone, in exchange for cash payments. Investigators determined he typically charged $400 or more in cash for each visit, and it was estimated that he made up to $4,000 or more per day -- hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.
Date convicted: August 29, 2016
Immediate temporary Suspension to be followed with separate action to Suspend, Revoke or otherwise restrict his license.
Pages, Beltran psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Sexually abused a female patient.
Date convicted: 1988
License revoked for 3 years.
Pajares, Raoul counselor U.S. Texas
Sexual misconduct.
Date convicted: December 13, 2003
License revoked.
PAKES, EDWARD H. psychiatrist Canada Toronto
Defrauding the government health insurance of over $16,000 (Canadian).
Date convicted: October 4, 1999
Suspended jail sentence, 160 hours community service and placed on 2 years probation
Palermo, Christine mental health therapist U.S. Nebraska
Medicaid fraud (billed the state for more than $4,300 in therapy services she did not actually deliver).
Date convicted: October 31, 2007
90 days jail, 3 years probation and ordered to pay more than $3,200 restitution.
Palladino, Arthur psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
The Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine charged Palladino with engaging in sexual relationships with two female patients and with recreational use of prescription narcotics and illicit drugs with the patient. s State license revoked or suspended March 2005 Excluded from Medicaid
Date convicted: August 7, 2003
License suspended. He was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in March 2005 and ultimately resigned his medical license.
Palmer, Lorie Psychologist U.S. CA
Lorie Palmer, along with her twin sister, was convicted (pleaded no contest) on June 9, 2016 to felony theft of public funds. Between August 2014 and February 2016, she and her sister submitted claims for services that were never delivered. The two sisters bilked the California Victim Compensation Program out of nearly $55,000.
Date convicted: August 10, 2016
Four months in jail and three years of supervised probation. A restitution hearing was scheduled.
Palmer, Lorie Psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Based on the June 9, 2016 conviction for felony theft of public funds.
Date convicted: August 31, 2016
Surrendered license, effective September 30, 2016.
PALMIERI, ROGER J. psychiatrist U.S. California
Possession of cocaine and firing a gun in his apartment.
Date convicted: Circa 1993
1 year in county jail
PANZARINO, PETER M. psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Tax evasion.
Date convicted: September 11, 1992
3 years probation and community service
Park, Soo Tong psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Defrauding state of $2.1 million in funds relative to public aid claims and filing false state income tax returns.
Date convicted: January 14, 2005
2 years probation and restitution.
Parker, Amina psych nurse U.S. New Jersey
Official misconduct: coerced patient to have sex or she'd prevent his release.
Date convicted: August 12, 2005
3 years prison. Parker surrendered her license August 2005.
Parks, Melissa counselor U.S. Oklahoma
Health insurance fraud conviction.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Parmentier, Arthur Hilton Psychiatrist U.S. Rhode Island
Committed a boundary violation with his patient while also prescribing controlled substances, including opioids.
Date convicted: September 13, 2016
License surrendered.
Parr, Deborah Psychiatrist U.S. Colorado
She excessive signed certifications recommending marijuana for medical use, over 300 certifications were signed from January to May of 2016.
Date convicted: July 19, 2016
Colorado medical license is suspended. A restriction barring her from providing written certification for the medical use of marijuana was placed on her New Mexico license by that state's board on September 20, 2016.
PARRISH, CHARLES E. psychiatric nurse U.S. Virginia
Pleaded guilty to taking indecent liberties with 6 female patients aged 14 to 16-years-old, in his care for treatment of abuse, including rape. In December, 1999, Parish was sentenced to 30 days in jail (suspended) for the assault of a 14-year-old male patient.
Date convicted: June 23, 2000
12 years in prison (with all but 12 months suspended for 20 years) and indefinite probation
Parsa, Bruce psychiatrist U.S. Missouri
Conspiracy to dispense or distribute controlled substances.
Date convicted: February 24, 2004
License revoked.
Parsia, Keykhosrow S. Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
On May 11, 2016, Parsia was charged along with two other doctors in a scheme to sell commonly abused prescription drugs in exchange for cash payments. Specific charges include conspiracy to distribute controlled substances, distribution of controlled substances, health care fraud, and money laundering. The defendants sold prescriptions for Suboxone and Klonopin in exchange for cash payments. Many of the customers who frequented this clinic were, in fact, drug dealers or drug addicts who sold the prescribed medications. The case is being tried in US District Court Eastern Pennsylvania.
Date convicted: May 16, 2016
License suspended by medical board.
PARTRIDGE, WILLIAM school counselor U.S. California
Fondling a student.
Date convicted: April 24, 1992
45 days freeway cleanup and therapy
Partridge, William E. mental health counselor U.S. Illinois
Aggravated criminal sexual abuse (engaged in several instances of sex with a 17-year old patient).
Date convicted: March 9, 2005
60 days jail, four years probation and the forfeiture of his car to the village of Morton, Illinois, where he committed the crime.
Pascal, Harold psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Medicaid fraud and illegal medical prescriptions.
Date convicted: February 1, 2008
6 to 18 months in jail.
PASCUCCI, NICHOLAS J. child psychologist U.S. New York
Workers' Compensation insurance fraud.
Date convicted: April 9, 1999
1 year in jail, 3 years probation and ordered to pay more than $324,000 in fines and restitution
Pasic, Josip Psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Pasic engaged in sexual conduct with mentally ill patients to whom he also prescribed opioid painkillers and other drugs. He was sued by the father of one patient who claimed Pasic's sexual advances led to his son's death in 2011. Allegations of his behavior go back a decade.
Date convicted: December 14, 2016
His license was Suspended on an emergency basis.
PATEL, SHARAD C. psychiatrist U.S. Kentucky
Defrauding several health insurance programs.
Date convicted: April 1994
4 months in prison and 4 months house arrest and ordered to pay $200,000
PATILLO, MARY LEE group home executive U.S. Michigan
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 23, 1998
5 years probation and ordered to pay $150,138 in restitution
Patterson, Michael psychiatrist U.S. Tennessee
Unlawful distribution of prescription drugs
Date convicted: May 4, 2012
PATTON, RICHARD E. therapist U.S. Colorado
The sexual assault of a patient.
Date convicted: March 1998
5 years in jail
Patton, Gary C. Psychiatrist U.S. Kentucky
On April 15, 2002, he pled guilty to charges of two counts of Possession of Schedule IV Controlled Substances, based upon his accidental overdose of Ecstasy and GRB. Other more recent deficiencies in his drug prescribing date back to 2011. A patient of Patton's was found dead on December 14, 2012 of an alleged overdose. He failed to meet prescribing limitations and other conditions that were put on his license in 2014. The Board concluded that the licensee's practice constituted a danger to the public.
Date convicted: July 22, 2016
Revoked Effective 8/2/2016.
Paul, David S. psychologist U.S. Ohio
Stalking a female client after she broke off their personal/romantic relationship.
Date convicted: January 2003
License suspended and ordered by state to close his practice. His license in the state of Iowa was revoked November 12, 2004 in response to the Ohio action.
PAYNE, GARY counselor Canada
Assaulting two mentally disabled men
Date convicted: October 3, 1990
30 days in jail
Paynter, Leanne counselor U.S. Florida
Sex with inmate of the facility where she was employed (a civil commitment center).
Date convicted: September 24, 2010
Pre-trial diversion program.
Payton, Ed mental health executive U.S. North Carolina
Date convicted: April 20, 2012
18 months prison and must repay $130,000
Peak, James H. psychiatrist U.S. Montana
Possession of child pornography
Date convicted: December 7, 2011
1 year prison
PEARCE, GRAHAM RUSSELL psychiatric nurse Australia Melbourne
Repeatedly raping an 18-year-old female patient.
Date convicted: February 25, 1999
15 years in jail
Peikert , Brandee Leigh psychologist U.S. Michigan
Criminal sexual conduct and illegal use of a computer. Peikert was convicted of engaging in a sexual relationship with a young female client.
Date convicted: May 13, 2010
Nine months jail, five years probation and must register as a sex offender.
Peloquin, Paul psychologist U.S. California
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: August 21, 2005
License revoked.
PENDEXTER, JOHN F. counselor U.S. Wyoming
Sexual assault on a retarded female patient.
Date convicted: November 1998
1 year in prison and 5 years supervised probation
Perez, Elsy Marina de Guadalupe psychologist South America Colombia
Conspiracy and trafficking (selling babies).
Date convicted: March 4, 2011
9 1/2 years prison.
Perez, Juan psychologist U.S. California
Reckless driving under the influence and unlicensed driving. Two other convictions in February and March of 2001.
Date convicted: June 4, 2001
Pleaded guilty
PERSSON, DONALD R. school psychologist U.S. Utah
Raping a 12 year old girl and possession of child pornography. Evidence suggested he may have sexually assaulted 16 other children and as many as 35 women.
Date convicted: June 11, 1992
10 years in prison
PETERS, ALICE counselor U.S. Texas
Theft of over $20,000 (submitted fraudulent billings to the Texas Medicaid insurance program).
Date convicted: December 19, 2001
15 years prison and $365,000 restitution.
PETERSON, CARL operator of group home for mentally retarded U.S. Ohio
Theft and money laundering.
Date convicted: December 1, 1997
48 months in jail, 3 years of supervised release and ordered to pay $423,264 restitution
PETERSON, WARREN H. psychologist U.S. Minnesota
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: December 12, 1997
17 months in prison (stayed with conditions of probation: 120 days in the workhouse concurrent with the 8 months in the workhouse imposed for his recent probation revocation), fined $6000 (reduced to $500 and 200 hours of community service) and ordered to pay nearly $3,701.00 in restitution
Peterson, Carl R. psychiatrist U.S. Oklahoma
Contempt of court. (Peterson violated terms of visitation with his wife, who was in state custody as a vulnerable adult [one who is unable to make decisions for themselves and are being abused, neglected or exploited by a caretaker] due to evidence that Peterson had been drugging her with a psychotropic drug "against her best interest and [her] physician's advice," according to the court's record. Peterson brought the drug with him on a visit to his wife.
Date convicted: August 2006
6 months jail, all suspended but 10 days, ordered to wear a GPS ankle monitor and to remain at least a half mile from his wife.
Petrova, Irina psychiatrist Russia
Taking a bribe.
Date convicted: May 6, 2010
Fine or penalty of 50,000 rubles (approximately U.S. $1,800).
Phillips, James psychologist U.S. Ohio
Sex with retarded patients.
Date convicted: April 2004
License suspended indefinitely.
PHILO, PETER counselor U.S. New York
Raping a 15-year-old girl.
Date convicted: October 12, 2000
1 year in county jail
PHILPOT, MARK E. mental health aide U.S. Texas
Sexually assaulting female clients.
Date convicted: July 1992
12 years in prison
Pierner, Tammy Psychiatrist U.S. Wisconsin
Operating [vehicle] While Intoxicated (OWI) -- 3rd Offense
Date convicted: April 13, 2016
14 days in county jail, 18 month probation.
Pierner, Tammy Psychiatrist U.S. Wisconsin
Unprofessional conduct related to her use of alcohol and prescription drugs, improper prescribing of controlled substances, failure to report a prior conviction for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, practice of medicine without a valid medical license and other.
Date convicted: April 20, 2016
License suspended indefinitely.
Pignatiello, Michael psychologist U.S. Ohio
Impaired objectivity, dual relationships, negligence, welfare of client, etc.
Date convicted: July 2003
1 year suspension, 3 months active.
PIKE, ALBERT psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Illegally prescribing drugs and Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: November 5, 1999
2 years in prison, 2 1/2 years probation and fined $9,000
Pilling, Brek A. Psychologist U.S. Idaho
Illegally entered into a business venture with a client for whom he had done counseling sessions.
Date convicted: February 12, 2016
License Surrendered
PITCOCK, HAROLD W. social worker U.S. Washington
11 sex crimes against young boys, for whom he was supposed to find foster homes.
Date convicted: October 2, 1996
17 1/2 years in prison
PITZEL, KURT counselor U.S. Florida
Sex-related crimes involving several children.
Date convicted: December 4, 1998
1 year in jail and 10 years probation
Pizarro, Cecilio psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Illegally dispensing quantities of Methadone and Illegally dispensing quantities of Oxycodone.
Date convicted: September 25, 2007
27 months prison on each count, to run concurrently.
PLAISTED, JAMES child psychologist U.S. Texas
Sexually assaulting 4 young girls. Plaisted was already serving a 2 year sentence for luring a patient from Texas to Boston to continue molesting her.
Date convicted: December 1995
40 years in jail
PLATNER, DONALD psychologist U.S. Wisconsin
Sexual exploitation by a therapist, stemming from a former patient's accusations that she had a 7-year sexual relationship with him.
Date convicted: March, 2002
7 years probation (including 6 months electronic surveillance), 40 hours community service per year and a $300 annual contribution to a crime prevention fund.
POETTER, LOUIS J. mental health executive U.S. Georgia
Sexual abuse of young boys, who were his patients.
Date convicted: April 8, 1988
8 years in jail and 12 years probation
PONDER, JULIE Psychotherapist U.S. Colorado
Reckless child abuse (found guilty for her role in the suffocation death of a 10-year-old girl during an effort to simulate her birth by the use of "rebirthing therapy").
Date convicted: June 18, 2001
16 years prison.
Pool, David psychologist U.S. Arizona
Substance abuse.
Date convicted: August 2005
License placed on inactive status and shall not practice until he demonstrates to the Board his fitness to practice with regard to his substance abuse.
POPE, LANCE psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Burglarizing homes.
Date convicted: April 1999
2 1/2 years in prison (1 year suspended) and ordered to pay $22,000 in restitution
Popov, Maxim psychologist Uzbekistan
Published book which appears to promote promiscuity and drug use.
Date convicted: September 2009
7 years jail.
Porter, Paul Michael psychiatrist Canada Toronto, Ontario
Incompetence and professional misconduct.
Date convicted: December 13, 2000
License suspended 2 and 1/2 years.
Porter, Paul Michael Psychiatrist Canada Ontaria
Sexually abusing an "extremely vulnerable" patient by "hugging her, kissing her, holding her hand, having her sit on his lap, and making remarks of a sexual nature."
Date convicted: September 28, 2016
License Revoked
Post, Timothy Allen Psychologist U.S. Missouri
In 2012, he failed to submit the results of an evaluation he performed for a patient in a timely manner which constituted a failure to perform the psychological services to which he had agreed. Also, his license has been suspended twice for failure to comply with Missouri's tax laws.
Date convicted: March 6, 2016
Surrendered medical license.
POWELL, RICHARD WAYNE Psychiatrist U.S. California
Insurance fraud (billed health insurance companies for psychotherapy sessions delivered by unqualified staff as if they had been delivered by a licensed psychiatrist).
Date convicted: May 23, 2003
3 years probation, $19,286 restitution and fees of $498; served one day in jail at time of arrest.
Powell, Richard Wayne psychiatrist U.S. California
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: July 2003
License suspended for 60 days.
Powell, Dana L. counselor U.S. Florida
License suspended or revoked.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Powell, Gerald Psychiatrist Canada Ontario
Investigators found numerous concerns in reviewing 25 patient charts, finding lapses in documentation such as omitting start and stop times in appointments and failing to document the monitoring of side effects from atypical antipsychotic drugs. The investigator testified that "all 25 charts showed evidence of inappropriate billing and that Dr. Powell's billing practices did not meet the standard of practice of the profession." His license was suspended for four months and was ordered to pay $25,000 in fines.
Date convicted: January 11, 2017
License Suspended, $25,000 fine
Powers, Robert psychotherapist U.S. Nebraska
Lost self-control in response to office memo which stated that only the office manager would have the key to certain office supply drawers. Powers took the memo outside and shot holes in it and then called in to work stating that he was too angry to return because "he might shoot somebody."
Date convicted: June 2004
PRAKASH, PRABHA psychiatrist U.S. New York
Improperly obtaining $8,688 from Medicaid insurance funds.
Date convicted: February 1992
A conditional discharge and to make full restitution of $8,688.
Pratt, Jay psychologist U.S. Maine
Intimate relationship with patient.
Date convicted: April 2004
License surrendered.
