Mental health counselor Mary D. Hein charged with sexual exploitation of client, asking him to kill her husband

February 17, 2011

In October 2010, Wisconsin mental health counselor Mary D. Hein (a.k.a. Mary D. Duncan, who is listed by the Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing as holding a professional counselor training license), was charged with three counts of sexual exploitation by a psychotherapist, one count of solicitation of first-degree intentional homicide and one count of obstructing an officer.

Specifically, she is accused of having sex with one of her clients and then asking him to kill her husband.

According to the criminal complaint filed against Hein, the client reported that Hein drugged him and had sex with him at his home in November 2009 and again in January and February 2010, during which time she requested he kill her husband.

The client, who had no intention of killing the husband, reported it to police.

Source: “Mary Hein charged with sexual exploitation,”, October 12, 2010.


Joni Johnston
2024-03-17 09:53:07
All charges against this therapist were dropped and she was completely exonerated. If you're going to report these charges, you should make sure you follow up when they are dismissed.

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