Pratt, Jay E. counselor U.S. Maine
Professional license revoked for sex with patient.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Prestin, Amy counselor U.S. Idaho
Medicaid fraud
Date convicted: April 11, 2011
$3,818 restitution and 3 years probation
PRINCE, DEBORAH L. mental health executive U.S. Maryland
Stealing funds from a federal funded program.
Date convicted: January 7, 1993
27 months in prison and ordered to pay $326,679 in restitution
PRINCE, VICKI counselor U.S. Wisconsin
Theft, forgery and misconduct in public office.
Date convicted: November 15, 1996
9 months in jail and 4 years probation
PRITCHERT, JAMES school counselor U.S. California
Smothered his wife to death.
Date convicted: March 1996
11 years in jail after pleading guilty
PROCTOR, BASIL counselor U.S. Florida
Having sex with a teenage patient.
Date convicted: April 2000
8 months in jail, 2 years house arrest and 5 years of sex-offender probation
Provan, James Anton psychologist Australia Melbourne
Possessing child pornography. Police found 114 sexually explicit photos of boys under 18 on his computer hard drive.
Date convicted: December 16, 2004
Two-year community-based order and will be placed on the serious sexual offenders register for eight years.
Psaila, Justin psychiatrist U.S. New York
Grand larceny (theft) - submitted thousands of false claims to the Medicaid and Medicare insurance programs for psychiatric services that were never rendered.
Date convicted: February 2, 2005
$436,628.00 restitution and 3-year conditional discharge (same as a suspended sentence, in which the defendant must comply with certain conditions or else they will have to serve jail time). In October 2005, Psaila was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
PURVIN, JONATHAN M. psychiatrist U.S. Utah
Unlawful professional conduct (practicing without a license and possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute). He was found to be practicing though his license had been suspended for refusal to either release the results of his psychological evaluation or be re-evaluated.
Date convicted: May 22, 2002
Surrender of licenses both to prescribe and practice and cannot reapply for 2 years (was jailed upon arrest for six days - 8/31/01 to 9/5/01).
Puszkarski, Slawomir Jan Psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
In U. S. District Court on May 23,2015, Puszkarski pled guilty to falsifying documents to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service in obtaining citizenship status of another individual. In June of 2012, Puszkarski falsely completed and submitted an immigration form certifying that his "patient" had a qualifying disability or impairment when he did not -- Puszkarski never even did an exam.
Date convicted: October 8, 2015
Probation and a $10,000 fine.
Puszkarski, Slawomir Jan Psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Psychiatrist April 15, 2016 IL U.S. He pleaded guilty to falsely completing and submitting an immigration form to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services Service to aid in obtaining citizenship status of another individual. There was an earlier summary suspension on the same matter in June, 2015.
Date convicted: April 15, 2016
Illinois medical license and controlled substance license were both suspended indefinitely.
Puszkarski, Slawomir Jan Psychiatrist U.S. Wisconsin
Based on the May 23, 2015 conviction for falsifying documents to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service and his failure to report it to the board.
Date convicted: June 15, 2016
Wisconsin medical license was indefinitely suspended.
QADEER, SHEIKH psychiatrist U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: September 10, 1991
6 months in jail (suspended) and ordered to perform 14 months community service and make restitution of $10,459
Qadeer, Sheikh Psychiatrist U.S. New York
Professional misconduct in failing to maintain records; deviated from accepted standards of care.
Date convicted: December 26, 2016
License inactivated. Precluded from practicing in New York.
QUADE, JAMES R. prison psychologist U.S. Delaware
His part in a fraud scheme to gain federal and state government grants.
Date convicted: August 13, 1999
QUEENAN, JR., WILLIAM D. counselor U.S. Texas
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 15, 2001
27 months prison.
QUINN, ROBERT D. psychologist U.S. Maryland
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: February 6, 1987
18 moths in jail and ordered to pay $40,000 in restitution
QUINTERO, BENJAMIN A. counselor U.S. California
Drug dealing.
Date convicted: November 1994
4 years probation
Qureshi, Mohammed psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
27 misdemeanor counts of sexual battery.
Date convicted: March 28, 2011
Ten years probation and loss of New York and Georgia medical licenses for 10 years.
Rabone, Todd mental health counselor U.S. Florida
Sexual misconduct by a psychotherapist (was charged with making sexual comments, exposing himself or groping women in a court-ordered therapy program).
Date convicted: November 27, 2007
3 years on probation (the first 3 months under house arrest) and forbidden from working as a therapist again.
Raborn, Amy Rebecca Psychologist U.S. Colorado
On or about May 22, 2015, she pleaded guilty to engaging in a sexual relationship with a client who was an inmate.
Date convicted: May 22, 2015
Four years of probation and required to register as a sex offender.
Raborn, Amy Rebecca Psychologist U.S. Colorado
For May 22, 2015 conviction on charges of engaging in a sexual relationship with a client who was an inmate
Date convicted: December 2, 2016
Relinquished license.
RADCLIFFE, JOHN LESLIE DERWENTWATER psychiatric hospitals executive New Zealand
Charged with murdering his wife.
Date convicted: November 2, 1998
Detained: in a psychiatric hospital for up to 7 years, ruled unfit to stand trial
Radecki, Thomas Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Radecki's medical license was revoked for 10 years, from 1992 to 2002, in Illinois for "Engaging in immoral conduct of unprofessional nature with a patient." In 2002, it was restored with probation and terms. In July of 2007 his Pennsylvania license was placed on Probation in response to the Illinois actions. On or about June 29,2012, the Board issued an Order of Temporarily Suspending Radecki's license based upon the earlier actions plus allegations that Radecki had again engaged in sexual misconduct with a patient in Pennsylvania which was caught on video.
Date convicted: September 11, 2012
Permanent Voluntary Surrender of Pennsylvania license.
Radecki, Thomas Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Radecki operated four clinics under the business name "Doctors and Lawyers for a Drug-Free Youth." serving nearly 1,000 people. In 2011 and 2012, he had been investigated by a number of law enforcement agencies for his prescribing, dispensing, and billing practices. He was accused of overprescribing buprenorphine (Subutex and Suboxone), an opioid medication used to treat opioid addiction. One District Attorney said Radecki's practice fostered addiction, and that the majority of criminal drug related activity for several years was a result of the drugs Radecki was prescribing. The State Attorney General identified Radecki as the largest purchaser and distributor of Subutex in the United States. He also had a sexual and business relationship with one of his patients which resulted in the birth of a child. Radecki was convicted in April 2016 of multiple counts of distributing controlled substances and having inappropriate relationships with patients.
Date convicted: June 1, 2016
Sentenced to 11-22 years in prison and ordered to pay out $430,000 in liquid assets from his practice as fines.
Rainey, Debra Kay psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
Failed to comply with a medical board order for a mental evaluation stemming from concerns that she suffers from a mental condition that impairs her ability to safely practice medicine.
Date convicted: September 2004
Indefinite suspension and $5,000 fine. In October 2005, Rainey was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Ramaswamy, Trivandrum S. psychiatrist U.S. Indiana
Convicted of 4 counts theft, 4 counts intimidation, corrupt business practice.
Date convicted: May 24, 2004
3 years prison, 1 year home detention and 3 years probation. He was excluded from participation from federally-funded health programs (Medicaid, etc.) in April 2005.
RAMBERT, CLAUDE psychiatrist France Creteil
Rape of a female former patient.
Date convicted: February 18, 2003
5 years prison with all but 6 months suspended.
Ramey, Gregory psychologist U.S. Ohio
Six counts of endangering children and one count of tampering with evidence. In exchange for his plea, other charges involving child pornography were dropped.
Date convicted: December 16, 2021
Six months in a lock-down sex offender treatment program, up to six months in county jail, up to five years of supervised release, and $30,000 in fines and court costs
Ramos, Armado counselor U.S. Texas
Revealed to have a criminal background.
Date convicted: December 13, 2003
License revoked.
RAMSDELL, ZALEXIE ANN counselor U.S. Minnesota
Third-degree criminal sexual conduct (involving a male juvenile resident of the facility where she worked).
Date convicted: July, 2002
160 days jail; 18 months prison, suspended for 15 years; 15 years probation; $500 fine and $1,900 restitution.
Randall, John G. psychiatrist U.S. Ohio
Failed to renewed his license since 1976.
Date convicted: February 2003
License permanently revoked.
Rank, Douglas psychiatrist U.S. Kentucky
First-degree assault. Rank stabbed a female patient with a sword, reportedly after she ended their sexual/romantic relationship.
Date convicted: December 21, 2010
15 years prison.
RANSOM, ROBERT S. psychologist U.S. California
His part in American Psychometric Consultants, Inc. conspiracy to defraud insurance companies and employers out of millions of dollars through billing for bogus psychological reports.
Date convicted: March 1998
1 year in jail
RANTUCCIO, JOSEPH psychologist U.S. Colorado
Sexually assaulting a woman.
Date convicted: March 1995
30 days in jail and 10 years probation
RAPPAPORT, MICHAEL E. psychologist U.S. Florida
Seducing 2 female patients.
Date convicted: September 7, 1983
6 months in prison at hard labor, fined $9,000 and discharged from the Air Force
Realini, Renzo psychiatrist Switzerland Ticino
300 counts of insurance fraud against 24 different companies totalling nearly $5 million francs (approximately US $4 million). He billed for 30-hour days.
Date convicted: May 13, 2005
2 years prison.
REASTER-GLOVER, SHARMANE B. psychiatric technician U.S. South Carolina
Accessory to the scalding death of a 72-year-old man (failed to check the water temperature in the tub in which the man was placed and ignored the patient's complaints. Patient suffered severe burns and died a week later).
Date convicted: June 2001
90 days jail and 5 years probation.
REDFERING, DAVID L. psychologist U.S. Florida
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: August 8, 1996
33 months in jail, 3 years supervised release and ordered to pay $81,893 in restitution
Reeves, Stephanie Psychologist England
Engaged in sex with patient of facility where she worked.
Date convicted: Februrary 13, 2008
12 month suspended jail sentence, 2 years probation and must register as a sex offender for 10 years.
REID, CARL developmental disabilities agency employee U.S. Oregon
Attempted sexual abuse of developmentally disabled patients.
Date convicted: March 30, 2000
2 years in prison and 5 years probation
REID, STEVEN psychology lecturer U.K. London
Murdering a female colleague.
Date convicted: September 13, 2000
Life in prison
Reidel, Daniel mental health aide U.S. California
Health insurance fraud conviction.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Reimer, Michael counselor U.S. Florida
Possession of cocaine, morphine and drug paraphernalia
Date convicted: December 8, 2010
Reinstein, Michael Johnson Psychiatrist Illinois
He pleaded guilty on February 13, 2015 to violating the federal Medicare and Medicaid AntiKickback Statute for accepting nearly $600,000 in fees and benefits from pharmaceutical companies in exchange for prescribing a medication to his patients. He prescribed the drug Clozapine to thousands of elderly and indigent patients in Chicago area nursing homes and hospitals. Clozapine is an antipsychotic medication with potentially serious side effects, particularly for elderly patients. He prescribed Clozaril, the brand-name version of Clozapine, long after less expensive, generic versions were available, because the manufacturer of Clozaril paid him thousands of dollars to promote the drug. At one point, he was the largest prescriber of the drug to Medicaid recipients in the United States. Reinstein previously agreed to pay the United States and the State of Illinois $3.79 million to settle a civil lawsuit filed by the United States in November 2012.
Date convicted: March 11, 2016
9 months in federal prison and forfeiture of $592,000.
Reinstein, Michael Johnson Psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
Convicted for receiving illegal kickbacks and benefits totaling nearly $600,000 from pharmaceutical companies in exchange for regularly prescribing the anti-psychotic drug Clozapine to his patients. His license had been suspended since 2014.
Date convicted: April 15, 2016
License revoked.
RENICK, JOHN T. psychiatric facility medical director U.S. Florida
Health care insurance fraud.
Date convicted: March 20, 2002
1 year and 1 day confinement and required to forfeit $67,569.
RERMGOSAKUL, ADUL psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: August 22, 1995
5 years in prison (all but 30 days suspended), ordered to pay $235,000 in fines and restitution
Ressner, Eric psychiatrist U.S. Florida
In exchange for large amounts of cash, Ressner lent his name and Drug Enforcement Administration license to a prescription fraud scheme involving two other doctors and a pharmacist, that netted nearly $10 million in false claim payments.
Date convicted: November 3, 2006
4 years prison.
RETKINSKY, JACK psychiatrist U.S. New York
Grand larceny (billed the New York Board of Education for over $1 million in therapy services that were never provided).
Date convicted: November 26, 2002
2 1/2-to-7 1/2 years prison and must repay roughly half the $1.2 million he was convicted of overbilling for, or the entire amount if a co-defendant fails to pay his portion.
Reynolds, Constance psychologist U.S. Montana
Sex with the partner of a patient.
Date convicted: June 18, 2004
License revoked. Reynolds was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in August 2005.
Rice, James L. psychiatrist U.S. California
Providing a false prescription (misdemeanor). Rice wrote prescriptions for another doctor, but not in that doctor's own name.
Date convicted: September 18, 2008
Diversion program (similar to probation but if he complies with all requirements, the charges against him will be dismissed in two years).
RICHARDS, AARON D. counselor U.S. Wyoming
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: October 2000
1 year of probation and ordered to pay $5,300 in restitution
RICHARDS, DARRELL DEAN psychology professor U.S. California
Sexual battery of 2 young boys, 10 and 6 years old.
Date convicted: December 7, 1987
5 years probation
Ridout, Bradley psychiatric treatment center employee U.S. Wisconsin
Misdemeanor negligent patient abuse. (Ridout physically restrained 7-year-old Angellika Arndt, using the weight of his body to hold her face-down on the ground for 41 minutes, significantly impairing her ability to breathe, resulting in her death by "positional asphyxia.")
Date convicted: March 12, 2007
2 months jail and 1 year probation with the possibility of 6 more months incarceration if he fails (violates the terms of) probation.
Riedel, William counselor U.S. Arizona
Sexual exploitation of a minor and child molestation.
Date convicted: February 11, 2011
35 years prison.
Rigano , John Peter Dominic psychiatrist Australia
Six counts of indecent dealing: massaged and masturbated a teenage boy patient over a two-year period.
Date convicted: April 29, 2009
Three and half years prison, suspended after nine months served.
Rivelli, Cori Lynn counselor U.S. Illinois
Sex with 14-year-old client.
Date convicted: August 20, 2010
3 and 1/2 years prison.
Rivera-Mass, Enrique psychiatrist U.S. North Dakota, Puerto Rico
Conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance.
Date convicted: October 27, 2010
Loss of license, to be sentenced.
Roberts, Elizabeth social worker U.S. Michigan
Negligence, incompetence and lack of good moral character.
Date convicted: January 2003
License revoked.
Robertson, April psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Professional license revoked. Documents have been requested from the Pennsylvania Board of Psychology which will show the reason for the revocation of Robertson's license. On April 23, 2001, she was convicted of possession with intent to deliver Schedule IV controlled substance.
Date convicted: October 2004
Excluded from participation in federally-funded health bare programs (Medicaid, etc.) (2004) 6 months probation and $655 in fines and costs (2001)
Robillard, Richard mental health counselor U.S. Washington
Second-degree assault (involving a 10-year-old boy), agreeing his intent was to commit child rape.
Date convicted: May 30, 2008
9 months jail (which was served on home detention prior to sentencing); ordered to enter sexual deviancy program and remain under supervision for three years.
ROBINSON, DALLAS K. counselor U.K. Nelson
Fraudulently using her employer's checks.
Date convicted: March 1999
200 hours community service and ordered to pay $2,544 restitution
Robinson, Pamela social worker U.S. Michigan
Negligence & incompetence.
Date convicted: May 2004
License suspended 3 months.
Robinson, Susan M. psychologist Australia
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: May 2004
License suspended for six months.
Robinson, Carolyn mental health worker U.S. Tennessee
Patient abuse conviction.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
RODDY, DONALD K. former drug counselor U.S. Ohio
Possession of drugs, misuse of credit cards, passing bad checks, forgery and deception to obtain a dangerous drug (defrauded family and creditors of about $70,000 which he used to feed his addiction to painkillers.)
Date convicted: February 13, 2002
6 year prison term, suspended, provided he repays his wife and other creditors $16,000; 6 months in minimum security jail and must complete a drug treatment program.
Roddy, William Meyer Psychiatrist U.S. Alabama
Evidence of excessive dispensing of controlled substances and other related charges. A final hearing is scheduled for October 25,2017.
Date convicted: January 16, 2017
The Board temporarily suspended the Alabama Controlled Substances Certificate and ordered that he not practice medicine in any form pending final resolution of the case.
Rodriguez, Jorge psychologist U.S. Virginia
Sexual battery.
Date convicted: March 2, 2011
180 days jail, contingent upon 12 months good behavior.
Rodriguez-Dowling, Maria psychologist U.S. Florida
Medicaid fraud conviction
Date convicted: December 9, 2011
Rogers, Kay Edison psychiatric nurse UK
Failed to properly monitor a diabetic psychiatric patient.
Date convicted: May 2005
Struck off the nursing register (license revoked).
ROPIHA, LENI NOAH counselor New Zealand Wellington
Threatening to cut off a woman's fingers if she did not give him her rings.
Date convicted: December 1995
4 months periodic detention.
Rosenberg, Jordan psychologist U.S. California
Health care fraud, mail fraud and making false statements, relative to defrauding the Medicare insurance program of $322,000.
Date convicted: December 7, 2004
3 years prison, ordered to pay restitution of $250,000 and to forfeit all assets including a house acquired with the fraudulently obtained money.
Rosenberg, Joshua psychologist U.S. Iowa
Sexual harassment and inappropriate physical contact. Rosenberg did not respond to the licensing board's communication regarding the investigation of complaints against him.
Date convicted: September 2003
License suspended.
Rosenberg, Jordan M. psychologist U.S. California
Criminal conviction for fraud
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
ROSENBLATT, SIDNEY school psychologist U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 1999
2 months of weekends in jail, 5 years probation and ordered to pay $300,000 in restitution
Rosenfeld, Irwin Ira Psychiatrist U.S. California
Gross negligence and excessive prescribing of controlled substances. Three patients died as a result of their drug use while in his care. Rosenfeld has a long history of discipline for excessive prescribing. In 2011, he was placed on five years' board probation for gross negligence, violating laws regarding dangerous drugs and controlled substances and engaging in unprofessional conduct. Earlier, in 1999, he was placed on five years' probation for similar charges.
Date convicted: September 9, 2016
Surrendered California medical license.
ROSENTHAL, DAVID psychiatrist U.S. California
Sexual battery and having sex with a patient.
Date convicted: March 13, 2001
180 days jail and 3 years probation; ordered not to see female patients or patients under age 21 for at least the length of probation and must register as a sex offender for life.
Rosenthal, Eric H. psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Several violations relative to dual or sexual relationships with clients.
Date convicted: 10/21/2003
Voluntarily surrendered license for a minimum of 5 years. On April 20, 2004, Rosenthal was excluded from participation in federally funded health care program (Medicaid, etc.).
ROSS, DARRELL STEPHAN psychologist U.S. Texas
Working as a psychologist without a license.
Date convicted: November 29, 1993
15 days in jail
ROSS, JAMES L. psychiatrist. U.S. Massachusetts
Stalking and terrorizing two members of the state medical licensing board.
Date convicted: September 9, 1998
3 years probation
Ross, David Opollo psychologist U.S. Hawaii
Tax evasion and conspiring to evade income tax.
Date convicted: July 13, 2010
45 months prison.
Ross, Lei Lavarias psychologist U.S. Hawaii
Tax evasion and conspiring to evade income tax.
Date convicted: July 13, 2010
18 months prison.
ROULSTON, DONNA nurse U.K. Derby
Physically assaulting mentally disabled patients.
Date convicted: September 15, 2000
4 months in prison (suspended)
ROWELL, GEORGE psychiatrist U.S. California
State health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: May 8, 1997
2 years in jail and ordered to pay $23,020 in fines and restitution
ROWELL, MILDRED mental health employee U.S. California
State health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 1997
5 years probation and 1,000 hours of community service and ordered to pay $22,020 restitution jointly with her psychiatrist husband, George
ROWLAND, CHRISTOPHER V. psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Writing illegal prescriptions for medication for drug-dependent patients.
Date convicted: November 21, 1996
1 year of house arrest
RUBIN, SEYMOUR H. psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Illegally dispensing prescription drugs.
Date convicted: January 31, 1991
2 years in jail (suspended) and ordered to pay $48,000 in fines and restitution
RUBIO, CHARLES T. psychologist U.S. Alabama
Defrauding health insurance programs.
Date convicted: Circa February, 1998
1 year in federal prison, 3 years supervised release, fined $5,000 and ordered to repay $65,332
RUELAS, RONALD school counselor U.S. Arizona
Sexually molesting 6 students at the school where he worked.
Date convicted: June 30, 2000
175 years in prison
Ruona, Luanne psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Impaired ability to practice due to alcohol abuse.
Date convicted: August 1999
License suspended approximately 2 years.
Russell, Michele C. Psychologist U.S. California
Excessive alcohol use. On July 23, 2012 she was arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) with blood alcohol of .22-.24%. There was an open bottle of vodka on her car's backseat. At the time of the arrest, Russel offered a California Highway Patrol Officer sexual favors in order to receive leniency. In May of 2013 Russell had more alcohol related incidents leading to an arrest and a misdemeanor conviction for disturbing the peace.
Date convicted: February 5, 2016
Surrendered license, effective March 6, 2016.
Ruzyla, Patricia counselor U.S. Washington
Unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety to the public due to a mental or physical condition.
Date convicted: December 2003
License indefinitely suspended.
Ryabik, Brett psychiatrist U.S. Kentucky
Obtaining a controlled substance by fraud, trafficking in controlled substances and prohibited activities relating to controlled substances.
Date convicted: August 11, 2004
License suspended 5 years.
RYAN, CLIVE EDMUND psychiatrist Canada Vancouver
Sexually assaulting a female patient.
Date convicted: January 29, 1991
6 months in prison
Ryan, Christina psychiatric nurse England
Smuggled heroin into a prison.
Date convicted: July 21, 2009
3 1/2 years prison
Ryder, Robert marriage & family therapist U.S. Connecticut
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: November 9, 2004
License surrendered.
Ryszard , Jaworski psychiatrist Poland
Forced his assistant (a former patient) to have sex with 32 jailed sex offenders for study of "experimental therapy."
Date convicted: March 13, 2009
2 years prison suspended and loss of license for 4 years.
Saadien-Raad, Maurice psychiatrist UK
Inappropriate behavior with female patients and nurses; lied about qualification and disciplinary record in his native South Africa.
Date convicted: June 27, 2011
License revoked.
SABADIA, OMAR psychiatrist South Africa Pretoria
Having his wife murdered to collect her life insurance policy.
Date convicted: March 1998
65 years in prison
Sabaratnam, Sekilar (a.k.a. Rudra) psychiatrist U.S. California
Paid illegal kickbacks for patient referrals.
Date convicted: August 30, 2010
24 months prison.
Sabatino, David Albert psychologist U.S. Tennessee
Engaged in sex with two patients, attempted to solicit sex from two others and engaged in other contacts with patients in violation of the state's criminal code and Psychology Practice Act.
Date convicted: November 2004
License permanently suspended. On April 11, 2008, the state of Virginia (where Sabatino was employed as a school psychologist) suspended his license upon discovering he'd had his Tennessee license revoked (a fact he'd withheld on his Virginia license application). Virginia denied him reinstatement and revoked his license on July 10, 2008.
SABOT, THEODORE J. psychiatrist U.S. California
Stealing more than $400,000 from Medi-Cal insurance program to finance his wife's cocaine habit.
Date convicted: March 16, 1985
5 years in prison
Sacks, Frederick M. psychologist U.S. Ohio
Negligence, competence issues.
Date convicted: September 2003
1 year suspension, 30 days active.
SADRI, MANOUCHER psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: September 1996
5 years in jail (all but 3 months suspended) and ordered to pay $285,000 in fines and restitution
Saindon, Chris psychologist U.S. California
Drunk driving and causing great bodily harm.
Date convicted: January 9, 2009
3 years prison, suspended, 3 years formal probation, 365 days sober living program.
Saiyed, Shama Begum Psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Saiyed's handwritten progress notes for many of her patients were inadequate, incomplete, and illegible to the point they were nearly impossible to read by another practitioner. She falsified records to the Investigator. Saiyed prescribed controlled substances to numerous patients without documenting an appropriate medical justification, obtaining prior treatment or pharmacy records and neglected to provide controlled substance monitoring.
Date convicted: June 23, 2016
License Suspended Indefinitely.
SAJAN, JOHN psychiatric hospital chief operating officer U.S. Ohio
Making illegal payments (called "kickbacks") to others for referring Medicare insurance-covered patients for treatment at the hospital where he worked.
Date convicted: March, 2002
4-months prison; 4 months home confinement with electronic monitoring; 2 years probation and $600,000 restitution.
Sakihama, Morimitsu psychiatrist Japan
Sakihama was commissioned to conduct 2009 month prison psychiatric tests on a teenage boy who had been arrested for setting fire to his home and killing his mother and two siblings. He showed the boy's depositions to a freelance journalist who later wrote a book about he case.
Date convicted: April 15, 2009
Suspended 4-month prison psychiatric tests on a sentence.
Salama, Joseph S. psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Statutory rape (prescribed a tranquilizer and sedative to a 14-year-old girl in exchange for sexual favors).
Date convicted: March 24, 1978
Seven years prison.
Samson, Andrzej psychologist Poland
Pedophilia (sex with children) and distributing child pornography.
Date convicted: January 9, 2007
8 years prison and banned from practicing for 10 years.
SAN JUAN, RAPHAEL psychiatrist U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud after billing for patients he never saw.
Date convicted: April 9, 1998
9 years in prison
Sanborn , Donald psychologist U.S. Vermont
Sexual abuse of a vulnerable adult.
Date convicted: September 30, 2009
3 years jail
Sanborn, Michael T. psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
Sexually suggestive conversations with adolescent males (patients and non-patients).
Date convicted: June 1997
Surrendered license.
SANCHEZ, NICK R. psychologist U.S. California
Medi-Cal insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 1989
60 days in a work-furlough program and fined $7,000
SANCHEZ, SIMON psychiatrist U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 12, 1990
6 months in jail, 840 hours community service and fined $1,000
Sandstrom, John G. psychologist Norway
Falsified medical reports for criminals so they could apply for postponed or lesser convictions or avoid going to jail.
Date convicted: December 4, 2007
2 1/2 years prison, fined 100,000 NOK (U.S. $18,250) and 25,000 NOK (U.S. $4,500) for court expenses. His license was also revoked.
SANTANA, RONALD psychology instructor U.S. Louisiana
Possession of child pornography.
Date convicted: February 21, 2001
27 months prison and 3 years supervised release.
Santeiro, Jose psychologist U.S. Florida
Conspiracy to commit healthcare fraud and wire fraud, as well as eight counts of healthcare fraud
Date convicted: July 8, 2022
Fifty-four months prison
Sarabi, Joan social worker U.S. Tennessee
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
SARGEANT, THOMAS L. psychiatrist U.S. California
Receiving more than $100,000 from Medicare health insurance for services he never delivered.
Date convicted: March 6, 1996
18 months in federal prison
Saunders, Thomas M. psychologist U.S. Florida
In the 1970s and 80s, Saunders counseled priest Thomas Pagni for issues of sexual deviancy with young male parishioners. Pagni was ultimately forced to resign from the priesthood. He later obtained a master's degree in mental health counseling and applied for a license in the state of Florida. In January 1991, Saunders responded to a questionnaire regarding his knowledge of the Pagni, responding "no" to questions of his knowledge of Pagni's "trustworthiness in relation to his responsibilities" or of "any unfavorable incidents" in his life, "at school, college , business or otherwise" that would have any bearing upon their character or fitness to perform as a mental health counselor. Saunders recommended Pagni for licensure by the state of Florida.
Date convicted: April 26, 2004
Voluntarily relinquished his license. He was excluded from participation in federally-funded health plans (Medicaid, etc.) in September 2003.
Savadove, Robert psychiatrist U.S. Maine
Inappropriate relationship with patient.
Date convicted: March 16, 2006
License surrendered.
Sayed, Saquib psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
Voluntarily surrendered medical license in August 2004, after acknowledging he'd relapsed into alcohol abuse.
Date convicted: March 2005
Excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
SCARBOROUGH, KIM ANNA group home worker U.S. Maryland
Physically abusing and stealing money from mentally disabled patients she was supposed to be caring for.
Date convicted: July 20, 1994
18 months in prison
Scarborough, Lonnie psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
10 counts of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud; 10 counts of unlawful distribution of a controlled substance and 1 count of possession (all involving Ritalin prescriptions).
Date convicted: October 14, 2010
4 years prison on each count, to be served concurrently on probation.
Schaller, James psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon
Date convicted: September 21, 2011
Four years probation
SCHAPE-SELF, ROSEMARY mental health service comptroller U.S. Washington
Embezzlement (Stole over $116,000 from the Olympic Counseling Agency, which was partially funded by the U.S. government. It was revealed at the time of sentencing that she still owed $35,000 in restitution to a former employer - also a counseling center - from a similar 1994 conviction).
Date convicted: April 19, 2002
21 months prison, 3 years supervised release and ordered to pay restitution of $116,461.75.
SCHAPIRA, HENRI J. psychiatrist U.S. Connecticut
Operated Adult and Adolescent Psychiatry, P.C., though which he fraudulently billed federal and state health insurance. He also illegally dispensed drugs from his residence.
Date convicted: December 15, 1998
6 months home confinement and 3 years probation. He agreed to forfeit $80,000 in equity in his home and to pay $240,000 to settle False Claims Act allegations
SCHAUERHAMER, ROBERT A. psychologist U.S. Minnesota
Sexual abuse of a 24-year-old mentally impaired man.
Date convicted: August 16, 2001
110 days in jail, probation for 10 years, surrender psychologist's license, register as a sex offender and complete out-patient treatment.
Schave, Barbara psychologist U.S. California
Engaged in sex with a patient.
Date convicted: February 2003
License surrendered.
SCHEMM, PETER Psychotherapist U.S. Georgia
Contempt of court (twice disregarded orders to report for jury duty in an important trial).
Date convicted: Febuary, 2002
3 days in jail (to be served from 9-to-5 each day) and $1,000 fine.
SCHILDHAUS, DONALD psychologist U.S. New York
Conspiracy in the fourth degree (tried to involve one of his patients in a conspiracy to provide him with a gun so that he could assist his wife in committing suicide).
Date convicted: July 2, 2002
90 days prison and 5 years probation. In December 2004, the state of Pennsylvania revoked his license.
Sexual assault of a 14-year-old girl he was counseling during her parents' divorce.
Date convicted: August 9, 2001
40 years prison (will have to serve 20 years before being eligible for parole).
SCHNEIDER, STEVEN V. psychologist U.S. Wisconsin
Stealing prescription drugs from a patient.
Date convicted: November 1999
15 days in jail and 4 years probation
Schneider, David A. social worker U.S. Wisconsin
Convicted of sexual assault involving a patient.
Date convicted: December 13, 2010
Surrendered social work license.
Schnierow, Bradley John Psychiatrist U.S. California
He used drugs in his office, wrote illegal prescriptions for narcotics and had an improper sexual relationship with a patient. In April 2013, the DEA was informed that Schnierow was a "drug user." Investigators found evidence of improper prescribing and diversion of controlled substances and dangerous drugs. He was arrested by police on multiple counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance, and in January 2015 he was convicted on drug charges. He was also cited by the Medical Board for illegally furnishing drugs to others, including addicts; for Practicing Medicine Under the Influence of Narcotic or Narcotics; for Acts of Sexual Abuse, Misconduct or Relations with Patient; for Practicing Medicine While Suspended and for other violations.
Date convicted: February 16, 2016
License was Surrendered.
Schroder, Kris psychologist Australia Victoria
Eight offenses including attempting to obtain financial advantage by deception, attempting to pervert the course of justice, and perjury.
Date convicted: November 28, 2023
Four years in prison
Schrumpf, David W. psychologist U.S. Maryland
One count of child sex abuse and two counts second degree assault
Date convicted: November 1, 2011
18 years prison
SCHULKIN, FRANK R. psychiatrist U.S. California
Medi-Cal insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 3, 1979
30 days in jail, 3 years probation, fined $5,000 and ordered to pay restitution of $5,300
SCHULTZ, CHRISTINE psychiatric nurse U.S. New York
Attempted fourth-degree grand larceny (stole $835 from five patients and collected over $2,000 in bogus overtime pay).
Date convicted: July 1, 2003
1-year conditional discharge upon payment of restitution of $3,006 (conditonal discharge allowings for release from jail without probation, but requires compliance with conditions set by the court).
Scinta, Amy social worker U.S. Virginia
Suspension or revocation of professional license.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.)
Scioli, Adam D. psychiatric resident U.S. Pennsylvania
Felony violation of the Controlled Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act (arrested for selling a potential date-rape drug to an undercover police officer).
Date convicted: Circa 2005
Two months jail and probation until 2010. The state of Pennsylvania suspended his license May 24, 2005.
SCOTT, DAVID counselor U.S. Michigan
Armed robbery. Also, in June, 1999, Scott was charged with Medicaid insurance fraud, along with 13 other employees, from a substance abuse clinic that Scott co-founded.
Date convicted: Circa 1969 to 1999
5 to 15 years in prison, which he was serving as of June, 1999
SCOZZARO, PHILLIP psychiatrist U.S. New York
Grand Larceny; improper billing Medicaid & Medicare for services.
Date convicted: July 27, 1994
Conditional discharge after pleading guilty and paying $100,000 in restitution
Seidman, Jeffrey psychiatrist Canada Toronto, Ontario
Sexual abuse of an underage client.
Date convicted: Feb 2003
License revoked.
Seitz, Jay Alfred Psychologist U.S. New York
He participated in a multi-year insurance fraud scheme. Between 2006 and 2008, He purported to provide psychological services to patients at medical clinics where he signed false treatment notes that were used to generate claims that were submitted to insurance companies for reimbursement. Insurance providers reimbursed over $3 million of claims submitted for patients purportedly, but not actually, treated by Seitz.
Date convicted: August 11, 2014
He was sentenced in Manhattan federal court to two years in prison followed by one year of supervised release, ordered to pay $2,703,137.89 in restitution and to forfeit $584,089.92 in assets.
Seitz, Jay Alfred Psychologist U.S. New York
For his March 2014 criminal convictions on Mail Fraud and Health Care Fraud in Manhattan federal court.
Date convicted: February 23, 2016
Surrendered license.
Seltzer, Allan H. Psychiatrist Canada Ontario
Practicing without a license. He was previously licensed, but left Canada in 2006 to work in another country. In January 2015, he opened a practice but did not re-register. On July 20, 2016, he pleaded guilty to fraud under $5,000 and dispensing a controlled substance. More recently, he was charged with one count of sexual assault and three of fraud arising from an alleged incident March 1, 2016.
Date convicted: July 20, 2016
He was fined $1,000 and put on one year probation. Faces sexual assault charges.
Seltzer, Alan Psychiatrist U.S. Delaware
The Medical Board found there is an on-going inability or refusal to improve his practice to ensure that he is practicing in a safe and competent manner: details include that he did not properly secure areas in the building where he stored controlled substances, meds, patient records, and Rx pads; patient files were incomplete; he admitted that a patient�s overdose may have resulted in part from his prescriptions; testified he had been co-dependent in participating in the addiction of some of his patients to controlled substances. Some of the violations were noted by the board as a basis for a previous temporary suspension of his license in June 2010 and subsequent probation.
Date convicted: February 3, 2015
License revoked.
Seltzer, Alan Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Disciplinary action taken against his license to practice medicine on February 3, 2015, by the Delaware Board.
Date convicted: July 28, 2015
License revoked.
Semrau, Lorne psychologist U.S. Tennessee
Medicaid-Medicare fraud of over $3,000,000.
Date convicted: June 17, 2010
To be sentenced
Semykina, Natalya psychiatric institute deputy director CIS Moscow, Russia
Used official position to commit fraud (through deception, she and a colleague acquired possession of two psychiatric patients' apartments, which they then sold for approximately US $30,000 each).
Date convicted: May 8, 2008
10 years prison.
Serednesky, George psychologist U.S. Ohio
Dual relationships (other than the therapist-patient relationship, such as business or social) with patients.
Date convicted: September 2004
License revoked.
SERINO, STEPHEN T. school psychologist U.S. Indiana
26 counts of child molestation involving both a 14-year-old family friend and a junior high school student.
Date convicted: December 13, 2001
385 years in jail.
SERRANO, MIGUEL A. BRAVO prison psychiatrist U.S. Puerto Rico
Sexually abusing 4 women inmates at the prison where he was the medical director.
Date convicted: May 19, 1997
2 years in jail
Shaffer, Jay Hammond psychiatrist U.S. Ohio
Engaged in a personal and sexual relationship with a patient.
Date convicted: Fall 2005
License suspended for one year.
SHAH, PANNA psychiatrist U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: September 15, 1992
1 to 3 years in jail and fined $54,000
Shah, Mahir I. Psychiatrist U.S. South Carolina
Numerous alcohol-related arrests including drunk driving, public drunkenness and disorderly conduct over a 3-year period between February 2011 and February 2014. The Board stated that the sanctions were imposed to protect the life, health, and welfare of the people at large.
Date convicted: October 13, 2016
Suspension, mimimum 1 year.
SHAKTAH, HANAN therapist U.S. Illinois
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: November 6, 1998
5 years probation, 800 hours community service and ordered to pay $442,124 in restitution
SHAKTAH, THAER therapist U.S. Illinois
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: November 6, 1998
Probation for 5 years; 400 hours in community service and ordered to pay $233,630 in restitution
Shalanda, Guy mental health aide U.S. Tennessee
Criminal conviction for patient abuse or neglect.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Shamir, David psychiatrist Israel
Contact with a foreign agent and possession of information with the intent of endangering state security (offered classified information to Iran and the Islamic militant group Hamas).
Date convicted: January 17, 2008
5 years prison.
SHANKMAN, ANDREW psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: 1998
87 months in prison, 3 years probation and 400 hours community service
SHARF, MARY psychiatrist U.S. West Virginia
Illegally prescribing drugs.
Date convicted: May 10, 1996
108 months in jail
SHARPE, MARK J. psychologist U.S. Georgia
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: Febuary 22, 2002
4 years prison and 6 years probation.
Shaw, Willie mental health worker U.S. Tennessee
Patient abuse conviction.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Shehadah, Farid school psychologist Israel
Child molestation (molested a student for over a year, beginning when the boy was 8).
Date convicted: October 13, 2007
1 year prison.
Sheikh, Sahid counselor U.S. Washington
Practicing as a doctor without a license
Date convicted: February 2004
Counseling license revoked.
Shelkov, Alexsandr psychiatrist Russia
Drunk on an airplane, assaulted woman sitting next to him.
Date convicted: July 8, 2010
Six months probation.
Sherman, Forrest psychiatrist U.S. Maine
Convicted of engaging in sex with a patient.
Date convicted: May 20, 2004
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Sherman, Laura K. Psychiatrist U.S. Arizona
Sherman was reported to the Arizona Board as being impaired while seeing patients on multiple occasions between August 2015 and January 2016 and that she had an ongoing substance abuse problem. A Board-initiated assessment found her to be unsafe to practice. During the investigation, it was noted that Sherman failed to disclose an arrest for driving under the influence that occurred in 2011.
Date convicted: December 9, 2016
Surrendered license.
Sherman, Laura K. Psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Based on the disciplinary actions taken by the Arizona Medical Board begun in January 2016.
Date convicted: August 26, 2016
Surrendered license.
Sherrill, James Ian counselor U.S. Michigan
Assault with a dangerous weapon (gun).
Date convicted: July 8, 2010
30 days jail.
SHERWOOD, REED D. counselor Canada
Possession of child pornography.
Date convicted: August 10, 1998
2 years probation
Shilati, Sheila Psychologist U.S. California
Sexual misconduct with a patient, gross negligence, and unprofessional conduct. An individual contacted Shilati (as Director of Vantage Point, a recovery center) for assistance with alcohol and marriage problems. Eventually, Shilati escalated the relationship with the patient to a sexually intimate one, knowing that her patient was married and had four children.
Date convicted: February 3, 2016
License surrendered.
SHIMKUS, JANET school social worker U.S. Wisconsin
Disorderly conduct, stemming from a drug case.
Date convicted: November 9, 1998
90 days in jail and fined $1,000
SHIRLEY, RUBY mentally disabled facility employee U.S. Tennessee
Physically assaulting a mentally disabled patient.
Date convicted: April 6, 2000
nearly 1 year of probation, 24 hours community service and fined more than $41,000
Shirreff, Neil psychologist U.S. North Dakota
Disorderly conduct (punched a fellow driver [a female] in the face in a "road rage" incident).
Date convicted: October 1, 2009
Ordered to pay fine plus the victim's dental bills.
Shoff, Susan psychologist U.S. California
Social and sexual relationship with female patient.
Date convicted: May 3, 2004
Surrendered license.
SHOLES, DAVID substance abuse counselor U.S. Indianapolis
Murdering 3 men and injuring another in a shooting rampage.
Date convicted: 1997
life in prison
SHOOSTER, CHARLES NATHAN psychologist U.S. California
Mail fraud (billed for psychotherapy sessions that never occurred).
Date convicted: Circa 2000
6 months home detention and $1,800 restitution.
SHORT, ROBERT E. social worker U.S. Ohio
Inappropriately touching two 14-year-old girls.
Date convicted: October 25, 1995
120 days in jail and fined $400
SHOWALTER, CARL R. psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: April 8, 1999
6 months house arrest; 2 years probation and ordered to pay more than $20,000 in fines and costs
Shukla, Param psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
One count of indecent assault and battery on a child under age 14.
Date convicted: January 14, 2004
2 years probation. He was excluded from participation in federally-funded health programs (Medicaid, etc.) in November 2004.
SHULTICE, ROBERT psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
Illegally prescribing drugs, resulting in the death of a patient.
Date convicted: September 22, 2000
4 years in jail, 3 years supervised release, fined $25,000 and ordered to pay restitution of $3,885, On September 28, 2001, Shultice was convicted of using intimidation and force in an attempt to influence a witness (Shultice attempted to persuade witnesses to lie on his behalf during his 1999 trial). He was sentenced to 41 months in prison, to run concurrent with his earlier sentence.
Sibanda, Andrew psychiatric nurse UK
Inflicted grievous bodily harm on his estranged wife during a domestic assault.
Date convicted: October 6, 2005
15 months prison.
Sichel, Deborah psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Used position to gain access to private records of someone who filed a complaint against her husband for sexual abuse.
Date convicted: September 2004
License suspended 18 months. In December 2004, Sichel was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
SIDHU, SAMARJEET "SAM" psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: September 19, 1996
3 years in prison
Sidlar, Athena psychiatric aide U.S. Pennsylvania
Reckless endangerment (gave a psychiatric patient nails and showed her how to swallow them, which she did).
Date convicted: October 9, 2009
Two years probation
SIEGEL, ANDREW psychiatric patient broker U.S. Florida
Sending clients to psychiatric facilities in return for money so the facility could get access to the patients' insurance.
Date convicted: May 12, 2000
2 years in jail
Siegel, Joel L. psychologist U.S. California
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: Nov 2004.
License revoked.
SIERRA, ISRAEL substance abuse counselor U.S. New Jersey
Election fraud.
Date convicted: January 13, 1994
60 days in jail
Silverman, Ricky psychologist U.S. New Hampshire
Issued a custody-related evaluation which "lacked substantive and procedural consistency, detail and uniformity," "failed to adequately document his analysis or interpretation of the data collected," and "failed to document the reconciliation of inconsistent data and indicate the limitations of his interpretations and conclusions," among other things. Inadequate analysis and documentation in evaluations of patients.
Date convicted: June 2004
Surrendered license until he complies with requirement imposed by New Hampshire Board of Registration of Psychologists (license has since be reinstated).
SIMMS, KEVIN mental health worker U.S. Pennsylvania
Molesting a teenage patient.
Date convicted: December 7, 1999
9 to 23 months prison
SIMON, JOHN group home worker U.S. Louisiana
Sex crimes against 3 mentally retarded patients.
Date convicted: January 24, 2000
3 years in prison and 2 years house arrest
SIMONTON, TOLLIVER J. former school counselor U.S. Missouri
Second degree murder (of his 8-year-old son, by asphyxiation).
Date convicted: February 13, 2002
Life in prison with the possibility of parole.
Sinvany-Nubel, Aviva psychiatric nurse U.S. New Jersey
Misconduct: sent letters to patients that were abusive, demeaning, etc.
Date convicted: February 2005
License suspended for 3 years.
Skarlinski, Michael F. Psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
While employed as a contract psychologist at a facility, he performed intake with regard to patients provided psychological services at the facility. During his employment, he knowingly improperly calculated test scores. For example, he placed rating numbers on pediatric case summaries that did not match the test results present, he did not unseal test packets that had to be unsealed to be properly scored and he would write down scores without taking the time to properly score the material. The psychology board found that he made "misleading, deceptive, untrue or fraudulent representations in the practice of psychology."
Date convicted: February 27, 2017
License suspended for a minimum of one year, civil penalty of $1,000
Skidmore, Amy social worker U.S. Michigan
Date convicted: January 18, 2005
License revoked. In September 2005, Skidmore was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Skloss, Belinda counselor U.S. Texas
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: February 11, 2010
180 days jail, $43,000 restitution.
SKODNECK, RICHARD P. psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Medicare insurance fraud. In 1998, he agreed to pay $490,000 to settle civil charges of Medicare insurance fraud.
Date convicted: March 1996
46 months in federal prison and fined $1 million
SKOVSAGER, BJARNE psychologist Denmark Copenhagen
Numerous severe sexual abuse of three boys.
Date convicted: July 24, 2002
6 year unconditional prison sentence; revocation of right to treat children under 18 and ordered to pay damage compensation of 60,000 kroners (approx. US $8,900) to each victim.
Slaymaker (Richards), Rhian psychiatric nurse UK Wales
False accounting (stole nearly £36,000 from the National Health Service [government-funded medical program of the United Kingdom] by submitting 192 false time sheets claiming wages for hours not actually worked).
Date convicted: July 20, 2004
9 months jail. In October 2005, Slaymaker was struck off the nursing register (comparable to having one's license revoked).
Slonka, Gerald Francis Psychiatrist U.S. Missouri
Failed to file a state tax return and/or pay state tax liabilities.
Date convicted: September 11, 2016
Suspended effective September 17, 2016 and reinstated November 16, 2016.
SMITH, ARNETT C. mental retardation programs chief U.S. Washington D.C.
Conflict of interest and conspiracy charges for his involvement in sending mentally retarded clients to a psychologist who was defrauding federal health insurance.
Date convicted: December 12, 2000
46 months in prison
SMITH, EDWARD psychiatric hospital orderly U.S. New Jersey
Helping a killer to escape from the psychiatric hospital where he worked.
Date convicted: July 1996
2 years probation
SMITH, KENNETH mental health/mental retardation center trustee U.S. Texas
Sexually assaulting a mentally retarded client. He had a previous conviction for sexual assault in Alaska.
Date convicted: Circa 1991
120 days in jail and 10 years supervised probation
SMITH, ROBERT DOUGLAS psychologist U.S. Georgia
Sexually abusing a female patient.
Date convicted: April 1998
4 months in a detention center
SMITH, SELWYN psychiatrist Canada Ottawa
A fraud conviction.
Date convicted: January 3, 1990
9 months in jail to be served on weekends and nights
SMITH, THEODORE psychiatrist U.S. Georgia
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: April 11, 1995
2 years in jail and 8 years probation and $117,858 in restitution
SMITH, WILBURN psychologist U.S. California
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: March 22, 1988
30 days in jail or complete 200 hours of community service
Smith, Paul psychiatric nurse England
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: February 10, 2004
License revoked.
Smith, Richard A. counselor U.S. New York
Professional license revoked or suspended.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Smith, Marcia counselor U.S. Texas
Medicaid program-related conviction.
Date convicted: September 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Smith, Kristi M. counselor U.S. Missouri
Medicaid fraud
Date convicted: July 19, 2011
To be sentenced
Smith, Bryan Psychiatrist U.S. North Carolina
Had a history of alcohol and controlled substance abuse: In January 2010, Smith surrendered his medical license after alcohol was smelled on his breath at work, and his license was indefinitely suspended on May 21, 2010. After violating the conditions of a January 2011 reinstatement, it was again indefinitely suspended on September 7, 2011. In March 2015, Smith was found wandering on a road in Cary N.C. with controlled substance in his pocket that belonged to one of his patients. Lab tests revealed that Smith had ingested alcohol, amphetamines and benzodiazepines which violated the conditions that had been put on his license.
Date convicted: March 3, 2016
Indefinitely suspended.
Smith, Craig A. Psychologist U.S. Michigan
In June 2011, Smith began treating a married female patient, and in June 2014 stopped charging the patient for treatment but continued treatments and at the same time began a personal relationship. He was cited for negligence, incompetence and sexual misconduct.
Date convicted: March 23, 2017
License suspended for a minimum period of one year and fined $3,000.
SMOLEV, BARRY A. psychiatrist U.S. California
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: March 20, 1995
6 months imprisonment in a halfway house
SMYKAY, STEVEN therapist U.S. Texas
Sexually assaulting a woman while she was hypnotized.
Date convicted: May 20 1996
12 years in prison and ordered to pay $8,000 in restitution
SNYDER, CHARLES suicide hotline counselor U.S. California
Attempting to kill a man he'd counseled. Snyder later hung himself while serving his sentence.
Date convicted: November 19, 1991
life in prison
Soderman, Jill social worker U.S. New Jersey
Practiced on a suspended license.
Date convicted: June 24, 2003
License suspended 5 years, ordered to pay a $20,000 civil penalty, $5,000 in investigation costs and $3,000 in attorney fees.
SOKOLSKI, KENNETH psychologist U.S. California
Medi-Cal insurance fraud.
Date convicted: August 28, 1996
3 years probation and ordered to pay $24,000 in restitution
Solis, Rafael psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Three counts of providing false statements relating to a health care matter, stemming from Solis' involvement in the operations of Synergy Counseling, a business which was supposed to provide group psychotherapy to elderly patients. However, the federal government presented a case that such therapy never occurred and what was billed as mental health services was no more than adult day care.
Date convicted: October 8, 2010
5 years probation.
Sompur, Vasanthkumar Sushil Kumar Psychiatrist U.S. Ohio
In November 2013, he was disciplined by the Ohio Medical Board for making falsely fraudulent and deceptive statements in attempting to secure his Ohio medical license. There were negative remarks in his psychiatric training history that were not disclosed. On July 2014, Vasanthkumar withdrew his application in lieu of further formal disciplinary proceedings.
Date convicted: August 13, 2014
Withdrawal of application to practice in Ohio.
Sompur, Vasanthkumar Sushil Kumar Psychiatrist U.S. Alabama
Unprofessional conduct in his submitting false, misleading, or untruthful information to the Alabama Board. There were deficencies noted in his medical training and education that related to his competence and qualification to practice medicine that were not disclosed.
Date convicted: April 16, 2014
Denied license in Alabama.
Sompur, Vasanthkumar Sushil Kumar Psychiatrist U.S. Utah
He engaged in unprofessional conduct when he misrepresented information in his December 16, 2013 application for renewal of his physician license with respect to other disciplinary action taken against his license in other jurisdictions.
Date convicted: June 23, 2015
Revoked his Utah License.
Sompur, Vasanthkumar Sushil Kumar Psychiatrist U.S. California
Sompur Vasanthkumar's California license was revoked based on the actions and discipline in the other states with regard to his false statements and misrepresentations in order to obtain licensing.
Date convicted: March 3, 2016
California license revoked.
Sonksen, Larry marriage counselor U.S. Michigan
Maliciously using a phone line (Sonksen placed at least four calls to a client, in which he lewdly described erotic acts he wished to perform on her).
Date convicted: June 12, 2008
6 months jail with all but 1 month suspended on condition that he completes 18 months probation; 30 days community service.
Sosa-Roche, Jose Antonio Psychiatrist U.S. Arizona
In May of 2016, the medical board determined that Sosa-Roche's substance abuse made him unsafe to practice medicine. Sosa-Roche tested positive for amphetamines, benzodiazepines, and cannabis in a June 2016 drug test. He had previously participated in a remedial drug addiction program throughout most of the period from May 2006 to December 2014.
Date convicted: August 5, 2016
Surrendered License.
Southall, Paul psychiatric nurse UK
Sex with a patient.
Date convicted: June 2, 2010
15 months prison.
Spanberger, Peter G. psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Practiced without a license.
Date convicted: February 20, 2004
License suspended.
Spanier, Cynthia Ann psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Inability to practice with reasonable safety and skill to the public.
Date convicted: August 8, /2003
License suspended indefinitely.
Spaulding, Bradley psychiatrist U.S. New York
"Being a habitual use of alcohol, or being dependent on or a habitual user of narcotics, barbiturate, amphetamines, hallucinogens or other drugs having similar effects or having a psychiatric condition which impairs his ability to practice," according to the statement of charges issued by the New York State Board for Professional Medical Conduct. Spaulding wrote prescriptions for the painkiller Tramadol in his wife's name then filled the prescriptions and consumed the drugs without medical justification.
Date convicted: April 11, 2005.
License suspended indefinitely but for no less than 12 months. In September 2005, Spaulding was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Spector, Paul J. psychiatrist U.S. New York
Sexual contact with patient and habitual use and dependence on narcotic drugs.
Date convicted: November 7, 2003
License suspended for an indefinite period of no less than 15 months. On May 20, 2004, Spector was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (such as Medicaid).
SPENCER, FREDERICK counselor U.S. Missouri
Raping and sodomizing 2 patients.
Date convicted: Circa October 1999
15 years in prison
Spicer, John G. psychologist U.S. California
Sexual relations with a patient.
Date convicted: January 1, 2004
License surrendered.
SPIEGEL, DONALD E. psychologist U.S. California
Making sexual advances to an undercover officer in a public restroom.
Date convicted: February 1997
30 days community service
STACEY, KIMBERLY NICOLE counselor U.S. North Carolina
Having sex with a teenager at the facility where she worked.
Date convicted: May 3, 1999
probation and fired from her job
STACEY, MARCIA drug counseling clinic executive U.S. Michigan
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: February 25, 1999
1 year probation and ordered to pay $560 in fines and restitution
STACY, DANIEL F. marriage family/child counselor U.S. California
Mail fraud (submitted false health care claims to a United States Department of Defense insurance program).
Date convicted: January 4, 2002
12 months and 1 day incarceration, 3 years supervised release and fine of $100.
Stanch, James M. psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
Distribution and possession of a Schedule II controlled substance and distribution and possession of narcotic drugs.
Date convicted: June 30, 2006
57 months prison for each conviction, to run concurrently (i.e., 57 months total).
Stanko, Kenneth M. Psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
Pleaded guilty to charges of possession with intent to distribute and distribution of Oxycodone, a Schedule II controlled substance, and health care fraud, both felonies.
Date convicted: January 20, 2017
Guilty, sentencing scheduled for May 24.
Stanton, Jamie Lee counselor U.S. Wyoming
Suspension or revocation of professional license.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
STARKEY, DARLENE Counseling center president U.S. West Virginia
Embezzlement from a federally subsidized program and Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: February 19, 2003
1 year and 1 day prison and ordered to pay back $175,000
STARKS, ANGELA F. social worker U.S. Florida
Referring pregnant women to a drug rehab program in exchange for money.
Date convicted: July 30, 1996
6 months house arrest and 2 + years probation
Stauber, Paul A. social worker U.S. Florida
Grand theft
Date convicted: August 23, 2010
STEBER, RICHARD F. youth counselor U.S. Wisconsin
His fourth and fifth drunk-driving convictions.
Date convicted: February 26, 1999
17 months in jail
STEELE, JANIS therapist U.S. Colorado
Having sex with a male teenage patient.
Date convicted: August 28, 1991
2 years probation and restricted from providing therapy to anyone under 18
Stein, Martin H. psychiatrist U.S. DC
Being a danger to public health (as exemplified by him signing a death certificate without doing an examination for cause of death); pattern of negligence.
Date convicted: October 2002
License revoked.
Steinberg, Stuart psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Negligence and incompetence.
Date convicted: January 2004
License suspended for 5 years.
Steiniger, William counselor U.S. Arizona
Four counts of tax evasion and conspiracy to impede and impair the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.
Date convicted: February 18, 2011
42 months prison.
Stephens, Kenneth G. Psychiatrist U.S. Arizona
In October of 2014 the Arizona Medical Board issued an Emergency Order of Suspension charging Stephens with possession, distribution and use of schedule drugs and narcotics. On January 1, 2015, his suspension was lifted with conditions and restrictions. He was subsequently found to non-compliant with those conditions including a positive test for opiates and on June 6, 2016, his license was again suspended. On December 2, 2016, the suspension was lifted on the condition that he complete continuing medical education courses in Prescribing and Boundaries.
Date convicted: June 16, 2016
Suspended on an emergency basis.
Stephens, Kenneth G. Psychiatrist U.S. Louisiana
While serving as Medical Director of a facility, Stephens failed to exercise appropriate oversight of medical staff and thereby enabled the unauthorized practice of medicine. He authorized unqualified staff to sign his name on prescriptions when he was not physically present in the clinic and left pre-signed prescriptions in the clinic. He also prescribed controlled substances to patients without documenting an appropriate medical justification and prescribed controlled substance medications to family members without maintaining adequate documentation in their medical record. His license had been placed on probation 3 years with conditions and a requirement to a pay $3,000 fine.
Date convicted: September 2, 2016
Summary Suspension (immediate).
Stephens, Kenneth G. Psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
On July 30, 2015, he signed an agreement not to practice. On August 22, 2016 he signed a resignation request. The Board formally accepted his resignation on September 8, 2016.
Date convicted: September 8, 2016
Resignation and Surrender of license.
STEPHENSON-SNELL, HEATHER Psychotherapist UK Manchester, England
Murder (Stephenson-Snell had set out Halloween night in a "Scream" mask and "ghost" cloak to kill the woman who was involved with her ex-lover. When the woman would not open her door, a neighbor approached to intervene and Stephenson-Snell shot him dead with the sawed-off shotgun she had hidden beneath her cloak).
Date convicted: September 21, 2004
Jailed for life with recommendation that she serve a minimum of 22 years.
Stepp, Mervin Leroy counselor U.S. Washington
First- and second-degree child molestation (engaged in sexual contact with one child under the age of 12 and another under the age of 14). Suspension or revocation of professional license.
Date convicted: January 20, 2005
License revoked. Stepp's criminal sentence information is unknown. In October 2005, Stepp was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
STERNBERG, DAVID E. psychiatrist U.S. Kansas
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: May 1998
5 years in jail and ordered to pay $926,940 in restitution
STERNBERG, BARBARA psychologist U.S. New York
Grand larceny (filed claims for treatments that were never rendered to members of a private health insurance plan).
Date convicted: November 13, 2002
Time served (spent 28 days in jail prior to conviction and sentencing) and 5 years probation.
STEWART, JEFFREY E. residential care facility owner U.S. Oregon
Stealing money from mentally disabled residents where he worked.
Date convicted: December 30, 1991
1 year in prison, and 8 months on work release following prison
Stewart, John (see entry on John Orpin)

Date convicted:
STEYER, SHARON LEWIS counselor U.S. Florida
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: August, 2000
10 years probation; ordered to pay $362 in court costs, $3,500 in prosecution costs, $28,478 investigative costs; $2,500 fine and 250 hours community service.
Stilwell, Jill Marie counseling center operator U.S. Missouri
Criminal conviction related to Medicaid program.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
STOKES, JOHN psychiatric hospital administrator U.S. Ohio
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: Circa 1997
5 years probation including 6 months of home detention
STOKES, PERRY group home employee U.S. Tennessee
Physical assault of a patient.
Date convicted: March 16, 2000
18 months in jail (suspended and to be served as probatiion), 80 hours community service and ordered to pay $436 in court costs
Stone, Marvin psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Aggravated promotion of prostitution (charging a fee for patients to have sex with him and two female employees under the guise of "sex therapy").
Date convicted: July 9, 2001
Four years probation during which he may not practice sex therapy, 200 hours community service and $1,000 fine.
Stone, William Tyler Psychiatrist U.S. Colorado
From January 1, 2016 to June 12, 2016, Stone signed in excess of 400 certifications recommending the medical use of marijuana for conditions other than cancer. Those actions fall below generally accepted standards of medical practice and lack medical necessity.
Date convicted: July 19, 2016
Suspension of medical license.
STOVER, SUSAN T. mentally disabled home employee U.S. Virginia
Embezzlement of mentally disabled residents' funds..
Date convicted: May 5, 1999
5 years in prison (suspended) and 5 years probation
Stowell, Jeremy A. psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: May 6, 1994
6 months of electronically monitored home detention, to perform 360 hours of community service and ordered to pay nearly $42,500 in fines and restitution. In 2005, Stowell surrendered his Virginia medical license on charges that he improperly prescribed narcotics to addicts and other patients.
Strand, Glenn psychiatrist U.S. Washington
Unprofessional conduct. Strand was found to have diagnosed 78% of his patients as having "bipolar disorder." In a deposition given during a legal proceeding, Strand admitted diagnosis a patient as bipolar for the purpose of enabling the patient to remain in the state-funded mental health system and receive treatment. Strand was further found to have accepted prescription drugs from patients which he then dispensed to other patients. He was also found to have record keeping failures with regard to ten patients.
Date convicted: May 10, 1999
License suspended indefinitely. On May 20, 2004, Strand was excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Strauss, SharonJudith Psychologist U.S. Illinois
Failure to file and/or pay Illinois state income taxes.
Date convicted: November 25, 2016
STROHLIN, LLEWELLYN mental health center staff member U.S. Missouri
Multiple counts of felony child abuse (involving residents of the center where he worked).
Date convicted: Circa 2002
12 years prison.
STRUBA, ROBERT child psychiatrist U.S. Maine
Aggravated assault (pummelled his female companion in the face)
Date convicted: February 12, 2004
5 years prison with all but 6 months suspended and 4 years probation.
Stubblefield, Beverly Psychologist U.S. Louisiana
Health Care Fraud. She was involved in a 2016 fraudulent psychological testing scheme that preyed upon Medicare recipients living in nursing homes. Stubblefield worked as a clinical psyhologist for two facilities that billed Medicare for tests that were not medically necessary. She repeatedly tested the same nursing home residents even though some were incapacitated and could not meaningfully participate in testing. From 2010 through 2015, Stubblefield and another psychologist who worked with her were responsible for more than $5.6 million in fraudulent claims.
Date convicted: March 2, 2017
30 months in jail followed by 3 years' supervised release. Ordered to pay $2,181,378.60 to Medicare in restitution.
Stubblefield, Beverly Psychologist U.S. Louisiana
Violations of Ethical Standards. (Followed her conviction for Healthcare Fraud in September 2016).
Date convicted: January 20, 2017
voluntarily surrendered and relinquished her license.
Stubblefield, Beverly Psychologist U.S. Mississippi
Convicted for Healthcare Fraud in September 2016.
Date convicted: December 5, 2016
Stubley,, Alan John psychiatrist Australia
Six counts of rape, three counts of indecent assault and one count attempted rape, all involving patients, dating back to the mid-1970s.
Date convicted: March 12, 2009
10 years in jail, eligible for parole in 8 years.
Stull, Dana D. psychiatrist U.S. Oklahoma
Substance abuse and lying about it on state licensure applications. Stull wrote prescriptions for painkillers for her housekeeper and then dressed up as the housekeeper and picked up the prescriptions herself.
Date convicted: September 2003
License suspended.
Sugar, Barry psychologist U.S. California
Criminal threats and willful infliction of corporal injury on a spouse; 2010 conviction for DUI; 2009 conviction for reckless driving
Date convicted: July 19, 2011
2 years prison
Sullivan, James school psychologist U.S. Connecticut
Sexually assaulted a mentally handicapped woman in a home where he worked part time.
Date convicted: February 7, 2005
Five years in prison, suspended after 18 months; three years' probation; and 150 hours of community service.
Sullivan, Lynn psychologist U.S. North Dakota
Driving under the influence
Date convicted: June 21, 2011
30 days, suspended, $500 fine
Sullivan, Maura Psychologist U.S. California
In July 2015, she was arrested for driving Under the Influence. Before beginning a drive from Chico to Sacramento, she drank three to four glasses of wine. She also drank wine in her car while driving. She then rear-ended a vehicle causing pain and injury to the driver and three passengers in the vehicle. The officer on the scene observed she had red, bloodshot, watery eyes and had a dark red tongue. Sullivan admitted to drinking approximately three glasses of red wine while driving. A breath test showed her blood acohol level to be 0.23%. In October 2015, she entered a plea of no contest to a misdemeanor of driving with a blood alcohol level of .08% or above. The psychology board disciplined her because she was convicted of a crime substantially related to the qualifications, functions, and duties of a licensed psychologist and because she used alcohol in a manner dangerous to herself or others.
Date convicted: January 24, 2017
License Surrendered
Sunderland, Pearson "Trey" III Chief of geriatric psychiatry U.S. Maryland
Conflict of interest (Pearson, then-Chief of the geriatric psychiatry branch of the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, improperly accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars in undisclosed payments from a drug manufacturer while supervising government-sponsored research with the same company).
Date convicted: December 22, 2006
2 years probation, 400 hours community service and restitution of $300,000.
SURPRIS, GUY psychiatrist U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: January 6, 1992
Pleaded guilty to Grand Larceny on the eve of trial and agreed to pay $35,000 in restitution
Sutton, Curtis R. counselor U.S. Utah
Sutton came under investigation by the state Division for unprofessional conduct.
Date convicted: May 25, 2004
Sutton voluntarily surrendered his license while under investigation. In March 2005, he was Excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
SWANGO, MICHAEL J. doctor and psychiatric resident U.S. New York
Killing a 19-year-old girl; the 1993 murder of 3 patients at the New York Veterans Affairs Hospital; the non-fatal poisonings of 5 paramedics.
Date convicted: October 18, 2000
Life in prison with parole after 20 years (the 19-year-old girl ), life in prison without parole (for the 1993 murders) 5 years in prison (in 1998 for the paramedics)
Swanston, Melvon psychologist U.S. New York
Insurance fraud (billed the Liberty Mutual insurance company for psychotherapy sessions that never occurred).
Date convicted: August 1, 2005
Restitution of $3,677.47
SWART, RICHARD psychologist U.S. Utah
Sexual assault of a 14-year-old boy.
Date convicted: Circa 1994
Jail for 1 to 16 years
Syed, Naimetulla (Naimet) Ahmed Psychiatrist U.S. Connecticut
The U.S. government and the State of Connecticut filed civil claims against Syed arising from Syed's improper billing of psychotherapy services from July 2009 through December 2013 allowing Syed to receive more reimbursement from Medicare and Medicaid than he was entitled to receive.
Date convicted: May 13, 2016
To pay $401,866 as the amount owed from his overcharges and forfeit an additional $20,776 in funds not yet received.
Syed, Naimetulla (Naimet) Ahmed Psychiatrist U.S. Connecticut
In September 2013, The Connecticut Medical Examining Board found him guilty of illegally billing the Connecticut Department of Social Services for medical visits in 2010 which did not occur. And also for failing to comply with the continuing medical education (CME) requirements.
Date convicted: September 17, 2013
Fined $3,500; received a reprimand; and 1-year probation
Syed, Naimetulla (Naimet) Ahmed Psychiatrist U.S. New York
Stemming from the Connecticut Board's discipline for illegally billing and failing to comply with continuing medical education requirements.
Date convicted: July 21, 2016
Precluded from practicing medicine in New York State effective 07/29/2016. (Revocation).
Taggert, William Blake Psychiatrist U.S. Connecticut
He actively participated in the submitting of false claims to Medicaid by a clinic for which he had been the medical director.
Date convicted: May 24, 2016
Agreed not to renew his license/Surrender. Taggart paid $30,000 to settle a civil suit filed by the state.
Taggert, William Blake Psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Based on the Connecticut Discipline.
Date convicted: September 1, 2016
Suspended, agreed not to renew after expiration.
Tallichet, Rene William psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
In 1993 Tallichet displayed misconduct in carrying on the practice of psychology, engaged in a dual relationship and/or sexual intimacies with a client and engaged in unprofessional conduct with a client.
Date convicted: June 17, 2004
License suspended for a minimum of 4 years with no less than 1 year to be served actively.
Tangredi, Raymond P. Psychiatrist U.S. Oregon
The Oregon Med Board found that Tangredi engaged in unprofessional or dishonorable conduct -- gross or repeated negligence. This follows an earlier Interim Stipulated Order of Oregon Med Board on July 2, 2015 wherein Tangredi withdrew from practice.
Date convicted: October 6, 2016
License is "retired" while he is under investigation.
Tangredi, Raymond P. Psychiatrist U.S. California
Based on Interim Stipulated Order of Oregon Med Board of July 2, 2015 wherein Tangredi withdrew from practice.
Date convicted: July 2, 2015
California license "Canceled" and inactive.
Tangredi, Raymond P. Psychiatrist U.S. Washington
Based on the Oregon Med Board Discipline.
Date convicted: November 3, 2016
License surrendered.
Tarboro, Gerald counselor U.S. Pennsylvania
Conspiracy to distribute, Distribution of a controlled substance and possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance (cocaine and crack cocaine).
Date convicted: June 12, 2009
15 years prison and 5 years supervised release.
TASHJIAN, JAMES psychiatrist. U.S. Michigan
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: December, 1988
2 years probation and fined $6,000
Taub, Harry Evan Psychiatrist U.S. North Carolina
After a history of discipline related to substance abuse beginning in 2003, he surrendered his North Carolina medical license in August of 2008 when he was informed he was being investigated for obtaining controlled substances by prescription fraud. The Board determined that he was unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety.
Date convicted: March 31, 2009
Indefinitely Suspended, effective August 22, 2008.
Taub, Harry Evan Psychiatrist U.S. Colorado
As a result of deficiency in documenting his prescribing to three adolescent psychiatric patients, his Colorado license was place on 5-year probation in 2013. He was required to abstain from alcohol and any habit-forming or controlled substance. In 2015, he violated the restriction against alcohol and drug use.
Date convicted: March 2, 2016
Ordered to relinquish his license for a period of at least 2 years.
TAYLOR, GARY psychiatric nurse U.K. South Yorkshire
Child pornography and sexual assault of a teenage boy.
Date convicted: March 18, 1999
2 1/2 years in jail
TAYLOR, JAMES A. psychiatrist. U.S. Pennsylvania
Bludgeoning a female psychiatrist with a crowbar.
Date convicted: September 4, 1997
6 to 12 years in state prison
TAYLOR, ROBERT DARRELL drug counselor U.S. Florida
Insurance fraud and representing himself as a licensed counselor.
Date convicted: February 9, 2000
130 years in prison
Taylor, Steve psychiatrist U.S. Louisiana
Attempted possession of child pornography.
Date convicted: April 13, 2011
2 years prison.
Taylor, Teresa Maria counselor U.S. Colorado
Suspension or revocation of professional license.
Date convicted: October 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Taylor, Michael J. Psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
Failed to maintain appropriate medical records for several patients between 2009 and 2015.
Date convicted: April 8, 2016
Surrendered and ordered to pay $5,000 Civil Penalty.
Teal, John Psychologist U.S. Louisiana
Pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court to Conspiracy to Commit Health Care Fraud in September 2016 for his involvement in a fraudulent psychological testing scheme that preyed upon Medicare recipients living in nursing homes. Teal created false documents and facilitated the submission of fraudulent claims to Medicare for psychological services purportedly rendered but which were not medically necessary and/or not provided.
Date convicted: February 23, 2017
To serve 2 years in jail, followed by 3 years supervised release (conditions imposed) and ordered to pay $3,505,137.10 in restitution. Excluded from participating in Medicare Plans.
Teal, John Psychologist U.S. Louisiana
Based on September 2016 Health Care Fraud conviction for submission of fraudulent claims to Medicare.
Date convicted: December 5, 2016
Voluntary Surrender of license.
Teal, John Psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Based on September 2016 Health Care Fraud conviction for submission of fraudulent claims to Medicare.
Date convicted: February 8, 2017
Voluntary Relinquishment.
Teal, John Psychiatrist U.S. Mississippi
December 2, 2016 MS U.S. Based on September 2016 Health Care Fraud conviction for submission of fraudulent claims to Medicare.
Date convicted: December 2, 2016
License revoked.
Teal, John Psychologist U.S. Alabama
Based on September 2016 Health Care Fraud conviction for submission of fraudulent claims to Medicare.
Date convicted: March 10, 2017
License revoked.
Tennison, Terry Ray school psychologist U.S. Texas
Criminal conviction for public indecency.
Date convicted: June 25, 2004
Two years probation and $2,000 fine. Tennison's license was revoked in February 2005.
TESCHKE, GERD C psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Struck and killed a pedestrian with his car. Teschke was on probation for tax evasion at the time. He fled before being taken into custody.
Date convicted: November 5, 1998
4 months in jail on a probation revocation
Thayer, David L. Psychologist U.S. Michigan
Pleaded guilty in Kalamazoo County Circuit Court to charges of sexually assaulting some of his female patients. Nine alleged victims came forward, saying Thayer sexually assaulted them or touched them inappropriately.
Date convicted: November 2, 2016
Ordered to serve 6 months in jail.
Thayer, David L. Psychologist U.S. Michigan
Sexual misconduct including actions for which he was convicted in Kalamazoo County Circuit Court.
Date convicted: June 16, 2016
License revoked. Fined $25,000, to be paid before any reinstatement.
Theer, Michelle psychologist U.S. North Carolina
First-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder (Theer conspired with a lover to kill her husband).
Date convicted: December 3, 2004
Life in prison
Theroux, John Francis psychiatrist U.S. Pennsylvania
66 counts of possession of child pornography
Date convicted: June 12, 2012
2 years on county intermediate punishment program, must register as sex offender for life
THIEL, JAMES psychiatrist. U.S. Wisconsin
Sexual exploitation of several female patients.
Date convicted: June 28, 2000
4 years in jail and 10 years probation
THOMPSON, DENNIS mental health employee U.S. Tennessee
Sexual and physical assault of a patient.
Date convicted: June 17, 1997
30 days in jail and nearly a year of probation
THOMPSON, ROBERT psychologist U.S. Mississippi
Felony abuse of a vulnerable adult (related to the death of a patient who died of asphyxiation while being restrained).
Date convicted: August 2001
5 years in prison with all but 18 months suspended.
Thompson, Elaine social worker U.S. Ohio
Failure to report child abuse or neglect (failed to report to proper authorities that children she was counseling were being forced to sleep in cages).
Date convicted: April 10, 2007
5 years probation, 500 hours community service, pay $2,250 in fines and surrender social work license for 5 years.
Thompson, Sara counselor U.S. Illinois
Aggravated criminal sexual abuse (sexually abused a teenage girl who was a resident of the facility where Thompson was employed).
Date convicted: June 30, 2008
30 months probation and sex offender treatment.
Thompson, Greg counselor U.S. Indiana
Drunk driving.
Date convicted: December 16, 2009
363 days probation.
THORKELSON, JASON ERIC psychology technician U.S. Utah
Second-degree felony forcible sexual abuse and third-degree felony forcible sodomy (molestation of three juvenile patients at the state facility where he worked and sexual assault of a high-school girl in a park).
Date convicted: April 25, 2002
Two prison terms of 1-to-15 years and two terms of up to 5 years, to run consecutively.
THRASHER, ROBERT LEE therapist U.S. Colorado
Sexually assaulting a woman and teenage girl he was counseling.
Date convicted: September 4, 1991
16 years in prison
Tillery, James "Cliff" psychotherapist U.S. Georgia
sexual assault by a practitioner of psychotherapy.
Date convicted: June 21, 2010
2 years prison, 8 years probation and must register as a sex offender.
Ting, Benoit Yang psychiatrist France
Implanted false memories
Date convicted: June 13, 2012
Fines totaling $252,000
Tinhorn, Albert counselor U.S. Arizona
Failed to disclosed to Arizona licensing authorities multiple arrests and convictions, prior substance abuse treatment and disciplinary action by his employer. Information provided by his employer established that Tinhorn was unable to practice safely and competently.
Date convicted: January 7, 2005
Counselor license revoked; master social worker application denied and $500 penalty. In August 2005, Tinhorn was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Tolar, Michelle Leigh counselor U.S. Colorado
Sexual contact with a 16-year old male resident of the treatment center where she worked.
Date convicted: June 14, 2007
4 months jail and 10 years probation.
TOLENTINO, GUSTAVO general practitioner and psychotherapist Canada
Government insurance fraud
Date convicted: Circa 2000
A 12 month conditional sentence and repaid $55,000
Tondoneh, Aiah psychiatric nurse UK
Date convicted: May 2011
21-1/2 years prison
TOPEL, LISA ANN mental health center nurse U.S. Missouri
Felony child abuse (involving a resident of the center where she worked).
Date convicted: Circa 2002
5 years prison.
Torres, Carlos F. psychiatrist U.S. New York
Felony course of sexual conduct against a child.
Date convicted: October 16, 2007
6 months custody and home confinement and 5 years probation.
Tosti, Donald psychologist U.S. California
Possession of child pronography
Date convicted: February 6, 2012
8 years prison and $50,000 restitution
Towegishig, Leo Drug and Sex Abuse Counselor Canada Ontario
Sex with two young girls.
Date convicted: April 1, 2007
5 years prison. Towegishig appealed. On May 20, 2008, the Ontario Court of Appeals reduced his sentence by one year.
Towndrow, Robert psychiatrist Australia New South Wales
Sexual improprieties with two patients (one under guise of treatment).
Date convicted: March 2004
Banned from practice for five years.
TOWNSEND, TED residential care worker U.S. Mississippi
Physically abusing a mental patient
Date convicted: August 1, 1996
3 years in jail (all but 30 days suspended) and fined $1,000
TRAHMS, ROBERT GEORGE psychiatrist U.S. California
Defrauding several government-fund health care programs.
Date convicted: September 18, 1997
120 days in jail, 3 years supervised probation and ordered to pay over $23,000 in fines and restitution
Traverso, Joseph psychiatrist U.S. New Jersey
Criminal sexual contact and false swearing (coerced a female patient to undress and masturbate in his presence).
Date convicted: January 16, 2004
License placed on four years probation. In September 2005, Traverso was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
TREMEL, JEAN-PIERRE Psychotherapist France Dijon
Rape and sexual attacks on vulnerable persons (both victims were patients).
Date convicted: October, 2002
10 years prison.
TREMOGLIE, DAVID therapist U.S. Pennsylvania
Posing as a U.S. licensed psychiatrist and illegally dispensing drugs.
Date convicted: April 1, 1999
37 months in jail and ordered to repay $21,616
TREXIER, JEAN-YVES psychiatric hospital director France Paris
Sexual harrassment of three female assistants (co-workers).
Date convicted: July 9, 2002
10-month suspended prison sentence.
Tronsgard, David psychologist U.S. Ohio
According to documents of the Ohio Board of Psychology, Tronsgard engaged in sexually intimate, personal and financial relationship with a female patient concurrently and immediately following the termination of a professional psychological relationship with the patient and the patient's minor child.
Date convicted: May 31, 2005
License surrendered, deemed a revocation.
Trottier, Marianne counselor U.S. Maine
Sex with patient.
Date convicted: June 2004
License surrendered.
True, Robert clinical social worker U.S. Maine
Sex with a patient.
Date convicted: September 2004
License permanently surrendered.
TSAVARIS, LOUIS J. psychiatrist. U.S. Florida
Manslaughter of a former patient with whom he was sexually involved. Tsavaris strangled her after she became pregnant and pressured him to divorce his wife. He served 3 years of his sentence, then was paroled until 1997. (Now Deceased).
Date convicted: June 10, 1981
15 years in jail
Turcotte, Rodolph psychiatrist U.S. Massachusetts
Accused of turning over guardianship of his 13-year-old daughter to one of his patients, who was convicted of statutory rape of the girl in 1982.
Date convicted: Circa 1980
License revoked.
TURNER, MARCIA D. outpatient case worker U.S. Wisconsin
Stealing patient funds for personal use.
Date convicted: December 1, 1999
5 months in jail, 5 years probation, 100 hours of community service and ordered to pay restitution
Tuttle, Earl Dean licensed professional counselor U.S. Texas
Breach of code of ethics.
Date convicted: April 17, 2004
License revoked.
Tutton, David counselor U.S. Florida
Medicaid fraud conviction
Date convicted: December 8, 2011
Tyler, Hilary mental health counselor U.S. Vermont
Abuse of a vulnerable adult (had a sexual relationship with a resident of the facility where she worked, which she continued after the resident's discharge from the facility).
Date convicted: April 9, 2008
18 months to 2 years jail, with all but 120 days suspended; ordered not to treat vulnerable female clients; partial restitution to the Medicaid program and ordered to not contest her inclusion of her name on the state registry of individuals who have abused vulnerable adults.
TYSON, BILLY psychiatric patient broker U.S. Georgia
Taking more than $110,000 to refer state employees with drug or alcohol problems to a Colorado treatment center.
Date convicted: August 1, 1993
8 to 12 months in jail, fined $20,000 and forced to forfeit his state pension
TZOREN, YAIR school counselor Israel Jerusalem
Negligence resuting in the death of a student during a school field trip.
Date convicted: March 27, 1992
2 months in jail, to be served in community service, and 7 months probation
UCER, EROL psychiatrist U.S. Michigan
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: August 30, 1994
90 days in jail, 4 years probation, 400 hours community service and ordered to pay restitution of $700
Udebiuwa, Opauraugo Ihentuge psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Defrauded the Medicaid insurance program by billing for services that were never provided.
Date convicted: October 17, 2006
3 years incarceration, all suspended except for 12 months, to be served as home confinement. Also ordered to pay $32,000 restitution to the Medicaid program and a penalty of $64,000.
Unidentified, psychiatric nurse Switzerland Gruyeres, Fribourg
"Simple body lesions by negligence and assaults" (psychiatric nurse broke a 17-year-old female patient's collarbone in retaliation after patient threw water on him).
Date convicted: January 10, 2008
Sentenced: Fined 500 Swiss francs (US $485)
Unidentified, psychotherapist Switzerland
Violating the law on therapeutic products (handed out doses of LSD, ecstasy and mescaline to guests).
Date convicted: July 6, 2010
Suspended 16-month prison sentence and $1900 fine.
Unidentified, "K" psychiatrist Switzerland
Fraud and simple physical injury (to a patient).
Date convicted: December 18, 2010
7200 francs (about $7360), suspended
Unidentified, psychiatrist Russia Volgograd City
Fraud (offered patient needed documents for 8000 rubles, about $248)
Date convicted: November 17, 2009
100,000 rubles (about $3100)
Unidentified, psychiatrist Russia Vladivostok
Accepting bribes for providing certificates to DUI stating intoxication not found
Date convicted: September 29, 2009
3 1/2 years prison
Unidentified, psychiatrist Russia Nihzny Novogorod
Date convicted: June 29, 2010
5000 rubles (about $150)
Unidentified, psychologist Norway
Possession of nearly 300,000 images of child pornography
Date convicted: June 26, 2011
1 year, 10 months prison
Unidentified, psychiatrist Spain (Madrid)
Involuntarily hospitalized and restrained a patient but failed to examine (patient was suffering from stroke)
Date convicted: March 1, 2012
One year prison (appealed and so not serving sentence yet) and $1.1 million (jointly)
Unidentified, psychiatrist Switzerland
Insurance fraud
Date convicted: May 2010
18 months prison, suspended
Unidentified, psychiatrist Switzerland
Kidnapped a baby
Date convicted: May 25, 2012
3 years jail
UNNI, KOLATHUR psychiatrist UK London, England
Indecent assault on a woman (fondled a female patient during treatment for depression).
Date convicted: July 4, 2002
18 months jail.
Vagshenian, Gregory psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Convicted of 9 counts of misdemeanor assault involving three male patients.
Date convicted: February 19, 2004
$500 fine for each count. The state of California revoked his license in July 2005. In September 2005, Vagshenian was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Vahle, Trevor counselor U.S. Colorado
State counseling license revoked or suspended.
Date convicted: March 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Vaisman, Naum psychiatrist U.S. New York
Misdemeanor and felony insurance fraud (participated in an insurance fraud ring that defrauded millions by staging sham auto accidents following which Vaisman filed fraudulent claims to insurance carriers for psychological services that either were not provided or were not medically necessary).
Date convicted: May 6, 2005 and Augu
Convicted and sentenced in two different counties to a 1- and a 3-year conditional discharge (suspended jail sentences), $50,000 fine and $330 in fees. His license was suspended 12/21/05 for one year by New York state.
Valdez, Anthony F. psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare fraud of $41 million
Date convicted: January 7, 2012
25 years prison
Valentino, Nancy mental health technician U.S. California
Professional license suspended or revoked.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Valenzuela, Eric counselor U.S. Pennsylvania
Sex with client
Date convicted: August 15, 2011
4 to 23 months prison
Valera, Marianella community mental health center owner U.S. Florida
Medicaid fraud conviction
Date convicted: December 9, 2011
35 years prison and $87 million in restitution (between 3 defendants)
VAN DE MERGHEL, JEAN LOUIS group home employee U.S. Oregon
Theft of funds.
Date convicted: December 18, 1999
20 days jail and ordered to pay $33,000 in restitution
Vandenbos, Gregory psychiatric nurse U.S. Nevada
Unprofessional conduct; positive urine/drug screen on duty.
Date convicted: February 2003
Surrendered license in lieu of other disciplinary action. In March 2005, Vandenbos was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Vanderwielen, Paulus psychiatrist U.S. Washington
Failure to comply with a previous state Quality Assurance Commission order to keep legible and complete patient records
Date convicted: May 2003
License revoked for 10 years.
VANWYK, WILLIAM SCOTT counselor U.S. Arizona
Trying to molest a 7-year-old girl.
Date convicted: February 17, 2000
1 year in jail and lifetime probation
Vargas, Ricardo counselor U.S. Michigan
Criminal sexual conduct
Date convicted: February 2011
165 days jail, $2,777 in fines
VASQUEZ, FRANK psychiatric technician U.S. California
Beating and stabbing a patient to death.
Date convicted: October 23, 1992
12 years in prison
VEGA, EDWIN psychology instructor U.S. Illinois
Having sex with a teenage boy.
Date convicted: June 22, 1999
3 years in jail
VELIZ, FRANK Prison Psychologist U.S. Michigan
Sexual molestation and criminal sexual conduct involving his stepdaughter over a 7-year period, beginning when she was 7 years old. In September 2004, the State of Michigan revoked Veliz's license.
Date convicted: March 8, 2004
10 to 30 years prison on molestation conviction and 5 to 15 years prison on criminal sexual conduct convictions.
VENZKE, GARY child psychologist U.S. Iowa
Killing his wife.
Date convicted: November 1, 1996
Life in prison
VERHOEF, TODD psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
Sex with a patient.
Date convicted: September 28, 2000
2 years supervised release and 200 hours community service
Vetere, Victoria psychologist U.S. Ohio
The Ohio Psychology Board's Consent Order states that on January 2, 2002, the Board received a complaint filed against Dr. Vetere by a former client. In response, Dr. Vetere agreed to withdraw from the practice of psychology. She did not admit to any of the specific allegations in the complaint, which included providing services for 20 months to a patient with a diagnosis for which Vetere did not have any training or experience in; engaged in a "mutually dependent relationship" with the patient and enabled the patient's use of alcohol (despite the patient being a recovering alcoholic), among other things.
Date convicted: February 1, 2004
License suspended indefinitely. Vetere currently practices in Ohio as an unlicensed "life coach."
Villabona, Gregory N. psychiatrist U.S. Maryland
Third-degree (felony)sex offense and fourth-degree (misdemeanor) sex offense. (Molested two children.)
Date convicted: November 25, 2002
Following a guilty plea of felony sex offense and a separate count of misdemeanor sex offense, he was given five years probation.
Vilshteyn, Rotislav "Steve" mental health facility owner U.S. New Jersey
Fraud and kickbacks scheme
Date convicted: March 19, 2012
5 years prison and $200,000 restitution
VIOLA, STEPHEN G psychologist U.S. Michigan
Sexual assault of 2 young boys.
Date convicted: September 4, 1998
6 months in jail
Violette, Jeffrey psychiatrist U.S. Maine
Substance abuse.
Date convicted: April 13, 2004
License revoked.
Voeks, Randall S. psychologist U.S. Minnesota
Third-degree and fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct (sexual contact with three female patients)
Date convicted: 2005
48-month and 21-month prison sentences, both stayed upon completion of one year in county workhouse and if he abides by conditions of his probation. In October 2005 her was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
VON VANDERGRIFF, DAVID psychologist U.S. South Carolina
Health care fraud, mail fraud and filing false and fraudulent claims.
Date convicted: September 12, 2002
15 months prison and approximately $88,000 restitution.
Vorster, Ben psychiatrist Australia
Medical council concerns over his performance and "poor judgment."
Date convicted: 2002
Denied re-registration of license.
WADE JR., MARK ALLEN mental health orderly U.S. Maryland
Sexually assaulting a 14-year-old female patient.
Date convicted: February 4, 1997
5 years supervised probation, 3 years jail (suspended) with credit given for 52 days served while awaiting trial
WAITE, DOUGLAS EDWARD psychologist U.S. California
Operating a methamphetamine laboratory.
Date convicted: March 23, 1987
10 years in prison
Walborn, Todd psychologist U.S. Alabama
Medicare fraud.
Date convicted: April 2, 2004
33 months prison and $1.8 million in restitution. Walborn was excluded November 2004 from participation in federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Walczyk, Marek Psychiatrist U.S. Illinois
In February 2017, he pleaded guilty to signing a form indicating that one of his patients was too depressed and socially anxious to take the English language and U.S. civics portions of the citizenship test even though he hadn't examined the patient.
Date convicted: May 22, 2017
Three years probation and a $100,000 fine
Walker, Jonathon psychologist Australia Melbourne, Victoria
Engaged in sexual relationship with patient
Date convicted: October 3, 2024
Barred from practicing for five years.
WALKLEY, STUART psychologist U.K. Winchester
Beating young boys under his care.
Date convicted: November 8, 1991
9 months in prison (two-thirds suspended)
Wallace, Orlin psychologist U.S. California
Unspecified allegation.
Date convicted: February 8, 2003
License surrendered.
Wallace, Robert L. mental health nurse United Kingdom
Downloaded child pornography.
Date convicted: September 2004
Struck off nursing registry (license revoked).
WALSH, MARCELLE drug treatment center owner U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: September 1999
5 years probation and ordered to pay $170,804 in restitution
Walton, Robert psychologist Australia
Found guilty of maintaining an improper sexual relationship with a patient.
Date convicted: April 2004
License suspended for 2 years.
WARD, DANIEL F. psychiatrist U.S. Kansas, Missouri
Health care fraud (billed the Medicare insurance program for non-covered services).
Date convicted: August 13, 2002
5 months in prison without parole; 3 years supervised release (includes 5 months home detention); $49,944 restitution. Ward was excluded from federally-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in March 2003.
Warneford, Anita child psychologist UK
Benefits (public assistance) fraud: Fraudulently claimed and received £43,000 (US $86,667) in housing benefits.
Date convicted: May 16, 2007
2 months jail.
Warnsing, Travis psych tech U.S. Nebraska
Child sexual assault: used the Internet to arrange sexual encounters with underage girls, including a 15-year-old that he impregnated.
Date convicted: January 12, 2006
20 to 30 years prison.
Warshaw, Steven psychologist U.S. New Hampshire
Sexual contact with a patient.
Date convicted: October 2003
Banned from practicing.
WASHINGTON, JAMES counselor U.S. Pennsylvania
Selling drugs to a juvenile.
Date convicted: February 3, 1995
1 to 2 years in prison
WASHINGTON, LUCAROL mental health employee U.S. Oklahoma
Physically abusing a patient.
Date convicted: February 19, 1998
90 days (suspended)
Waters, Celeste psychiatrist U.S. California
Failure to keep accurate patient records.
Date convicted: April 7, 2009
1 year probation and $1,000 fine.
WATKINS, CONNELL therapist U.S. Colorado
Reckless child abuse (found guilty for her role in the suffocation death of a 10-year-old girl during an effort to simulate her birth by the use of "rebirthing therapy").
Date convicted: June 18, 2001
16 years prison.
Watral, David psychologist U.S. New Jersey
Child pornography.
Date convicted: October 28, 2005
27 months prison and $7,500 fine.
WATSON, DONNIE psychologist U.S. Georgia
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: November 1998
18 months in jail, 3 years of supervised release and ordered to pay restitution of $593,073
WATSON, MARION LESLEY psychiatric nurse Australian Canberra
Dealing heroin.
Date convicted: July 1999
4 years in prison
WATSON, MARY ANN mentally disabled caregiver U.S. Oregon
Physically assaulting mentally disabled patients.
Date convicted: May 8, 1997
5 years supervised probation
Watson, Jeanne Marie counselor U.S. Virginia
Defrauded the U.S. Medicaid program of $38,130.
Date convicted: November 4, 2009
5 years supervised probation.
Watt, James psychiatrist U.S. New York
Criminally negligent homicide (killed a 38-year-old female patient while treating her with carbon dioxide inhalation "therapy).
Date convicted: April 23, 2002
He was excluded from participation in federal health plans (Medicaid, etc.) in March 2003.
Wawrykow, George M. psychologist U.S. Texas
Assaulting an officer and resisting arrest after refusing to sign a citation for parking a van in a fire lane.
Date convicted: May 28, 1992
30 days jail and $6,000 fine.
WEBB, NORRIS hospital orderly U.S. New Jersey
Sexually assaulting several mentally disabled women.
Date convicted: May 9,1997
10 years in prison
Weinberg, Howard psychologist U.S. Iowa
Possession of child pornography: pleaded guilty to having more than 600 computer images of children engaged in sexually-explicit conduct.
Date convicted: September 22, 2009
10 years prison and 10 years supervised release.
WEITZEL, ROBERT psychiatrist U.S. Utah
Prescription drug fraud (kept much of the morphine and Demerol he had prescribed for his patients to feed his own drug habit).
Date convicted: september 11, 2002
1 year in prison. (Served approximately 4 1/2 months, beginning December 9, 2002. He was released April 17, 2003).
WELDGEN, LANCE therapist U.S. Colorado
Sexually assaulting a patient.
Date convicted: May 1990
Jail for 1 year
Wells, Barbara psychiatric nurse U.S. Delaware
Patient abuse or neglect conviction.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
WENDLER, CHRISTOPHER KIP psychiatrist U.S. Missouri
Insurance fraud. On October 22, 1999, sentenced to another 4 years in jail on further fraud charges.
Date convicted: May 26, 1998
11 to 52 years in prison
Werner, William counselor U.S. Texas
Convicted of a felony or misdemeanor directly related to the duties and responsibilities of a licensed professional counselor.
Date convicted: April 17, 2004
License revoked.
Wesemann, Kenneth psychologist and mental health counselor U.S. Indiana
In 20004, the State Attorney General and a county probation officer filed complaints against Wesemann based on reports made by three boys, all Wesemann's patients, that Wesemann had used "relaxation therapy" on them, which consisted of massaging the head, neck, shoulders, stomach and thighs. No criminal charges were brought against Wesemann and a civil suit against him was dismissed.
Date convicted: April 29, 2008
Indefinite probation. Both of Wesemann's licenses are expired.
Wetmore, Thomas social worker U.S. Maryland
Felony sex conviction involving child
Date convicted: August 6, 2010
Wettach, Thomas social worker U.S. Pennsylvania
Convicted of crimes of moral turpitude, specifically corruption of minors, indecent exposure, and open lewdness, which occurred during counseling sessions with clients
Date convicted: June 15, 2005
License revoked.
WETZEL, JAMES E. child psychologist U.S. Pennsylvania
Sexually molesting two boys.
Date convicted: June 1998
6 to 23 months in jail; and up to 18 years probation
WHARRY, IRENE CAROLINE prison counselor U.S. Florida
Helping an inmate escape from prison.
Date convicted: April 12, 1993
4 years probation
WHITE, CHE counselor U.S. Florida
Sex with a teenage girl.
Date convicted: Circa 2000
Similar sentence as was given to fellow co-worker Basil Proctor (8 months in jail, 2 years house arrest and 5 years sex-offender probation)
WHITE, CHRISTINE psychiatric nurse U.K. Newcastle
Stealing from two patients.
Date convicted: 1999
4 months in jail
WHITE, JAMES HARRISON psychiatrist U.S. California
Oral copulation of an unconscious male patient.
Date convicted: January 9, 1991
6 years and 8 months in prison
WHITE, JASON BRANT youth counselor U.S. Arizona
Molesting a 14-year-old boy.
Date convicted: March 26, 1999
7 years in prison and lifetime probation
White, Robert F. clinical social worker U.S. Oregon
Insurance fraud.
Date convicted: July 2005
30 months in prison and permanently surrender his clinical social work license
White, Robert F. clinical social worker U.S. Oregon
Aggravated theft in the first degree and Submitting False Claims for Health Care Payments and Submitting False Claims for Health Care Payments (billed federally funded health care programs for over 5,000 counseling sessions that he never actually provided).
Date convicted: July 6, 2005
30 months in prison, permanent surrender of his license and full restitution of $169,620.59 to various health care programs.
White, Timothy psychologist U.S. New York
Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: August 19, 2004
Excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (such as Medicaid).
Whitmore, Paul counselor U.S. California
Whitmore, active in a child pornography ring, was convicted of 51 charges including child molestation and child pornography.
Date convicted: February 1, 2006
Life in prison.
Whitworth, Denise Psychologist United Kingdom Wales
She continued to work in her private practice without the consent of her employer while she was certified unfit to work and claiming sick pay from her employer. In September 2015, she was tried and convicted of dishonestly failing to disclose information to make a gain for self/another or cause/expose other to a loss.
Date convicted: February 17, 2017
License Suspended for a maximum of 12 months
Wickram, Ian Edward psychologist U.S. California
Felony sexual exploitation of a patient (had sex with two of his female patients).
Date convicted: October 24, 2002
90 days jail, 5 years probation, 500 hours community service, sex offender registration and prohibited from practicing psychology for 5 years. Wickram was excluded from participation in federally-funded health plans (Medicaid, etc.) in May 2003.
Wiggens, Christopher psychiatric hospital supervisor U.S. Ohio
Attempted sexual battery (admitted he had sexual contact with a 17-year-old patient).
Date convicted: January 8, 2010
18 months prison.
Wightman, Louise unlicensed psychologist U.S. Massachusetts
Filed false health care claims, larceny (theft) and practicing without a license.
Date convicted: May 14, 2007
6 months prison, suspended; 12 months electronically-monitored home confinement; 5 years probation and ordered to perform 1,000 hours community service. She is also barred from practicing counseling.
WILBANKS, DONNIE clinical social worker U.S. Missouri
Medicaid fraud.
Date convicted: March 23, 1999
21 days "shock time" in jail, 5 years probation and ordered to pay $100,000 in restitution
WILLIAMS, CHARLSETTA therapy clinic owner U.S. Georgia
Defrauding Medicaid health insurance.
Date convicted: May 1996
12 years probation and ordered to pay $55,700 in restitution
WILLIAMS, JOSEPH counselor Canada Ottawa
found guilty of threats of rape against a co-worker and her son.
Date convicted: Apirl 1998
3 years probation
WILLIAMS, THOMAS T. former school psychologist U.S. Utah
Felony sexual assaults of two young girls who were not his students.
Date convicted: December 17, 2001
Two concurrent prison sentences of 3 years-to-life.
WILLIAMS, ROGER B. alcohol treatment center owner U.S. New York
Medicaid insurance fraud.
Date convicted: June 17, 2002
2 1/2-to-7 years prison.
WILLIAMS, LARRY DEXTER unlicensed social worker U.S. Maryland
Practicing clinical social work without a license and misrepresenting himself as a licensed social worker.
Date convicted: October 7, 2002
90 days jail, 60 days suspended; $500 fine and 3 years probation.
WILLIAMS, ALVIN TYRONE psychiatric nurse-counselor U.S. Maryland
Attempted third-degree sexual offense (sexually assaulted a teenage female resident of the facility where he worked).
Date convicted: December 20, 2002
5 years prison with all but 2 years suspended.
Williams, Artiss Reginald social worker U.S. Michigan
Unlawful imprisonment and criminal sexual conduct. Court documents state that Williams picked up two different prostitutes on the same day (in incidents five hours apart) and held each at knife point in his home and forced them to do as he ordered.
Date convicted: June 12, 2007
Prison of no less than 25 years and as much as 75 years.
Williams, Thomas mental health aide U.S. Maryland
Patient abuse/neglect conviction.
Date convicted: August 19, 2004
Excluded from participation in federally-funded health care programs (such as Medicaid).
WILLIS, KEVIN prison counselor U.S. Ohio
Killing a man.
Date convicted: February 24, 1993
15 years to life in prison
WILLIS, ROBERT HOWARD psychiatrist U.S. New York
Using inside information from a patient to illegally make thousands of dollars in the stock market.
Date convicted: January 7, 1992
5 years probation, 600 hours of community service and fined $150,000
Willner, Mark psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Medicare fraud
Date convicted: June 1, 2012
To be sentenced
Wilson, Evelyn S. clinical social worker and family therapist U.S. New Jersey
Theft by deception. (Wilson submitted insurance claims for several hundred social work, marriage counseling and family therapy sessions that were never rendered to patients or clients).
Date convicted: January 26, 2007
5 years probation, $109,500 restitution to Horizon Blue Cross & Blue Shield.
Wilson, John psychologist U.S. Ohio
During the period when his license was suspended (see below for more information on this), he gave testimony in a deposition in which he "significantly and deceptively misrepresented and distorted the nature and practical impact of his license suspension" such stating that it was only for two years when in fact it was indefinite; that he was authorized to provide psychological services to a client with whom he had established service prior to December 17, 2001 when he was not actually authorized, and that while suspended, he had provided psychological services to a former client who had contacted him by phone, among other things.
Date convicted: March 12, 2004
License surrendered; deemed a revocation. Wilson's license was initially suspended June 19, 2002 for an indefinite period of no less than two years because, according to documents of the Ohio Psychology Board, he "blurred the boundaries of his professional role as an...evaluator for [a female client] and the attorneys representing her in significant personal injury litigation by engaging in excessive self-disclosure regarding personal issues and problems; invited her to lunch and dinner with social drinking; and inappropriate discussion of her marital relationship and his sexual interests." Board documents further state that the patient alleged that Wilson "made a physically intrusive sexual advance toward her at the end of the day when there no witnesses to their interaction. Dr. Wilson has steadfastly asserted that he has no memory of this period of time due to an alcoholic black-out...."
Wilson, Diane psychologist U.S. California
Sexual relationship with former patient.
Date convicted: September 20, 2005
License revoked.
WILSON JR., WILLIAM ROBERT psychiatric hospital administrator U.S. Texas
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: Circa 1995
1 year in prison, 3 years supervised release
Windham, Marilyn A. prison psychologist U.S. California
Pleaded guilty to engaging in sex with an inmate.
Date convicted: February 9, 2007
90 days detention and 3 years probation.
Windsor, David psychiatrist U.S. Iowa
Criminal conviction for false income tax filing in the state of Missouri resulting in loss of both his Missouri and Iowa medical licenses. Windsor, David psychiatrist U.S. Iowa Criminal conviction for false tax filing in MO 2001 License revoked in Missouri
Date convicted: July 2005
License revoked (Iowa, 2005 and Missouri, 2001).
Wisman, Jack psychiatrist U.S. Nebraska
Unprofessional conduct in prescribing drugs to patients (excessive amounts, failure to monitor patients and failure to keep accurate medical records).
Date convicted: May 2003
License revoked.
Wittkopp, George psychiatrist U.S. Oregon
Inappropriate prescribing and indoctrinating his patients about the New World Order.
Date convicted: February 2005
License revoked.
Wohltmann, Virginia psychiatrist U.S. New York
Tax evasion.
Date convicted: June 23, 2010
Community service.
WOLF, BILL family therapist U.S. Oregon
Possession and distribution of child pornography.
Date convicted: October 4, 2002
70 months incarceration, 3 years supervised release and $100 fine.
WOLFE, JANE administrative social worker U.S. New York
Stealing thousands of dollars from Medicaid insurance while working at Roosevelt Community Mental Health Center.
Date convicted: June 12, 1996
1 1/2 to 4 1/2 years in prison
Wood, Joanne Alice prison drug counselor New Zealand
Importing 13.5 grams of methamphetamine (worth approximately $13,500) from the U.S.
Date convicted: August 11, 2005
14 months prison.
WOODBURY, JOHN M. psychologist U.S. California
Molesting a female patient.
Date convicted: December 9, 1986
6 months in jail, 3 years probation and ordered to pay $5,500
WOODMAN, BRETT ANDREW psychiatric nurse trainee Australia Melbourne
Concealing a manslaughter.
Date convicted: August 23, 1999
18 months in jail (14 months suspended)
WOODS, KENDRICK A. mental health employee U.S. Tennessee
Seriously burning a patient.
Date convicted: February 10, 2000
Nearly 1 year in prison and fined $250
Woods, John C. psychiatrist U.S. Arizona
Pistol whipped and shot at his wife.
Date convicted: August 2005
License suspended following arrest.
Woodward, Jerome psychiatrist U.S. New York
Prescribing improper and excessive amounts of drugs to family members and to a patient who subsequently died of a drug overdose.
Date convicted: November 2002
Voluntary surrender of license.
Woodward, Martha counselor U.S. Colorado
Maintained an inappropriate relationship with a client.
Date convicted: April 2003
Surrendered license for 7 years.
WRIGHT, KAY mentally disabled home owner U.S. New York
Stealing nearly $500,000 in state and federal Medicaid funds.
Date convicted: March 10, 1998
2 years in jail
WRIGHT, LESLIE mentally disabled home owner U.S. New York
Stealing nearly $500,000 in state and federal Medicaid funds.
Date convicted: March 10, 1998
37 months in jail
WRIGHT, CRYSTAL mental health aide U.S. Kentucky
Criminal adult abuse (of a resident of the center where she worked).
Date convicted: February 6, 2002
12 months jail.
Wright, Duff psychologist U.S. Tennessee
Dual relationships - invested and lost $81,000 of patient's money.
Date convicted: April 13, 2005
License revoked. In September 2005, Wright was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Wyatt, Thomas psychiatrist U.S. Florida
Sexual battery on a minor
Date convicted: October 13, 2022
Seventeen years probation
WYNER, RUTH homeless shelter counselor and employee U.K. Cambridgeshire
Wyner allowed drug dealing to take place at a homeless shelter she operated.
Date convicted: 1999
Served 7 months of an initial 5 year sentence after an appeal in 2000 released Wyner finding that 5 years was too long
Wynn, Billy Gerald state psychiatric hospital staff U.S. North Carolina
Pleaded guilty to assault on a handicapped person.
Date convicted: May 25, 2010
75 days jail, suspended.
Yak, Alma psychiatrist U.K. England
Claimed more than £25,000 in Income Support, housing and council tax benefits despite earning £50,000 annualy and owning two homes.
Date convicted: September 2005
15 month suspended sentence and repayment of £25,953.54.
YAMAGUCHI, TAKASHI psychologist Japan Hiroshima
Sexually molested a 12-year-old girl.
Date convicted: February 1997
Jail (actual sentenced unknown).
Yankura, Joseph psychologist U.S. New York
Rape and endangering the welfare of a child; sexual intercourse with a person under age 17.
Date convicted: November 21, 2003
6 months prison and 10 years probation. The state of New York revoked Yankura's license in June 2004. He was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in August 2005.
YANOVITZ, GIDEON psychiatrist Israel Tel Aviv
Taking bribes to falsify army fitness reports.
Date convicted: September 1998
15 months in jail and 15 months suspended term
Yapalater, Alvin psychiatrist U.S. New York
Negligence and incompetence.
Date convicted: August 2004
License revoked.
YARDNEY, MICHAEL therapist and doctor Australian Melbourne
Sexually abusing female patients.
Date convicted: April 1999
YASUDA, MOTOTAKA mental health executive Japan Osaka
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: April 14, 1998
3 years in prison and fined 1 million yen ($1,293,500)
Yedid, Joseph psychologist U.S. California
Date convicted: April 2005
License suspended for 60 days. Yedid was excluded from participation in federally funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.) in August 2005.
YENTIS, RICHARD psychiatrist U.S. Texas
Health insurance fraud.
Date convicted: April 18, 1997
33 months in jail, 3 years supervised release and ordered to pay $105,000 in fines and restitution
YEO, KENG HWEE (KATHY) psychiatric nurse Austrailia Sydney
Murdered her former lover (who had been a patient in the drug and alcohol unit where she worked; the body was dismembered but only the head, containing three bullets, was recovered).
Date convicted: October 24, 2002
Minimum of 18 years in prison (originally given the same sentence April 12, 2000, Yeo was re-convicted on appeal and re-sentenced).
Yesufu, Adekumle psychiatrist Ireland
Exposed himself to three women.
Date convicted: February 12, 2010
Was convicted but committed suicide prior to sentencing.
YOKOYAMA, MIWAKO mental health employee Japan Akita
Swindling money from elderly patients in "Toko-En", a psychiatric nursing home where she worked.
Date convicted: December 2000
2 1/2 years in prison
YOUNG, MICHAEL prison psychiatrist Canada
Sexually assaulting 2 young girls.
Date convicted: September 18, 1991
6 months in jail
Young, Andrew W. social worker U.S. Alaska
Producing and receiving child pornography
Date convicted: December 7, 2011
22 years prison
Younglove (Eichenberg), Stephanie M. Limited License Psychologist (requires supervision) U.S. Michigan
Lack of good moral character, engaging in practice of psychology without meeting requirements for supervision, evidences practice outside the scope of license, evidences false or misleading advertising. From May 2013 - November 2014, while part owner of New Hope Counseling in Michigan, Younglove (Eichenberg) was required to have supervision from a fully licensed psychologist. She advertised that she was receiving such supervision yet practiced without supervision.
Date convicted: April 25, 2016
Suspension effective 5/25/2016. Suspension lifted when $500 fine paid and documentation is provided of "required supervision."
YOUNIS, ABDULLAH psychiatrist U.K. Hampstead
Killing his former lover after setting fire to their home because the cat had died.
Date convicted: September 21, 1998
6 years in jail
Yousuf, Ahad psychiatrist U.S. Virginia
Obtaining a controlled substance by frand (wrote false prescription for controlled painkillers; diverted the drugs for own use).
Date convicted: April 8, 2009
1 year probation.
Yuhasz, Jackie counselor U.S. Wisconsin, New York
Health care fraud.
Date convicted: August 2005
Excluded from federal-funded health care programs (Medicaid, etc.).
Zackheim, Mark Allen psychologist U.S. Indiana
Health care fraud. Zackheim filed billings and claims for reimbursement to Medicaid (U.S. government health plan) for therapies that were never provided to patients, were not medically necessary or were not entitled under Medicaid.
Date convicted: October 2, 2009
Zackheim was sentenced to 13 months in prison but did not serve the sentence; He died of a heart attack suffered while driving on November 21, 2009.
ZAGAINOV, IVAN (AKA IVAN SIMROTH) psychiatrist Czech Republic Prague
Murder (strangled a 15-year-old female patient whose mother had signed over custody of her to the psychiatrist).
Date convicted: November 12, 2003
13 years prison.
ZALA, JITENDRAKUMAR marriage counselor U.K. London
Assault by breaking his wife's arm in 2 places.
Date convicted: July 31, 1992
9 months
Zeider, Yosef psychotherapist Israel Tel-Aviv
Indecent assault of four men whom he was apparently grooming to serve as surrogates to sexually dysfunctional women.
Date convicted: March 18, 2005
2 1/2 years prison and ordered to pay NIS 50,000 (approximately US $12,000) to each man.
ZEIDMAN, HERMAN psychologist U.S. Florida
Battery (attempted to rape an undercover policewoman who posed as a patient in order to investigate complaints that Zeidman was fondling patients' breasts after hypnotizi